其实问题不在后面会怎样,如果验证了deepseek方法比较好,又是开源,大家肯定都会很进。 现在大家恐慌的是已经投进去的钱,open ai 跟谷歌这种的,都已经投进去了几百亿,也在用户端收费了。这时候deepseek进来就是一个搅局者,之前的AI企业的投入跟商业模式都会被颠覆,相当于以后很难收费了。投进去的那么多钱几乎要打水漂
before: open ai, meta, google can do the best Ai and be the AI CHIP buyer. after: millions of companies can buy AI CHIP to create own AI MODELS. IF DEEPSEEK is true, I will put all my money into AI chip companies as soon as many needs are happening now!