Bossk is ONE of the two of THEM! Star Wars Unlimited Clarified!

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@APSTLSL 14 күн бұрын
Very, very interesting! My answer to the quiz question: I seriously have no idea :D
@LetTheBoomerWin 14 күн бұрын
Trigger rules 101: The card needs to be in play in order for the trigger requirement to work, but there is no need for it to be to resolve the trigger effect. And to answer your question - if you exploit Bossk he is not in play when the exploited card enters play, therefore do not trigger
@starwarscomgr 14 күн бұрын
I would say it triggers Bossk’s effect but since @lettheboomerwin answered already, I’ll go with his point of view.
@Oneidos_Gaming 12 күн бұрын
@@LetTheBoomerWin you are correct (as always 🤣)
@Gamer3171 14 күн бұрын
I think since you have to pay costs before the card comes in and that only comes after modifying costs, which includes exploit, Bossk’s ability should not trigger. 1. Determine costs - exploit bossk 2. Pay costs 3. Card comes into play and bossk does not see it.
@Oneidos_Gaming 12 күн бұрын
@@Gamer3171 couldn't explain it better!
@paragraphlost 13 күн бұрын
I'm surprised anyone would think that Bossk's ability could trigger. Or rather, I *want* to be surprised, but it wouldnt be the first time a player has stretched logic to make an ability work when it clearly shouldn't. As for your quiz, Bossk doesnt trigger. Defeating him means he is in the discard when paying the cost which is before the event has been played.
@ReallyBigBadAndy76 13 күн бұрын
Yes, Bossk is in play when Planetary Invasion is played so it triggers his ability. Just like Iden gets to heal for every enemy unit defeated by Superlaser blast even though she herself is defeated, Bossk’s card text is triggered and needs to be resolved even though he is defeated.
@Oneidos_Gaming 12 күн бұрын
@@ReallyBigBadAndy76 Hey! Thanks for the comment! While you are right about abilities getting resolved once triggered, even if the card with the ability is defeated, in this specific case the ability is not triggered at all! Bossk is defeated as part of paying the cost of playing the card with exploit, which takes place before it is considered to have been played.
@steveemery4494 13 күн бұрын
Genuinely, and with respect, how do people even consider it would trigger Bossk's ability in this instance? The event has already been played in order to play Bossk. He was not in play and active (edit to fix autocucumber error) when the event was played. Some people seem to want to misinterpret rules to gain an advantage when it's really quite clear that it shouldn't work. I understand some wording and sequencing in SWU can be open to genuine misinterpretation, but this really doesn't seem like one of those instances. Not trying to bash anyone, this just does seem to be one of the more clear sequencing instances.
@Oneidos_Gaming 13 күн бұрын
@@steveemery4494 Based on the amount of times I've seen this and/or similar questions asked, I guess (and hope) it's not about people trying to misinterpret the rules on purprose. I think that it's just a matter of not having a clear "view" of when an event is considered to have been played. As long as debating over rules is done in a civilized way, that's part of the charm of tcgs though, isn't it? 😅
@Space_Modulator 13 күн бұрын
6.2.0.F "After playing the card, resolve any “When Played” abilities on the card and any other abilities that triggered while playing and/or resolving the card, including Ambush and Shielded. See 7.6. Triggered Abilities" The "...while playing and/or resolving the card" part of that step makes me believe he will get to resolve the 2 damage.
@Oneidos_Gaming 12 күн бұрын
@@Space_Modulator Hey, thanks for tuning in! Are you refering to the "now there are two of them" case or the "quiz" one?
@Space_Modulator 11 күн бұрын
@@Oneidos_Gaming The "quiz" one.
@Oneidos_Gaming 3 күн бұрын
@@Space_Modulator Sorry for the super-late reply, somehow I missed the notification for this. The rule you posted could be applied if the ability of Bossk was triggered. But in this specific case, he's no longer in play when the event is considered to have been played so his ability is not triggered at all.
@tasospodcast8832 13 күн бұрын
Bossk gets OWNED?!
@Oneidos_Gaming 13 күн бұрын
Not really, no :P
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