I'm sorry I have to make a correction in the details here, but there are a few things you forgot to mention. First, the mode you're showing is Way of the Shadow. Way of the Light is the asymmetric mode with 4 students and a master versus 2 ninja. Second, a ninja that captured a student must stay on the main board, thus revealed, until the start of the owner's next turn. At that point, the ninja is hidden once again, before the movement card to play is selected. Third, a ninja can capture the opponent's ninja as well. In Way of the Shadow, both ninja can be on the same space, without the players knowing this for sure. This is where a ninja versus ninja capture can take place. To do so, a player must have moved their ninja (you can't capture without moving). If, after moving the ninja, the player thinks the opponent's ninja is in the exact same space as theirs, then they must reveal their ninja in the same way and with the same rules as they would when capturing a student, regardless of whether or not the other ninja is there. The opponent must then declare whether their ninja was on the same space or not. If the ninja was there, he is revealed and captured. But if not, that ninja remains hidden and the opponent doesn't reveal or declare the true location, while the ninja attempting to capture, however, remains revealed until the start of the owner's next turn. If a ninja is not capturing another piece, a player doesn't have to reveal whether the ninja has moved or not. This is a little trichy, though, since players can still see each other's hand motions. It's best to always lift the ninja off the hidden board, even when you decide not to move him, just to keep the opponent in the dark. And finally, a lantern is removed from the game immediately after it was used. So the row won't be illuminated for the rest of the game. Also, and this is obvious, a player can't use their remaining lanterns when the opposing ninja has been eliminated.