I also left HK more than 52 years ago. Had my high school and university education in the US. worked in the US and Canada my whole life. The healthcare situation in Canada is similar to what you described in the UK, and we all know how bad it is in the US. I'm planning to move to China to retire in order to live the rest of my life in dignity. Many of my friends are doing the same.
one thing BNO's aren't taking into account is once they achieve the ultimate goal of British passport, they are now liable for universal tax which is coming in this year. Meaning wherever you work or earn in the world you'll be paying UK tax. If you have property in HK collecting rent or working in HK then also liable for UK tax on top of HK, doesn't matter if you hold dual passport like HK passport, they will track you down.
@Pywk1230Күн бұрын
去英國退休都係燒$,福利又差,又冇state full pension,除非冇兒冇女,兩袖清風先得,因為死左都冇人知。