冒頭のジミンちゃんが振向いたところから、その妖しさに鳥肌が立って、スゴイ!と思った曲ですが、何がどうすごいのか、自分では言葉にできなくて、もどかしく思っていました。ダンス表現の受け止め方は、個々それぞれで異なっていて当然だとも思っています。それでも、ジミンちゃんの足の踏みしめ方、指先の表現、視線、身体の軸の置き方、遅どりでの伝え方…ARATAさんの一瞬一瞬をとらえた丁寧な解説を聞くと、とても腑に落ちます。“Set me free “の切実さ!魂の叫び! 歌詞だけでなく、ダンスという表現でのメッセージを感じてはいましたが、ARATAさんの解説を聞くことで、よりわかりやすく実感できました。解説ありがとうございます。
Thank you so much for such a detailed analysis! Even though I'm sure some of the details of what you discuss are lost in translation, I am always so happy to read the auto translate to get as much info as possible from you as I just love your passion for dance and how much you enjoy the performances the lads put on especially. When I watched Jimin's Set me Free pt 2 the 1st time I felt awed and the 7th time it randomly made me cry in a really cathartic way. Now at the like many hundreds of watches I'm *still* finding new details and cannot wait to see each and every performance he does of it so i can see all the new details he adds, even from the MV to the choreo practice there are extra details which is just so exciting. Thank you again!