BTS (V) - Scenery (Cover Spanish by Baekyeon) (Verso) Alrededor mío veo las flores, te ven pequeños pétalos girl la duda es ¿te quedarás? el amanecer y la luna pasan por el parque en allí mis sentimientos se mostraron puedes ver, mi canción is towards you (Pre-coro) La luz reflejada por la luna en el cielo es el sonido que escucho yo. (Coro) I still wonder wonder beautiful story, Still wonder wonder best part. I still wonder wonder next story, I want to make you mine. (Verso) my "promise" is protect you with my "wings" I'm saying everyday "save me", thanks to you "I'm fine" "only you" know my "blood, sweet and tears" with you I'll be "forever young" to you I'm "boy in luv". You're in my "DNA" "You never walk alone" in this "spring day" you "let me know" (Verso) Recuerdo cuando tus ojos estaba mirándome, actué demasiado tonto y te lastimé quiero disculparme, aquí te protegeré buscando las piezas de la luna one by one, las haré brillar para ti así como el ayer, confía por favor sabes to I'll give my all. (Coro) I still wonder wonder beautiful story, Still wonder wonder best part. I still wonder wonder next story, I want to make you mine. (Verso) "No more dream", make it reality hey girl "wake up", look the "stars" with me "tomorrow" don't cry not "not, today" smile for me, "for you", for us. (Coro) I still wonder wonder beautiful story, Still wonder wonder best part. I still wonder wonder next story, I want to make you mine. (Verso) "Just one day" with you please don't say "N.O" "Am I Wrong?" "I need you" I'm "lost" without you could you "run" into me? because you'll gave the "best of me" "don't leave me alone." (End) Si decides dejar tu huella y decirme "Adiós" lo protegeré con afecto y mi calor, lo mantendre in blackn'white in my heart.