大先生のダンスは本当にキレキレで美しいですよね✨細かい動きがたくさん入っているんですね! 'let it roll' で左に去って行く所も素早くてキレキレでいつも目で追ってしまいます。ダンスブレイクの大幅スタンスも本当に美しい!笑顔も真剣な眼差しも素敵で、褒め言葉しか出てきません😊✨ARATAさんの大先生の解説もキレキレデレデレで大好きです😆他のメンバーのも楽しみにしています♪
Watching your review of Hoseok’s dance makes me genuinely happy. It’s wonderful to see a professional dancer appreciate the same points I appreciate and a lot more. I can also sense your true admiration for him as a dancer. Thank you for always bringing me back to my love for Hoseok the dancer. He is truly the best dancer and performer I’ve seen.
Thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you for reviewing it in slow motion 💛💛💛!! I'm so happy and it's so fun to watch and listen to knowledgeable person who is also fond of J-hope! 本当にありがとうございます!