My headcanon about cutie marks is that the ponies screwed up the world with their magic with Discord’s help, and the Alicorns were the biggest culprits. The magic of order judged all of ponydom to fix it and marked them to tell them how they can do their part. Made it compulsory to find and then do that thing(s). The combination of Fluttershy, Winter Wrap-Up, and Starlight did it for me. What’s her job? Teaching the animals to be more self sufficient from ponies and take care of the ones that can’t. Winter Wrap-Up is literally getting winter to do its normal thing to make way for spring. Starlight’s talent is around cutie mark magic and just magic itself. There’s more here, but I think it’s a compound of time and the ponies forgetting why they are doing these things in the first place. Rarity is the next mentally stable. Drama queen yes, but someone who can build and run 3-4 businesses and teach and help raise Sweetie Belle as well as go on various adventures…. Yeah, she’s got it together. Pinkie Pie is next in my mind.