@Francisqolito: thanks. @Yes, "Oromo" is an over-arching collective name assumed to represent all tribes who speak a version of the Oromo language in Ethiopia, Kenya & a small segment in southern Somalia [these last ones are now near-totally assimilated into the dominant Somali clans/language]. @The Borana are among the few Oromo tribes who maintained the ancient version of the "Oromo language & Oromo tradition" which has been lost to a varying extent among most of the other sub-groups of the Oromo. @Before the collective name "Oromo" was officially coined & adopted in 1975, this same group had a collective name called "Galla". But, in many parts of Ethiopia this collective name [Galla]: a) was not used by the actual 12 or so major sub-tribes/groups of the Oromos who spoke dialects of the same language &, b) the same [Galla] had a derogatory plus negative overtones/connotations, both in Ethiopia & in Somalia. Its use in the context of Ethiopia's ancient feudal & slave systems created a deeply-rooted angst among the Oromo tribes. @So, some Oromo elites got-together & came-up with the collective name "Oromo" since when they started to fight for the respect of the Oromo rights in Ethiopia in-earnest, during & since World War2 when Abyssinia [ex-name for Ethiopia] was briefly-colonised by the Italians & liberated by the mostly blonde-white British Commonwealth Soldiers in March, 1941. Hence, that brief period of colonisation created a 'window of opportunity' for the Oromos to re-think about their place & subservient or slave-like status in dark-age feudal & slaves-owning Ethiopia - called "Abyssinia", then. These British Commonwealth Soldiers who kicked-out the Italian colonisers of Ethiopia/Abyssinia+Eritrea+Somalia were made-up of mostly white British soldiers recruited from the British colonies in Africa such as South-Africa [Apartheid], Rhodesia, Kenya-Colony, Uganda, Sudan, British Somaliland, Yemen [South], etc. @SO, there are 11 major sub-groups/tribes of the Oromo in Ethiopia & one of this is Borana. However, the Borana - along the Gabra - are also present in Northern & Eastern Kenya's Counties such as 'Marsabit', 'Isiolo' & 'Tana River'. The Orma, Warday, Waata, Munyo-Yayya, etc [all in Eastern Kenya+Tana River Valley+Indian Ocean Coast] are the off-shoots of ancient Borana clans who first moved to what is today Northern & Eastern Kenya plus to Southern Somalia [Juba River Valley]. @But, the Borana language is ALSO spoken by scores of other tribes who, for one reason or the other, define themselves as Somalis [eg: the 'Garre/Garri' & some Somalis who live in Mandera, Wajir & Garrisa Counties]. @Those 11 major sub-groups of the Oromo in Ethiopia are named: from the north-to-south: 1) Rayya, 2) Wollo, 3) Karrayyu [Rift Valley], 4) Tulama [Shoa], 5) Wollega [Matcha], 6) Illuabbabora [Matcha], 7) Jimma [Matcha], 8) Hararghe, 9) Arsi+Baale, 10) Gujii, 11) Borana, 12) Gabra. @The following map could help you in this regard. | @MAP: . @Source: A Book by Harry Stroomer: