Blue tongue World Cup

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@elijahpark08 15 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being brave enough to show this! I appreciate all that we can do to educate people that gold medals and international wins don't equal horsemanship.
@TheNemi2001 14 жыл бұрын
How proud this man looks !!! How undignified this horse looks and feels what a great example to set to the world this man is on how to be to your horse when riding!! Even though this horses tongue was clearly blue and trapped between the multiple bits!! The horse continued to do as he was asked without objection..... prisoner not partner. Amazing horse to perform under so much pain and distress when all he can see are his hooves?!! This is no life for such a loyal and noble animal!!
@Upprorr 10 жыл бұрын
He is using Rollkur. The horse is losing circulation in his mouth because all the blood is collected in his neck.
@justafox4882 3 жыл бұрын
And FEI is still giving a platform to this man...
@kimmib6538 10 жыл бұрын
Poor horse, the grip on those reins is disgraceful and you can see the tension throughout his whole body cause by those rigid elbows/hands. Relaxed hands/elbows to create lightness is one of the first things you are taught about riding. Being able to ride and guide your horse with the reins at the tips of your fingers is a very liberating feeling for rider, and I'm sure the horse too. That poor neck looks like it could break in two :*(
@Amplify93 12 жыл бұрын
He is such a beautiful horse, it is devastating to see him (or any horse) ridden so cruelly!
@moonlightlady9703 8 жыл бұрын
@martimasters7704 4 жыл бұрын
When I first saw this video, my instant thought was exactly the same. I've seen plenty of abuse over the years when I showed Arabian horses. Back then, what they did was UBELIEVABLE. Tired of all that, I decided to ride dressage, thinking it was the best for the horse. Most Arabians are particularly good at dressage and I followed the training methods of Henry Wynmalen and Maryal Barnett. Many years later, when I saw Tortillas, ridden by Edward Gal, I thought I was watching perfection. Until the truth came out about the multiple injuries sustained by that beautiful stallion and the problems he presented after his sale. What I see in this video is antithesis of dressage. The horse being tortured - in a double bridge no less - and after initial feelings of horror and sadness for the horse, I felt enraged.
@eponatv 11 жыл бұрын
We did. We filmed it and then they banned it. But the ban is not enforced.
@TheBanana1226 10 жыл бұрын
his hindquarters aren't engaged at all. he's obviously in pain and distress, with all the ear pinning and tail flicking. his face is at a grotesque angle, the poll should always be the highest point of the horse, not one of the neck vertebrae. this is terrible riding.
@yvonnerahmes9618 5 жыл бұрын
Why didn't a veterinarian stop this??? Don't they have people there to care for the horses? Please someone explain.
@MsBonsai2010 2 ай бұрын
4 years & counting, & still no explanation
@HoRseSeNce95 14 жыл бұрын
Its not just the one rider the camera is focused on, look at the one's passing him... ALL of the horses show classic signs of Rollkur, He is just taking it to the extremes. its completely sick!
@sandyculbertson2574 8 жыл бұрын
Aw God... That poor, poor horse. He can't breathe!!! 💔🇺🇸
@terrietackett8964 3 жыл бұрын
Almost three hours of this torture. This rider is a beast!! 😡🤬
@Rimfaxe96 10 жыл бұрын
I remember a rider using her spurs until blood was visible at the belly/flank region in a high-ranking dressage tournament. Thankfully, the jury called her off the place, disqualified.
@martimasters7704 4 жыл бұрын
If I recall, that was Isabella Werth.
@izzylightwood3090 3 жыл бұрын
Sadly they only do this when blood is visible and not when the horse shows clear distress signals like most horses do that is in Rollkur
@Ladypurr 14 жыл бұрын
Brute force, gagets and intimidation are substituted for skill, patience and a genuine respect and appreciation for the horse. When I look at most dressage performances today it makes me ill. Dr. Podhajsky was a master. He treated every horse as an individual and knew it took patience and skill to bring out the best in a horse. I don't remember the Olympic rider but I do remember the horse--Ahlerich. Now his performance was superb!
@thecrazydolls 15 жыл бұрын
"The explanation is in the horse's mouth and it's the curb bit and rein tension which cause the problem. As long as a horse is not bitted, the tongue is relaxed and takes up the entire oral cavity. The tongue is a very dextrous and sensitive organ. In a well fitted curb, the tongue can still be relaxed and fill out the oral cavity as long as there is no rein tension. The moment the rider puts tension into the reins, the angle of the curb to the mouth is altered, and pressure on the tongue is..
@4Champ2and0 12 жыл бұрын
"Anyone that doesn't speak up against this animal abuse is condoning it." Well said, & this goes for rodeos, or ANY livestock/animal event/show. If you don't feel you can complain 2 officials about treatment you find unfair or abusive, start talking to other spectators! If you find enough ppl who agree w/you then you could ALL go to the officials & say we ALL want __ to stop. If nothing else, it will at least make the officials aware that ppl notice & are upset about it.
@eponatv 15 жыл бұрын
By the way, how interesting that you joined youtube only 20 minutes before posting your version of the events. And even more curious that you should have been at the event when you seem to live in Germany - just like the rider in the footage. Do you know him? If so, tell him we'd still like to finish our interview about why his horse's tongue was blue and why he didn't even release the reins to allow blood to flow back into the tissue after he saw the discolouration :)
@banananews2688 2 жыл бұрын
Who is this? (What rider)
@rainbowdash5020 10 жыл бұрын
This makes me so sad I hope the people we trust to govern our sport will do something and not just let these trainers get away with this.
@trinitywright7122 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I watch the Olympics this weekend and I saw the dressage. And the first horse I saw I thought to myself oh my God isn't that hurting his neck and how can he breathe. And then I started to think to myself maybe this is a practice of cruelty. And then as that extraordinarily beautiful horse was going through his moves I saw the rider spurring him on many occasions to get him to (quote) dance. I am sure that I would not like to be spurred and I would not like to be made to keep my head to my chest and run and this manner and how much more so a horse. This is just like making Tennessee walking horses put on those incredibly painful poof extensions that are full of nails and their feet have been treated with chemicals and all kinds of other nasty things to make those horses lift them high. Let's ban this b*******. Thanks for alerting us to it
@pumpkinhead8593 3 жыл бұрын
Rollkur is only one of the many cruel practises in dressage. This whole sport is based on cruelty and should be banned. Of course the riders will tell anyone who will listen how the horse loves it, the movements are natural, there's no pain involved, horse and rider are a "team" and love competing together. It's twisted and disgusting.
@markspencer8454 12 жыл бұрын
Greetings concerned fellow citizens. I just became aware of this, while watching the 2012 Olympic dressage on T.V. in the U.K. a few short minutes ago. I am glad the commentators at this Olympic event mentioned several times, about animal rights issues. I had to Google, to find what this referred to, and I share the majority opinion here, that this is inexcusable, clearly abusive, and animal abuse any way you slice it.
@QualityLindsey 7 жыл бұрын
It's about time competitive 'Dressage' got some serious reform.
@josietrott 15 жыл бұрын
Sad thing is, he is not the only high profile dressage trainer/ride who trains like this. There are many many more out there.......
@LightnessOfHeart 15 жыл бұрын
Apparently -- from what I've read in many other places -- someone DID say something. However, the FEI officials chose not to take action because many, many riders were using the same methods and they did not want to single out just one person.
@lamaaqeel2405 6 жыл бұрын
This video actually made me cry
@sanutter 15 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking this video and bringing to the net. Maybe, with footage like this, we can change the thoughts of the FEI.
@misadaqueen 11 жыл бұрын
I just want to give him high five... with a chair... in he's face. Please give me at least a baseballracket ...
@sanutter 15 жыл бұрын
The FEI must take a stand. This type of training has been going on for years. It must be stopped in the warm up rings. If horses cannot warm up in this fashion at shows, maybe the trainers won't be so quick to train at home this way. We can't protect the horses at their training facilities, but we can sure help them at competitions. It is up to the FEI to stand up to their words...... "FEIs main concern has always been and will always be the welfare of the horse." (I don't think so)
@QualityLindsey 7 жыл бұрын
A horse can feel a fly upon its coat with the lightest of touch, yet human need to contain a horse's flight without empathy or feel, is measured by the the thickest of Steel.
@Parellifan008 15 жыл бұрын
The tonuge hanging out just goes to show how bad this horse feels but is still doing what he is told! - It's just another form of creulty in my eyes!
@equinegurl 14 жыл бұрын
I know, there was no more life in that horses eyes, just acceptence.
@elizabeth1614 14 жыл бұрын
people like him have to be eliminated from competitions, the horse is totally submited under his strenght and power while he is proud of himself
@maisiemoo1311 12 жыл бұрын
Fidelikraftig - if you can, watch Patrik's dressage test in the Olympics yesterday. The horse did not move well. It was stiff and uncomfortable looking. He did not respond to his rider half the time, his front action was more hackney than correct extension and, quite frankly, when you compared his performance to that of Valegro, it wasnt pretty. I am surprised he is allowed to compete for his country and I am surprised at his score, I assume the judges were looking in the saddle.
@SMXBranwen 15 жыл бұрын
I wish someday all riders will get the same state, when their tongues will become blue, and stupid yahoos will shout all around "Good work! You're well relaxed and perform so clear!"
@josefinemattsson5017 8 жыл бұрын
The people who are watching; why don't they say something???
@josefinemattsson5017 8 жыл бұрын
They're just standing there..
@thehaxorusgirl9165 8 жыл бұрын
I know right? don't they know at least a little about horses? If they do, they could at least see the horses are in pain!
@claireeileen1430 7 жыл бұрын
Probably afraid to speak, or have no animal sense. Humans can be very cruel.
@martimasters7704 4 жыл бұрын
@@ab-ix7gn I have schooled horses since 1981 and won championships in the show ring since 1985. I know exactly what goes one with abusive trainers behind closed doors. I didn't cry. I rightfully filed complaints with the authorities, who have the power to expel such people from shows and ban them permanently. None of the dressage riders who have won Olympic medals and World Championships performing on horses trained in rollkur will go down in history as respectable. They will held up as examples of bad horsemanship and this video is one of many that provide undisputable evidence. Dressage is about lightness, collection and engagement of the hindquarters, and duplicating under saddle what horses naturally do when they are loose in a big pasture. The proper use of the reins is simply to guide the horse. It is not to force him into a painful position that causes permanent, painful damage, both physical and mental. You can always tell a horse trained with rollkur because their gaits are uneven - too much action in front and nothing behind. At the piaffe, the foreleg on the ground is behind the vertical. In action, the croup is higher than the whithers. These riders who torture their horses aren't fooling anyone. What is equally appalling are the judges who lack the experience and good sense to expel such riders from the show ring. Half the judges today don't have any notable experience schooling or showing a dressage horse, let alone a mature grand prix horse. Eventually, things will change as they have for other horse shows where enough people spoke up so that systemic abuse was finally prohibited. That's how David Boggs got banned from training show Arabians for 10 years. He sued the governing horse organization when the announced he was banned. The Arabian Horse Registry started collecting donations to fund the counter-suit. In the end, David Boggs lost. Because at the end of anything in the war of good verses evil, the TRUTH always wins. Always!
@Parellifan008 15 жыл бұрын
It's not just a sign of bad riding - it's also a sign that the horse is avoiding the contact on the bit. When they do this it is actually a sign that they a clearly unhappy in their work but will do as they are told as they do not know any better. A horse is a very forgiving animal and I can never believe why some people are ignorant of the fact that they also have feelings and will tell you how they are feeling - you just need to know how to read them.
@patricksgurlbaby 12 жыл бұрын
@luvyouhorse- foaming at the mouth is normally a trait of chewing and licking the bit, which releases endorphins to the horses brain making them feel happy and increasing mental thought capacity. I have trained with a man who has learned everything he knows from Buck Brannaman and Craig Cameron and trained my horse as he taught me. I barely use my hands and my horse faoms and drools the entire time.
@FineFilly7 15 жыл бұрын
This is sick, riders like him do not deserve the priviledge of sitting on such lovely horses, let alone ride them, which he cant do anyway. What an honest animal, which is what makes me even more upset.
@thecrazydolls 15 жыл бұрын
it was seen to by 5 independent vets seperately as the makers of the film were well aware of the legal implications of stating that the horses tongue was blue if it, infact, was not. All 5 vets agreed that the tongue was indeed blue
@AgilityLover14 11 жыл бұрын
I'm a tad bit confused. Is it the force behind keeping the horse collected? Is it being way behind the vertical? I keep my mare at the vertical or a little above. Without a doubt this is horrible horsemanship! Could someone please straighten this out?
@ruthm1384 Ай бұрын
This is years and years ago, but my question is, why "keep" your horse's head anywhere else than where s/he chooses to keep it themselves? It's as if we thought we know better than them where their head should be when they move. Quite arrogant of us humans... Just saying... As proof, look at people riding in a neck band alone. No bridle, no bit. The horse can hold it's head just fine where s/he finds it the most comfortable and useful for any particular exercise or movement. No human intervention needed.
@AmigoAndPar 14 жыл бұрын
I like how he's got his horse's feet all bundled up in case of injury, but pays no attention to his head and tongue! :-(
@lonieh5579 3 жыл бұрын
Who is this rider? I know that many riders still practice Rollkur but I am just curious who this is?
@eponatv 3 жыл бұрын
His name is Patrik Kittel. Today, he sits on the FEI Dressage Committee.
@michellewal8219 2 жыл бұрын
@@eponatv Of course!
@thecrazydolls 15 жыл бұрын
It's better to watch in slow motion because although it's easy to see in real time, it's far more obvious in slow mo, especially as the rider spends so much time in canter-have a look at how disjointed it is. The horse is more or less running with the forehand, and almost hopping with the back end-all very up and down but not forward and under as a high level (as the double bridle would indicate) horse should be. A major point of dressage is collection-ie training the horse using varying..
@eponatv 15 жыл бұрын
loverofdressage (but not horses?) The training session went on for at least two hours and by far most of the time, the horse was hyperflexed to various degrees. So you are incorrect in your assumption. But don't worry. There is loads more footage of this pair if anyone needs assurance that this segment is representative of the general style.
@eponatv 11 жыл бұрын
Some people did report this rider to the steward, but the steward chose not to intervene.
@martimasters7704 4 жыл бұрын
The steward should be stripped of his certification and banned forever.
@andycaro62 15 жыл бұрын
cundlegreen you have a point- we need a wall of fame for top riders that do not use or train using roll kur or hyperflexion or over use of the curb/tight curbs/tight crank etc - but this barbaric way of riding now needs to be exposed and STOPPED
@hrbacchini 15 жыл бұрын
Scandic's owners would be wise to find a real trainer/rider who would really be able to form a partnership with such a beautiful horse.
@thecrazydolls 15 жыл бұрын
increased. The tongue, which consists of muscle tissue, becomes tense and may be flattened. "If the tension is high - which is to say that there is a marked change in the angle between the shank of the bit and the bars of the horse's mouth - and if the pressure is held for a prolonged period, ischaemia and hypoxia may follow. The tongue will become discoloured and turn blue or purple. If the chain on the curb is tight, the pressure on the tongue will be stronger..
@Ladypurr 14 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I've not been paying much attention to any kind of horse showing lately. It seems that there is intolerable abuse and exploitation rampant in every discipline and no breed is exempt. My heros in dressage include Jane Savoy, Walter Zettle and, of course, the late Alois Podhajsky. I also love the way the Andreas Helgstrand rode Blue Hors Matinee. What a loss to the dressage community.
@thecrazydolls 15 жыл бұрын
to be used with great finesse and feeling and timing. Not in a way thats means the rider ends up leaning against the bars of the stirrups, behind the movement, with the shank horizontal to the ground even when the head is in the so called competition position.
@thecrazydolls 14 жыл бұрын
The FEI doesnt actually state that behind the bit is behind the vertical. Behind the bit is when the horse is not seeking the contact, for example if the horse is sucking back and offering little or no contact at all. I dont know if this horse is behind the bit, I would say probably not what with all that hand and all that spur driving him into it, but he is certainly behind the vertical. Thats pretty obvious. Not trying to attack you, just thought I would point that out.
@Rimfaxe96 12 жыл бұрын
If I would be riding like this my old riding instructor would have pushed me off the horse, lol.
@isabellabe9414 10 жыл бұрын
This is horrible poor horse and the fact that he noticed and didn't even check if the horse was okay and he just put the tongue back was horrid rot in hell dude
@martimasters7704 4 жыл бұрын
Because he knows the horse is not okay. He just wants to win at any cost, which is the antithesis of good horsemanship.
@Oakleaf700 11 жыл бұрын
This is the opposite of the ''Bearing Rein''! the head is forced and held in the opposite position-equally unnatural and desperately uncomfortable for the unfortunate horse. Anna Sewell, we need you! Alas, horse mistreatment ''for fashion'' is alive and well over a century after you exposed ''fashion'' as cruelty in the horse world.
@RPostVideos 12 жыл бұрын
4th the cervical vertebrae must be under a lot of pressure which could possible cause serious problems if something went wrong. Oh and the tongue of Kittle's horse most definitely looked discolored. I once saw a horse at a horse show being lunged on German draw reins really tight and he spooked, reared up, and broke his neck. He died right there on the spot with his head still cranked to his chest. It was so sad to see. This happened even after people told him to loosen the reins!
@sarahb7926 10 жыл бұрын
It looks like ALL the horses here are being forced into rolkeur while warming up....
@thesofieful 5 жыл бұрын
Not all but yeah, it does look troublesome to the eyes not gonna lie. But you can see the difference in head position on the other horses. This is luckily now illegal now we just need competent people to disqualify riders like that. I do blame whoever taught these riders to ride.
@martimasters7704 4 жыл бұрын
@@thesofieful And also the hindquarters. A horse with permanent damage from rollkur can not engage the hindquarters, so the croup is higher than the whithers.
@vanligtunik 15 жыл бұрын
On your website you state that you weren't there to specially film Patrik Kittel or even hyperflexion, which is why I don't get why, firstly, Patrik Kittel is the only rider to get any direct attention in this clip, and secondly, why you are even mentioning that he used the hand furthest from the camera to fix the problem, and therefore indirectly suggests that he is hiding something from the camera. And it might be a good idea to mention in the information that this clip is an edited version.
@tochinokamik1029 11 жыл бұрын
If I could puss the dislike button to go to this rider I would, this is so cruel! Thank you for filming it and uploading it.
@Issabellaax 14 жыл бұрын
I really really feel for this horse, makes me sad that I cant do anything to help him :\ Oh and too the rider, I hope your horses will put you in the same amount of pain your putting on this horse someday.
@lnix99 15 жыл бұрын
How can you say that when the animal's tongue is flapping out of its mouth to avoid the bit and drool is pouring out of it in strings? And when the shanks on its curb bit are nearly parallel to the ground at points? That's a lot of force and leverage being applied to its mouth and poll. That horse isn't strutting its stuff, its being forcefully cranked back and driven around the arena. It's so hyperflexed that there isn't even a moment of suspension in its canter.
@e14yne 15 жыл бұрын
Espona you Rock ..... thanks to you and Gerd and PK we have help ..... come Christoph Hess you help tooooo ..... I ve always believed and know that you love the horse help us to help the horse and stop this kind of training ....... Please
@signelaursen 15 жыл бұрын
I seriously dont care whether the crowd loved his kür or not, I didn't love it! I can hardly watch dressage on tv theese days without thinking what a wrong turn the sport have taken in the latest years... And by the way, the fact that the horse isn't held under tension during the kür does not justify the use during two hour warmups! Is the horse suposed to think: "Oh joy! Ten minutes where I can actually see where I'm going, and not to mention breathe!"
@bwaveheart 15 жыл бұрын
I really hope that you will continue to monitor warm up arenas and post examples of abuse where you find it. Perhaps the public disgust which results may help to stop scenes like this.
@isabelleaxelsson308 10 жыл бұрын
Patrik Kittel is Swedish so he had a clinic last year at my riding club. He was riding in rolkür all the time! I HATE HIM!!!!
@obscuredmelody 15 жыл бұрын
"STATEMENT ON HYPERFLEXION (ROLLKÜR): the following statement was adopted: There are no known clinical side effects specifically arising from the use of hyperflexion, however there are serious concerns for a horse's well-being if the technique is not practiced correctly. The FEI condemns hyperflexion in any equestrian sport as an example of mental abuse. The FEI states that it does not support the practice. " I quoted that off a blog.
@yerabiatch 14 жыл бұрын
"Dressage horses are my passion and define my life. This equation includes: *Careful and thoughtful training of talented horses for the future" - Patrick Kittel How ironic...
@martimasters7704 4 жыл бұрын
what a complete liar and utter asshole. he is like the rider who jumped Ginger and broke the horse's wind because all he wanted was the trophy.
@AdrenalineArt 15 жыл бұрын
@randomstables - The fei is no way going to ban doubles, in fact its in the rules that you have to wear them. I see your point though and totally agree. Unfortunatley this is sport and some riders think of the medals more than the methods.
@darkhorsejosh 15 жыл бұрын
I thought the whole pint of dressage was to get the horse to do natural movements they have done in the wild. You don't see many stallions in the wild do that do you! I feel like quite a "Good" rider now!! I have a stunning friesian but I wouldn't let anyone do that to him.
@goldenfilly 14 жыл бұрын
when you see mark todd doing dressage at badminton or someone like him you can see the horse using his who back and he looks relaxed and he's using himself. that horse is swishing his tail a lot which means he's pissed off. his hocks ae underneath him but he's not really using himself
@Smaggie1940 10 жыл бұрын
that poor baby
@RoyalQNY 10 жыл бұрын
smorgan__ fuck yourself
@Smaggie1940 10 жыл бұрын
Daniel Romero lol how is it that you found me on another video?
@mustangaligirl 14 жыл бұрын
anyone notice that the horse we're watching is the only horse swishing his tail in a pissed off manner?
@vanligtunik 15 жыл бұрын
I'd like to clarify something about my earlier comment. Patrik Kittel wasn't even aware that you were filming (if I've understood everything correctly), so therefore he could NOT have made the decision to use the hand furthest away from camera to deliberately hide something.
@MsBonsai2010 2 ай бұрын
I hate to think if he bent ovr to talk mean to the horse. Sometimes i take for granted or forget that not all people tht can ride or are in th horse world actually LOVE th animal like i do; they're more abt th prestige it brings. Please Lord, i hope this horse is with a better owner/rider now ❤️🐴❤️
@NaraStick 13 жыл бұрын
Don't make your horse bend like that with human force, he will bow for you when you ride with your heart, not with the urge of winning and money.
@LizandAvery 15 жыл бұрын
I can't believe this was happening at a sanctioned event and nobody did anything or said anything. The dressage community has got to band together, grow a set, and SAY SOMETHING!!! Shame on this rider, shame on Sjef Janssen, shame on the FEI for permitting this to continue.
@Only1HighlighterLeft 12 жыл бұрын
The tongue is blue. Its not spit. It doesn't matter if he doesn't always ride like that, he should NEVER ride like that.
@MsCarmencarmen 15 жыл бұрын
Please sign the petition requesting the FEI to ban hyperflexion in the iPetitions website.
@thehorsebackheroine5950 4 жыл бұрын
Just rewatched this. It's an intolerable situation for that horse and now he is on the board of the FEI it will get worse. If this carries on, horse riding will be illegal within 50years as we are not tolerating animal abuse like we ignorantly used to.
@sylvesterthekat 15 жыл бұрын
That poor horse. The reputable riders (if there are any these days) should refuse to take part until the governing body does something to stop this kind of thing. That's the only way to put pressure on the situation so that it can change.
@LouiseHT2711 14 жыл бұрын
omg, it's so unbelievable! simply cant believe that he got acquitted for this. ;'/ poor horse :'(
@Equivendi 13 жыл бұрын
It is so sad....... the worst thing is that all people are watching and nobody is pulling him down of this poor horse...
@TheStablehorse 15 жыл бұрын
I do not see a horse in that ring with a rider on its back who's nose is at or in front of the vertical. It is not only Mr. Patrik Kittel who is at fault for lack of humane horsemanship, but the entire industry. When rides are penalised for the nose being behind the vertical, maybe things will change. What a lovely lovely horse.
@Flamencohorse 12 жыл бұрын
Agree, it needs to stop but the FEI has turned a blind eye to Kittel's warm up at the Olympics. I find it not only revolting but the fact the stewards did not call him out on it is infuriating. WTF FEI?
@RPostVideos 12 жыл бұрын
Seems like this would defeat its purpose anyway. 1st when you stretch too hard you get sore. Why would this be the same for the horse? Sore neck and back and possibly sore hindquarters. 2nd the weight of the horse looks shifted to the front end. This is backward, you want the weight on the hind end. 3rd and maybe most importantly you are putting a tremendous amount of pressure on the horse's lower jaw between the bit pulling in and the curb chain pushing against the jaw and pulling on the poll
@dinerlee 15 жыл бұрын
What we do to the horses in this life is what happens to us in the next. Forcing the horse's head into such a position is unpardonable.
@vanligtunik 15 жыл бұрын
I would like to think that the judges who judge GP classes, would know more than to give riders and horses such high points if what they are performing is not right according to FEI's guidelines.
@Cailincapall92 12 жыл бұрын
This is fucking disgusting, thank you for sharing, maybe people will realise someday how unnatural and cruel this kind of riding is.
@Miellatherebel 11 жыл бұрын
Yeah, i probably would have done something too. Atleast scream at them. Well i guess im not too good in english either. But the only thing scarier than somebody screaming at you, is somebody screaming at you in a launge you cant understand.
@darja25 15 жыл бұрын
WHERE IS THE BEAUTY in this video? I ask you? WHERE IS THE beautiful cohesion between the horse and the rider. ? This video is truly a slap in the face to anyone whose horses welfare is in the first place. This is just another image of todays world we live in. Where capitalism is everything and all values are lost. Nothing noble about this sport, and they call it noble.... Looking at this video i've only tryed to imagine how it must feel being this horse ..Broken of every will and miserable
@horseobsessed7890 14 жыл бұрын
@JazperTheEventer I agree.. I didn't mean to hate on dressage... they use this in showjumping, reining, sometimes pleasure, pretty much everything -__-
@vanligtunik 15 жыл бұрын
That is not relevant, what I am saying is that the horse accidently got his tongue between the bits, with the result of the tongue hanging out for 10-20 seconds (in this clip, the part where the tongue is hanging out is in slow motion, which makes it seem longer). When P discovers it, he immediately stops and fixes the problem. I am not commenting on whether rollkur/hyperflexion is good or bad.
@86am 12 жыл бұрын
How do we know Rafalca didn't endure rollkur during its training?
@DeborahNorris77 15 жыл бұрын
you cannot be serious. Since when was there a horse that was meant to have a blue tongue? The tongue is blue due to the pressure of the bit affecting cutting off circulation in the tongue. It clearly demonstrates that excessive pressure and thus pain is being applied to this animal to 'achieve results'. Any horse poking his tongue out of his mouth whilst ridden is showing signs of discomfort, and it is classed as a 'resistance' under FEI dressage rules.
@HeyWatchMeGo 15 жыл бұрын
Just to clarify, in the BOX that describes this video, there is a " Blue Tongue FAQ" link, that states where you can see the 2 hr (I think) UNCUT version, and also answers many questions people have asked in regards to the validity of the vid, why the journalists did not step in and stop it, etc. It also quotes Anky...I'm repeating what I remember from reading that article... Just remember folks, "When the world is cruel or unjust, it is a sign of harmony to be out of sync with it."
@Bo2454 15 жыл бұрын
Es gibt 2 Arten von "Reiter": Einmal die Benutzer und Unterdrücker und einmal die "Partnerschaftlichen", die eine gemeinsame Ebene aufbauen und erstrahlen lassen möchten. Hier nutzen auch die "goldenen Sporen" nichts, das ist eine "Schinderei" einer armen Kreatur. Furchtbar der Gedanke, für solche Reiter tolle Pferde zu züchten.
@thecrazydolls 14 жыл бұрын
Waccko, I was simply quoting a respected reseacher, I dont believe her quote was even related to this incident, but seeing as it was of the same context, I thought it would be appropriate to add. And anyway, if making the chain so loose so that the curb action is as gentle as possible so the rider can yank on it all the time, then why wouldnt they just learn how to correctly use the curb? And use it little and often with a gentle action with the hand..having a loose curb doesnt justify having a
@LadyAkezhar 15 жыл бұрын
Oh... the horse pulled his tongue over the bit. Happens. You just stop and put the tongue under again. And continue after. The horse is relaxed and without stress. If you know anything about horses you can just look at his ears. They are not pulled back. The horse isn't whipping his tail. A horse on this level in dressage needs to stretch and warm up all his muscles. Like a sportsman does. Thats why a warming up contains several stages.I guess if you knew a bit about it, you'd know this already
@SadlyFey 14 жыл бұрын
Frage: Warum filmen die nur und tun nichts? Find ich immer ganz groß..... Über andere meckern aber selber das Maul nit aufmachen (da hat das Pferd ma was vorgemacht). Was mich interessieren würde: Warum hat das Tier am Anfang die Zunge draußen? Hat da wer die Ausrüstung nicht kontrolliert? Oder wie "behebt" er das?
@KristinGrov 13 жыл бұрын
This horse sticks his tongue out most likely as he has too little space in his mouth because he has to thick bridles, but the hyperflexion can also cause it. This horse is absolutely stunning and Patrik should be punished for being such an ignorant idiot. No horse deserves this treatment, you should respect these beautiful creatures.
@BlueWaterLillysGirl 15 жыл бұрын
a bit is quite a lot thicker than a string. and the tongue is more sensitive than a finger. On top of this, the bit is placed in the most sensitive part of a horse's mouth. That analogy you used is incorrect, carlbosson :)
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