Bolivia for Sale: Damian Lewis reports

  Рет қаралды 95,505

Dylan Howitt

Dylan Howitt

Күн бұрын

These are historic times in Bolivia with Evo Morales, the country's first ever indigenous president, being sworn into office in January 2006. Many of the reasons for his election victory can be attributed to a growing resistance to the economic model that Bolivia has been following since the 1980s. Characterised by the large scale privatisation of state owned enterprise and opening up of domestic markets, the policy has been blamed for huge rises in unemployment and continuing poverty. Large scale protests against water and gas privatisations in particular fuelled Evo Morales' victory.
In 'Bolivia for Sale' Damian Lewis travels with Christian Aid to investigate the effects of privatisation in three key markets: water, gas and milk.
More at: www.christian-a...
Camera: Al Waterson

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@mamatalu 16 жыл бұрын
This is really really sad. I hope that Evo Morales turns out to be real hero without buckling under pressure of international oil companies. God Bless Bolivia..
@juanitacarrillo768 10 жыл бұрын
Para salir adelante hay que trabajar y duro LA EDUCACION es lo primordial,no IMPORTA si eres de Perù Bolivia u otro Pais y sino mirar bien los comentarios,no necesitamos insultarnos tanto Perù es bello Bolivia tambien es bello ojala el sistema cambie en sudamerica.
@DarkComet360 13 жыл бұрын
Damian Lewis does have that spark that would make him a good 12th Doctor in Doctor Who when the time comes...would you agree? Though I hope that won't be for a long, long time since I like, love Matt as the 11th Doctor, miss 10th as the Doctor, wish 9th and and 8th had lasted longer as the Doctor. Yeah, I think Damian would make a good 12th Doctor, if they ever picked him for that role.
@Scruffed 13 жыл бұрын
Water in La Paz hasn't been run by the private sector since 2005, this guy is using outdated information. Regarding the gas industry, after it was nationalized (to some extent) in 2006, gas reserves have dropped by almost 2/3 of what they were on account of the lack of investment (for exploration activities) on the part of the Bolivian government. Redistribution policies can be good when done responsibly, but unfortunately that hasn't been the case here.
@Betoguerralvarez 14 жыл бұрын
@OMARANGEL no it was not they made an impossible 12 % or so for the people who was owning over some limit and different other persentages based in the salary payed. They tried to extent taxes for big agroindustries that exported all what they produced and nothing was for internal use, plus that they were producing Soy bean that has no incidence in alimentary diet in Bolivian gastronomy unless soy sausce. Tried to tax smuglers... ja ja hilarious. Yeah ad there wher a lot of ONG's of all colors.
@OMARANGELcaronte 14 жыл бұрын
@Betoguerralvarez Sarary tax??? At that time this was just a Proyect, and it would include a progresive tax that is by the way a fact right know, because they aprove a law to tax the income or salary of what you can call rich people, however in Bolivia do not exist such thing. The political support of Evo Morales was not political at all, they were a lot of ONG who finance and developed the outcome that all know.
@Betoguerralvarez 14 жыл бұрын
@OMARANGEL well its truth somehow, but those where the simptoms of a bigger picture, I was living in Lapaz at that times and yes, we had problems with "el gringo" because it had so low votation that could not match the political support of evo morales, they, the MNR, "el gringo"'s political party where walking over the string and then they intended to make a Salary tax..., in a country that only 40% could say that has a salary..., so middle class was lost forever and so El Alto's Smug cartels.
@OMARANGELcaronte 14 жыл бұрын
@WolYou you did not get it, this place the Alto City have everything free, water, light, all of this happend because the people of the city pay all this. I live there I am Bolivian and I know what i am talking about, the people of the el alto City has more money than others that are really poor. As an example, I do not have a house of any kind, or money the only thing that i have is my education, but acoordin with these people I am rich only because I am white.
@deeplydisturbed 16 жыл бұрын
Neither capitalism, nor comunism can really lead humanity to real happiness. The first has not been able to prove that it can really transform the cause of suffering in the consciousness of human beings. It`s freedom is based on the worship of money and the abuse of human passions. When the matters of the hearts have been put aside, the future will be dark, no matter how afluet the economy
@deeplydisturbed 16 жыл бұрын
I remember once you said that the system of capitalism was so perfect, and I don´t doubt it´s got its points, but it is certainly not enough to offer humanity all the means it needs to grow, and certainly it can not be all that perfect mainly due to human condition. Even Keynes who created the bridge, in the universe of economy, between socialism and capitalism, stated that capitalism was the more advanced of all systems but it can also be a deadly friend when humans are not honest about it.
@OMARANGELcaronte 14 жыл бұрын
@WolYou I am bolivian and I know what they are and how the things work . The people of the el alto city have jobs, but the want to be managers or something and earn more than 500 $us, with no education or what so ever. and if they find a job they steal what they cant and never return. I am not proud of this, but you need to know the truth.
@deeplydisturbed 16 жыл бұрын
On the other hand, comunism and socialism seem to stand for the return of idealism as a way to recover human dignity... But the results aren´t quiet accurate either. People forget how to stand up before freedom by themselves, and an exteme nationalism turns into hate as well... The only thing that matters is the heart and it is also what´s really on stake.
@WorldEye88 16 жыл бұрын
Yes, there are no new investments in Bolivia because IT'S NOT FOR SALE anymore. Big companies will invest in Bolivia when they are sure they'll get big returns. Now, the MAS controls (poorly? or inadequately) the resources. Should Bolivia stay poor by looking eye to eye to the big investors or stay poor by bending over to the big investors who will promote money to a few?
@WorldEye88 16 жыл бұрын
I said Evo had a good intension but the methods are not working because we are loosing ground in the world. Plus the opposition in Santa Cruz has a lot of money and control of the most populated region of the country. They will never let him promote his changes. They get directly affected by the changes so Evo is the enemy ( he is Aymara...).
@OMARANGELcaronte 14 жыл бұрын
The City of El Alto do not have water because they do not want to pay for it, even when in this city the economy is not so bad. As a matter of fact this city has a bigger income than the city, because they do not pay tax or what so ever.
@deeplydisturbed 16 жыл бұрын
I think we can watch now all the systems fall appart, and maybe that will be the perfect ingredient for a real change in human conciousness towards its own divine and evil nature. May the force of awareness be with you at all times.
@deeplydisturbed 16 жыл бұрын
the pespective of politics and economy is very complicated since not only America is being affected by this fall of great corporations, it is a whole net that involves a lot of countries of the world, including Europe. See how the Euro goes down?...
@WorldEye88 16 жыл бұрын
You are right SPRINGFLOWER1234. I can't imagine Branco Marinkovic as president. We would be back in the 1800's with slaves and all the colonia shit. Do you think we can have 2/3 of the Bolivian population ignored from power and casted off from education?
@WorldEye88 16 жыл бұрын
Can you be kind enough to tell us what other indigenous presidents Bolivia (which you found attractive) has had before Morales? I'm sure you get a hard-on with the French prez.
@deeplydisturbed 16 жыл бұрын
"Chavez predicaPATRIA, SOCIALIALIMO O MUERTE, a cuenta de que lo seres civilizados tienen que matar o morir?" Yo, aunque no soy fanatica de Chávez, comprendí siempre esa frase desde otra perspectiva; la de Cambiar o Morir. Trabajar unidos para organizar comunidades sociales o permitir que el neoliberalismo del Imperio destruya sus esperanzas de transformación social.
@WorldEye88 16 жыл бұрын
No entendiste el articulo del reportero. El dice que Bolivia estaba a la venta cuando el gas se lo vendio a un centavo por nuestro queridisimo ex-pres Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada.
@bol1Spitfire 16 жыл бұрын
You are right evo had good intentions but that is not all that somebody needs to lift up the state machine, or the country. Unfortunelly the oposition is strong and they have other plans for our beloved country some of them are good and some of them are not good but just if they could solve their diferences forget their hate betwen them, I think that every part could give a part of their ideas and acctions to make a better country for everyone. Viva Bolivia carajo!
@jcusss 16 жыл бұрын
exactly! this basically an struggle between both wings, one look for equality but freedom is set to boundaries, while the right fight for freedom, but inequality will exist. either of both this differences create somehow and equilibrium in society, being pragmatic is something I definitely don't have right now
@jcusss 16 жыл бұрын
he talks about el alto, and about the water sistem, so tell me if the government did any project for clean water for people in El Alto. ohh yeah, but they do contracts with PDVSA, Yindal, SanCristobal, Petrobras. haha, what a contradiction, a government against transnational coorporations making contracts with this companies.
@jcusss 16 жыл бұрын
between all the small private national metalurgic companies they have 16000 employees and they process 40000 tons of minerals per day. San Cristobal, a transnational, process more than 60000 and will reach 80000 per day, and guess what! the government is trying to take down the small ones so the big one can stay there, just look at the numbers.
@stevebritgimp 17 жыл бұрын
Free markets are terrific amongst equals, but they perpetuate inequalities. Money gets made on local resources away from the locality. Indigenous peoples and poor countries have to stick up for themselves. Weirdly someone from my work was on holiday and holed up in a hotel in La Paz when all that was kicking off.
@jcusss 16 жыл бұрын
yep I agree with you, but I think it is also the same in socialism, examples are overrated, that not only the right wing claims for power. For me capitalism is evolving thanks to socialism, it is clear that capitalism can raise countries, but it can't maintain them on top.
@Invinciproductions 16 жыл бұрын
I'm 50% Bolivian, born in Georgia but still. I've been there. Pretty bad of some of my realitive are huh, not good
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
Ok amigo boliviano, no entremos en detalles, tal vez no estemos de acuerdo en modelos económicos, pero lo que si estoy seguro es que estarás de acuerdo en hacer algo juntos contra la política asesina y armamentista de Bush, los EEUU e Israel, boicoteemos sus productos, no más matanzas en Palestina. Un abrazo, si deseas te envío un correo para que lo reenvies a tus amigos y tomen conciencia de esto ... habrá gente que perderá trabajo, pero no las vidas por dinero.
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
Esta bien que diga eso de Banzer y Siles,etc, han sido presidentes "fasos bolivianos" que adoptaron politicas y politicas economicas extranjeras, y no es que estemos resentido o reacios al neoliberalismo que ustedes practican, si no que esta mas que comprobadisimo como teoria economica,social y economica que el neoliberalismo es un Fracaso aplicabla a paises del cono Sur, no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver.
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
No voy a discutir cuestiones economicas con usted, por obias razones estaria perdiendo el tiempo. Creo que usted debe vivir en la edad de piedra, puesto que ni siquiera se ha enterado que Bolivia es el 3er pais del cono Sur en ser declarado territorio libre de analfabetismo, lastima que para "algunos" que se piensan "progresados" solo por que les dijeron que crecieron...despierte señor.
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
Un momento sr. por simple cultura elemental, el gasto público genera trabajo, otorga circulación monetaria, genera trabajo e inversiones internacionales, es todo lo contrario a lo que ud. dice, el sector que más a avanzado es el de la construcción y los albañiles y masas pobres son los que más se han beneficiado, así como el transporte y sus derivados, es solo una relación macroeconómica que si influye en la micro. Tiene que seguir estudiando mucho a ver si llega a entender y Evo???
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
Con lo que me ha dado, tantos años de estudio, se que el modelo BOliviano que debe ser inalienablemente Autentico, es decir no como el socialismo venezolano o Cubano o Ecuatoriano, cada pais es sujeto de su propia formacion basado en lo social y comunitario. Las formas arcaicas en las que Peru y COlombia estan llevando las economias del masivo gasto Publico y el peligro de auyentar las inversiones y reservas internacionales, son irreponsables con los pobres.
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
No señor, que me exprese como profesional, no significa que no desmienta las Barbaridades que usted esta afirmando, que aca no Odiamos, por favor, eso es Mediocridad. Crecio ultimamente de manera imprudente me va decir anacronico, le falta historia, no sea arcaico aprenda de los errores economicamnete las sociedades latinoamericanas no estan hechas para el modelo que su pais utiliza.
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
Es positivo que uds. defiendan sus recursos naturales, pero con voluntad no propia no azuzados por politiqueros que se escudan en la justicia para entrar al poder y luego olvidarse de sus indígenas (ya que no hay indios según ud.),ahora toda Latinoamérica sabe que uds. están en el último lugar en educación, un simple mensajero, barredor de calles o lustrabotas es más letrado que cualquiera de El Alto ... con ud. Sr. "ingeniero" ya tengo un ejemplo enorme.
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
Bueno no puedo decir que sepas inglés por que la verdad es muy malo, solo que no soy alienado y si lo uso, lo hago tecnicamente y me parece muy bien que esa Ley se dé en tu país y es más es un ejemplo para imitar de parte de nosotros. Pero aprovechenlo de verdad y estudien mucho pero mucho, porque solo así entenderán y escribirán apropiadamente, SI SE DÁ EN NUESTRO PAÍS ESA LEY SOLO LA HOJEAMOS Y YA LO APRENDIMOS. ES CUESTIÓN DE INTELIGENCIA SUPERIOR.
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
Para empezar no nos des consejos de unidad ok?¿ quien crees que eres moralmente para decirnos unanse?¿, primero entras a nuestros videos nos insultas y luego nos invitas a la reflexion?, jaja, no hagas reir, nosotros sabemos lo que hacemos y ndie te pidio ayuda a ti ignornates que leyo 2 par de libros. Primero ayuda en tu pais que sigue siendo lacayos de Bush, y luego nos ayudas ok?
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
Felicito a todos los bolivianos por una cultura tan exquisita, hermosos carnavales y paisajes ... pero unánse entre uds. y su país será mejor del que es. Un abrazo y una invitación a la reflexión, a la información, a la no discriminación racial, y a no pelear sin fundamentos. Aprovechen sus fuerzas para construir y olvidar resentimientos de color o de dinero, eso no los lleva a nada. Sinó vean al Perú, si hay un rockero por ahí les anuncio Iron Maiden y Sisters of Mercy en Lima, bye
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
No somos esclavos de una política Bushiana, no me gusta hablar en inglés pero ES SPECTACULAR NO EXPECTACULAR, primero aprende el aymara o el quechua así como yo también lo haré Ing. sin ética,se vé que admiras en el fondo todo lo gringuito,yo detesto a Bush,pero uso la inteligencia antes que tirar piedras y cerrar las puertas al progreso, por eso entiendo un poco a los cruceños, no se puede dialogar con "profesionales" de tu nivel y menos con el pueblo restante,salvo excepciones.
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
Ahora Sr. gatorica16 me alegro porque en Bolivia se halla contitucionalizado todas las etnias posibles, sin embargo eso no se traslada a la actitud de sus pueblos, con una eterna rivalidad entre cambas y collas ... yo le invito a dar un paseo por las serranías del Perú y se dará cuenta que todos estamos integrados, tal vez no serán los pueblos muy prósperos, pero con una calidad muy digna de vivir de los campesinos peruanos.
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
Yo me pregunto Sr. Gatorica16, si ud. es ingeniero industrial, que lamentable es saber que un "profesional" se expresa de esa forma, bueno entonces que podemos pedir del pueblo boliviano, supongo que hay gente más decente que ud., no tengo porque robarle a nadie me dedico a trabajar y por otro lado las estadísticas no mienten, siempre estuvimos adelante de uds. en economía y modernidad, incluso lo digo porque conozco Santa Cruz y la atención al cliente y los servicios son de mala calidad.
@cein75 15 жыл бұрын
Si tengan mucho cuidado, porque roban corazones, cariño. Quien llega a Bolivia se hace querendón del país. Tengan mucho cuidado, si no quieren tener ese privilegio. Por lo demás, Frekho prejuzga, seguro porque es peruano, y esos sí roban. No se preocupen europeos, ustedes saben lo que se pierden si no van a ese hermoso país.
@Alvaro1925 15 жыл бұрын
Irónicamente, Morales ahora enfrenta el rechazo de varias tribus amazónicas a los planes de perforación de la empresa estatal YPFB, nacionalizada hace tres años, con PDVSA de Venezuela. A esos indígenas ambientalistas les ha dicho que buscan cualquier pretexto para causar daño, lo cual sugiere futuros choques con los apus.
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
Yo no puedo hablar mucho de peru y es que no ha pasado nada importante ahi , solo de su politica economica, que los va a llevar al fracaso en mayo del 2009,y no piense que yo odio peru,noooooooo,solo es un pais con um pesimo presidente del la edad de piedra que piensa contruir un pais a base del neoliberalismo,creo la proxima eleccion no la va a ganar Alan.
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
Yo no estoy insultándolo, y al llamar indios no lo dije un tono racista, puesto que en mi país somos descendientes de los incas y con mucho orgullo somos indígenas, ni el liberalismo a ultranza es poseedor de justicia y equidad para los pueblos, ni las izquierdas radicales tampoco han sido solución para el crecimiento económico, sr. solo digo que busquemos equilibrio.
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
Si usted puede utilizar todo el cinismo que quiera, por lo menos en Bolivia no hay analfabetismo, eso no se puede decir de su Pais, y me sorprende que haya todavia gente en su aldea, que se atreva a llamar Indios, a los originarios, realmente es una aberracion de la inteligencia, yo que usted; no haria el ridiculo, vaya e leer mas cultura social y etnica latinoamericana.
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
Muy al contrario, no admiro todo lo gringuito, tu , tu vecino, tu presidente, tu pueblo entero esta sometido a los gringuitos sabias?¿, no hay que ser cinicos por favor senorcito, sabes Ingles no significa que admire todo lo guinguito eh?, aca va a ser Ley que todo Funcionario o Habitante de cualquier raza u origen debes saber almenos 1 idioma originario y 1 extranjero.
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
Bueno en todo caso, sabemos que los medios de comunicación están manejados por grupos muy poderosos, con intereses tal vez desestabilizadores y en eso estoy de acuerdo con ud., y espero realmente que no exista tal desunión como imagen, que es muy grave como carta de presentación de su país.
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
La historia de la humanidad fue testigo de ciertas políticas económicas que dividieron al mundo en países más desarrollados y competitivos que otros, algunos ejemplos: ALEMANIA DEMOCRÁTICA (ORIENTAL) Y ALEMANIA FEDERAL (OCCIDENTAL), COREA DEL NORTE Y COREA DEL SUR, BOLIVIA Y PERÚ.
@piluso 16 жыл бұрын
Yo no me acuerdo haber bloqueado nada, ni haberme corrido de nada. Lo que recuerdo es que la letra "S" tiene función. Tu ideología me importa un bledo, pero el hecho de que atentes contra mi libertad de leer el idioma como debiese estar escrito me molesta muchísimo.
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
Que bueno amigo, te puedes quedar el el "tomo" que quiera , mientras aca avanzamos de verdad ;no con falsas promesas de 1 cambio con 1 presidente aparte de corrupto entregado a politicas extranjeras, recuerde el 85 quien era presidente de peru
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
LO que ha logrado la Minoria aca no es la desunion, si no la Imagen de Desunion, en muchos paises incluso pensaban que nos queriamos separar en diferentes republicas, eso es producto de la gran manipulacion que puden lograr hacer los medios.
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
usted entro en detalles, bueno, si tienes razon toda matanza esta mal, y lo de medio oriente es un ejemplo, 1 abrazo igual, puedes enviarme ese correo, aca en Bolivia tambien hacemos capañas en contra la violencia. Saludos
@CumBrianFries 13 жыл бұрын
@Svittidiu Well, the majority of them didn't have red hair though, that's for sure. Before, scientists used to think that Neanderthals could only have dark brown hair but now it is generally accepted that they did in fact have other hair colors such as blonde and red just like modern day Europeans.
@bobbyhasthepower 14 жыл бұрын
He isn't a nice guy. He played a football match and kneed a bloke in the nuts, and then he tried to get him arrested. I call that abuse power
@kantuta78 15 жыл бұрын
by your own statement you should realize that we are never going to disappear. Even if you try we will never ever go away. So deal with it.
@sopleto 15 жыл бұрын
potenCia, creCimiento, Benefico . LES GUSTE O NO. Hay veces que al ver los horrores ortograficos que se cometen, uno no sabe si enojarse con el individuo o con el sistema educativo.
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
Bueno, yo no voy a entrar al insulto barato, si es cierto que hay una minoría racista en su país, pero es tan fuerte que ha logrado la desunión entre sus pueblos y eso es innegable.
@erfelgamazig 15 жыл бұрын
Bolivia's indigenous are what makes it such a beautiful country. The treasure is not in the resources, but the people. VIVA BOLIVIA!
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
que merecido ni que merecido inkayupanqui, cuando erradiquen el analfabetismo en tu pais, voy a creer que hay peruanos leidos ok?, bn segui tu vida.
@pjharrison78 14 жыл бұрын
Damn it's so weird hearing this guy talk in a British accent after first seeing him on Band of Brothers! So different!
@titocobos 17 жыл бұрын
I agree with you, that is not only happening in Bolivia, in a lot of countries on latin america, asia and africa
@kentekent 15 жыл бұрын
I don't see why not. A few years ago they found oil, gold and diamonds worth hundreds of billons in Greenland.
@estebansteverincon7117 8 жыл бұрын
Why didn't they just develop and build the gas cultivation themselves? They basically allowed the multinationals to come in, and then protested at the risk of getting killed.
@iancrause1856 7 жыл бұрын
Continuum between the Spanish empire and their descendant landowning class. Bolivians DID reap the benefit of selling the gas off - the white rich ones with the guns. Now they are finally doing what you suggest.
@deeplydisturbed 16 жыл бұрын
Gracias a usted Morocho589 Viva la gente del mundo entero! Viva la humanidad!
@gatorica16 15 жыл бұрын
el neo-liberalismo Desintegra no Integra, como puede 1 pais avanzar si los mas pobres estan ignorados?¿.Ejemplo Peru.
@joesinu 16 жыл бұрын
duela a quien le duela bolivia es un pueblo con historia y cultura vamos bolivia eres mas grande q tus problemas
@PtAltmVansanTarr 12 жыл бұрын
I wonder if an American politican would cop up to the point that water is a human right?
@MrsClippit 7 жыл бұрын
running water isn't a basic human "right".. When water was scarce in times past,our ancestors actually moved to where the water was..
@Blunderbussy 5 жыл бұрын
Good thing we live in 2019, you neoliberal sociopathic twat.
@piluso 16 жыл бұрын
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj vejjjj como arruinaj el ejpañol ejtupido?
@ezulidanto 13 жыл бұрын
Whaddya mean? That's rusty red and bright blue. GREAT actor.
@MissYourMaturity 14 жыл бұрын
Jeez, I'm British and I find his accent weird.
@Bedi99 12 жыл бұрын
Damian Lewis is too good to be wasted as a Doctor Who.
@jcusss 16 жыл бұрын
so where are your proves of everything you are saying?
@Scruffed 12 жыл бұрын
@wirungari Well as a Bolivian citizen I believe I have the right to voice my opinion on the mistakes my government has made, and to point out the factual inaccuracies in this video. It is my gas as much as that of the MAS-voters, and I don't want to see a vital part of our industry run off a cliff just so that Evo will be able to deliver all the promises he made. If wanting a responsible (as opposed to populist) government makes me a smart ass, so be it.
@iancrause1856 7 жыл бұрын
10 years on, working class Bolivians and indeed the whole country, is in a better state than it was in 07. For all remaining problems, the money and indeed the corruption has been spread across the whole of society and is at least no longer in the hands of a tiny economic elite. Es mi corrupcion contra la tuya, as they say.
@Blunderbussy 5 жыл бұрын
7 years after the original comment, Bolivia is better than Argentina and Venezuela, with less crime than Brazil and a booming technology industry. Corruption is a problem in Latin America and is responsability of EVERYBODY, not from a government. If you want to stop corruption, don't try voting, try doing something to stop corruption. Do your part.
@1joro1 15 жыл бұрын
I´m Goin Bolivia in July!! Its Funtastic!
@KansasCityKing1962 15 жыл бұрын
hundreds of billions???? is that true????
@doloroseo 15 жыл бұрын
FÉ DE ERRATAS: ... voluntad propia ....
@bobbyhasthepower 13 жыл бұрын
@hatakekaishi The Bolivian president
@hatakekaishi 14 жыл бұрын
@bobbyhasthepower lol who did that?
@BarriosGroupie 14 жыл бұрын
@MissYourMaturity he went to Eton
@rodruiz333 15 жыл бұрын
@waritam 15 жыл бұрын
this video is great i love it
@BolivianSalsaholic 17 жыл бұрын
for sale????? OH HELL NAH!!!!
@TangoHotelEcho 14 жыл бұрын
Damian Lewis = Maj. Winters
@mlovecraftr 15 жыл бұрын
isnt he the actor of Live?
@mrmikebeaton 17 жыл бұрын
first time I have heard his real accent -- I only know him from Band of Brother, Dreamcatcher and Life. Thanks for posting.
@RudeRoyale 13 жыл бұрын
life rules
@MultiTata80 13 жыл бұрын
Mi piace quest' uomo...
@Threven21 15 жыл бұрын
damian lewis is my favorite actor. band of brothers was fantastic and life remains my favorite show. shame they cancelled it. come on nbc keep one good show!
@hadimajzoub 12 жыл бұрын
yes thhat happened to me after seeing him in homeland
@divinejudge1 17 жыл бұрын
thank you for this report
@hugoleonardol 17 жыл бұрын
Damian I love you... LINDO!!!
@Bullet2Margera 14 жыл бұрын
@MissYourMaturity me too! XD
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