Kendall celebrated too soon | Succession: Season 4 Episode 6

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@dwtn81 Жыл бұрын
Also, the beginning of season two Kendall was relaxing by a hot tub in rehab.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
ohhhhh!!!! i forgot about that one. thanks for the reminder!
@alannahprestaynofbraavos5759 Жыл бұрын
As my sister mentioned, "Kendall and water = bad".
@kachinasmith199 Жыл бұрын
I saw Roman’s repeat of the video as him seeking comfort in hearing his father’s voice and insult. He’s trauma bonded so he misses and grieves that.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
so you think his pain was just at the loss of his father, and not related to what Joy and Gerry implied and said about him being less than his father?
@JuliaHernandezRuza Жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree that it was him clinging to whatever piece is left of his father, it was very sad :(
@Lollipop_Lexi Жыл бұрын
I thought it was because he felt like he was failing all day, firing people, not backing Kendall who went on to do a great presentation, and was actually agreeing with the video “ he can’t do anything right”
@Lollipop_Lexi Жыл бұрын
Sorry “ always gets it wrong”
@ram7870 Жыл бұрын
​@@Lollipop_Lexi my read as well
@shivanijoshi9252 Жыл бұрын
Roman is one of those characters that I started out hating but now really care about. Especially since season 4 started you can see that he truly cares very deeply about his family. It’s kinda sad coz it feels like he really wants to be loved and is constantly looking for approval first from his dad then from his siblings
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
im totally with you. i was entertained by him from the start, but i didnt like him and wasnt pulling for him. but he has really grown on a lot of us =))
@sitori663 Жыл бұрын
Matsson deleted the tweet because SHIV told him to, not due to Kendall's response to it. Shiv worked in political PR. She knew Matsson's tweet could cause him & the deal harm.
@CCSABCD Жыл бұрын
Yeah that was pretty obvious
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
I agree. He deleted after she called him up saying to stop giving it attention. I didn't mean to imply that Kendal's response was why Mattson deleted the tweet. I guess I just poorly worded that compound sentence. I'm with you though.
@chrisguy9017 Жыл бұрын
When did she tell him to delete it?
@jackashmore Жыл бұрын
Honestly I think it plays out like this, shiv gets back into politics, the deal tanks, Ken takes over but in process screws over Roman due to romans recent actions as co-ceo. They have the whole the Logan and Ewyn hate vibe. Greg takes COO (ok that just fan fare for me) and con is still interested in politics from a young age.
@tokyojehorala Жыл бұрын
lol the Connor part
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
i hadn't even considered Kendal and Roman ending with a Logan and Ewan dynamic. that would be great storytelling!!! that would be so tragic though. but tragedy is compelling... good call!
@JeanBakula Жыл бұрын
I like it too. Ewan is still in the BG and is very rich too.
@whirlwind872 Жыл бұрын
​@@JeanBakula he's not just rich, he's the ONLY character who is Logan's equal. No one has ever stood up to Logan like he has in this show. When they're in conflict they both feel like titans. Everyone else in the series will crumble when faced with Logan's overwhelming will. But not Ewan.
@JeanBakula Жыл бұрын
@@whirlwind872 I think we're onto something here. I don't think the 3 siblings can get it together. Too many issues & 4 episodes left.
@TheIndianJesusOfficial Жыл бұрын
These breakdowns help me enjoy the show so much more. I'd COMPLETELY forgot about Kendalls wife and kids. I know that's kind of the point, but I forget they existed until you mentioned them
@lunacascade1125 Жыл бұрын
This was good episode setting up for an epic next episode. Ken's new drug is unquestionable power. His word is YES only. He was flying high as someone with addiction issues does. He substituted cocaine/crack for YES. Reality no longer matters. Factual numbers? No problem make them up! Building logistics? No problem! Stressed out staff? Do it or you're fired. Completely junkie behavior. Unfortunately addiction is not good for business. The crash is coming for Ken like it has so many times before. He's not "a serious person" as Logan predicted and created.😢 Roman is in grief and trauma. Lashing out. Not standing in his potential power in a mature way and he knows it. He is his own worst enemy. He's not "a serious person" Again, Logan predicted and created this result and Unfortunately Roman believes it. He's not ready.😢😢 Shiv is the most like her father. Playing chess moves in business matters with Maatson and her brothers but it will prove she's not as smart as she thinks she is. She's unable to have authentic relationships with anyone. Always on guard and suffering from self inflicted loneliness. She's only attracted to Tom when they're hurting each other. I believe the reason Shiv hasn't said anything about her pregnancy is that it's not Tom's child. Her baby's daddy is her ex, te guy she worked with on the political campaign before marrying Tom. She's been double dipping. She's not "a serious person" . Although Shiv is the most capable of the sibs, she's the result of Logan's parenting. She's not ready to run Waystar.😢😢 Can't wait for the next episodes. Don't stop making videos Bridge. Some of us appreciate you and wants some Kev in our life😅 Till next time take care😊😊
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
ooooooo, i like that addiction analogy! (hey luna!) i had been wondering who the father was, but over the last two episodes, ive started to assume its Toms. are they setting me up for the big surprise?? id love for it to turn out to be Nate's, for Shiv to tell Tom, and for Tom to embrace the role of father anyway. that would be cute =)) unfortunately, i have to stop making videos and get a job or else i will starve. but as always, thank you for being you, luna!! =)))
@chrissiem3958 Жыл бұрын
I genuinely think they Roy Boys (ha, didnt even realize that rhyme 😅) have signed their own death warrants this episode. Sure, it ended well enough with the launch being well received and Kendall feeling great about it (plus his calm reaction to Mattson's tweet), but I think between Roman getting trigger happy with emotionally firing very influential people, as well as Kendall's almost maniacal "We cant say 'no'! Only 'yes'!" declaration to his staff amd therefore making some shady declarations and statements, I think they will begin to properly slide in the coming episodes, yet will refuse their own culpability (as billionaires often do.....)
@ceciliaSF-TX Жыл бұрын
It plays! Selling ATN plays, Logan would sell it if it played. Shiv knows it. The boys don’t, they are being sentimental. Who is the more serious kid?
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
there is nothing i want more than for Shiv to win this battle!! (because it would be good for them all to get out =))
@ceciliaSF-TX Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 Did you catch the scene (I am sure you did!) when Shiv called out her ‘bros’ lying, the camera was behind her, just like it is behind Logan in the opening sequence. Hmmmm? Is that a foreshadow? This show is so good, it may be a misdirecting foreshadowing. Yikes!
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
i dont pay attention to the camera angles and what not, so if it was intentionally shot as a call back to another scene, i missed it
@docmychedelic9153 Жыл бұрын
We’ve seen his first step but more important we’ll have to see what Ken’s next step is. The next one, always the next one.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
you know, Blackthorn!
@ericflores3747 Жыл бұрын
great summary as always 👏
@mapletree3434 Жыл бұрын
Tom would love her if she was poor??????? Mate, you lost me there. Tom is not a good person. Neither is Shiv...but your strong ati-Shiv sentiments are so omnipresent that I find it difficult to watch your content. Everyone here is bad. Every single one of them. And we watch their damaged dynamics, recognizing that fact. Anyways, I like you videos but why on god's green earth is Shiv so particularly disgusting to you? Remember when Tom used humans as furniture? I still enjoy watching him, but he is awful as well (with a bit of honesty in this episode, so I sympathised for a while of course).
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
Shiv is not disgusting to me. I want the same thing for her that I want for everyone, which is health and happiness. I just fear that she might break him again. I am routing for Shiv right now since she has the power to inform about the edit so that the sale goes through. I would like them to take their mother's advice and get out because that is when they are the most loving to one another. (Their three-way hug this episode was sad.) Tom putting his legs on that guy was disgusting. Many of the ways in which Tom vented his pain onto Greg and the people in the compliment path at Kendal's birthday was also disgusting. But the way in which Tom was willing to take the fall for Greg without a quid pro quo was admirable. I try not to box people into "good" or "bad" since most people are a mix of both. In terms of loving her if she was poor, I am referring to currently. I dont* think his initial attraction was romantic, but people change. Nowadays, I believe Tom truly values her above anyone and anything, including his career. I could be wrong about all of it though.
@ceciliaSF-TX Жыл бұрын
Shiv is only kid who didn’t kill anyone.
@Upsallauniversity123 Жыл бұрын
@ mapletree your iq is low. Watch show with your eyes open. She is the one who had affair , suggest an open marriage. Just one human furniture doesn't make him a bad person. Everyone is awful but tom is least among all at least in shiv and tom really. At least tom admits the truth why he betrayed her. He takes shit from logan during boar on the floor by protecting greg and ready for cruises cover up fall. I am not ant- shiv but I am against the person who hates tom. 😂😂😂
@whirlwind872 Жыл бұрын
Tom abused employees who were in a subordinate role. It's seriously messed up, but different from Shiv's treatment of Tom. They're supposed to be husband and wife, equals. Yet Shiv had no hesitation in effectively crushing Tom's soul by telling him she doesn't even love him and just enjoys seeing him want her despite that fact. That's just downright evil, absolutely bone chilling cold hearted behavior. At least with Tom mistreating Greg and other employees he's not attacking their deepest insecurities.
@mapletree3434 Жыл бұрын
@@whirlwind872 Tom is abusing only "weaker", while Shiv is abusing her equal?? That makes her more evil, and hem way better?? Ok, Succession is great because it's occasionally revealing viewers moral compasses. I've literally nothing to say to your metrics for good and evil. Cheers, mate!
@Adrian-zd4cs Жыл бұрын
Definitely celebrated Kendall too soon, he'll always self destruct. My favorite is Roman 😏😆
@SaltyPatriot12 Жыл бұрын
I love Tom! I also think Kendall will finally get what’s coming to him. Not in a positive way.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
same here. I've always loved Kendal (though Tom is now my favorite), but it's 6 episode in, and he still hasnt faced any consequences. I am hoping they come soon that we can see him at least begin to pull himself back up!
@SaltyPatriot12 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 I couldn’t agree more!!
@theorderofthebees7308 Жыл бұрын
Roman was listening to the audio on repeat because he missed his father voice n presence . I also believe he wanted a Kendall to reprimand him but was low key disappointed when he spun it around as a win .
@sandfunderwood9444 Жыл бұрын
Tom and Shiv did the bad thing? You mean the thing that was nice.. really nice. She's keeping him on his toes, bringing him into her inner circle when in the next scene she allowed him to listen in to her conversation with Mattson. But she's playing him like a fiddle. He's always been malleable and she'll use him to her advantage. Great acting by the two of them. Understated and duplicitous.
@S1L3NTG4M3R Жыл бұрын
thanks again!! :)
@quinnconnelly7245 Жыл бұрын
Kendall's name is spelled with two l's. I made that mistake a lot when I started watching.
@Chadmlad Жыл бұрын
Did you know that Balls is also spelt with two l's? Its crazy.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
oh good call!! im gonna change that now, thanks!!
@adoniscreed4031 Жыл бұрын
Kendall crashed and burnt then re-emerged from the ashes then got shot down and then just got back up somehow 😂 I was actually impressed
@theorderofthebees7308 Жыл бұрын
I don’t thinkTom would love her if she was poor . Her money n power is apart of the attraction he has for her .
@danielbrhel8344 Жыл бұрын
It is tough to say cause you feel for Kendall a little but he is a worse father than Logan. I think much worse, he is a drug addict and Rava hints that the kids have seen him high. He is completely absent from their lives so much so that he had trouble remembering his daughter's name. In the first episode, all the kids are at Logan's birthday party even if he doesn't treat them great. Kendall's kids are not at his birthday party and he has trouble finding their gift. I always took that as Kendall's disconnect from reality and his kids. Logan was a bad father but he was there and present. He had a hard life so he was hard on his kids and he would even admit he was a perfect father. (I would say wasn't even an ok father) But Kendall is so out of touch with reality that he does not know how terrible of a father he is.
@filmunion8194 Жыл бұрын
Creepy Logan
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
@TheMeatloafCh Жыл бұрын
It’s gonna be Greg in the end and no will care. Shiv, Roman and Kendall don’t have any aspirations, no real goals in life. They will continue with their ultra rich life styles as usual and not blink twice. Shiv will be on and off again with Tom and continue that way for the foreseeable future, with baby or no baby. Matsson will buy the company and hire Greg and Roman to help run the old Roy empire and then fire Roman immediately right after. Oh and Conner will become president because of course he will. The end; everyone lives ever after.
@mmmuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiirrrrr Жыл бұрын
Oh, you probably think Tom just ACCIDENTALLY showed up when Shiv was crying, right? He's still playing a game, man. He's not quite who you hope, I'm afraid.
@CCSABCD Жыл бұрын
Yeah i think Tom will end up grabbing a big price at the end, probably alongside Shiv (not sure who will manipulate the other one more though lol), with Kendall and Roman blowing up their oportunity
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
do you think so? i definitely thought it was an accident because Greg seemed to be speaking about the models he was going to invite/hire to the part that night, and Tom panicked and sent him off
@mmmuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiirrrrr Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 I didn't catch that, but it fits my theory. Tom is just getting better at working Shiv, showing her he's a "hot property." And if he WERE trying to pull such a trick, who better to help him than Greg? Idt it means he DOESN'T LOVE Shiv, either. I think they BOTH love EACH OTHER. And Shiv basically married him when he was broke, already. Compared to HER, he WAS. Imagine how many men in her lifetime have tried to lock Shiv down just to get ahead in Waystar, or to marry money. I've known women with money JUST LIKE her. She is so in love with Tom that she can't bear it. It's too much for her to risk it. If she can be cruel to him and he stays, maybe he really loves her. And if he DOESN'T really love her, it's okay bc she never really loved him, anyway. SHE needs to believe that so badly that she has affairs she doesn't even really want, and says things she doesn't really mean. It's her only protection.
@mmmuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiirrrrr Жыл бұрын
I mean, does Shiv even look like she's ATTRACTED when she's having an affair, or does it LOOK more like work she's putting in to protect herself from her REAL feelings? I'm going with the latter.
@tanusree3517 Жыл бұрын
people know him as the "tom of siobhan" so of course he's trying to win her over
@pokemontas8025 Жыл бұрын
The brothers lost when they fudged over Shiv. As a trio they can actually accomplish something. But solo they are trash.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
hear, hear!!
@legzdiamond2356 Жыл бұрын
Yeah this was an awful bunch of mutually-detrimentally-aggrandizing moves by the idiot brothers. Kendal was hard to watch at times. They’re both co-signing each other’s ridiculous moves and it’s going to kill them both along with the Mattson and Pierce deals. I’m more convinced than ever that Shiv, Tom, and Greg are walking away on top of the family properties, but they’ll be scant and poisonous. Ro and Kendal are going to tank the stock price and foil the deal with Mattson, leaving the carcass of R/W to picked over by Stevie and the Sandies, and - best case - Tom and Shiv are left helming only an outmoded ATN from a horrendous market position.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
I hear ya. With that said, the smile on Ken's face as he cheered on Roman was pretty funny. They are acting like such dum dums lol
@InvaderG Жыл бұрын
Kendall is canonically our number one boy. so he will sit the throne.
@Ekkis25 Жыл бұрын
Shiv is broken she can't love, poor Tom.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
i have a soft spot for people in pain. so i felt for her last night. but after sleeping it off, i decided im still team Tom, and worried thats shes going to hurt him she's cool too. i hope she makes good decisions for herself and others in the final 4 (not letting Kendal tank the deal for instance. im hoping she tells Mattson about the video edit =)) the kids should just take their mother's advice and get out of the business all together
@sitori663 Жыл бұрын
They are both narcissists. I don't feel sorry for either of them.
@kamoheloiannk617 Жыл бұрын
She has this scary blind selfishness
@ceciliaSF-TX Жыл бұрын
They all can’t love. Can’t be normal. Even from the not-yet-grave, Logan is f**king with the boys.
@Bubreherro Жыл бұрын
Loving your summaries! I apparently miss so many of the implications, but at least I’ve got @bridge4 to explain. Definitely did not wait the whole day for this….😅
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
appreciate the kind words. not gonna lie though, this video was very rushed. they are tearing up the floor on the apartment below me today, so i didnt spend time thinking about what i could cut out and expand on in my rough draft. i just rushed to the recording so that i could get that done before the drills started running that aside, my thought last night was the same as always. this show is sooooo good. i cant believe a bunch of my friends dont watch it. such a mistake
@jcwoodman5285 Жыл бұрын
Yeah with his water issues I was concerned when Ken went swimming in the Ocean. I was awaiting the delicious symmetry of Ken eaten by a Shark
@alannahprestaynofbraavos5759 Жыл бұрын
See? I’m not the only one who thought that 🦈
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
lol. imagine if that episode ended with him getting bit. the mystery of whether or not he survived would be viral right now
@alannahprestaynofbraavos5759 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 I *love* that! It would tie in nicely with Shiv and Tom's biting game. WTF *is* that anyway?
@alannahprestaynofbraavos5759 Жыл бұрын
If Logan was a mean grandfather (and he was) his death might be irrelevant to his grandchildren. The three children, however, are damaged goods. If Tom can "save" Shiv that might help them, along with Greg, get to the top. Shiv seems to be the least likely to crash and burn. She might not have the business chops (yet) but she certainly has the temperament to remain cool under pressure and not appear like she's fumbling. Kendall had one shot to fumble, and people can attribute that to his father's recent death, but he won't get another chance like that. And Roman? I think he's cracking. Kev, your analyses are always good. You're my go-to guy! You should host an event!
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
hey Alannah! i would've agreed with you about Shiv ahead of this episode, but my opinion on her slightly changed since she's been regularly scheduling rooms to cry. that was heartbreaking to see. in public, she is definitely holding it together better than the other two have, but that scene where she broke down to Tom was telling. what do you mean by host an event? a live stream?
@alannahprestaynofbraavos5759 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 I think scheduling time to cry is the closest to having a therapist - she's at least acknowledging that she has emotions. That is actually a good sign to me. If you host a live stream host one where people can call in!
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
ohhhh touche. thats a great point!!
@zacrusk5274 Жыл бұрын
No, Tom doesn’t want shiv. He wants/needs Greg. Even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
does Greg want/need Tom anymore though??
@ceciliaSF-TX Жыл бұрын
When Shiv confronts her brothers, the camera is behind her…..just like the opening ends with her dad sitting at the table. I wonder if that is a foretell. I am team Shiv, with or without Tom. Yup.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
hahah, wow. as a huge Tom fan, i cant agree with that second to last sentence, but i did get a major kick out of it. shoutout to team Shiv! side note, do you listen to the "inside the episode" and official podcasts? the actress's natural voice is so charming!!
@ceciliaSF-TX Жыл бұрын
I am a huge fan of Sarah Snook. She was great in The Dresser w/Winslet. I do need to listen to the podcast as the HBO ones really provide great insight.
@ceciliaSF-TX Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 Btw/this show is great. The ‘foreshadow’ can be a misdirect. Nothing is real until it happens & who the f**k knows what that will be.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
on trailers, i always saw "Sarah Snook's emmy!" type comments, and i didnt really get it. Don't get me wrong, she's phenomenal, but the entire cast is just as phenomenal. So it fascinated me as to why she has such online support. After I saw those type comments a few weeks ago, I've consciously been analyzing her acting to see if she's as good as her fans believe ... and she is. She's friggen great!! But I guess I always knew that since I've never seen her as Sarah, she's Shiv to me =))
@lestonthompson8495 Жыл бұрын
What if Kendall keeps waystar and runs it, and Cousin Greg stays with him. Shiv takes Pierce and Runs it with Tom, Roman finds Terri and has his break down, and afterwards he runs ATN with Terri as his assistant telling him what Logan would do. Then the Sibs could work together on their own terms and be a power house. What would be a nice twist at the end would be Matsson getting a phone call from his board telling him the got a really nice offer from Waystar Royco to buy his company.
@MegaDiva1999 Жыл бұрын
Jerri should run ATN with Roman as her assistat .Let's be serious about who has the experience, balls and savvy to run this. Roman the dick pic sender.
@luimbe Жыл бұрын
Great point about Kendall not mentioning his kids
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
i kind of get it from a writing stand point. the adult drama is where its at. but id be shocked if they dont address this as a key point in his arc at some point. im also interested in seeing his ex. she always has a lot of gravitas in her scenes. seems like an awesome mother =))
@lunacascade1125 Жыл бұрын
Kendall's children have always been an after thought or no thought to him. That was one of the reasons his wife divorced him.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
i love Rava. i vaguely recall seeing her in a trailer, so hopefully we get a scene with her and Ken soon!
@theorderofthebees7308 Жыл бұрын
I thought about his children as well just in general
@evhbombastic Жыл бұрын
With episode 8 titled "America Decides", chances are, the election will happen before the finale.
@JuliaHernandezRuza Жыл бұрын
Shiv's baby is not Tom's. Caroline's wedding, when he betrayed her, happened June 14. We started this season on Logan's birthday, which is in October. So when the season starts she would have been around 4 months pregnant, but she isn't. She wanted to hook up with Tom again (she invited him to dinner while on the plane back from Norway), to make him believe the baby is his, either to fix their marriage or to hurt him even more if she decides not to have the baby in the end, because they're getting a divorce.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
ive actually been meaning to do a date analysis like you did, but kept forgetting. thanks! based on your date range though, wouldn't it be possibly they they conceived the child right before the betrayal?
@JuliaHernandezRuza Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 I think it's possible but I don't know. On reddit people are saying she could well be 12-16 weeks pregnant and not be showing that much, which would mean they conceived the night before Caroline's wedding. But if she was on BC it's unlikely that she got pregnant THAT fast if she didn't take her pill that day alone. They might toy with us and make us doubt who the father is.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
yeah, on back of episode 1 or 2 where they had mentioned scheduling the 20 week mamogram (or something?), i had said in the video that she was 5 months pregnant, and a bunch of people corrected me that she was probably around 16 or less. so im definitely ignorant in terms of that subplot, and ive yet to do the research you raised another interesting point though that i hadnt considered. i had been expecting to find out one way or the other whether it was Tom's, but your option is viable too!! imagine we dont find out!?!? ohhhh that'll be so annoying lol. but all i want is to feel something, and annoyance is a feeling too, so im sure whatever direction they choose will work =))
@JeanBakula Жыл бұрын
I missed something. How did Tom betray Shiv? She deserves it, I just don't know what happened. TKS.
@JuliaHernandezRuza Жыл бұрын
@@JeanBakula Final episode of season 3. Tom gives Logan the heads up that the kids will try to block the Gojo sale, so he goes behind the kids back and re-negotiates the divorce agreement with their mother to remove them from the trust.
@alannahprestaynofbraavos5759 Жыл бұрын
The water scene: Kendall is going to be eaten by a shark (pun intended).
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
oohhhh i like where your head is at. I've been meaning to do the date range analysis you just mentioned. you saved me the time. thanks! but based off your dates, wouldn't it be possible that they did it right before the betrayal?
@nataliadelafuente5894 Жыл бұрын
Tom told Shiv she was with her for the money... poor Tom? He just got his ticket back after betraying her
@Running-withscissors Жыл бұрын
wow. I started watching some Succession KZbin videos. Honestly not impressed, but though I didn't agree with a couple of the takes on this one, it also made some thought provoking points I had not considered. So, I am here for the rest of the season for more of that! :)
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
thanks, you very dangerous runner you
@malalford Жыл бұрын
I wonder if the biting game was just a set up so Shiv could tell Tom he finally made her feel something.
@ImportAntClips Жыл бұрын
Dude awesome breakdown. Does anyone else rewatch the eps ? I feel like this season I’ve done that for all the eps
@cornpopisabaddude Жыл бұрын
I think they’re priming us for shiv to takeover Logan’s place ughhh
@Notorious236 Жыл бұрын
First time watching. Great job. Subscribed. 👍
@cassiocosta9854 Жыл бұрын
The Roys cubs are not serious people 😂😂
@uhuhuh1966 Жыл бұрын
Kendall celebrated? I didn’t see that
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
his arm raise was a bit of a celebration, and i interpreted his swim out into the ocean as a way of him proving to himself that he has grown stronger (but i fear, he is mistaken)
@uhuhuh1966 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4arm raise and a swim? Lol okay, he’s done that every season
@alew8576 Жыл бұрын
When Karl called Kendall "special" I interpreted it as a subtle dig at him. Like my main association with that word is "special needs". Interested if anyone else thought that or if it was just me? Lol
@jimmiesavage437 Жыл бұрын
That's gay this is the first video notification I've gotten in half a year I thought you died
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
im in the job search for the first time in six years since i dont make enough money to keep doing it. so jsut a heads up that once i do disappear, im still alive! lol
@tdreamgmail Жыл бұрын
Also Matsson also knows that the brothers attended Hanna Barbara Business School and so the effect of launching a new product could potentially have a positive effect on the stock price, weakening his accepted bid.
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