Momma F23 does a great job getting some bites into both eaglets. I love how she tries very hard to keep their tiny faces clean. E25 sure looks strong and healthy and not too much smaller than E24. I saw E25 trying to take the bits of fish off E24's face too, Momma's lil helper. 🤣 Just ADORABLE!!! 🐥🐥 Special thanks to all my wonderful Eagle Friends for praying and thinking positive for this special eagle family!! Love and Hugs ❌⭕❌⭕
@lb1460Күн бұрын
So thankful for these healthy E's🙏❤❤
@bettechic5052Күн бұрын
Just so happy.. beyond words..just stay safe lil ones..we love 💕 you both..and Momma and Papa too.❤❤❤❤
@lizannecave8482Күн бұрын
E25 is Feisty!!😄 So Happy to have TWO healthy Bobble-heads this season!!💁🏽♀️🥰 Last season.. I was just happy to see M-ers with a Partner again, and One Eaglet with 2 Adults gave him a Much needed Easy Season!🤗 Still remembering Queen Harriet and Cherishing her Memory & Legacy!❤🦅👑 M has Chosen Well once again.. As F23 is a Strong & Beautiful mate for M to do what he does so well.. Be a Father, and Raise Incredible EAGLES!!👌🏽😁🦅🦅🦅🦅‼️ Thanks DMSTAR! God bless you. ❤️🙏🏽✝️
@Renee29foreverКүн бұрын
Beyond adorable! I wonder if E24 has a new baby sister! Little 25 is so strong! Seems to feed a little better than our sweet E24 did...They are little bundles of love that have already stolen our hearts! Im beyond proud of M and F23! They are a excellent team that are steadfast and determined to raise their babies into strong little eagles that soar our skies with such grace! Both parents so full of parenting and nurturing cant help but warm your heart! Thank you my sweet friend for sharing! Such a wonderful Christmas gift to us all....I am behind you and your expertise of sharing these priceless videos! You have a knack that far surpasses the norm! Be well D and thank you for being here this season!! You always make it better!!! Hugs n Love and Blessings ALWAYS!
@DMStarXOXO22 сағат бұрын
@@Renee29forever Maybe two girls eh? They are both feisty that's for sure 😉 Will be such a blessing, as always, to watch them grow, then off they go. The time passes much to fast. Thanks for your kind remarks about my videos. I really strive to capture the things that touch my heart most, and the same time more unique and special moments. It's hard to make things fresh with so many others sharing, but I just be me, and hope that others enjoy with me.The holidays are arriving swiftly, so just want to say that may you and yours receive many blessings through Christmas and the New Year. Love and Hugs!! ❌⭕❌⭕❤🐥🐥❤🙏🎄
@flyfreeqhrt5484Күн бұрын
Oh my goodness the newly hatched appears to be the same size as its sibling. This is so precious. They grow so fast I love these moments.
@kcloveonaleashКүн бұрын
Love your comments ❤and everyone else's in our loving Eagle 🦅 community
@sandy89107Күн бұрын
E25 waits so patiently, at least for now 😅❤
@gstseekКүн бұрын
This makes me so happy!
@nicholasbarchak686020 сағат бұрын
We tend to envision eagles as fierce, but this is a lovely view of the gentle care of babies. Thank You.
@DMStarXOXO12 сағат бұрын
My Pleasure! 💕🐥🐥💕
@virginiabehmlander7913Күн бұрын
Yayyyy I'm an auntie twice I'm love with both bobble heads❤❤
@DMStarXOXOКүн бұрын
💕🐥🐥💕Double the love and double the fun!!
@LizbetPCBКүн бұрын
I have the live feed up all day on the TV. I’m in love with all of them 💜♥️
@DMStarXOXOКүн бұрын
How awesome! I'm gonna have to figure out if I can do that on my TV.
@kcloveonaleashКүн бұрын
@@DMStarXOXOI just learned! If u have a smart t. V. Then you can stream KZbin on your t. V. From your WiFi connection. Look on phone or tablet if u use that
@LizbetPCBКүн бұрын
@@DMStarXOXO as @kcloveonaleash said, if you have the KZbin app on your TV, you can watch this and all/any of your subscriptions there. I watch all day, since I very rarely watch regular television. I hope you enjoy it!
@rosebrenner8146Күн бұрын
So cute and fluffy❤❤❤
@suacho6875Күн бұрын
안녕하세요 아기독수리가 너무 귀엽습니다. E24와E25는 체구가 별 차이가 없군요! 다행입니다. 둘 다 건강하게 성장해주길 바랍니다. 예쁜 영상 감사합니다.
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
My pleasure. Yes, great observations! Both came out strong and healthy!! 🙏❤🐥🐥❤🙏
@MardyR925Күн бұрын
Thankful E25 got a few bites in there tonight. I can see E24 is doing fine and getting stronger. And I don’t think I imagined seeing it- E25 bopped his big brother on day 1 just before the 3 min mark. F23 is trying her best. I saw M15 feed tinier bits that were seemingly smaller and easier for E24. Warming up to the new job of mom to two hungry babies. They get a great menu selection there!
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
Many great points!! Thanks for sharing ❤️❤️❤️
@jjfarisКүн бұрын
Agree with everyone. E25 looking strong for the first feeding.. thank you DMST
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
YVW!! ❤️❤️❤️
@kathyberger6650Күн бұрын
How sweet is that. So glad the younger one got a bite to eat. ❤️🦅💙🦅🐣🐣❣️❣️🙏🏻
@vickikelly305921 сағат бұрын
Little E 25 is a moving target. He's like feeding a bobblehead..
@bettechic5052Күн бұрын
Help!! Can't believe how close they are in size.. can't tell them apart.. 😂 but think that's a Good thing!! ❤ The front chick seems a bit more wobbly..
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
Right, the one in front is E25. They do look close in size, 25 got a little extra growing time in the shell 😉💕
@LeicesterRoseКүн бұрын
WOW! They don’t look that much difference is size now, and both are feeding well. Momma likes to keep them clean. She does a great job. Thanks DMS❤
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
My Pleasure! Maybe the extra time in the shell for E25 helped a little ❤️🐥🐥❤️
@LeicesterRose17 сағат бұрын
@ certainly looks that way. He surprised us all. Our Heavenly Father knows best. ❤️🦅
@kathleenclark1866Күн бұрын
They are both sweet today... But, we know what's coming. Bonking.. We still live them both. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
Yep! I always try to post some bonk-free vids. Don't like recording that.
@eagleflyfree3116Күн бұрын
Yaaaaaayyy.😊 i am so damn excited to be watching them every night again..thank you❤🤣👍👍❤🦅🦅
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
My Pleasure! ❤️😊
@catherinebreitfeller669Күн бұрын
So wonderful !! ❤❤🦅🦅
@donnacollins7218Күн бұрын
Praise the lord the baby eaglet 25 is here our prayers has been answer they are here finally❤️❤️❤️❤️
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
@evahill485314 сағат бұрын
Great Parents! M15 picked a great mate when he chose E23.
@SarahHere4GodOnlyКүн бұрын
@LuvLivingAlwaysКүн бұрын
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
Amen!! 🙏❤️🐥🐥❤️🙏
@parakeet8157Күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤Beyond precious bonding time❤❤❤❤Love this Eagle Family😊😊😊😊
@LuvLivingAlwaysКүн бұрын
Here we go, D❤!!!! How wonderful to have two Babes here with us, and so healthy and vibrant....thank you, God🙏🏼 May they and their loving parents always be blessed❣ Thank you, D, for your video and lovely accompanying words...and, bless you, too😇! Let's go🙏🏼🦅🦅❣
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
Amen to your beautiful prayer! We unite in asking for blessings on this happy home always! Such a joyous and trying time all wrapped in one. These parents guide the way and they are both so awesome. So happy to be a part of the journey. Onward and Upward! Love, hugs and many blessings to you too! 🙏🦅🐥❤️🐥🦅🙏
@LuvLivingAlways23 сағат бұрын
@@DMStarXOXOI love ALL your love-filled words, D, and Amen❣And, yes, we are soooo blessed to be with them in this life journey! Sending love and hugs to you, toooo,, Natalie 🙏🏼🦅😇❣
@DMStarXOXO12 сағат бұрын
@@LuvLivingAlways 💕
@ananamous886714 сағат бұрын
What a beautiful sight! Thank you!🥰
@DMStarXOXO11 сағат бұрын
YVW!! 💕🐥🐥💕
@sambia7295Күн бұрын
BIG bites for tiny birds!
@schen5425Күн бұрын
🦜~ DM Starr, first vid I see of 25 getting its first bites 🫶🏻. Happy Holidays 🎄
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
Happy holidays! 🎄❤️ to you too!! Glad "he" got in there! Always good to see them strong like this! ❤️🐥🐥❤️
@leezirkle7840Күн бұрын
Thank you God that E25 is up. I'm a worrying grandma.
@henryschneider4153Күн бұрын
Super die zwei haben ja ein großes hunger. 🦅💞🐣🐣💞🦅
@DMStarXOXOКүн бұрын
M15 hat gerade einen weiteren Fisch hereingebracht! War ein wenig besorgt um F23, jetzt kann sie auch fressen ❤🐥🐟🐥❤🦅🦅❤
@1rmriderКүн бұрын
The one on the bottom looked like it had a small stick in its eye for a little bit.
@leezirkle7840Күн бұрын
E24 has such a big crop it's tipping him forward 😂😂
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
Yep ❤️ Surprised about that too.
@jacquip644Күн бұрын
@ecalose6785Күн бұрын
Oh God!
@Carlabowen0906Күн бұрын
They are so cute
@Rockyplay2002Күн бұрын
@sallyshipwreck4315Күн бұрын
So 24 is in back?
@DMStarXOXOКүн бұрын
That's what I thought. They are pretty close in size, but E25 is a little darker color. I could be wrong though 😉❤️
@sallyshipwreck4315Күн бұрын
@@DMStarXOXO I'm already confused!
@DMStarXOXOКүн бұрын
@@sallyshipwreck4315 The only reason I figured 24 was behind because it was taking the bites better, and more stable. I will have to watch closely to see more differences in them for future reference.
@DMStarXOXOКүн бұрын
@@sallyshipwreck4315 one other thing for now, E25's egg tooth will be more prominent, but that will change pretty fast too.
@CH-Anointed23 сағат бұрын
Is there anyone else who involuntarily sways their neck along with the eaglets during their feeding sessions, anticipating an even food distribution? I find myself feeling a sense of anxiety at the commencement of the feeding process 🫣 I am like, “Please remember the other one. “
@DMStarXOXO23 сағат бұрын
The younger just had it's first bites in this video, and is still gaining strength to hold it's head up and grab those bites. Things will even out as the days go by and they catch up in stature and strength, but keep in mind the eldest will, in most cases, receive the feeding until it is full, and then the 2nd and/or 3rd are then fed. Sometimes the parents will feed the youngest while the other sleeps to prevent aggression and make sure the little one gets it's needed share. Hope this hellps ❤🐥🐥❤
@CH-Anointed13 сағат бұрын
@ ❤️❤️ Thank you
@PowderPuff_Күн бұрын
Mom and Dad have both been on the nest today?
@DMStarXOXOКүн бұрын
Yes they have, in fact M15 just came in with a nice big fish. Seems like F23 likes to control things though, and he doesn't seem to be spending as much time on the nest as he used to.