I'm a forth year Caribbean medical student. I found this video real helpful. Thank you..It's real clear now.
@Americansangel Жыл бұрын
I have a lesion my humerus I just got diagnosed and referred to a orthopedic surgeon but I won’t know till I go in next month October 16. I think I will find out more. I’m hoping it is benign. I’m just turned 60 I thought I was having a heart attack but my heart is good and okay, they don’t know why I had that bad pain The pain radiate it from my upper arm, humerus into a little bit on my chest and neck shoulder , they did an x-ray and found a lesion , that is why I’m praying it is benign, but I will still need it taken out 🙏🏽
@HafizahHoshni6 жыл бұрын
Simply excellent. Very grateful for clear, concise and well presented video. Thank you for the great channel. 25/8/2018 😊
@sidneyfrattinijr.97006 жыл бұрын
Excellent presentation. Quite helpful. Thank you.
@arshmeentsriq4623 жыл бұрын
Can u send this video into a slide share form.
@arshmeentsriq4623 жыл бұрын
I need it urgently its useful for me
@tacokid997 жыл бұрын
I have chrondrosarcoma it was in my right hip and left arm I had to have the bones removed in my arm I almost lost both arm and leg it was osteosarcoma in a the left arm if you message me I’ll send you a pic of it after it was removed