Bonisolli - La Donna Mobile

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Patrick Boyle

Patrick Boyle

18 жыл бұрын

Here's why he was called Il Pazzo. But he certainly has the top notes.
Il Pazzo means the crazy man.
Franco Bonisolli and Franco Corelli died on the same day rather like the way John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day. (Amendment - apparently I'm wrong about this but I don't care)
Bonisolli was a competitor to Pavarotti in a sense. SF Opera put on Gioconda for Pavarotti. When it was revived Bonisolli replaced him. Pavarotti was smoother but Bonisolli was more fun. He struted around and he posed. And he sang some great high notes - bigger and better than Pavarotti's.
Bonisolli's voice wasn't too big when he first went international. He sang Almaviva in Barber at first. He always had the top but only later did it grow and blossom. He became a high note tenor like Filipeschi.
You can hear all the "gear changing" he needs to do in the middle voice, but all is forgiven when the line goes above the staff. He goes to squillo-land.

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@Michaelbos 15 жыл бұрын
it seems that he knew he had a great voice and he had fun with it. The Dean Martin of opera
@bodiloto 2 жыл бұрын
Magnifico . Sublime.
@HellasItalia4 2 жыл бұрын
ha ha h a sapeva cantare e come!!!! Noi diciamo che i minori e i pazzi dicono le verita! Ecco lui, "il pazzo" , che era uno star con voce vera! Il youtube salvera il mondo!!! haha! Spero che tu stia bene!
@mirkowitsch 17 жыл бұрын
I can't stop listening to his recordings! He was a phenomenon!
@tenorschofield 11 жыл бұрын
BRAVOOO!!!!!!, grande tenore e grande artista fu Franco Bonisolli!!!!
@leonardopizzella7834 3 жыл бұрын
Ni loco, ni payaso... un Tenor fenomenal que siempre demostraba una verdadera pasión por lo que hacía. Además hay que cantar como él...a ver cuántos pueden lograr lo que escuchamos entre el minuto 01.55 y 02:15 m. Mucho talento y un poco de locura pero de la buena, esa que contagiaba con su disfrute...
@tenorschofield 9 жыл бұрын
You can call him il pazzo or whatever, but he was one of the greatest tenors ever!!!. His sound is perfect, a lyrico spinto atacking each sound from top to bottom, a perfect pronunciation (in the "bomer bone"), a wonderful "fiato" supported perfectly, a perfect musicality and pitch, the handsome looks of a hollywood star,etc, what else is needed to be considered one of the best ever?...just watch Bonisolli and you will find out...BRAVO!!!!
@arthur.monticelli Жыл бұрын
Probably the best cadenza I've ever heard in the end of this aria... amazing!
@TV_ARTE 17 жыл бұрын
Realmente é um fenômeno!!!!!!! Sou seu fã incondicional aqui do Brasil!!! Além de um maestro e de voz incomparável no mundo da lírica, demonstra um ótimo caráter e senso de humor! Suas interpretações com certeza deixariam emocionados os autores das mais belas óperas do mundo, Puccini, Verdi, Bellini, etc... Parabéns Franco Bonisolli!!!!!!!!!
@fernandogagliardo6618 4 жыл бұрын
Che personaggio Franco.... UNICO...MITICO... UN GRANDE !!
@eugeniogentili1048 4 жыл бұрын
Mitico, altro che Pavarotti..
@klokheten 17 жыл бұрын
When technique and vocal skills and resources are as rich as Bonisolli´s he can take the opportunity to a freedom,greater than most of his colleagues,because he has not to worry about disposition,since he never lacked energy for the culminations of arias and songs. You can never feel that he economizes to reach the high climaxes. Instead he has all the intensity right from the beginning with a rich baritonal sound that he could carry very high in level.
@tenorschofield 9 жыл бұрын
BRAVO!!!, grande tenore fu Franco Bonisolli!!!!!!
@tenorschofield 9 жыл бұрын
***** How good to read your comment again my dear friend!!!! My best regards for you and family!!!!Saludos
@pedroaranguren6160 3 жыл бұрын
Qué fenómeno era este tipo, fue único y el mejor de todos, para mi gusto.....estoy seguro que Verdi lo hubiera querido tener siempre en sus estrenos...
@ricardoespada9284 2 жыл бұрын
Un capo
@FredDay1 17 жыл бұрын
Actually, the 2 Franco's died a day apart. Corelli died on October 29, 2003 at age 82 & a half. Bonisolli died the next day, October 30th, at age 65. Both were superb, and both are truly irreplaceable!! Ciao.
@elldarrio2451 Ай бұрын
Bravo tenore! Magnifico!
@PabloLuisLA 8 ай бұрын
Después de demostrar su buena técnica esta dotado de un gran talento y muy buen aparato fonador da gusto escuchar su canto tan grande dramático y técnica sublime
@roberto9003 4 жыл бұрын
Gola aperta, acuti squillanti ..oggi questo tipo di canto libero è andato perduto
@numetutelare 4 жыл бұрын
Adesso si canta indietro e magari ingolati... vedi Kaufmann etc..
@roberto9003 4 жыл бұрын
@@numetutelare il problema non è che cantano indietro ma si canta con gola chiusa e assenza di libertà.. Con bonisolli c'è l assenza di suono chiuso di gola in maschera come fanno oggi riducendo la possibilità alla gola di espandersi.. Bonisolli canta con gola libera e sulla parola.
@numetutelare 4 жыл бұрын
@@roberto9003 Si ma cantare in maschera non significa cantare in difetto di emissione... veda la Callas che cantava assolutamente in maschera. Diciamo che oggi si canta male e questo quanto...
@roberto9003 4 жыл бұрын
@@numetutelare la confusione regna sovrana.. Cosa intende per maschera? Se la voce risuona, anzi consuona in "maschera" per effetto sono d'accordo, ma se il suono va indirizzato dove non si sa, allora siamo al solito problema più si cerca di proiettare più la gola si chiude..
@roberto9003 4 жыл бұрын
@clementinaalicoca4168 Жыл бұрын
@Agorante 12 жыл бұрын
Bonisolli had a fortunate vocal placement. His top notes just bloomed. I first heard him as Alfredo when he was very young. He sang the High C in the cabaletta. Most Alfredos don't. When I heard him again ten years later and his voice had gotten bigger, but he still had those easy big top notes. I don't think he's drunk on this video, but I have no doubt that he could knock out a High B Natural while completely loaded.
@absdyna 4 жыл бұрын
Patrick Boyle he actually had a brain tumor or so I've heard..... always had the most complete technique of his day. He could basically start on any note and diminuendo on them too... even with that huge voice of his. Some say he had a lighter or smaller voice when younger, the truth is he was just younger. Voices take time to really adjust....
4 жыл бұрын
It's amazing how people crap on years of effort and hard work saying someone had "fortunate placement". First of all, you can not place a voice, and if you try to, you'll end up pushing it and squeezing. Secondly, are you aware how much diligent work does it take to develop one's voice to this extent? Theaters are flooded with nasal, woofy and shrill, inaudible tenors and yet, people still buy this vocal placement crap... Do you really think this man, or any other great singer of the past for that matter, had "placed" his voice somewhere?
@Agorante 4 жыл бұрын
@ Well Milan you certainly are a nasty fellow. Why all the hate? You fashion yourself an arbiter of operatic vocalism. Do you have any credentials? Or we we just expected to accept your ideas as gospel? You seem to be offended by my using the term "placement". Most modern educated people recognize that the traditional terms used to describe the operatic voice are heuristics - i.e. suggestive terms. Caruso for example when he explained how he sang said that when he need to sing loud and dramatically he pulled out the loud drawer in his chest of drawers and when he had to sing lyrically he pulled out the lyric drawer. He didn't really think his chest was a literal piece of furniture. He was just trying to be helpful and communicative in a period when the medical and anatomical knowledge was much less complete. So it is with the term "placement". I'm pretty sure my knowledge of how the real human vocal mechanism works is better than yours. I after all sang on opera stages for fifty years. If understanding of anatomy and physiology were sufficient I would have been a big success as a singer and I would have sung on bigger stages. And of course I studied and read. I don't think much about the older folk knowledge of voice that includes ideas such as "placement" or "singing in the mask". These are terms derived by singers and voice teachers based on subjective experiences from before we had things like fluoroscopes. But the point is I was writing not for an academic audience but for the general public. Get real. I was alluding to the fact that great voices are largely the luck of genetics. Think about Gosta Bjorling - one of Jussi's brothers. He and Jussi and the other two were all taught by their same father and they all sang professionally - so as to eat in poor Sweden - from a very young age. As I remember Jussi became the star of their act when he was four. Jussi had a special voice but Gosta was a better actor. Gosta sang comprimario roles at the opera till the day he died. He was a very successful operatic tenor but he never had Jussi's magical sound. I like many others went to hear Jussi's son Rolf sing, hoping to recapture the magic Bjorling sound. But he was just ordinary. Great tenors are like lightning strikes. They happen all the time but you can't predict who has the right throat and you can't really teach it. Voice teachers often screw up promising young voices but they can't actually make a voice where one doesn't already exist. The unkindest cut of all however in your venomous screed was when you accused me of disparaging Bonnisoli. I was on KZbin from the very beginning. I think (I can't remember or prove) that I was the first person to post a Bonisolli video. I have posted quite a few since then. I saw Bonisolli when he first came to America and I saw and heard him again as his career advanced. I was always a fan. You sir are full of beans.
4 жыл бұрын
​@@Agorante Oh my god, the credential call. I get the creeps when someone pulls that one, as if anyone needed "credentials" to know the difference between good or bad singing and to understand concepts of effort and talent. So, mister credentials with 50 years of work in opera, your offending me is in line with your alleged education and experience? Your credentials entitle you to humiliate and condescend? Seems academic. I am sorry that you perceive my writing as venomous but you surely had enough of venom yourself to write a freaking memoire of a comment in response. I, the random dude without credentials, know better than to make a show out of my knowledge in every comment i write in response to whoever thought it would be fun to engage a complete stranger in a comment section. It is indeed respectful that you, as a good fan, know the family history of the Björlings. It is painfully obvious that extremely talented singers like Caruso are rare. Fortunately, that does not determine a possible number of great singers, for the talent plays only a part of the game. It is the teaching and knowing the process on one side and the effort and will to study on the other that creates good singers, which tends to get overlooked by people like you. Blame it all on the lackluster student and on a "lightning strike" that somehow missed you. Feed the myth of exceptionalness we can never reach. By all means, do not engage your own incompetence. For your information, at the time when Caruso started singing in theaters there had already been published a number of comprehensive scientific works on the mechanics of voice. Fortunately, we don't have to take anyone's word for it as we can search the internet and find the literature ourselves. To conclude, it really am sorry that my comment triggered you to produce such a low, condescending response and i hope the next time your respected credentials won't be an excuse to disrespect other people's knowledge and experience. All the best
@Agorante 4 жыл бұрын
@ No, that's not it at all. I don't have credentials and apparently neither do you, but some people do. For example my second wife had a masters in voice from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. I studied mostly mathematics while getting my degrees. I was a very good student but I didn't take many music courses. I taught many courses in mathematics and computer science but I never taught voice or music. When I write a comment on anything about opera I try to make clear that my expertise is two fold - I have ear witness knowledge and I have sung a lot of roles in small opera companies. I have heard a lot of famous singers live and many other younger people simply haven't. For example I've heard Corelli, Bonisolli, and Peerce live several times. Others have too of course and because I heard Corelli doesn't mean I have any expert insights into how he did what he did. But I was there and I can comment on what I heard. I have sung about thirty operatic roles. Big roles, small roles, very old operas and obscure modern ones. None of these parts were sung on the big famous stages. I competed in the Met and the Merola auditions like everyone else - but I didn't win. I have a lot of arias posted on KZbin. Some of them are pretty good but some of them are pretty bad. I got better as I got older. Ara Berberian once said there were only six basses in America who made their living full time singing opera. That was a long time ago now. There might be seven today but I was never one of them. I always sang for money in front of an audience that paid money to watch. Never at the Met but some times in big halls with others in the cast who had. I mention all this to make clear that I am not one of those self appointed experts who is trolling for voice students. I am providing testimony - not trying to lure in naive and credulous young voice students. That's what the credentials business is about. There are several men on KZbin who claim to be opera voice experts. They make veiled hints that they can make you sing better and you should trust them because they have special ears and secret lost knowledge. They are a kind of con man. I get inquiries from voice students from time to time about learning to sing. I always tell them to be careful. One way to do that is to check for credentials. I tell them to go to some local university, conservatory, or opera house. Don't come to me - I don't teach voice. It's a bad idea to take voice lessons from some guy who posts on KZbin that he teaches the way the old masters did. Usually these predatory KZbin voice gurus feign a contempt for most modern singers and they display deep contempt for famous tenors and baritones. Unfortunately there really are several singers before the public today who are quite bad. But there is no reason to think it wasn't always that way. Mozart complains about bad tenors in his letters to his father. So I try to warn readers that while no voice teacher can create a voice if the basics aren't there - many can screw one up. I wonder if you are one of those?
@garyyoung6424 11 ай бұрын
Remember when Anna Netrebko pranced n danced across the stage throwing roses to the audience especially the old guys and they loved it!...
@WolfgangAPalm-ju9er 2 жыл бұрын
Ooooouuuuutstanding 🙏🙏🙏
@ridvansadrhanov Жыл бұрын
@Mr19841504 13 жыл бұрын
ai mama mia ,il pazzo::)))) ma un grande tenore! bravo Bonisollo, R.I.P
@bernatriera5437 4 жыл бұрын
Qué voz extraordinaria Y qué bien se lo pasaba
@NemEsisTHEoPeration 11 жыл бұрын
Who cares what he LOOKS like, he sings great. Bravo maestro!
@TenorDmitry 17 жыл бұрын
questo uomo e una macchina del voce!!! :)) bravissimo! lo piacio molto.
@dolgotti 4 ай бұрын
@KaleidoscopeAct 12 жыл бұрын
What a joy to watch sing!! Great technique and amazing fun!!
@sgnmath1234 14 жыл бұрын
So well done and so funny at the end. What a character!!
@fabrizzzio48 12 жыл бұрын
Makes complete sense... he always did. At the beginning he's announced like a circus act, or an olympic athlete stepping out to perform / compete. The mood of the audience is playful, so is his. Anything less of that final lifting burst of expression, would just not cut it. He knew it. He made complete sense. He always did. Viva Franco. Ole!
@alfredbernasek3912 2 жыл бұрын
@shaktim 15 жыл бұрын
OMG... I kept Playing the end over and over... freakin' awesome!!!!
@OKAMEPIYO 16 жыл бұрын
Bravo! It's so nice!
@Agorante 12 жыл бұрын
@BERNARDOANUK I wonder. You hear stories about Björling being a drunk but not Bonisolli. The word is that he was erradic. In any case this is an aria sung while carousing. Often stage directors will have the duke sing this with a tankard in his hand. So maybe drunk is dramatically appropriate.
@TenorDmitry 14 жыл бұрын
Bravo maestro!!! :))
@BERNARDOANUK 12 жыл бұрын
I don't say that he is drunk. I say that he LOOKS LIKE drunk. It's very different. Ok?? Bonisolli is one of my favourites. He sings "Di quella pira" absolutely amazing.
@856285 6 жыл бұрын
the greatest comedian I have ever seen.
@ChoZone 16 жыл бұрын
@colinbrigham8253 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Bonasolli had a very muscular voice 😊
@afntn222 11 жыл бұрын
con que crazy eh, cuando alguien se trabaja algo tan dificil y le sale genial esta loco asi esta vida llena de envidiosos y vagos, gracias MAESTRO F. BONISOLLI.
@elisapradaorosa5210 2 жыл бұрын
Único e irrepetible cantaba con dos...
@GermanOperaSinger 16 жыл бұрын
Il Pazzo indeed...what a personality. He had the right should have fun with performances.
@robertwallace6974 7 жыл бұрын
best ever
@user-uk8ms7tw7v 7 жыл бұрын
Perché nessun suono , chi lo ha fatto fuori ? Anche se questo dimostra ancora una volta la Grandezza e non превзойденном talento del Maestro , che anche dopo la sua morte ogni sorta di mancanza di talento continuano gli invidiosi e fanno ogni sorta di cose brutte solo per non suonava questo unico per la bellezza e la potenza della voce.
@AngelMedinaM 7 жыл бұрын
Aparte de confianza ,unas facultades extraordinarias.Escúchenle el a Guillermo Tell completo y veràn que alarde.
@Honken 15 жыл бұрын
Bonisolli was a lyrical tenor when he was young (world class), it wasn't until when he got older and went a bit crazy that his voice went dramatic and he started singing Di Quella Pira wherever he went.
@robertwallace6974 6 жыл бұрын
@njtenor57 17 жыл бұрын
Corelli died Oct29,2003. Bonisolli the next day Oct30,2003
@Monnarchmonnarchy 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, don't know. Both are the greatest!
@user-uk8ms7tw7v 7 жыл бұрын
Why is there no sound , who removed it ? Although this once again proves the Greatness and unsurpassed talent of the Maestro , even after his death, all sorts of mediocrity continued jealous of him and doing all sorts of nasty things just to not sound this unique beauty and strength of voice.
@Mooorhe 16 жыл бұрын
Very... unique
@FredDay1 17 жыл бұрын
A while ago, there was a video here of Bonisolli singing Otello's monolog - Dio Mi Potevi Scagliar - but it is now gone!! What happened to it?? I hope someone will re-post it, please. Thanks. Ciao.
@FredDay1 17 жыл бұрын
A while ago, there was a video here of Bonisolli singing Otello's monolog - Dio Mi Potevi Scagliar - but it is no longer here. What happened to it?? I hope someone will re-post it, please. Thanks. Ciao.
@Agorante 12 жыл бұрын
@fabrizzzio48 I agree. Opera sining can be a little stuffy. Bonisolli was a hoot.
@Agorante 15 жыл бұрын
I'm happy you like it. See the Bonisolli video I just posted where he is a bit more formal and restrained.
@Klinxor 16 жыл бұрын
cool guy!
@roxalysmendez7941 2 жыл бұрын
@Huljic 15 жыл бұрын
Haha i like this guy!!
@shuaizhang9566 4 жыл бұрын
Which year was this recorded? This was very different from the 1969 film with La Donna E Mobile.
@Mooorhe 16 жыл бұрын
Very... uniqe
@PickBit 14 жыл бұрын
Sono d'accordo, anche se aveva la tendenza ad esagerare, le doti di questo cantante non si discutono.
@Agorante 11 жыл бұрын
There may have been a tragic side to Bonisolli's behavior. He was always called crazy. He died of a brain tumor. Bryn Terfel tells the story about how he was auditioning with the Flieder Monolog. He was right in the middle of the soft middle section when this tenor suddenly walks on stage and sings "Di Quella Pira". It was of course Bonisolli. This was the kind of thing that gave him his reputation.
@Agorante 14 жыл бұрын
Please moderate the personal attacks. Those who will not or cannot do so will be censored.
@HarisFianos 17 жыл бұрын
He is breaking down the stage Fucking loved it pardon me for f word but that's who womans makes a man sings
@mvcpastkambcstccr8563 5 жыл бұрын
! ! !
@Agorante 15 жыл бұрын
Let me see... Both were Italian, both were tenors, both sang pretty much the same roles, both performed at approximately the same time, they both had similar ranges. Opera houses often had to choose between them. Hmm... Absolutly different voices? You mean like Militza Korjus and Lee Marvin?
@aguacun 13 жыл бұрын
@Agorante Have you a brother or sister? You still think your mother and father loved you in the same way they loved your brother or sister? Same mother, same father, perhaps born in the same country, city and place... that makes you equal or different? I think your premises do not lead to that conclusion. And yes, absolutly different voices as different persons they were... that`s why they had different fans, roles, life, teachers, experience, feelings, type of voice.
@PickBit 14 жыл бұрын
The discussion is never stupid, only the person doing it, you are proof of that. Who are you to tell others how YT is supposed to be used? seems to me that if people want to discuss their opinions and share their knowledge they are free to do so. If you disagree why did you enter a discussion which had nothing to do with you? I couldn't connect your annotation to what I said and I asked you to explain it, looks like you cannot do so... Too bad, I'm no longer interested anyway. Good day
@zanzarone 17 жыл бұрын
Great cords... super f sharp, and listen to how he compresses for the B on top... Fabulous. Good physical engagement, and of course the language is his own. Too bad he could not be a bit classier with some of the glissandi, sliding up from beneath... that would have made this like on the Pavarotti level...
@lam6913 3 жыл бұрын
Please, which year was this recorded?
@Agorante 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry, don't know.
@Huljic 14 жыл бұрын
@Agorante But public standards he was great singer,who enjoy with the music:)
@garyyoung6424 11 ай бұрын
To all you frustrated the vocal naysayers out there I suggest putting on that white suit n knocking off those incredible high notes with aplomb, artistry and yes a bit of showmanship.. I dare you...
@bigus 14 жыл бұрын
i love bonisolli and i agree he had great high notes and while his notes were definately bigger than pavarottis, i think "better" is open for argument as its an opinion. i am still in favor of pavarotti throughout but i love bonisolli for sure he was pretty amazing.
@PickBit 14 жыл бұрын
????????? No what? And who the heck did deny Domingo had problems with high notes?? Are you sure you are alright?
@markeli613 18 жыл бұрын
Wow,Is he really better than pavarotti? he a hard worker!
@vidalabreuencarnacion7126 11 жыл бұрын
cuantas tonterías debemos escuchar, aquellos que se consideran aristócratas de la opera, Bonisoli fue un gran tenor y particularmente su voz es mas grande y hermosa que la de Pav. Tan grande y bien timbrada como Corelli , solo superada por Lanza.
@iRockBilly7 12 жыл бұрын
then there he jumped !!! UNIQUE TALENTED GREAT SKILL !!!!!!! hahahahahahaha
@user-uk8ms7tw7v 7 жыл бұрын
Почему нет звука , кто его убрал ? Хотя это ещё раз доказывает о Величии и не превзойдённом таланте Маэстро , что даже после его смерти всякие бездарности продолжают ему завидовать и делают всевозможные гадости только чтоб не звучал этот уникальный по красоте и силе голос.
@gaudinni 11 ай бұрын
так и есть! Он мне нумеро 1 и потом остальные !
@giuseppestefano6278 3 жыл бұрын
@Agorante 15 жыл бұрын
That's one way to put it. The opera establishment can be a little stuffy. Pop music and pop culture figures often behave very badly - Michael Jackson (child molester), O.J. Simpson (murderer), Robert Downey Jr. (dope fiend), and Mel Gibson (druken anti-semite). The girls (Brittany Spears, Linsey Lohan, Paris Hilton) behave badly too. So by show business standards Franco was sane, sober and sensible.
@bonnisolli 17 жыл бұрын
he had a heart attack, aged 64 i think
@PickBit 14 жыл бұрын
Compare Pavarotti and Domingo? Pav was a lyric tenor, shining in roles like the Duke of Mantova or Rodolfo; Domingo a heavy Spinto with a very vast repertoire (too vast imo) from Otello to Cavaradossi... A Pav-Domingo comparison is surely not more appropriate than a Pav-Bonisolli one.
@santiagofeu9145 5 жыл бұрын
@karifrid 11 жыл бұрын
You do not like my voice, OK. Still I have a voice with power and stamina,plus I can sing high notes easily. I sang few days ago Di quella pira FOUR TIMES in a row, in 17:28 minutes, 8 HIGH C , first though Ah si ben mio once...Only few tenors could do that, one of them was perhaps Bonisolli...I need experience, through work, with good professionals...I know NINE tenor roles and should be great "cover tenor" for operahouses. You are a bass, listen to my O Isis und Osiris.deep F, (just for fun).
@cantanteporsiempre 14 жыл бұрын
lol, the youtubers you believe this is a place for music criticism and start spreading stupid discussions. Loo for a place to develop an operatic work as a critic. I just made a little annotation to your comment. You're right, not worth it.
@76Sanchis 11 жыл бұрын
lol yea... he was funny...
@PickBit 14 жыл бұрын
Neurotic? Lmao, In asking you if you were allright I was being rather ironic... :D I simply wanted you to elaborate a reply that sounded snotty and dismissive, with absolutely no reason to be, that's all. I was trying to understand your point in order to continue the discussion with you and see if my words had been misinterpreted. But I'm really starting to think it's not worth it...
@LuigiBassi Жыл бұрын
Lo stile di canto e il saltino finale [2:14] sono degni di un'osteria. Per non parlare del terrificante abbigliamento...
@donaldfuck 11 ай бұрын
Era micidiale una forza della natura una mente libera e poteva permettersi di fare qualche "saltino" da osteria alla faccia di chi lo critica
@cantanteporsiempre 14 жыл бұрын
NO. And Domingo always had problems with high notes.
@Monnarchmonnarchy 4 жыл бұрын
Mingo and here is good singing!
@Ginotti 18 жыл бұрын
What a clown he was... But such high notes...
@bestdoc1954 12 жыл бұрын
can yout sing such high tones if you're totally drunk? I doubt it. If you're drunk, the tones don't fit quite, you forget the text and so on... Nothing of that happened.
@cantanteporsiempre 14 жыл бұрын
But why do u get so neurotic? lol
@alfonsorama1 14 жыл бұрын
Ja ja ja que persona excentrica este Bonisoli pero la voz impresionante y de primer orden. Esta actuación está más cerca del show cirquense que de la ópera, hay que tomarlo así. Por cierto el agudo final es impresionante pero el portamento que realiza para llegar a el es feisimo y de pésimo gusto.
@karifrid 12 жыл бұрын
Relaxed and joyful singing with great high notes. HE could sing the HIGH CADENZA the I sing in the end. I sing an extra HIGH C SHARP in the cadenza . I often tell people about the behavior thfe the Duke and I like to have a glass in my hand when I sing it... He comes in for a drink and sex.....Listen to my versions on youtube... I AM avaliable for concerts and to sing in operas... Sadly, Bonisolli is not anymore.... Kári Friðriksson, tenor from Iceland.
@Agorante 11 жыл бұрын
Kari. You are not a good singer. You may be a fine person but on the basis of your posted videos you are not very good.
@cantanteporsiempre 14 жыл бұрын
Ate u sure u´re not in jail or an psiquiatric hospital? U really have time for this!! lol. Get a life
@santiagofeu9145 4 жыл бұрын
@Joeleole 17 жыл бұрын
@EmilyGloeggler7984 2 жыл бұрын
Bad opera performance.
@user-uk8ms7tw7v 7 жыл бұрын
Почему нет звука , кто его убрал ? Хотя это ещё раз доказывает о Величии и не превзойдённом таланте Маэстро , что даже после его смерти всякие бездарности продолжают ему завидовать и делают всевозможные гадости только чтоб не звучал этот уникальный по красоте и силе голос.
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