I hate having to deal with this every day 😠

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Пікірлер: 253
@keithcostello1388 Жыл бұрын
The most stoic/zen guy in gaming right now.
@atw7923 Жыл бұрын
Tyler1: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
@bogart7353 Жыл бұрын
@Aarona11 8 ай бұрын
dude go become a monk or sthg
@jimmyleparrain1954 Жыл бұрын
You can mute the toxic guy but you can't do anything if your adc decides to sells his items and go 0/20. I take the toxic guy over the inter/troll anyday of the week
@homoop2431 Жыл бұрын
Yeah idc Abt toxicity most ppl in my games are toxic towards the ppl who int n play fine themselves
@chioyiti9960 Жыл бұрын
It really depends, I have won games when I had a troll or someone just goes afk. because they died once and lost games we were winning, but one guy opens his mouth and the whole team mental just goes down the drain and we end up losing.
@insomniackiller1 Жыл бұрын
​@@chioyiti9960 how about use your brain and mute them. Chat is not needed in this game. Only pings.
@Godsamurai341 Жыл бұрын
Both are disgusting and not enjoyable to play with, which is the essence of gaming "to enjoy"
@chioyiti9960 Жыл бұрын
@@insomniackiller1 How about you use your brain and read what I said. I totally agree chat is not needed, but I can't force my teammates to mute them. I am not the only one playing the game. Until riot decides to turn off chat for everyone there is a problem.
@LeoWegner-fp7kx Жыл бұрын
Thank you for saying this. I've been a casual/ bad player for 10+ years and I've always had fun playing the game until a few seasons ago. I quit earlier season 13 because I mentally can't handle having every other game be trolled with no consequences. The punishment system also overpunishes anyone who may chat
@Schimml0rd Жыл бұрын
yesterday i got the first "flag" on my account cuz i wrote " omg i'm retarded" after i died.
@stevenhetzel6483 Жыл бұрын
​@@Schimml0rd Bingo. Thats what happens when soft ass tech dorks with a leftist education and zero sense of conflict resolution create a system of policing.
@xanthos7764 Жыл бұрын
True legit got chat restricted once for 30 messages in a 30 minutes games. No flame no slurs nothing at all. Got 3 report by a trioQ coz we lost Riot employee said "abusing the chat is enough to be restricted" Bruh and when I reported someone who legit insulted me and my mom he got nothing at all 💀
@xanthos7764 Жыл бұрын
@@Schimml0rd 💀 RIOT is a small indie company
@ultrawurschtwurst6245 Жыл бұрын
Riot does Not understand that actions can be way more toxic than some written words and I hate everything about that.
@xanthos7764 Жыл бұрын
True and written words in the chat can be muted. Actions like int troll hostage afk cannot be muted what so ever.
@XplosionYT Жыл бұрын
Broxah is the Noel Deyzel of the LoL community
@meidanrrustemi8322 Жыл бұрын
Actually a very good comparison.
@XD3blaze 10 ай бұрын
Both are daddys 🤔
@izakdevilliers3552 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree, my stress level are WAAAY down since I started playing less and less
@MeatCognition Жыл бұрын
Yep been grinding D4 and have only played 1 game with a friend since it dropped. Stress levels are down and having so much more fun.
@ninocraft1 Жыл бұрын
just play fill and learn all roles, have fun while being hard stuck at it and try to be overly friendly in chat, when you lose a game, just stop playing, never had more fun with league if i play like this
@Man_Plays_Game Жыл бұрын
That's what I did my man. You are my only connection to it at this point!
@davididk597 Жыл бұрын
I had a game where my team was a 4 stack i never said anything bad at all just asked them to stop trolling because all 4 were running it but instead of them getting punished they told everyone i was being racist and because everyone reported me i got chat restricted with the chat logs being the worst i said "lol youre dumb" so i uninstalled
@Lurchstavo Жыл бұрын
It’s best that way
@GandalfTheSilver Жыл бұрын
If you still have that Moba itch, play smite instead. Way more chill playerbase, and the game itself is less demanding and less stressful.
@nu_kercat1 Жыл бұрын
i hate playing with 4 stacks cuz most of the time they will pull this shit off
@davididk597 Жыл бұрын
@@nu_kercat1 league kinda blows in general i quit for a year and came back. I was hardstuck bronze on first account the year i played came back im now plat 2 with a 67% winrate the issue is its not fun so i dont play to often. If i look at stats the enemy generally has a 50+% winrate on everyone meanwhile at least 3 of my team mates will be 40% also im in na east. Looking at my stats i win more if i play at night instead of dyring the day. Like idk if any of that sounds fun to you but at this point i just do it when im bored. Not gonna lie though most games are dying need new big games to come out.
@Lurchstavo Жыл бұрын
@@davididk597 yup. It’s hard to get out of being hardstuck. Having a new account with fresh Elo is stupid easy to rank up. The game sucks terribly in that sense. That’s a real big reason I don’t play it. Ranking system is dog shit and auto fill is only in the game to help throw the balance off and keep wr near 50%
@Waishwhw72i19sjx7 Жыл бұрын
What Riot doesn't get is that the bullies at school who last the longest are the ones that take your lunch money, kick you while you're down, and generally beat the shit out of you.. but don't say anything to anyone about it. The bullies dropping racial slurs and making a scene in front of other kids get dealt with. The bullies who bully quietly can last for years and years in school and when they're pulled into the office they just tell their parents and the principal I don't know what he's talking about because they are not on camera or in front of crowds doing anything.
@stevenhetzel6483 Жыл бұрын
Your analogies are long-winded, and lacking.
@Waishwhw72i19sjx7 Жыл бұрын
@@stevenhetzel6483 Your username is just your name with a random string of digits after it. Tell me you're a boomer without telling me you're a boomer.
@skz1718 Жыл бұрын
Now add this with addiction and not being famous (not caring about your image on internet) and you see why people tell each other to end themselves so often
@simplyharley7639 Жыл бұрын
Im the casual player. im a truck driver who only gets to play on the weekends, and honestly, it really really sucks that the little time i get to play between working all week, my wife, and my daughter i get into a game where someone ints and i just wasted 1 out of maybe 5 games i get to play all weekend long.
@AlternateBrush Жыл бұрын
Riot mentality: Bans the one who flame the inter Keep the inter safe from bans. People complain about lack of punishments Increase the punishes for flamers
@noahdinnin7427 Жыл бұрын
I’m bronze-silver and I get 0/9 team mates constantly it’s sad. It stops me playing any champ that relies on small leads or outplays cuz I get a 10/1 kat or hec 1 shot me. I understand there is some “outplay” i can do but I shouldn’t have to do it practically every game. It’s also boring to have an enemy doing the same thing cuz then there is no skill involved in the win. Ranked is a joke
@cybercipher5770 Жыл бұрын
You just suck lol. Bronze 🤣🤣
@awwbelt1330 Жыл бұрын
Im sorry but "no skill involved in the win" is cope. Thw rest of your comment is fair, though.
@mechanicalsilence1 Жыл бұрын
If you cant rank up it means you're not good enough or you have a bad mentality, from a statistics pov the ennemy team gets as much inters as you do. Unless riot have beef with you which i doubt.
@BHsss13 Жыл бұрын
I mean you can still win more points than you loose specially in lower elo's. It's still frustrating having trolls and such but in higher Elos it is much more impactful, in bronze or silver it doesn't really matter if you get 1, 2 or 3 trolls you can carry anyways because the enemy team most certainly doesn't know what they are doing.
@noahdinnin7427 Жыл бұрын
@@awwbelt1330 dude I have games where I play xerath support and get 20+ kills cuz enemy adc is running it down. By 20 mins I have full stacked maj and nearly 2 shot there whole team. I can miss loads of q’s cuz I know I’m gonna 1 shot anyone who dives me. It’s not skill that makes me win
@nkrav7160 8 ай бұрын
I've lost count of how many accounts I've gotten banned because I got griefed or inted. Chat restrictions, 2 week bans, permas.. all cause someone ints me or griefs me like for example a random "ADC" blitzcrank who did nothing but follow me from level one and hooking whatever jungle camp I was killing over the wall, not allowing me to even play the game. I was not allowed to play, so I just waited for the 15 min ff walking around from here to there to kill time. I got penalized for AFKing even tho I was not allowed to play. Similar situations have happened where I lose my cool and type something, my account gets banned for typing while the actual toxic person is free to keep playing. It's just not right. But hey, let's mute pings.
@TamTam-tl8ff Жыл бұрын
Exactly the quiet one is the one who bring the team onto ragequit, he may not type anything in chat but he is 0 15, lmao
@leonsamson4339 Жыл бұрын
Which game was it? I want to see what happened!
@IntelligentleMANgief Жыл бұрын
Bring back the Tribunal
@abciii Жыл бұрын
I feel ya ... in ranked i got 4/5 games someone who afk and its only balanced cause to coinflip enemy team gets afk aswell. Its so toxic to smurf in low elo and then like going afk with word like "its just low" or just like afk farming and pretending to play not to get punished
@Mr_CyberCookie Жыл бұрын
No joke did that about a month ago life's good bro I have 8 hours of time more every day
@tylerkay825 Жыл бұрын
Broxah was seething through his teeth in this 1
@Pecanhanded Жыл бұрын
I have to play with chat off every game, since the moment anything goes wrong it’s a flame fest. Just play league like it’s a PVE game, and none of the enemies or teammates are actual people.
@Savryn21 Жыл бұрын
What happend? :(
@charlloss123 Жыл бұрын
Bro they do, but In their other game called Valorant. It's actually discusting how fast you can get someone muted for 2 weeks just because they said f word. Nobody swears in Valorant 😅
@TomasJonssonPlus Жыл бұрын
Casual player here, stopped playing a month ago. :)
@PsychoSynoptic Жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more. I'm especially mad that the nunu speed bug was still here. Encountered it the other day when I got ganked mid at Mach 5
@nu_kercat1 Жыл бұрын
what speed bug
@BlackHawk4832 Жыл бұрын
You speak my mind, Mr B! I left lol behind some months ago and my average mood has improved so much since I don't have to deal with randomly toxic players and their insults. It become even more grave when you think about the millions of young teenagers learning hate and hate speech while playing... PLAYING
@Schoko4craft Жыл бұрын
I played since season 2 and stopped to play a few weeks ago. I even got a higher rank than I did ever before and had diamond in (80LP Plat 2) reach, but the amount of people trolling finally broke me after 11+ years. And I don't miss league a single second. Maybe I'll come back when it's fixed
@mrmuffin5046 8 ай бұрын
I got banned for 2 weeks for saying someone is trash. Using that exact word.
@zacharylopez2109 Жыл бұрын
I've been complaining about this since like season 9 they care more about you calling your team mates dog shit even tho a mute button exsists than a dude who legit runs down mid dying 25 times but doesn't type all game.
@luwo4741 Жыл бұрын
Totally on your side. I've literally had 5 of these games today in a row. Uninstalled the game. There's no point in playing a game that constantly makes you angry or upset. Even if you win, it doesn't make you happy. You're just a little less stressed, max
@briancomforti3890 Жыл бұрын
“I would uninstall the game” Broxah you may be a pro player, but there is still something we all have in common. We’re here for life, brother.
@Gloromo 11 ай бұрын
I had someone add me after the game only for him to wish me my death 14 times.. Sent a support ticket and the answer was basically: „Yesh sometimes people get a bit toxic. That happens. Have a great day“ Thank you riot
@soundaholixx 10 ай бұрын
League is now facing the same issue Dota was facing back when we had shared courier and a worse punishment system. Nowadays people are still toxic, but i'll say this, getting Low Priority Queue on Dota is something that can make you dump your steam account because its so bad, and to play ranked you need a verified mobile number AND 100 hours of normal games. It seems crazy but this is necessary. Riot needs to get their shit together.
@MrDuLukes Жыл бұрын
I've been playing league since 2011, I haven't played ranked/summoners rift since 2018, it's gotten way too toxic.
@tommymoua1505 8 ай бұрын
My team took two jungle camps mid game when our jungler wouldnt have got to it anyway, and the jungler begins raging. 4v5 with constant deaths from jungler. We withstood 2 barons with soul buff against us. Elder finally lost us the game. 😢
@_Woe_ Жыл бұрын
Horrible KDA like 2/12/0 should be banned to normals for a set number of games
@jekster Жыл бұрын
Set number of wins.
@fartguylefourbe4432 Жыл бұрын
the only way to ban the inter and so on, is a ticket, and you have too make sure its a human who check the game for the report
@chrustyfir7159 Жыл бұрын
Im glad when they dropped x32 support that it forced me to stop. I miss the game but now im playing games that dont make me feel like an idiot for qing.. Ill be back in a month
@colin8578 Жыл бұрын
Why I only ARAM solo, and play normals with friends. Keeps my sanity level normal, and less stress. If my losses of LP were due to toxic players I'd just quit. No point in playing if I wasn't having fun. Someone once said playing with those players is like playing soccer with a guy on your own team and he's scoring own goals to keep you from winning. No matter how hard you try and score... he just keeps scoring own goals. That'd be so frustrating.
@fredericoloosli2518 Жыл бұрын
I have been chat restricted by the following sentence my only message in that specific game " God damn trynda get some boots it's been 30 minutes" I still have 7 games where I am restricted. why do I get such fellas.
@alexanderhansen8975 Жыл бұрын
thx for the tip broxah now i wont get bans anymore
@MonoCronic Жыл бұрын
I sorta used to be "that guy". I wasn't inting, but I played horribly, even for a normal draft. Hence why I uninstalled the game to not make anyone's day worse by my shitty skills
@UnstoppableExit Жыл бұрын
That's why after playing league for 9 years I quit it month ago and switched to TFT - no more dealing with toxic and trolling teammates or people who waste my time learning new champions on ranked and going 2/15 on their elo. To be honest I feel like LoL is more coinflip these days than TFT. Especially after increasing LP gains - people seem to jump around through divisions they would never be able to reach last season then they ruin the games for others and they don't care because they got their rank with no effort at all.
@derbestimmer1148 Жыл бұрын
My account gets flagged for telling incompetent and toxic players, that they are ruining my games and effort. They just send taunt you all game, and I am sure my reports go nowhere. There was a point in time when the reporting system had a box to report incompetence. That is gone for years. I wonder why. Must have been a time when people still had fun playing properly. Now I guess Riot wants to get rid of the people pointing out the proble more than of those actually causing it.
@valentinbonchev7485 Жыл бұрын
Riot prefers fighting against racism/homophobia/hate speech in chat instead of fighting against people who are causing the racism/homophobia/hate speech.. if you know you know.
@Draksie Жыл бұрын
my friend group used to have so many of us playing league that we would regularly run 5v5 custom games but now your lucky if we can get 5 stack for a normal or flex game because the punishment system is so bad most of them just uninstalled
@ty8473 10 ай бұрын
Well they ban all the people for saying bad words to people who are soft af when they could just mute so what you have left still playing when people do get mad are the ones that are quite who troll all game to ruin the entire thing… Pretty much a self sabotaged community I guess the people have spoken.. say toxic words but try to win is bad and the trolls who say nothing and are terrible who don’t want you to win are good. Is there not a profanity filter anyways? Why are people so fkn soft when you can simply mute someone who is too toxic. You can’t mute someone who doesn’t want to win and stays quite the entire time. Ridiculous.
@halvardfoss9182 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for speaking up!
@distantdk Жыл бұрын
This needs to get millions of views!!!!!.
@baarthok Жыл бұрын
Dude I got banned and riot cant even tell me why. Well they claim it was 3rd party software but I guess me being hard stuck silver for 7 years proves them right. Imagine.
@lehvv7134 Жыл бұрын
whats funny is boosting accounts is completely allowed and you will only get a two week suspension if you are caught boosting your account twice meaning if two players write to riot support two times about your account being boosted 😂😂😂
@Xamy- Жыл бұрын
Hey Broxah, have they not introduced the new chat detection and briefing detection in EUW? It’s been working wonders in OCE
@nu_kercat1 Жыл бұрын
no they didnt
@markwibe7983 10 ай бұрын
I only play Aram anymore. I get way to tilted on SR
@claudeheinrich3613 Жыл бұрын
My bot lane always does this, 0/7 after 5 min always, if not then I would be concerned.
@xx-ky4rz Жыл бұрын
I have. Best decision I’ve made in a couple years
@matthiskalble3621 Жыл бұрын
Recently played jungle with singer and syndra who kept resetting camps and followed me 24 7
@anthonyquattrocchi6252 Жыл бұрын
How is it possible for Riot to take action against people for griefing? They would have to watch entire games to understand if someone is actually griefing. Even then, it's not a black and white matter - like if someone is having a bad day and dies a lot, should that warrant a punishment because a teammate thought he/she was purposely inting? This will always be a part of competitive games because it's just not possible to control without becoming too much to the point where you're scared to play poorly for fear of getting wrongfully punished because you got x4ed by your teammates.
@bouldering122 Жыл бұрын
Already did I quit league last year when I tried out trolling found out how fun it was to soft int people like walk up like your gunna do shit then just don't. Played three games laughed my ass off the whole time and littetslly nothing came of it. Three games in a row of full soft int and I'm sure I got reported but like litterslly nothing happened they were ranked games. After that I was like it's impossible to climb with people not being punished for that shit like learned from experience that trolling is just accepted by riot
@gejsalociN Жыл бұрын
This wouldnt happen with the old Tribunal
@XHitsugaX Жыл бұрын
Broxah is too good for our community
@nasrodev2087 Жыл бұрын
I did uninstall the game for that exact reason 3 months ago
@SteveSmith-sw9uu Жыл бұрын
When they don’t focus the right champ
@inksword6029 Жыл бұрын
I almosf cried
@MrDT2012 Жыл бұрын
I’m a casual player and I understand there’s no reason to complain about the toxicity. You have streamers who encourage it and you have account buying. They could ban people left and right like everyone keeps crying about, but that doesn’t matter when people just buy another account and do the same shit. No one ain’t worried about getting banned LOL.
@middlemayhem Жыл бұрын
Had a jungle sit in my lane and never farm any camps all game. And somehow never got banned i checked every day for a week. He played evey day so bs.
@kirarozu Жыл бұрын
We need the tribunal back.
@jslevin0711 Жыл бұрын
Which game was this?? This is big coming from the hermit Broxah
@jsonkody Жыл бұрын
The single biggest flaw of moba games is that they need teamwork. The teamwork is single most important thing AND the game link together some random internet degenerades and hope it'll be ok 😅
@hardcoded6330 9 ай бұрын
Imagine playing a support and just trying to escape low elo in this role, players like that pushing players to be toxic and start flaming. Imagine that a good player who just flamed a troll player got banned but the troll player is still safe and ruins so many experiences. I quit playing ranked many years ago cause of that
@Schimml0rd Жыл бұрын
200 yrs.
@shepherdssolace 11 ай бұрын
What happened? Can I get a link to stream or video?
@metonp2288 Жыл бұрын
I stopped playing because of this
@EmilKLykke 8 ай бұрын
Let's be honest. Riot Games dones't ban anybody. They make a new account and start over; botted account or not. Riot Games could punish all the toxic people, but 90% of the game is toxic and they'd lose all their money. Minimum 60% of the community was perma banned once.
@loumatrixm7564 8 ай бұрын
That’s exactly why in order to save league of legend i compesate the riot system by typing bad words in chat every games. so I can get banned and make the rift a better place 😎
@emadjafar8671 Жыл бұрын
I play league for 7years and recently I uninstall it because of that things
@TheGl0ryan 10 ай бұрын
Idk, I got banned for telling a 3 premade group in Flex that their jungler is bad and his faults impact the game for the enemies then their work is for us. Got chat banned for a week me getting reports that ppl got punished i report, it is ALWAYS fucking chat stuff, neverr those guys that basicly wrote they will run it now and did so.... Give us finally the old system back, were u got rp or ep for the right decision. Hell for 10 Euros per hour I would even go through tousend report tickets per day and probably do a better job then this random as system
@Goorskajev 8 ай бұрын
Riolitu don’t give a 💩 cuz they know we are addicted to this game
@alciozc3591 Жыл бұрын
Yes! You as a player can “prevent” someone from being toxic by just fkn muting the player. But you have ZERO control over if someone is griefing but Rito does not care about that
@deathredemption6938 Жыл бұрын
Brother I left the game completely it's just frustrating but once they see a complete number of people leaving then they will do something so am not coming back for that reason and btw even if you typed positively and a lot you get punished and that's so fkin frustrating.
@dermagier4942 Жыл бұрын
true words
@GhostPhoenix111 10 ай бұрын
Did @BroxahLoL post the game he is talking about?
@swiftyninja3535 Жыл бұрын
Riot games knows that her AI is weak and cant track pepole who feed on purpose and run it down ,so just make for it with words tracking witch is also not accurate at all
@julianramirez4465 Жыл бұрын
Actually, i quit playing a long time ago because of this type of players. I've been watching you since you left pro play, and I started playing again because of ur attitude in game. I'll try to live by your filosofy now.
@jaycee6764 Жыл бұрын
so true
@col.hanslanda2013 10 ай бұрын
False reports are bigger issue thats why i think Riot doesnt ban anyone unless he spams n-word in chat. Like how many times you had a bad 4/8/10 game you tried your ass off and people said 9x this guy?
@cl4rk266 Жыл бұрын
Quit league because of this about 3 weeks ago and I’ve never been happier
@Khulu6061 Жыл бұрын
Lmao, the fun begins since Riot added their punishment system. You might think that a heightened punish is needed to solve the situation but I can guarantee you it's not, because I know how the troller feel because most time that I've been trolling is when I knew I WANT TO GET BANNED more than to play a game respectively by restricting my way to enjoy the game. I was trolling very often knowing that I could just buy another account and smirk at their bs system for restricting my behavior. That I wasn't something they could control.
@54SCV8 Жыл бұрын
2 accounts per IP address with anti-VPN software. You are removed from playing.
@dps0610 8 ай бұрын
Yea, that’s why I stopped playing a long time ago. Game is just toxic as hell.
@muratemreyurdalan2734 Жыл бұрын
People shouldnt be able to play a champion that they have never played on a normal game at least once
@54SCV8 Жыл бұрын
Once is not enough, they have champion mastery. The higher the ranked game the higher a person's mastery should have be to be able to play champions. Also remove free to play champions from ranked games. Just my 2 cents
@crymaker9628 Жыл бұрын
​@@54SCV8free to play are not in ranked games btw
@mickphlazer Жыл бұрын
It’s a joke. People can ruin the actual gameplay aspect infinitely and nothing will happen to them. If you type “midget” in chat you are banned for two weeks. Not joking. Try it. Type “midget” in one of your games and tell me what happens… I WAS REFERRING TO TEEMO RIOT GAMES. ALL I SAID, AS A JOKE, WAS THAT MIDGET BETTER NOT BE IN THIS BUSH.. I can’t type, my honor level is locked, I can’t earn keys… but yeah my draven can rush everfrost and run it down every game because his first blood was snaked by thresh’s aftershock so now we all suffer for it. Wild that a company with so many harassment allegations would care so much about WORDS SPOKEN over gameplay quality. Why riot? You clearly don’t give a shit about what happens in your office, why do you care so much about me calling teemo a midget? And if you do care that much, why not have a system similar to overwatch where you literally can’t even physically type toxic things in chat? It’s been 13 years, I think early access is over. Nahhh it’s fine, pump out another weeb ass lux skin instead of fixing your game, all good.
@kprzemek89 8 ай бұрын
Tbh, I preffer have flamer in team than afk or troll.
@hamitaydin8465 Жыл бұрын
Tbh I find Wild Rift way more fun to play and better in many ways than the original LoL. Even if you have inting teammates you still have some chances to win the game if you try hard and play focused with at least 1-2 teammates and do your best. And since I changed from LoL to Wild Rift I am way less stressed than usually.
@sirknotaklew887 Жыл бұрын
That’s why I report players for racism
@Supertoddy96 Жыл бұрын
The entire passive aggressive behavior has always disgusted me
@maguiregoated6929 Жыл бұрын
And come back the next day
@Lord_Of_Ignorance 10 ай бұрын
Mute All every game
@user-hc7df2ol5r Жыл бұрын
They dont wanna make game dead as hell, so they keep milking what they have.
@sylphephilippe449 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad they'll be forbiden to play ranked, the system will auto ban them from this queue, yes soloq in normal will be worse probably, but if you play as 5 already it doesn't matter that much.
@iwjfhaifn2950 Жыл бұрын
Casuals leave because of the TOXICITY, not one troll out of 20 games tf is he on about
@milanvukic-ol8fg Жыл бұрын
I FCK your casuals mother's..bored of getting retards who int every game
@allenpub1 Жыл бұрын
It’s too bad the tribunal doesn’t work anymore the games just too big, too many people. Flawed system, seems they’ve let it go for so long they’ve let it become part of the game and we’re all left to “deal with it” change starts at the top, they have resources to fix it they just don’t see a reason to. The only way to force their hand would be to not play until they drastically change the system. Mental > Meta
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