GREAT VID ;wish there was any way (other than exhaust kits) to make these NOT sound like a sewing machine. LOL
@ChevikzOn2wheelsАй бұрын
@@DerekFrampton 😂😂😂😂
Nice vid, btw, do those mirrors fix the factory mirrors vibrations?
@ChevikzOn2wheels6 күн бұрын
Not at all.. to reduce the vibration we need to get a 2 clinder bike 😅
@Stevenseng1Ай бұрын
We want a modified exhaust ❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥
@ChevikzOn2wheelsАй бұрын
till now didn't found any on my taste.. Would love a short exhaust for this bike..
@Stevenseng1Ай бұрын
@@ChevikzOn2wheels everyone one loves exhaust modified..
@Stevenseng1Ай бұрын
I hope your channel will grow soon..
@moto.kartik10 сағат бұрын
@@ChevikzOn2wheels I have the same bike, and same issue as yours. Haven't found any exhaust I absolutely love, stock exhaust on this bike gets a lot of hate but I think it sounds alright, especially much better when you're actually riding. I'm kind of considering the dominator GP1 exhaust, with a dB killer (don't want something that's obnoxiously loud). Also great POV video! :)
@ClxmouАй бұрын
Hi, really Nice video, What is the brand of your mirrors ? Thanks ✌️
@ChevikzOn2wheelsАй бұрын
Rizoma Stealth for naked bikes
@celebihakkiАй бұрын
Where U Put Mic?
@ChevikzOn2wheelsАй бұрын
Recorded on my Iphone that was in my pocket
@dremixarujo648226 күн бұрын
Bro is beautiful your bike Yo igual tengo una y estoy encantado aunque muchas personas le tiren hate a la moto
@ChevikzOn2wheels25 күн бұрын
thanks bro, the bike is erally nice... two year of joy, a nice machine for one cilinder and only 300cc