いいねとチャンネル登録おねがいします! ABG(Asian baby girl/gangsters)は、ジャックが韓国の女の子と遠距離恋愛をしており、SNSでやり取りする彼女に他の女の子のことを自慢をして、嫉妬してんでしょ?なら、現実で(3D)会おうよ。って誘ってるんです。歌詞の背景を考えるきっかけにしてほしいです。韓国人の彼女と遠距離恋愛している時点でアジア人女性の蔑視ではないことがわかるはずです。この2人は遠距離恋愛をしている彼女に会いたいんです。 誰かは知らないけど、歌詞やコンセプトの背景も知らないで、差別差別だって使用された単語だけ拡散され、一人歩きして、作品がAGB批判で終わることは製作側は望んでいませんし、グクも辛いと思います。 グクのファンです。応援したい、寄り添いたいです。 歌詞背景考察を動画にさせていたただきました。 これ以下が遠距離恋愛の説明です、読んでね。 I’ll fly you from Korea to Kentucky And you ain’t gotta guarantee me nothing I just wanna see if I get lucky I just wanna meet you in the physical and see if you would touch me The detailed aspects of a long-distance relationship are explained in many parts of the lyrics: 3D talks about interacting through a phone, playing on camera, flirting, and stimulating each other. This obviously feeds the desire, and that’s what Jungkook and Jack Harlow express in the song. They wish they could have the third dimension, make it real, and see how it would feel. 引用元記事(source); auralcrave.com/en/2023/09/29/jungkook-jack-harlow-3d-the-song-lyrics-meaning/ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー AGBについて 日本語訳続く The term “Asian Baby Girl” has evolved. It used to refer to Southeast Asian women who joined gangs due to oppressive communities. Over time, it has become a popular subculture among young Asian women. ABGs are characterized by bold makeup, tattoos, and a preference for streetwear and luxury brands. The modern ABG aesthetic is a form of empowerment and self-expression. It challenges traditional Asian stereotypes of being reserved or submissive. アジアン・ベイビー・ガール」という言葉は進化してきた。かつては、抑圧的な地域社会のためにギャングに加わった東南アジアの女性を指していた。時が経つにつれ、若いアジア人女性の間で人気のサブカルチャーとなった。ABGの特徴は、大胆なメイク、タトゥー、ストリートウェアや高級ブランドを好むこと。現代的なABGの美学は、エンパワーメントと自己表現の一形態である。控えめで従順であるという伝統的なアジア人のステレオタイプに挑戦している。 www.DeepL.com/Translator(無料版)で翻訳しました。
Jungkook gets exceptionally chatty during Weverse live on 10/1/23, addresses haters, My Korean friend translated from Korean to English. “I'm not very innocent everyone, I know everything, and I'm 26 years old now! Isn't it weirder to be innocent. I like alcohol, I play hard when I play, and work hard when I work,” “You want to try other groups? Haha it's your freedom! But I don't care too much about that.. I just work hard for those cheering me on! So I don't care too much about that~ even like when people write hate comments I'm grateful because that means they have that time for me. I'm thankful to them. But of course I don't like them. I can not like them too right! Of course I don't like the people who write bad about me. Just for those who cheer me on, I'm just going to work and live hard for you all! I am confident that I will not change like that. Until my knees give up and my voice doesn't come out, until what I can do, and I receive so much strength from you guys so I will live hard! Anyway I'm always grateful!" “I'm able to be where I am now thanks to you guys and grow and have a goal and live hard so I'm not just a artist! I'm an artist who is together with ARMY! I always want to say where I am up till now is because of ARMYs because that's right! If Armys suddenly forgot about my existence or disappeared within a night, then what am I? ”I'm proud of you" Nooo, it's the opposite! I'm proud of ARMYs! As time goes by and we get old and such, and unexpected things could happen but as much as I can, I will do things for ARMY so don't worry too much! There won't be a change in my heart, I can guarantee that,"
Thank you Mr. Cony for you posted update video. I'm so proud of you 👏👏👏👏 ほぼカンペキな説明でした。 アメリカから応援しています。30年近く日本語をTextしていないので誤字があると思います😂 Love you. From Florida
@cony_studio Жыл бұрын
Eriko San thank you ❤❤🎉🎉I always enjoy your comments 😊
これ以下が遠距離恋愛の説明です、読んでね。 I’ll fly you from Korea to Kentucky And you ain’t gotta guarantee me nothing I just wanna see if I get lucky I just wanna meet you in the physical and see if you would touch me The detailed aspects of a long-distance relationship are explained in many parts of the lyrics: 3D talks about interacting through a phone, playing on camera, flirting, and stimulating each other. This obviously feeds the desire, and that’s what Jungkook and Jack Harlow express in the song. They wish they could have the third dimension, make it real, and see how it would feel. 引用元記事(source); auralcrave.com/en/2023/09/29/jungkook-jack-harlow-3d-the-song-lyrics-meaning/
Anser:::::::Kentucky🍗 Asian March……………………………まーけてぃーーーーーーーーー、Java ’;’;;;;;;;Jawa’’’’’’’’’’’’’Tea----- ⛄️ 🪣 それより、時間無いけど、視聴させて頂く前に、タッキータッキーケンタッキー はい、以上 Ami 0:45
ありがとうございます~私も全然差別的な表現にはとらえられません。アメリカに在住しているとわかるのですが、そんなに大げさに反応するようなことではないですよね。そうなったらほとんどのR&B RAP は禁止ですね。まあBTSのメンバー=よい子という印象があるので私を含めARMYがショックを受けるのも理解できますが。。IT REAL LIFEですよね。。私は反対にJKのセクシーな部分がみれてうれしかったです~。勘違いや戸惑っているARMYがいるので日本語での詳細説明ほんとうにありがとうございます!みんな安心するとおもいます!
I’ll fly you from Korea to Kentucky And you ain’t gotta guarantee me nothing I just wanna see if I get lucky I just wanna meet you in the physical and see if you would touch me これ以下読んでね。 The detailed aspects of a long-distance relationship are explained in many parts of the lyrics: 3D talks about interacting through a phone, playing on camera, flirting, and stimulating each other. This obviously feeds the desire, and that’s what Jungkook and Jack Harlow express in the song. They wish they could have the third dimension, make it real, and see how it would feel. source; auralcrave.com/en/2023/09/29/jungkook-jack-harlow-3d-the-song-lyrics-meaning/