What are the dimensions when it is fully reclined in rear facing? I have twins and am trying to make as much room as possible to get the bigger kids in the very back easier.
@angelenaj0Li3Ай бұрын
Great presentation! I'm both happy and sad I found this seat because we are in the market for a convertible or all in one and we like so much about it, but it being so new I don’t see any crash testing on it. That’s ultimately what is steering us away from it.
@marciagracernАй бұрын
Great review! Does this seat turn into a backless booster as well?
@sassyfras2495Ай бұрын
No, just a high back booster.
@lisagiannoumis3816Ай бұрын
So unhappy with our Poplar, it feels so cheap...Chinese made again no thanks. Old One4Life was great just too wide