Just watched the whole thing after the vet sends the documents online, is the international health certificate not required or is that given when the documents are all good and when the APHIS sends that to you. Bringing my cat in Japan in 3 months and Im trying to be extra clear. I got his 1st rabies, 2nd rabies vacine, already microchipped before his first rabies shot, did his titer test. All I need to do is fill out the 40 day notification and that 10 day thing along with the AC forms. But the only part im confused on is the document sending to the airport that my vets sends and then the one to APHIS to upload
@Z-life-online Жыл бұрын
You go in for the final check with your vet and they submit the documents to APHIS (hopefully online, but I had to do snail mail). APHIS receives those documents, confirms them, and physically sends you back a certificate that you MUST HAVE to board the plan and to deplane in Japan. This all needs to happen within 10 days of boarding the plane. Glad to see you are trying to be extra clear! It will help!
@YongCyrus Жыл бұрын
@@Z-life-online thank you dude, just found out that if I create a aphis account as long as my vet signs it, I can also upload it myself (I believe)
@Z-life-online Жыл бұрын
@@YongCyrus Oh! That is very cool and something I didn't know! If you end up doing this please come back and update. I will pin your comment.
@HoardLife6 ай бұрын
Thank you for uploading these very useful informations!
@connick0712 Жыл бұрын
This is fantastic. We are hoping to move to Japan one day and have 3 cats just over 1 year old and all from the same litter that I fostered. I would never part with them but this process terrifies me. I am grateful to find this video. One of our cats is also not recommended for future vaccinations due to a life threatening reaction from the first vaccination. Hoping we can one day work all this out. Again, valuable information!
@Z-life-online Жыл бұрын
So happy to hear it helps! I agree, the process seems terrifying and somewhat arbitrary especially when considering we are dealing with the life of our loved ones. But if Japan is in your future it pays to start early, read the documents, and read them again. :) All the best!
@LilianRodrigues-ym5yk4 ай бұрын
Hi! I'm thinking about moving to Japan next year (Oct/25). Can you help me with how much I will spend with my 2 adults cats? I'm going to study japanese and probably work part-time. Thank you!
@Z-life-online4 ай бұрын
@@LilianRodrigues-ym5yk Hi! I can’t say exactly how much it will cost, but I’d budget $1500 per cat at least. Most of this is for blood test and airline tickets. It could be more/less depending on your vet and where you are flying from. In my experience flying from Seattle this was about the cost.
@YongCyrus Жыл бұрын
Hey real quick question if you can answer, my return flight is to Haneda airport , but after im flying to kagoshima with my cat ( where I live). Do I just send the documents to Haneda only?
@Z-life-online Жыл бұрын
Ohhhh, that is a really good question. My guess is yes, you would still send the documents to Haneda as they will be the one who is processing and clearing your pet for entry into Japan. From there they will give you a form stating your cat is clear to be and live in Japan. To be 100% sure however, I would notify Haneda that you will be taking another domestic flight from Haneda and confirm if there is any additional documentation you will need.
@YongCyrus Жыл бұрын
@@Z-life-online dude thanks so much for the reply , for the microchip, do you know if he needs a certificate for that? I have his medical record of when he got chipped but they don’t give certificates like that
@Z-life-online11 ай бұрын
@@YongCyrus If I remember correctly we received some kind of documentation when Moki was chipped that listed the number and kind of chip that it was. I don't think the vet signed that or that it was any more official than that. At Haneda they scanned and checked the chip after I gathered my bags but before going through customs.
@ieatnoapples7 ай бұрын
1. Regarding Step 7, Form AC that's supposed to be endorsed by a govt official: Did your vet just sign that and was that "official govt" enough? Or did you have to do more work for that form? From your video, it sounds like your vet was a one-stop shop, right? 2. Did I understand correctly that usually the vet just uploads the docs to the APHIS website and you receive physical mail back that gives you a certificate that you bring, so that they let your cat board the plane? Sorry, I just wasn't completely clear and you have been so far the most helpful person online for that scary process. Thank you so much for uploading the videos and answering questions!
@Z-life-online7 ай бұрын
Hello! If I remember correctly, my vet filled out everything but the bottom portion of form AC and it was sent to APHIS. APHIS completed the bottom portion and sent it back to me. Regarding 2, yes I believe that is how the process should work (vet uploads all docs, APHIS checks, if all good they will physically mail you certificate). There was a comment stating the pet owner can now create the account and upload too. Check with your vet to be sure.
@ieatnoapples7 ай бұрын
@@Z-life-online Thank you so much, I feel much less anxious about this whole process now 🙏
@Z-life-online7 ай бұрын
@@ieatnoapples that’s good! As long as you follow what has been set out you should be okay. Best of luck and please comment on your experience if you can.