Buddhist Mantra Healing all suffering USNISA VIJAYA DHARANI- 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經- 모든 고통을 치유하는 만트라 -Tinna Tinh

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Zen Music Chant

Zen Music Chant

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Pay Pal : quynhnguyen1990@gmail.com
Hello my beautiful friends. This is our new Album on website
You can listen it for free or you can buy it too. If you buy the Album- there will be the download button..but the button is very small (you can easily miss it) and it is located in the lower right corner . I have to write this down, in case you can not find it :)
I hope my little work will bring more love and lights to our life . Have a great day. Sending much love to everyone...:)
Lyrics Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Sutra - 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經- 모든 고통을 치유하는 만트라
Namo buddhaja
Namo dharmaja
Namo sangaja
Teata om muni muni maha munaja soha
Namo bhagavate trailokya prativiśiștaya buddhāya bhagavate. tadyathā, om,
viśodhaya viśodhaya, asama-sama samantāvabhāsa-spharana gati gahana svabhāva viśuddhe, abhişiňcatu mām. sugata vara vacana amrta abhişekai mahā mantra-padai. āhara āhara āyuh sam-dhāraņi. śodhaya śodhaya gagana viśuddhe. ușņişa vijaya viśuddhe sahasra-raśmi sam-codite. sarva tathāgata avalokani şat-pāramitā-paripūrani. sarva tathāgata mati daśa-bhūmi prati-șthite. sarva tathāgata hrdaya adhişthānādhişthita mahā-mudre. vajra kāya sam-hatana viśuddhe. sarvāvaraņa apāya-durgati pari viśuddhe, prati-nivartaya āyuh śuddhe. samaya adhişțhite. maņi maņi mahā maņi. tathatā bhūta-koți pariśuddhe. visphuța buddhi śuddhe. jaya jaya, vijaya vijaya. smara smara, sarva buddha adhişthita śuddhe, vajri vajragarbhe vajram bhavatu mama śarīram. sarva sattvānām ca kāya pari viśuddhe. sarva gati pariśuddhe. sarva tathāgata siñca me samāśvāsayantu. sarva tathāgata samāśvāsa adhişthite. budhya budhya, vibudhya vibudhya, bodhaya bodhaya, vibodhaya vibodhaya samanta pariśuddhe. sarva tathāgata hrdaya adhişthānādhișthita mahā-mudre svāhā.
/ tinna.tinh
Copyright© by Tinna Dinhova (Tinna Tinh )all rights reserved

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To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life
@iamcalledirenechaliz-lopez 9 ай бұрын
Ty…I wish u the same…
@viswam3598 9 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏. Wish you the same
@TheGamingWarriors125 9 ай бұрын
I call upon the power of Guan Yin today to ask for healing. I pray that this goes well.
@michalaszczak2144 8 ай бұрын
@Ozertaye 8 ай бұрын
Thank you kind person
@BenokanobiSama Жыл бұрын
UsnisaVijaya 佛頂尊胜陀羅尼 《佛頂勝陀羅尼》 (namo) 世尊( bhagavate) 三世 (trailokya) 最殊勝的 (prati-viśiṣṭaya) 大覺 (buddhāya) 世尊 (bhagavate) 即 說 咒 曰 (tadyathā) (ॐ om) 最清淨 (viśodhaya) 最清淨 (viśodhaya) 無等等 (asama-sama) 普遍 (samantā) 照耀 (vabhāsa) 舒遍 (spharaṇa) 六道 (gati) 虛空 (gahana) 自性 (svabhāva) 極清淨 (viśuddhe) 灌頂於 (abhiṣiñcatu) 我 (mām) 善逝 (sugata) 殊勝 (vara) 教言 (vacana) 甘露 (amṛta) 灌頂 (abhiṣekai) 大 (mahā) (真言) (mantra) 句 (padai) 攝受 (āhara āhara) 眾生 (āyuḥ) 總持 (saṃ-dhāraṇi) 清淨 (śodhaya) 清淨 (śodhaya) 如虛空 (gagana) 極清淨 (viśuddhe) 佛頂 (uṣṇīṣa) 最勝 (vijaya) 極清淨 (viśuddhe) 千 (Ksahasra) 光明 (raśmi) 驚覺 (sam-codite) 一切 (sarva) 如來 (tathāgata) 觀 (avalokani) 六波羅蜜 (ṣaṭ-pāramitā) 皆圓滿 (pari-pūraṇi) 一切 (sarva) 如來 (tathāgata) 願 (mati) 十地 (daśa-bhūmi) 皆堅定 (prati-ṣṭhite) 一切 (sarva)如來 (tathāgata) 心 (hṛdaya) 能加持 (adhiṣṭhānā) 所加持 (dhiṣṭhita) 大印 (mahā-mudre) 金剛 (vajra) 身 (kāya) 不壞 (sam-hatana) 最清淨 (viśuddhe) 一切 (sarva) 障礙 (āvaraṇa) 恐怖 (apāya) 惡趣 (durgati) 皆極清淨 (pari-viśuddhe) 輪迴的 (prati-nivartaya) 眾生 (āyuh) 清淨 (śuddhe) 三昧耶 (samaya) 加持 (adhiṣṭhite) 世寶 (maṇi) 法寶 (maṇi) 大清淨寶 (mahāmaṇi) 真如 (tathatā) 法界 (bhūta-koṭi) 皆清淨 (pari-śuddhe) 顯現 (visphuṭa) 覺悟 (buddhi) 清淨 (śuddhe) 勝勝 (jaya jaya) 最勝 (vijaya vijaya) 憶念 (smara smara) 一切 (sarva) 佛 (buddha) 加持 (adhiṣṭhita) 清淨 (śuddhe) 金剛三昧 (vajri) 金剛藏 (vajragārbhe) 願如金剛 (vajram bhavatu) 我的 (mama) 身體 (śarīram) 一切 (sarva) 有情身 (sattvānām ca kāya) 皆極清淨 (pari-viśuddhe) 一切 (sarva) 六道 (gati) 皆清淨 (pariśuddhe) 一切 (sarva) 如來 (tathāgata) 調伏我 (siñca me) 安慰 (samāśvā) 我等 (sayantu) 一切 (sarva) 如來 (tathāgata) 安慰 (samāśvāsa) 加持 (adhiṣṭhite) 覺悟 (budhya budhya) 無上覺悟 (vibudhya vibudhya) 菩提 (bodhaya bodhaya) 無上菩提 (vibodhaya vibodhaya) 普遍 (samanta) 皆清淨 (pari-śuddhe) 一切 (sarva) 如來 (tathāgata) 心 (hṛdaya) 能加持 (adhiṣṭhānā) 所加持 (dhiṣṭhita) 大印 (mahā-mudre) 圓滿 (svāhā) उष्णीष विजय धारणी 【Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī 】 - Brearer of the Crown of Victory) नमो भगवते त्रैलोक्य प्रतिविशिष्टाय बुद्धाय भगवते। (Adoration to the blessed, in the triple world the most excellent,to the enlightened) तद्यथा ॐ विशोधय विशोधय। (Adoration to the blessed, Namely: Om, cleanse, cleanse) असमसम समन्तवभास स्फरण गति गहन स्वभाव विशुद्धे। अभिषीञ्चतु मां। (the always impartial, being in possession of all-pervading, all-illuminating light, cleansed of the darkness of the five paths of existence, the pure in-himself.) सुगत वर वचन। अमृताभिषेकै महामन्त्र पदै। (Baptise us, Sugata, with an immortal baptism which consists of the best words,the great true phrases) आहर आहर आयुः सन्धारणि। (Remove disasters, remove disasters, holder of an eternal life) शोधय शोधय गगन विशुद्धे। उष्णीष विजय विशुद्धे। सहस्ररश्मि सञ्चोदिते। (Cleanse us, cleanse us, he as-pure-as-the-sky, as the victorious head-crown as pure, the inflamed with a thousand rays of light) सर्व तथागतावलोकनि षट्पारमिता परिपूरणि। (O One overseeing the thus-gone ones, the perfect in the six paramitas) सर्व तथागत हृदयाधिष्ठानाधिष्ठित महामुद्रे। वज्रकाय संहतन विशुद्धे। (O One who from the heart of every tathagata the spiritual power emanating holds the great seal, whose body is as adamantine and pure as diamond) सर्व-आवरणापायदुर्गति परिविशुद्धे। प्रतिनिवर्तय-आयुः शुद्धे। (O One who is thoroughly cleansed of all return-compelling karma) समयाधिष्ठिते मणि मणि महामणि। (Keep your promise, jewel, jewel, great jewel) तथता भूतकोटि परिशुद्धे। विस्फुट बुद्धि शुद्धे। जय जय। विजय विजय। (Suchness, the absolute pinnacle of evolved purity of mind, be victorious, be victorious; be ever victorious; be ever victorious) स्मर स्मर। (Bear in mind; bear in mind) सर्व बुद्धाधिष्ठित शुद्धे। (O One who of all buddhas is the pure and appointed) वज्रे वज्रगर्भे वज्रं भवतु मम शरीरं। (Vajra-holding diamond-womb, let my body be like diamond) सर्व सत्त्वानां च काय परिविशुद्धे। सर्व गति परिशुद्धे। (O One who possesses a pure body - who is absolutely pure from all the paths of existence) सर्व तथागताश्च मे सम-आश्वासयन्तु। सर्व तथागत सम-आश्वासाधिष्ठिते। बुध्य बुध्य। विबुध्य विबुध्य। (O One who consoles me by all the tathagatas, o One who is empowered with all the consoling power of the tathagatas, be enlightened, be enlightened, be ever enlightened, be ever enlightened) बोधय बोधय। विबोधय विबोधय। समन्त परिशुद्धे। (Have them enlightened, have them enlightened, have them ever enlightened, have them ever enlightened, the most pure in a thoroughgoing way) सर्व तथागत हृदयाधिष्ठानाधिष्ठित महामुद्रे स्वाहा॥ (O One who from the heart of every tathagata the spiritual power emanating holds he great seal, hri) May all who stumble upon this comment about The Usnisa Vijaya Dharani, Blessed with all form of Suffering lifted from their daily life and bless with great health and wealth and surrounded by good people, good souls, good Angels, good demons and the ever most powerful Dharma protector Vidyaraja Acalanada Mahakala Mahamayuri Vajra yaksa Trailokavijaya Yamataka Mahanaga And bring forward the gift of All wishes and desire immediately fullfil as soon as you asked for it!!! Make very sure that you've asked in details so you shall receive exactly what you asked for!!! Don't end up complaining that's not what you asked!!! You wanted a million in cash. Well, you'll received one million cash 100% Without a doubt! But in which currency? Hmmm, not sure.. don't know? Because you didn't asked in details! What if you received a million Monopoly paper money? So, details please! Stay out of too serious troubles.. Be safe 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 💓 💓 💓 Be love Love generously I'm not gonna say (Love unconditionally) Because love never had any condition in the first place! OmAhHung
@heliyaharmony22 Ай бұрын
@msm07 2 жыл бұрын
《佛頂尊勝陀羅尼》 敬禮(namo)世尊(bhagavate) 三世(trailokya)最殊勝的(prati-viśiṣṭaya) 大覺(buddhāya)世尊(bhagavate) 即 說 咒 曰(tadyathā) ॐ (om)最清淨(viśodhaya)最清淨(viśodhaya) 無等等(asama-sama)普遍(samantā)照耀(vabhāsa) 舒遍(spharaṇa)六道(gati)虛空(gahana) 自性(svabhāva)極清淨(viśuddhe) 灌頂於(abhiṣiñcatu)我(mām) 善逝(sugata)殊勝(vara)教言(vacana) 甘露(amṛta)灌頂(abhiṣekai) 大(mahā)真言(mantra)句(padai) 攝受(āhara āhara)眾生(āyuḥ)總持(saṃ-dhāraṇi) 清淨(śodhaya)清淨(śodhaya) 如虛空(gagana)極清淨(viśuddhe) 佛頂(uṣṇīṣa)最勝(vijaya)極清淨(viśuddhe) 千(sahasra)光明(raśmi)驚覺(sam-codite) 一切(sarva)如來(tathāgata)觀(avalokani) 六波羅蜜(ṣaṭ-pāramitā)皆圓滿(pari-pūraṇi) 一切(sarva)如來(tathāgata)願(mati) 十地(daśa-bhūmi)皆堅定(prati-ṣṭhite) 一切(sarva)如來(tathāgata)心(hṛdaya) 能加持(adhiṣṭhānā)所加持(dhiṣṭhita) 大印(mahā-mudre)金剛(vajra)身(kāya) 不壞(sam-hatana)最清淨(viśuddhe) 一切(sarva)障礙(āvaraṇa)恐怖(apāya) 惡趣(durgati)皆極清淨(pari-viśuddhe) 輪迴的(prati-nivartaya)眾生(āyuh)清淨(śuddhe) 三昧耶(samaya)加持(adhiṣṭhite) 世寶(maṇi)法寶(maṇi)大清淨寶(mahāmaṇi) 真如(tathatā)法界(bhūta-koṭi)皆清淨(pari-śuddhe) 顯現(visphuṭa)覺悟(buddhi)清淨(śuddhe) 勝勝(jaya jaya)最勝(vijaya vijaya) 憶念(smara smara) 一切(sarva)佛(buddha)加持(adhiṣṭhita)清淨(śuddhe) 金剛三昧(vajri)金剛藏(vajragārbhe) 願如金剛(vajram bhavatu)我的(mama)身體(śarīram) 一切(sarva)有情身(sattvānām ca kāya) 皆極清淨(pari-viśuddhe) 一切(sarva)六道(gati)皆清淨(pariśuddhe) 一切(sarva)如來(tathāgata)調伏我(siñca me) 安慰(samāśvā)我等(sayantu) 一切(sarva)如來(tathāgata) 安慰(samāśvāsa)加持(adhiṣṭhite) 覺悟(budhya budhya)無上覺悟(vibudhya vibudhya) 菩提(bodhaya bodhaya)無上菩提(vibodhaya vibodhaya) 普遍(samanta)皆清淨(pari-śuddhe) 一切(sarva)如來(tathāgata)心(hṛdaya) 能加持(adhiṣṭhānā)所加持(dhiṣṭhita) 大印(mahā-mudre)圓滿(svāhā)
@chaturatenuware 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks brother ❤
@Bodhicitta319 2 жыл бұрын
@janecaswell7579 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so grateful that you did this! Thank you thank you thank you. I have been wondering what some of the words meant. How wonderful that I can be thankful for this on Thanksgiving Day in United States:-)
@jdadam1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@owenlee6495 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so so much!
@MusicforSpirits 10 ай бұрын
If you're reading this comment, I wish you love, happiness, great health, success and all your dream to become a reality! have a blessing day and life 🙏❤💗❤🌷🌷
@feifei4960 7 ай бұрын
Thank you! And happiness, great health, good luck to you!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@sharronjenkins8931 5 ай бұрын
You too 🌻
@จิรัญชญาชอบบุญ-ฟ5ฟ 4 ай бұрын
❤🎉🎉ขออนุญาตน้อมรับพลังงานดีๆรับบุญต่อบุญ รับเงินค่ะ
@PietroColombo-em5mz 4 ай бұрын
Thanks, the same to you.🌺🌺🌺
@pushpasingh9485 28 күн бұрын
Thank you an wish you the same
@metta1848 4 жыл бұрын
Nghĩa của Đà La Ni: Hướng về kính lạy đức thế tôn Bậc đại giác cùng khắp ba cõi Nay con nguyện quay về suối nguồn mát thơm Sạch trong, sạch trong không đâu sánh được Nguồn sáng rực rỡ dắt dìu muôn lòai trong sáu nẻo Ra khỏi rừng mê. Đi trên đường thiện Xin hãy quán đỉnh cho con Hỡi đấng thiện tuệ tối cao Hãy ban cho con lời thù thắng là Câu Đại Thần Chú Quán Đỉnh Bất Tử Xin người rũ lòng xót thương nhiếp thọ cho con Giữ gìn thọ mệnh, tìm được lối về Suối nuồn mát thơm, sạch trong, sạch trong Sạch như hư không Cho con nương theo Phật Đỉnh Tôn Thắng Vô Lượng Quang Như Lai Nương vào sáu Ba- La- Mật Quán chiếu thâm sâu đêm ngày Mặt trời trí tuệ như lai Nâng bước con qua mười địa Mong sao trái tim Như Lai và Thân Kim Cương bất hoại sẽ tỏa sáng Luôn rạng ngời soi chiếu cho muôn nghiệp chướng, báo chướng Phiền Não Chướng trong con sạch trong Con xin thề nguyện giữ gìn 3 viên ngọc quý Tìm lại tự tánh chân như Hiển bày tuệ giác thanh tịnh Thấu đạt hai sự thật, mở rộng cửa Trí Bỉ Nuôi lớn thêm Định Tuệ Ngưỡng mong thần lực như lai Gia trì cho con cùng người thương Dứt trừ muôn huyễn tướng, Tìm lại thân Kim Cương đi vào Kim Cương Tạng Ngưỡng mong thần lực Như Lai gia trì mọi loài hữu tình Sạch trong ba nghiệp An lành sáu nẻo Ngưỡng mong chư Bụt trong ba đời từ bi thương xót Giang đôi tay ôm cứu độ chúng sinh muôn loài Mong sao ánh sáng chánh niệm của Như Lai Sẽ đánh thức tánh Bụt trong con, trong tất cả Khiến cho con phát sinh Tuệ Giác, Trí Giác Khiến cho tất cả phát sinh Tuệ Giác, Trí Giác Mười phương trong sạch cả mười phương Mong sao thần lực của chư Bụt sẽ luôn gia trì cho con Mong sao trái tim Như Lai sẽ luôn sáng tỏ soi lối con về nơi an ổn Niết Bàn.
@yogatuyenkhoanang3769 2 жыл бұрын
cảm ơn bạn thật nhiều
@Chirstina315 2 жыл бұрын
Cám ơn ạ. Hay quá
@33-buianthao17 2 жыл бұрын
@@Chirstina315 ê bà còn đi học đúng hông
@liamy9160 2 жыл бұрын
@metta1848 2 жыл бұрын
@@liamy9160 对啊
@sylviaangelina8 9 ай бұрын
I am not a Buddhist. This video came across while I was scrolling through KZbin when I was feeling very desperate. Suddenly tears fell even though I didn't know what it meant
@acex222 8 ай бұрын
You should be. The Buddhas have infinite compassion for you and are willing to help, if you are willing to listen.
@tommyprotrampx 6 ай бұрын
@@acex222 Buddha = Krishna = Christ 🕉🙏🏼🕉
@DBh_007 6 ай бұрын
​@@tommyprotrampxdon't compare Imaginary Krishna with Lord buddha.
@tommyprotrampx 5 ай бұрын
@@DBh_007 Weren't they all Avatars?
@DBh_007 5 ай бұрын
@@tommyprotrampx Fake history created by so called Brahmins ( who consider themselves as Eurasians ) in 500 years after the downfall of Buddhism in India. No Archeological finding of their imaginary Krishna and Rama. They made their own story from Buddhism's jataka tales.
@tamanh2402 Жыл бұрын
Whoever is reading and listening. The struggle is over. I pray excellent health, wealth and prosperity to you and your family from me and mine
@SajiSNairNair-tu9dk 6 ай бұрын
@PietroColombo-em5mz 4 ай бұрын
Too kind! Thanks. 💝😊🌺
@SuhasMadhavraoChitnis Күн бұрын
Fanaticism and fictional ghostinet must be avoided as spirituality.
@SuhasMadhavraoChitnis Күн бұрын
​@@SajiSNairNair-tu9dkm also laughing
@anniebodh9064 Жыл бұрын
I'm tibtean and I'm living in india ..my grandmother chanting this mantra every day in the early morning .
@АлександрМонрус Жыл бұрын
О чём эта мантра?
@mantrashram7808 Жыл бұрын
Hi, can you please tell me the exact benefits of this mantra? There is very less information available regarding this
@neobraveheart2470 Жыл бұрын
@@mantrashram7808 Some of the other benefits of this mantra recitation, as explained in the Buddhism sutra and commentaries are: * Increase blessings and lengthen lifespan * Destroy calamities and rescue those in difficulties * Eliminate offenses and create good deeds * Purify all sins and karmic obstructions * Relieve beings in the ghost realm * Benefit birds, animals and all crawling creatures * Increase focus and wisdom * Eliminate numerous illnesses including sicknesses due to ghost/spirit disturbances * Ensure the safety of the households, and having children to inherit the family pride; * Harmonize relationships, especially between spouses * Enable and facilitate rebirth in Sukhavati (Amitabha Buddha's pureland) or other pure lands; * Request rain * Attain perfect and complete enlightenment - the ultimate and unshakable blissful happiness, an ultimate objective of Buddha's teaching, or in the other word - a state of ultimate nirvana.
@michellegilbert1479 Жыл бұрын
Wow it must be amazing with your grandmother chanting every morning. I know your grandmother is a amazing woman. Love and peace to you all. Love❤from South wales UK
@lingy74 Жыл бұрын
@@mantrashram7808 ushnisha vijaya is one of the 21 forms of Tara and this dharani of hers bestows long life and healing of suffering. The ushnisha is the crown cakra. Very powerful dharani 🙏🏼❤️🌈🌸
@Jarial7 2 жыл бұрын
I am a retired priest servant of the Lord Jesus I send blessings to all my brothers and sister in whatever faith or none I am utterly overwhelmed at the beautiful woman who shines without and within with beautiful enlightenment I often use these mantras for my meditation as I would the rosary mysteries or the hail Mary There are many paths to the divine but in the end, one destination It's a true privilege to be with you all and as one great Sufi saint said there is no us or them in the garden of the saints. truly it's said where the heart is full of love death cannot enter
@mamachhangte9144 2 ай бұрын
No one comes to the Father except through me Jesus said
@BenokanobiSama Ай бұрын
@@mamachhangte9144 Absolutely!!! And he follow the guide that lead him to tibet to learn about the philosophy of consciousness and what is the best true meaning how to show and share with others Big love!!!!
@ulrichkristensen4087 2 күн бұрын
The Four Noble Truths They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. More simply put, suffering exists; it has a cause; it has an end; and it has a cause to bring about its end.
@rickarroyo Жыл бұрын
I have no religion, I don't follow anything and I didn't understand a word. I just closed my eyes and let it flow. This experience took me to a beautiful garden with exotic birds, leaves and petals slowly fell on me, plants and roots grew under my feet and wrapped around my entire body. I have never felt so enlightened and energized. To some it might seem crazy but I don't care. Thanks
@علیپاکدلمقدم 8 ай бұрын
I shed tears for your comment, you are beautiful...💫💫💫
@TroisKayas 7 ай бұрын
I've been listening to this mantra for a few years and I don't understand much of it either but I know it relaxes me and that's good enough for me. A couple of Buddhists have said to me 'You don't need to understand it. If you can feel it, that's the main thing'
@Koanisphere 6 ай бұрын
@tommyprotrampx 6 ай бұрын
@@TroisKayas Amazing that the heart can understand even if the mind can't.
@vuthai4785 6 ай бұрын
Deep within each person is a source of pure transcendent spirituality. When you have enough, you will walk on that spiritual path yourself. I'm also atheist like you
@ChineseClassicalMusic01 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Stranger. If you are reading my message, I wish you success, health, love and happiness!
@NinaSofia_ 4 жыл бұрын
You too 🌸😽🙏🏽
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 3 жыл бұрын
Lots of love from BIHAR state of India ☸️🇮🇳❣️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@黄菲-u7l 3 жыл бұрын
@utubeableact 3 жыл бұрын
Wish you the same friend!
@yvesguillaumond 3 жыл бұрын
@aritra5197 2 жыл бұрын
उष्णीष विजय धारणी (Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī - Brearer of the Crown of Victory) नमो भगवते त्रैलोक्य प्रतिविशिष्टाय बुद्धाय भगवते। (Adoration to the blessed, in the triple world the most excellent,to the enlightened) तद्यथा ॐ विशोधय विशोधय। (Adoration to the blessed, namely: Oṃ, cleanse, cleanse) असमसम समन्तवभास स्फरण गति गहन स्वभाव विशुद्धे। अभिषीञ्चतु मां। (the always impartial, being in possession of all-pervading, all-illuminating light, cleansed of the darkness of the five paths of existence, the pure in-himself.) सुगत वर वचन। अमृताभिषेकै महामन्त्र पदै। (Initiate us, Sugata, with an immortal initiation which consists of the best words,the great true phrases) आहर आहर आयुः सन्धारणि। (Remove disasters, remove disasters, holder of an eternal life) शोधय शोधय गगन विशुद्धे। उष्णीष विजय विशुद्धे। सहस्ररश्मि सञ्चोदिते। (Cleanse us, cleanse us, he as-pure-as-the-sky, as the victorious head-crown as pure, the inflamed with a thousand rays of light) सर्व तथागतावलोकनि षट्पारमिता परिपूरणि। (Oh One overseeing the thus-gone ones, the perfect in the six Pāramitās) सर्व तथागत हृदयाधिष्ठानाधिष्ठित महामुद्रे। वज्रकाय संहतन विशुद्धे। (Oh One who from the heart of every Tathāgata the spiritual power emanating holds the great seal, whose body is as adamantine and pure as diamond) सर्व-आवरणापायदुर्गति परिविशुद्धे। प्रतिनिवर्तय-आयुः शुद्धे। (Oh One who is thoroughly cleansed of all return-compelling Karma) समयाधिष्ठिते मणि मणि महामणि। (Keep your promise, jewel, jewel, great jewel) तथता भूतकोटि परिशुद्धे। विस्फुट बुद्धि शुद्धे। जय जय। विजय विजय। (Suchness, the absolute pinnacle of evolved purity of mind, be victorious, be victorious; be ever victorious; be ever victorious) स्मर स्मर। (Bear in mind; bear in mind) सर्व बुद्धाधिष्ठित शुद्धे। (Oh One who of all Buddhas, is the pure and appointed) वज्रे वज्रगर्भे वज्रं भवतु मम शरीरं। (Vajra-holding diamond-womb, let my body be like diamond) सर्व सत्त्वानां च काय परिविशुद्धे। सर्व गति परिशुद्धे। (Oh One who possesses a pure body - who is absolutely pure from all the paths of existence) सर्व तथागताश्च मे सम-आश्वासयन्तु। सर्व तथागत सम-आश्वासाधिष्ठिते। बुध्य बुध्य। विबुध्य विबुध्य। (Oh One who consoles me by all the Tathāgatas, oh One who is empowered with all the consoling power of the Tathāgatas, be enlightened, be enlightened, be ever enlightened, be ever enlightened) बोधय बोधय। विबोधय विबोधय। समन्त परिशुद्धे। (Have them enlightened, have them enlightened, have them ever enlightened, have them ever enlightened, the most pure in a thoroughgoing way) सर्व तथागत हृदयाधिष्ठानाधिष्ठित महामुद्रे स्वाहा॥ (Oh One who from the heart of every Tathāgata the spiritual power emanating holds he great seal, Hail.)
@heliyaharmony22 Ай бұрын
@khansahabs006 3 жыл бұрын
I am a muslim, I am a Bangladeshi, and every-time, I hear this I feel it’s my root. This is how prayed to one god. The more I realise, the more I become one step closer to get that “Bodhi” to become one step closer to one god. Allah, Vishnu, God, and you name it. I cried.
@zenmusicchant 3 жыл бұрын
Love ...
@bhagwaaanjiii 3 жыл бұрын
Brother , there is no god in Buddhism. Before coming of Islam your ansestors in Bangladesh were Buddhist too.
@dreamadventure8220 3 жыл бұрын
Bodhi is all about you, you only not god
@khansahabs006 3 жыл бұрын
@@dreamadventure8220 Yes. My bodhi towards enlightenment. Towards the leap of hope, the power of mystery, the universal power of infinity.
@khansahabs006 3 жыл бұрын
@@bhagwaaanjiii The problem is bodhi comes to people in different ways! My bodhi came to me in a manner that attracted me more to my religion. I know about the history. I know about our great Buddhist heritage.
@dylancherry7659 2 жыл бұрын
Usnisa Vijaya Dharani prayer lyrics: ”Namo bhagavate trailokya prativiśiṣṭaya buddhaya bhagavate. Tadyatha, om, visodhaya visodhaya, asama-sama Samantavabhasa-spharaṇa gati gahana svabhava visuddhe, Abhisincatu mam. sugata vara vacana amṛta abhisekai maha mantra-padai. Ahara ahara ayuh saṃ-dharaṇi. śodhaya sodhaya gagana svabhava visuddhe. Usnisa vijaya visuddhe sahasra-rasmi sam-codite. Sarva tathagata aparimaṇe sat-paramita-paripuranni. Sarva tathagata mati dasa-bhumi prati-sṭhite. Sarva tathagata hrdaya adhisṭhanadhisṭhita maha-mudre. Vajra kaya sam-hatana visuddhe. Sarva avaraṇa apaya-durgati pari visuddhe, prati-nivartaya ayuh suddhe. Samaya adhisṭhite. Maṇi mani maha mani. Tathata bhuta-koṭi parisuddhe. Visphuta buddhi suddhe. Jaya jaya, vijaya vijaya. sphara sphara, sarva buddha adhisṭhita suddhe, Vajri vajra gadhe vajram bhavatu mama sariram. Sarva sattvanam ca kaya pari visuddhe. Sarva gati parisuddhe. Sarva tathagata sinca me samaavasayantu. Sarva tathagata samasvasa adhisthite. Budhya budhya, vibudhya vibudhya, Bodhaya bodhaya, vibodhaya vibodhaya samanta parisuddhe. Sarva tathagata hrdaya adhisṭhanadhisṭhita maha-mudre svaha.” 🙏🕊️❤️💙😌
@TanhanKiat-jk2br 6 ай бұрын
.Thanks. A. Millions. time. To. the. Buddha. And. the. Present. Buddhas. And. Past. Buddhas. .. 😊😊😊😊😊
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 3 жыл бұрын
All Buddhists are our brothers and sisters Lots of love from BIHAR state of India ❣️🙏🏻☸️🙏🏻❣️🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 The DHARMA CHAKRA is on the Indian flag 🇮🇳🇮🇳☸️
@chitranjankumarkushwaha4259 3 жыл бұрын
i am also from bihar namaste brother
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 3 жыл бұрын
@@chitranjankumarkushwaha4259 Jai bihar
@arunkumarak9471 3 жыл бұрын
Jai Buddha
@aritra5197 2 жыл бұрын
उष्णीष विजय धारणी (Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī - Brearer of the Crown of Victory) नमो भगवते त्रैलोक्य प्रतिविशिष्टाय बुद्धाय भगवते। (Adoration to the blessed, in the triple world the most excellent,to the enlightened) तद्यथा ॐ विशोधय विशोधय। (Adoration to the blessed, namely: Oṃ, cleanse, cleanse) असमसम समन्तवभास स्फरण गति गहन स्वभाव विशुद्धे। अभिषीञ्चतु मां। (the always impartial, being in possession of all-pervading, all-illuminating light, cleansed of the darkness of the five paths of existence, the pure in-himself.) सुगत वर वचन। अमृताभिषेकै महामन्त्र पदै। (Initiate us, Sugata, with an immortal initiation which consists of the best words,the great true phrases) आहर आहर आयुः सन्धारणि। (Remove disasters, remove disasters, holder of an eternal life) शोधय शोधय गगन विशुद्धे। उष्णीष विजय विशुद्धे। सहस्ररश्मि सञ्चोदिते। (Cleanse us, cleanse us, he as-pure-as-the-sky, as the victorious head-crown as pure, the inflamed with a thousand rays of light) सर्व तथागतावलोकनि षट्पारमिता परिपूरणि। (Oh One overseeing the thus-gone ones, the perfect in the six Pāramitās) सर्व तथागत हृदयाधिष्ठानाधिष्ठित महामुद्रे। वज्रकाय संहतन विशुद्धे। (Oh One who from the heart of every Tathāgata the spiritual power emanating holds the great seal, whose body is as adamantine and pure as diamond) सर्व-आवरणापायदुर्गति परिविशुद्धे। प्रतिनिवर्तय-आयुः शुद्धे। (Oh One who is thoroughly cleansed of all return-compelling Karma) समयाधिष्ठिते मणि मणि महामणि। (Keep your promise, jewel, jewel, great jewel) तथता भूतकोटि परिशुद्धे। विस्फुट बुद्धि शुद्धे। जय जय। विजय विजय। (Suchness, the absolute pinnacle of evolved purity of mind, be victorious, be victorious; be ever victorious; be ever victorious) स्मर स्मर। (Bear in mind; bear in mind) सर्व बुद्धाधिष्ठित शुद्धे। (Oh One who of all Buddhas, is the pure and appointed) वज्रे वज्रगर्भे वज्रं भवतु मम शरीरं। (Vajra-holding diamond-womb, let my body be like diamond) सर्व सत्त्वानां च काय परिविशुद्धे। सर्व गति परिशुद्धे। (Oh One who possesses a pure body - who is absolutely pure from all the paths of existence) सर्व तथागताश्च मे सम-आश्वासयन्तु। सर्व तथागत सम-आश्वासाधिष्ठिते। बुध्य बुध्य। विबुध्य विबुध्य। (Oh One who consoles me by all the Tathāgatas, oh One who is empowered with all the consoling power of the Tathāgatas, be enlightened, be enlightened, be ever enlightened, be ever enlightened) बोधय बोधय। विबोधय विबोधय। समन्त परिशुद्धे। (Have them enlightened, have them enlightened, have them ever enlightened, have them ever enlightened, the most pure in a thoroughgoing way) सर्व तथागत हृदयाधिष्ठानाधिष्ठित महामुद्रे स्वाहा॥ (Oh One who from the heart of every Tathāgata the spiritual power emanating holds he great seal, Hail.)
@arnoldschwarzenigga2268 7 ай бұрын
@Dv_1984 Жыл бұрын
I'm not religious, but when I hear these mantras, I feel something special. thank you.
@lupelostra 4 ай бұрын
It's about vibration you don't need to be religious ❤
@ulrichkristensen4087 2 күн бұрын
Buddhism is not a religion, it is a philosophy. The Four Noble Truths. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. More simply put, suffering exists; it has a cause; it has an end; and it has a cause to bring about its end.
@shreyasawant6355 2 жыл бұрын
I am Buddhist from India and I real feel proud to be a Buddhist as our religion is one of the five major religions of world and our lord buddha has given the righteous path to free every sentient beings from samsaric sufferings
@brindamallik8674 2 жыл бұрын
What is Ushnisha Vijaya ?
@shreyasawant6355 2 жыл бұрын
@@brindamallik8674 ushnisha means the upper part upon buddha's head and Vijaya refers to victory
@brindamallik8674 2 жыл бұрын
@@shreyasawant6355 thank you
@brindamallik8674 2 жыл бұрын
Does it work for win over evil and enemies?
@Justin_Why 2 жыл бұрын
@@brindamallik8674 Win over the cycle of life ❤
@shubham6168 3 жыл бұрын
I'm Buddhist from india and I literally got goosebumps and you won't believe the tears came out from my eyes automatically when I heard this. Lots of love from India .This lady's voice like a goddess from heaven. Namo buddhay.🙏🙏
@AikoDongBangShiDae 3 жыл бұрын
I dont have any religion but i also cry while listening this song
@MasterofPlay7 2 жыл бұрын
i thought they wiped out Buddhism in india....
@shubham6168 2 жыл бұрын
@@MasterofPlay7🙄 how would they do it bro, and why,.. because Buddhism was founded in india and is still one of the main religion in India.
@감독이-v4y 2 жыл бұрын
나는. 한국 사람입니다.불법은 국가를. 떠나서 얘기해야죠. 정말 좋습니다. 진언 은 함께 하시죠..ㅎ
@감독이-v4y 2 жыл бұрын
@@MasterofPlay7 Not Intia.
@yct6294 4 жыл бұрын
@MSLIB Жыл бұрын
American Buddhist. Tinna Tinh has lifted me in dark times but hoping she too is lifted.
@NIGHT-iz8hy 2 жыл бұрын
to the person reading this, always remember that you have a creative mind and unlimited potential. Never forget it. Stay strong and be blessed. hugs from Shanthi healing music
@victorhgarcia5069 2 жыл бұрын
@samesabel2776 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@jdadam1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you....
@luciadefalco Жыл бұрын
@peaceleader7315 Жыл бұрын
Hmmmm... beautiful but strange.. hmmmm..
@OlenaKovalenko 2 жыл бұрын
I am not a Buddhist, I am not that religious at all. But I am listening to you and I am praying and hoping for peace in Ukraine, healing of suffering and broken families. Cleansing of all Russia has done. Restoration of nature, cities, people's health and strengthening of souls.
@ptl7040 2 жыл бұрын
Stay strong Ukraine.. When the storm passes, the blue sky will appear. Evil can never win over good.God bless Ukrainian
@Me-xd7bd 2 жыл бұрын
*This is a genuine mantra. It will work. But regarding the evils of this world, you will never know the truth. Just focus on helping the weak and defenseless. Don't take any sides. Side with the weak and defenseless*
@csflower 2 жыл бұрын
@@Me-xd7bd Correct response. It’s not about politics. No hate - only Truth.
@handIe. 2 жыл бұрын
@@abmusica909 stop infecting others.
@May-cz2uo Жыл бұрын
Why blame Russia only? What about US and Nato countries?
@maureengagne9157 Жыл бұрын
Love and Light from Durango, Colorado USA 🇺🇸 ❤
@SajiSNairNair-tu9dk 6 ай бұрын
@genkiyoga704 Жыл бұрын
Proud of singer Tina Tinh, she is Vietnamese from the same hometown as me. Em rất thích nghe các bài mantra của chị Tina. Cảm ơn chị nhiều!
@AnthonyMoitzger-nw1id Жыл бұрын
Beautiful peace and love ❤️ 8888
@Jasmine_breeze Жыл бұрын
Now me now were the profound beauties are born. In Japan it's the Akita Prefecture. In my country people believe that the most beautiful people are born in the mountains etc. I don't want to offend anybody I just tried to compliment elegant beauty of your kin 😊❤🎉🙏
@mariri_ Жыл бұрын
She was born in Czech Republic.
@శివ-ఘ6ల Жыл бұрын
🙏 you viatnamese understand Sanskrit ??.
@vijayelr24 Жыл бұрын
@vibrantvisions11 2 жыл бұрын
@9878bluedragon 2 жыл бұрын
@euwlina9228 2 жыл бұрын
Luar biasa...
@supapon1308 Жыл бұрын
@WarriorMom1414 Жыл бұрын
I translated into Hindi and chanted it along with audio. Namo Buddha
@silversandy Жыл бұрын
@島袋京太郎-うちなータイム 4 жыл бұрын
In Japan, this sutra is called "佛頂尊勝陀羅尼" and is still chanted by monks. It was introduced to Japan from India via China, but the pronunciation is still in Sanskrit. I'm going to practice chanting by learning from your chanting, too. Thank you so much💕
@chubeopbanh1382 4 жыл бұрын
I think Japanese is very similar to Sanskrit, why is there this coincidence
@tapan_d_kingbilakhia5297 4 жыл бұрын
Most of chant In sanskrit language. I am glad to born in India and lucky to learn it🙏
@VieReno 4 жыл бұрын
What it the main context and message from this Sutra? :3
@clasik3037 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Friend 👍🙋‍♂️
@chubeopbanh1382 4 жыл бұрын
@@VieReno In the Buddhist scriptures of Ton Thang Da Ra Ni, the Buddha taught: 1. If there are sentient beings suffering from extreme tribulations, serious crimes, no one to save them, should choose a bright moon day, bathe, wear clean clothes, receive the eighth-precepts, and kneel in front of the Buddha statue recite Da Ra Ni This 1,080 turns, all misery and evil will be eliminated. That person will be pure and liberated, the subject of General Tri Da Ra Ni, indifferent defense. 2. If someone has not recited yet, but only hears the sound of this Da Ra Ni enters the ear, it immediately becomes the seed of Buddha. For example, a little bit of needle fell to the ground, socks in turn penetrated the place where the reality was just stopped, although thick soil could not be hindered. This true language, too, when it reached the ear, immediately practiced to make the right time to achieve the righteousness, though heavy afflictions could not be prevented. Even if he fell into the Hell realm, the hungry ghost, and blows are not lost by the karma of killing that seed, but also relied on the mantra to progressively cultivate until becoming a Buddha. 3. If any sentient being once hears this Da Ra Ni, through the present life, there will be no more diseases and afflictions, nor the lifespan of the fetus, depending on the place of biochemistry occurring in the lotus. From then on, the five pure times, the purification of the network, the eradication of fetters, will attest to the superior results. 4. If someone just died, or died a long time ago, someone recites 21 turns this Da Ra Ni into a handful of soil or sand, spread it over the body, that person will be born in the 10 pureland. Like the dead, the consciousness has fallen into hell, hungry ghosts, indifference, when that sandy earth sticks to the remains, is also free from evil beasts, born into heaven. 5. If any sentient being recites this Da Ra Ni every day 21 times, satisfied with the vast offerings of all the world, when giving away the body will be born in the world of Dewachen, whoever recites it will be increased. life, enjoy the joy of victory, the future of birth in the 10 Pure Land directions, hear the color of the Dharma, get life time, light in the body shines all the Buddha realms, and attains the great Nirvana. 6. If you want to be self-reliant, you use the doughs such as glutinous rice flour, rice flour, etc. to shape a human shape to 8 directions in the rectum, day and night the eight opponents chant mantras, all will be like Italy. 7. If the flood water rises, in that direction recite this truth 108 turns to pray, the water will retreat. 8. If the king, police, victims of war, enemy robbery, speech damage, recite this truth 21 turns into the year of fragrant water, sprinkled on the top of the Buddha, the victims will destroy. 9. If any sentient being is poor, wants to live a long life, should choose a bright moon day, male gender, bathe, wear clean clothes, chant this truth full of 1,080 variables, longevity will be, all crimes are eradicate .ten. If someone recites this truth one turn into the ears of any animal species, then that kind of life no longer has the lifespan of the animal's body, even if it has heavy karma, it will fall to hell, also be freed. 11. If someone who is seriously ill, suffers a lot of suffering, hears this Da Ra Ni, will leave the sickness and suffering, the sin of destruction. Until the sentient beings of the four species hear this mantra release suffering, leave the fetal body, biochemistry in the lotus flower, depending on the place of birth, remember that the previous life will not forget. 12. If there are sentient beings who have just grown up, have created all kinds of great crimes, five rebellions, ten evil, until old age, thinking of themselves through this evil karma after being fulfilled they will fall into hell A Bhikkhu, suffered great suffering through many lives, and then turned the cycle of reincarnation in 3 evil ways that no one could save. He should choose the full moon day, bathe and wear pure clothes, use a bowl of gold, silver or bronze, contain a pound of wishes, keep clean water in front of the Buddha statue, take the Bodhisattva precepts, and maintain a pure son. At the rosary, I stand in the East towards the Buddha statue in the West, at the top of the solemn ceremony of confession. Then recite this Da Ra Ni 1,080 uninterruptedly, then use that water to sprinkle the four directions and on the bottom, may all the copper be purified. After doing this magic, all evil will be eliminated, free from the karma of hell, the king of Yan Ma La let go of it, the god Tu Mang is happy and happy, not born angry, back and clasped his hands respectfully. praise the merit. ,..... daibaothapmandalataythien.org/oai-luc-phat-dinh-ton-thang-da-ra-ni
@sonuchauhan5007 4 жыл бұрын
Wow...this is Sanskrit language ...I, as Indian understand it, learned it in school!!!! She sang it so well !!!! ❤
@deepakpradhan9904 3 жыл бұрын
@@manishmca kia budha se pehle Buddhist the ??? Siddharth ke maa bap dono sanatani the . Lipi actually likhneka tarika he , Devnagri lipi k tahad sanskrit , nepali ,pali ,marathi hindi likhi jati he . Or han ham credit nahi lete . Buddhist ko khud sashak barg ne khatam kia example he South or East india me bohat se hindu Jain Raja Buddhist bane fir Buddhist se hindu ase badalte rehe he odisha , kerela , tamilnadu , karnataka , Gujrat , Andra ka history dekh lo waha ka Raja log samay samay pe Hindu Jain Buddhist bante rehehe . Buddha ka teaching me nonviolence sabse jaruri tha or yahi Buddhist Raja o k liy problem tha .
@manishmca 3 жыл бұрын
@@deepakpradhan9904 Are chor kabhi bolega ki ham chor hai.......tum choro se to muhh hi lagana bekar hai.....are tumlogo ka aadat hai jaha kahi vi aacha virasat mila usme aapna logic ghuset dene ka...pusyamitr koon tha jo budhist raza hataya kiya kaha se itihass padahate ho....
@deepakpradhan9904 3 жыл бұрын
@@manishmca agar hindu markat asa hi karte to aaj na Buddhist hot na Jain or nahi Sikh hote . Tum pehele paida hua ya tumhara baap . Hamse tum ho tumse ham nahi .
@manishmca 3 жыл бұрын
@@deepakpradhan9904 kalpanik duniya se bahar nikal or basatavik duniya me ji tumhara baaf dada ne jo kiya wo tumko nahi bataya wohi tumko pata hai chor kavi vi aapne ko chor nahi bolata hai...catora le kar bhik magane jate ho bodh desh or woha se jo bikh milata hai budhist virasat jo nikalata hai zamin se usko samvhalane k liye or jisko tumlogo ne gulam bana rakha hai jo ki obc sc st usk vikas k liye us paise ko ghotala karate ho or mandir bana k lutane kam karate ho......tum choro se to sach me bat hi karana bekar hai.... now no comment
@deepakpradhan9904 3 жыл бұрын
@@manishmca chor to bol diya sabut to do 😂😂😂 kiu nahi he sabut . No comments kiu ki tumko kuch patahi nahi . Tum ko Bhrahman ko bolna he to bolo mujhe koi fark nahi padega kiu ki Brahmanbad iss desh pe abhisap banchuka he . Par tum Buddhist kia dudke dhule ho a bat jarur sochna . Kiu ki Ashok jisne Buddhism ko ek naya itihas diya wo ahinsa se nahi hinsa se hi mila .
@dubagentselekions8221 2 жыл бұрын
안녕하세요 love and light from South Africa
@MrFia2000 2 жыл бұрын
From Russia, with Love. Thank you, you are doing a good deed. May the Power of Light come with us all. OM.
@stanleyyap8964 4 жыл бұрын
If someone from a serious disease hears this Dharani, he will be free from the disease. All other illnesses will also be eradicated, so too will the evil karma that will cause him to fall into the evil paths. He will be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss after the end of his life. From then onwards he will no longer be born from the womb. Instead, wherever he is reborn, he will be born transformed from the lotus flower and would always remember and uphold this Dharani and gain knowledge of his past lives. 🙏🏻
@lauramontsegur7782 4 жыл бұрын
how do you know that?
@ratnanamgyal4068 4 жыл бұрын
@@lauramontsegur7782 We know that from Buddha's own words of Scriptures.
@nyaruko-do2ok 4 жыл бұрын
I wish it would heal me.
@lauramontsegur7782 4 жыл бұрын
@@nyaruko-do2ok om tare tuttare ture Soha 🙏🙏🙏
@stanleyyap8964 4 жыл бұрын
@@lauramontsegur7782 you will know when "yourself" were melted into the sutra
@valoxsen6003 3 жыл бұрын
I grew up Christian and left the religion years ago because I never felt connected to it or its followers. Listening to this chant, this is the first time anything related to spirituality has stirred something in me. I think I'll be looking into Buddhism.
@marymazzei1863 2 жыл бұрын
Connect to yourself, NO RELIGION is going to do that.
@Agnet_Faze Жыл бұрын
Hinduism and Buddhism teaches people only one thing...CONNECT TO THYSELF.... CONNECTING WITH YOURSELF MEANS TO CONNECT WITH GOD...
@vuthai4785 6 ай бұрын
There are many paths to achieve spirituality, in short there are 4 paths, Buddhism is the path of compassion, wisdom, self-enlightenment, God is unconditional love and faith. Please choose the right path for yourself
@acex222 5 ай бұрын
There is no God in Buddhism, you have to save yourself. The Buddha taught that and he has unlimited belief in your ability.
@lupelostra 4 ай бұрын
Do meditations to connect to your inner self. That's the best religion❤ reciting mantras will help you
@vivibong681 3 ай бұрын
@chisinh 4 жыл бұрын
Tinna Tinh is a famous singer in VietNam. Be proud of her for chanting.
@Agnet_Faze 3 жыл бұрын
@SuhasMadhavraoChitnis Күн бұрын
Agree only singer rest ... She was chosen for doing something which she needs to do now to establish more cohesiveness to her prayers of Buddhism
@swastikkadu3345 3 жыл бұрын
Love To All Budhists and Obeisances To Buddhas From Indian Hindu!
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 4 жыл бұрын
☸️☸️🇮🇳🇮🇳❣️❣️🇻🇳🇻🇳☸️☸️ INDIA LOVES VIETNAM ❣️ BUDDHAM SHARANAM GACHHAMI 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (Lets seek refuge under the Buddha☸️🙏🏻) ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
@robertomeyernussee504 3 жыл бұрын
Hi. What is the name of the Mantra. Hi from Chile.
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertomeyernussee504 Hey Its name is USNIYA VIJAYA DHARANI meaning Mantra Of Victory in Sanskrit language..... The ancient and sacred language of Indic religions just like Arabic is for Muslims
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertomeyernussee504 Hope this helps
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 3 жыл бұрын
VIJAYA means VICTORY DHARANI roughly means Mantra Tathagata means Buddha Mani means jewel
@Aikadiwana 3 жыл бұрын
@@SatyamKumar-px1ch hinduism chhod diya???ambedkarwaadi hai kya??
@danielaolteanu108 11 ай бұрын
I feel what she says, like a inner vibration even if I don't understand the language.
@सरोजकुमारथोकर-न1र 4 жыл бұрын
Iam proud to be Buddhist 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 respected madam 🙏🏼🙏🏼from nepal
@bungaraya9767 4 жыл бұрын
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 4 жыл бұрын
Lots of love from Bihar state of India ❣️🇮🇳🇳🇵☸️
@kookielover1125 3 жыл бұрын
Namaste! Proud to be from home country of Buddha! 🙏🏻
@antonkostenko5693 3 жыл бұрын
пусть все живые существа достигнут Просветления
@Ezequiel55vf 3 жыл бұрын
Namaste brothers and sisters 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤l'm also proud Bhuddist lots of love and blessings 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@Portagas.D.Ace75 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an Indian and I understand sanskrit and the lyrics. Damn they are so good!
@aritra5197 2 жыл бұрын
उष्णीष विजय धारणी (Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī - Brearer of the Crown of Victory) नमो भगवते त्रैलोक्य प्रतिविशिष्टाय बुद्धाय भगवते। (Adoration to the blessed, in the triple world the most excellent,to the enlightened) तद्यथा ॐ विशोधय विशोधय। (Adoration to the blessed, namely: Oṃ, cleanse, cleanse) असमसम समन्तवभास स्फरण गति गहन स्वभाव विशुद्धे। अभिषीञ्चतु मां। (the always impartial, being in possession of all-pervading, all-illuminating light, cleansed of the darkness of the five paths of existence, the pure in-himself.) सुगत वर वचन। अमृताभिषेकै महामन्त्र पदै। (Initiate us, Sugata, with an immortal initiation which consists of the best words,the great true phrases) आहर आहर आयुः सन्धारणि। (Remove disasters, remove disasters, holder of an eternal life) शोधय शोधय गगन विशुद्धे। उष्णीष विजय विशुद्धे। सहस्ररश्मि सञ्चोदिते। (Cleanse us, cleanse us, he as-pure-as-the-sky, as the victorious head-crown as pure, the inflamed with a thousand rays of light) सर्व तथागतावलोकनि षट्पारमिता परिपूरणि। (Oh One overseeing the thus-gone ones, the perfect in the six Pāramitās) सर्व तथागत हृदयाधिष्ठानाधिष्ठित महामुद्रे। वज्रकाय संहतन विशुद्धे। (Oh One who from the heart of every Tathāgata the spiritual power emanating holds the great seal, whose body is as adamantine and pure as diamond) सर्व-आवरणापायदुर्गति परिविशुद्धे। प्रतिनिवर्तय-आयुः शुद्धे। (Oh One who is thoroughly cleansed of all return-compelling Karma) समयाधिष्ठिते मणि मणि महामणि। (Keep your promise, jewel, jewel, great jewel) तथता भूतकोटि परिशुद्धे। विस्फुट बुद्धि शुद्धे। जय जय। विजय विजय। (Suchness, the absolute pinnacle of evolved purity of mind, be victorious, be victorious; be ever victorious; be ever victorious) स्मर स्मर। (Bear in mind; bear in mind) सर्व बुद्धाधिष्ठित शुद्धे। (Oh One who of all Buddhas, is the pure and appointed) वज्रे वज्रगर्भे वज्रं भवतु मम शरीरं। (Vajra-holding diamond-womb, let my body be like diamond) सर्व सत्त्वानां च काय परिविशुद्धे। सर्व गति परिशुद्धे। (Oh One who possesses a pure body - who is absolutely pure from all the paths of existence) सर्व तथागताश्च मे सम-आश्वासयन्तु। सर्व तथागत सम-आश्वासाधिष्ठिते। बुध्य बुध्य। विबुध्य विबुध्य। (Oh One who consoles me by all the Tathāgatas, oh One who is empowered with all the consoling power of the Tathāgatas, be enlightened, be enlightened, be ever enlightened, be ever enlightened) बोधय बोधय। विबोधय विबोधय। समन्त परिशुद्धे। (Have them enlightened, have them enlightened, have them ever enlightened, have them ever enlightened, the most pure in a thoroughgoing way) सर्व तथागत हृदयाधिष्ठानाधिष्ठित महामुद्रे स्वाहा॥ (Oh One who from the heart of every Tathāgata the spiritual power emanating holds he great seal, Hail.)
@nilakantha-one 2 жыл бұрын
@Portagas.D.Ace75 2 жыл бұрын
@@nilakantha-one yess. Because of me being Hindu by Faith. Sanskrit is considered to be language of God's by Hindus, Mahavyana Buddhists, Jain's and Sikhs as well. Almost All people who follow Dharmic religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism or Jainism in India or even in abroad can understand it. Btw I've a question, might sound silly...but is the language you used Mandrian or Cantonese? And if it's any of these can you show me how are they different. I'm just curious to know and explore our Asian cultures.
@Portagas.D.Ace75 2 жыл бұрын
@@nilakantha-one You can listen to more Sanskrit songs here.... Gaia's Sanskrit songs kzbin.info/www/bejne/d2fNhpuqmbdqnM0 Sanskrit song by Devala Rees kzbin.info/www/bejne/g16playpaJiGiqc All these songs are in pure sanskrit. You can explore more through them. Thank me later 😇🙏🏼
@nilakantha-one 2 жыл бұрын
我說的是普通話。 你不傻,回答不出這個問題的我才傻🥲
@ChiNguyen-ip1qe 3 жыл бұрын
Tina Tinh is Vietnamese🇻🇳 n yes me, too! So glad that Everyone loves her version. Sadhu🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@victorhgarcia5069 3 жыл бұрын
Love Nam. Ho Chi Min City specially. Was there for work back in 2002.
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 3 жыл бұрын
Lots of love from Bihar state of India to all our Buddhist brothers and sisters ❣️❣️❣️☸️🙏🏻🙏🏻
@wilsonsu2046 3 жыл бұрын
By the way, she is half Czech and half Vietnamese as her birth place is Czech.
@JK-le7sk 3 жыл бұрын
What a farce. This is show biz Buddhism.
@ritchie18 3 жыл бұрын
Such grace and such meditativeness in her rendering
@Nembutsu108 5 ай бұрын
I'm Russian and Ukrainian, I would like to be a buddhist.
@จิรัญชญาชอบบุญ-ฟ5ฟ 4 ай бұрын
@จิรัญชญาชอบบุญ-ฟ5ฟ 4 ай бұрын
@@Nembutsu108 nice to meet you
@Nembutsu108 4 ай бұрын
@@จิรัญชญาชอบบุญ-ฟ5ฟ hi
@warnasamika 3 ай бұрын
You are welcome. You can become Buddhist. And practice what lod Buddhas parth. Sadu Sadu 🙏🙏 go nearest Buddhist temple and ask about a monk he will help you. Namo Buddhaya! 🙏🙏🙏
@phamletrithuc8364 3 ай бұрын
Now you re Buddhist already.❤
@heidisu794 3 жыл бұрын
能夠聽聞佛頂尊勝陀羅尼真是有福 ❤❤❤ 偉大的佛陀在 “淨除一切惡道佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經” 慈悲開示: 如是天帝!此陀羅尼名吉祥,能淨一切惡道。此佛頂尊勝陀羅尼猶如日藏摩尼之寶,淨無瑕穢,淨等虛空,光焰照徹,無不周徧。若諸眾生持此陀羅尼,亦復如是,亦如閻浮檀金,明淨柔輭,令人喜見,不為穢惡之所染著。 天帝!若有眾生持此陀羅尼,亦復如是,乘斯善淨,得生善道。 天帝!此陀羅尼所在之處,若能書寫流通、受持讀誦、聽聞供養,能如是者,一切惡道皆得清淨,一切地獄苦惱悉皆消滅。 🙏🙏🙏隨喜讚歎佛頂尊勝陀羅尼
@chuchu610 2 жыл бұрын
@vajrachou408 2 жыл бұрын
@@chuchu610 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼
@妞妞-e4e 2 жыл бұрын
@vajrachou408 2 жыл бұрын
@@妞妞-e4e 越南人,唱梵文版本的,這不是國語也不是台語
@妞妞-e4e 2 жыл бұрын
@@vajrachou408 謝謝您的回復🙏好快呀👍謝謝🙇🏻‍♀️知道了!她太美了🙏🥹她當然是信仰佛教的吧?越南人的主要信仰是佛教嗎?我不太了解越南這個國度☺️請指教🙏
@NguyenNguyen-cb8fm Жыл бұрын
Sadhu! Namo Amitabha Buddha
@zenmusicchant Жыл бұрын
@Safarnama.26 3 жыл бұрын
Proud to be Buddhist from India ❤️
@SuhasMadhavraoChitnis Күн бұрын
And now you need to hear to her prayers to release some souls from attachment detachment game of ladies wherein pious and sacred soul died from Vietnam Feb 2022 TCN 🙏
@earthshod Ай бұрын
I am Wiccan and we play this at the vigil at the bedside of one of our dying elders. Many paths. One mountain.
@shinnyteoh899 4 жыл бұрын
Wowww, she chanted the full usnisa vijaya dharani perfectly. The most beautiful chanting thus far. ❤️ She is so gorgeous & elegant. 😍😍
@BramBramSyailendra 4 жыл бұрын
Completely agree
@renepinson6784 3 жыл бұрын
connaissez vous la langue pour essayer de traduire le texte svp ?
@sarimusdar 3 жыл бұрын
@@renepinson6784 Sanskrit
@sepi846 2 жыл бұрын
erm no.. the pronunciation of each word is awful! this is a mockery of sanskrit!
@MaowTseTung 2 жыл бұрын
@@sepi846 Chinise version of sanskrit
@limelima 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Buddhist from Srilanka, I feel its so sooo beautiful.
@ArpanX. 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think that you all chant mantras and other things . do u ?
@shenshen6190 2 жыл бұрын
@@abmusica909 此語Google的到讀音嗎或能分享影音嗎謝謝
@tsm3958 Жыл бұрын
@samanmalilm9301 Жыл бұрын
@@ArpanX. of course.we are chanting only sutra (සූත්‍ර )
@Зоя-и6ъ Жыл бұрын
Благодарю за божественное исполнение мантр, всем кто слушает духовного развития.🙏🙏🙏
@xiaoqiangluo689 Ай бұрын
@abhishekghosh7518 3 жыл бұрын
Now I am not even a Buddhist, but it so happened that years ago, I was going through a very intense phase of meditation. One day, while searching for something on the internet, I accidentally landed up on this mantra. After chanting only a few times, I had some very deep and almost unbelievable spiritual experiences then and there. This led me to believe in the power of this Dharani. In my humble opinion, everyone should chant it at least once in their life. Try to spread it to as many people as possible, you will acquire great merit. Those who are ready may even receive an immortal Vajra body of light.
@sandipanghosh6997 3 жыл бұрын
where can i find it?
@abhishekghosh7518 3 жыл бұрын
@@sandipanghosh6997 it's called the Usnisa Vijaya Dharani. It's quite popular.
@peacebe2u480 3 жыл бұрын
@@sandipanghosh6997 , Scroll down on the description of this video. She wrote down the whole mantra in Sanskrit. If you cannot pronounce the words exactly, it is unimportant. The key is one mind n sound when chanting in even voice. Dont think other stuff other than concentrate on the sound of the mantra. You will experience marvellous .... try it. Good luck.
@The_walking_Immortal 3 жыл бұрын
I hope to hear it everyday is enough it is very long and complicated to recite.
@liamy9160 Жыл бұрын
南无阿弥陀佛 南无阿弥陀佛
@olgaprokopieva2692 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this mantra. As the world spins into chaos of war taking place in so many places I find hope that the peace will be restored and somehow humanity will return to peace and light.
@henriquepires1007 9 ай бұрын
For those who have never seen, this mantra is meant to purify obstacles and clean the path towards all good achievements. If translated, most of its Sanskrit words refer to one's inner potential to awake. There are words of respect towards the Buddhas, and words to remind that our inner nature is ultimately good like theirs. :)
@smartysreehitha8548 6 ай бұрын
@swathungary 6 ай бұрын
@katemarkova5778 6 ай бұрын
@จิรัญชญาชอบบุญ-ฟ5ฟ 4 ай бұрын
@user-qe2wi6ys2v 2 ай бұрын
@KaranKumar-fq2nk 10 ай бұрын
अलख आदेश...🇮🇳🔱🏹🔥⭐
@Fustfeelofit Жыл бұрын
I'm so proud to be a Buddhist. Buddhism is peaceful religion 🙏🙏
@hii.positivity Жыл бұрын
I am not buddhist but I love ths recitation . thanks for ths 🕉️
@chungtuklepcha4314 3 жыл бұрын
Iam a Buddhist I can't understand Sanskrit but I love listening this mantra regularly from Sikkim India
@Agnet_Faze 3 жыл бұрын
It's a Sanskrit mantra for Buddha but it mentions all gods because in Hinduism, Gautama Buddha is believed to be an avatar of Lord Vishnu ... 🙏🙏🙏
@vikrampoojari26 3 жыл бұрын
@@Agnet_Faze northern indian make everything avatar
@Agnet_Faze 3 жыл бұрын
@@vikrampoojari26 I don't think they are wrong though...cause it's a way to tell people that they should always see divine in everyone and everything...
@Agnet_Faze 3 жыл бұрын
@God Father That's not Pali but Sanskrit
@Agnet_Faze 3 жыл бұрын
@God Father Anyone can say this about God Himself because we never saw God...Allah or Jesus Christ too can be imaginary...lol not only Vishnu and despite you say Vishnu is "imaginary", he still set a lot of good examples of how to be human....God can be anyone you want Him to be...He is unlimited....If you say Vishnu is imaginary then it's like saying mantras also, meditation too are imaginary because all these practices came from Hinduism itself and nowhere else...Lord Krishna as an avatar of Lord Vishnu, gave us all this teachings and practices... Now you cannot say that Lord Krishna too was imaginary because we have proofs of his existence in Vrindavan in India...Where he spent his adolescent life...And He also said that Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) will never die because it is the law of nature and the truth of life...And anytime people will try to destroy Sanatan Dharma, there will always be reformers who will come forward to reform Sanatan Dharma....And so far that has been proved to be true...People like Swami Vivekananda, Swami Dayanand, Swami Ramakrishna, Buddha himself, Srila Prabhupada, all these people came to reform the society and set good examples of Hinduism and Buddha himself was a Hindu...🤣🤣😂😂 he took the practice from Hinduism (i.e meditation) and founded Buddhism...The practice of Buddhism exists also in Hinduism and we call it Gyana Marga...The path of meditation...
@sumedhbhagat161 Жыл бұрын
ॐ नमो रत्नत्रयाय। ॐ नमः श्रीसर्वबुद्धबोधिसत्त्वेभ्यः। नमो दशदिगनन्तापर्यन्तलोकधातुप्रतिष्ठितेभ्यः सर्वबुद्धबोधिसत्त्वार्यश्रावकप्रत्येकबुद्धेभ्योऽतीतानागतप्रत्युत्पन्नेभ्यः। नमोऽमिताभाय। नमोऽचिन्त्यगुणान्तरात्मने॥ 🙏🙇📿✨
@sammy0722 4 жыл бұрын
When I first heard it I was so much glued to it that I simply searched original Mantra in Sanskrit to study it. Today I'm proud to say that I have memorized entire "Usnish Vijay Dharani Sutra". Lots of hard work but I did managed to learn it by heart. I see lots of transformation through this mantra
@assoeraif1955 4 жыл бұрын
How did you learn it? How i can i learn it too..i have alot of trouble by pronouncing every word
@sammy0722 4 жыл бұрын
@@assoeraif1955 This mantra is originally from Sanskrit and I know Sanskrit. If you also know it then I can help you too or else i you have any questions then feel free to ask.
@annrhee9422 4 жыл бұрын
Beautiful Mantra, Can you translate it please?
@assoeraif1955 4 жыл бұрын
@@sammy0722 no i dont know the language unfortunately
@assoeraif1955 4 жыл бұрын
@@sammy0722 but i love to learn
@54kagdrake1 4 жыл бұрын
佛頂尊勝陀羅尼 佛頂尊勝佛母咒 USHNISHAVIJAYADHARANI 嗡 拿摩 巴嘎瓦得ㄝ 薩兒瓦 踹樓歌呀 婆拉提 屋依 西 師塔呀 布達呀 得ㄝ 拿麻 om namo bhagavate sarva trailokya prati-vi-shii-shtAya | buddhAya te nama:| 大的呀踏 嗡 布入母 布入母 布入母 休大呀 休大呀 tadyathA | om bhrUM bhrUM bhrUM shiodhaya shiodhaya | 屋依休大呀 屋依休大呀 阿薩麻 薩忙大- 阿瓦巴薩 絲帕日阿拿 嘎地 vishiodhaya vishiodhaya | asama samanta-avabhAsa spharaNa gati | 嘎嘎拿 斯瓦巴瓦 屋依咻得ㄝ 阿比師音江杜 忙 gagana svabhAva vishiuddhe | abhishiJtsantu mAM | 薩兒瓦 大踏嘎達 宿嘎大 婆拉瓦加拿 sarva tathAgatA: | sugata pravatsana 阿彌日大 阿比曬蓋兒 馬哈木的日阿 忙特日阿 帕帶 amrita-abhishaikair | mahAmudrA mantra padai: | 阿哈日阿 阿哈日阿 麻麻 阿優絲 桑達日阿尼 Ahara Ahara | mama Ayus saMdhAraNi | 休大呀 休大呀 屋依休大呀 屋依休大呀 shiodhaya shiodhaya | vishiodhaya vishiodhaya | 嘎嘎拿 斯瓦巴瓦 屋依咻得ㄝ 午詩尼沙 屋依架呀 帕日以咻得ㄝ gagana svabhAva vishiuddhe | ushNIsha vijaya parishiuddhe | 薩哈斯日阿 日阿喜咪 桑久滴得ㄝ 薩兒瓦 大踏嘎大 阿瓦樓哥依尼 sahasra-rashimi saJtsodite | sarva tathAgata-avalokini | 沙特帕日阿米達 帕日以普日阿尼 薩兒瓦 大踏嘎大 馬得ㄝ shaTpAramitA paripUraNi | sarva tathAgata mAte | 大夏 布米 婆拉提師替得ㄝ 薩兒瓦 大踏嘎大 河日以大呀 dashia bhUmi pratishThite | sarva tathAgata hridaya | 阿底師塔那 阿底師替得ㄝ 母的瑞 母的瑞 馬哈母的瑞 adhishThAna-adhishThite | mudre mudre mahAmudre | 瓦爪卡呀 桑哈大那 帕日以咻得ㄝ 薩兒瓦 嘎兒麻 阿瓦日阿那 屋依咻得ㄝ vajrakAya saMhatana parishiuddhe | sarva karma-AvaraNa vishiuddhe | 婆拉提尼哇兒大呀 麻麻 阿優兒 屋依咻得ㄝ 薩兒瓦 大踏嘎大 pratinivartaya mama Ayur | vishiuddhe sarva tathAgata | 薩麻呀 阿底師塔那 阿底師替得ㄝ 嗡 母尼 母尼 馬哈母尼 nsamaya-adhishThAna-adhishThite | om muni muni mahAmuni | 屋依母尼 屋依母尼 馬哈屋依母尼 馬地 馬地 馬哈馬地 vimuni vimuni mahAvimuni | mati mati mahAmati | 馬馬地 宿馬地 大它達 布大 夠滴 帕日以咻得ㄝ mamati sumati tathatA | bhUta koTi parishiuddhe | 屋依斯普大 布地 咻得ㄝ 嘿 嘿 賈呀 賈呀 visphuTa buddhi shiuddhe | he he jaya jaya | 屋依賈呀 屋依賈呀 絲麻日阿 絲麻日阿 絲帕日阿 絲帕日阿 vijaya vijaya | smara smara | sphara sphara | 絲帕日阿呀 絲帕日阿呀 薩兒瓦 布達 阿底師塔那 阿底師替得ㄝ sphAraya sphAraya | sarva buddha-adhishThAna-adhishThite | 咻得ㄝ 咻得ㄝ 布得ㄝ 布得ㄝ shiuddhe shiuddhe | buddhe buddhe | 瓦墜 瓦墜 馬哈瓦墜 宿瓦墜 瓦爪 嘎貝 賈呀 嘎貝 vajre vajre mahAvajre | suvajre vajra garbhe jaya garbhe | 屋依賈呀 嘎貝 瓦爪 幾哇拉 嘎貝 vijaya garbhe | vajra jvAlA garbhe | 瓦幾柔的巴未 瓦爪 桑母巴未 vajrodbhave | vajra saMbhave | 瓦墜 瓦知依尼 瓦爪母 巴瓦杜 麻麻 下日以讓母 vajre vajriNi | vajraM bhavatu mama shiarIram | 薩兒瓦 薩特哇 囊加 卡呀 帕日以咻地兒 巴瓦杜 sarva sattvA nAJtsa kAya parishiuddhir bhavatu | 美 薩達 薩兒瓦 嘎地 帕日以咻地西加 me sadA sarva gati parishiuddhishi-tsa| 薩兒瓦 大踏嘎達西加 忙 薩麻西瓦薩央杜 sarva tathAgatAshi-tsa mAM samAshivAsayantu | 布的呀 布的呀 司依的呀 司依的呀 伯大呀 伯大呀 buddhya buddhya | siddhya siddhya | bodhaya bodhaya | 屋依伯大呀 屋依伯大呀 某加呀 某加呀 屋依某加呀 屋依某加呀 vibodhaya vibodhaya | motsaya motsaya | vimotsaya vimotsaya | 休大呀 休大呀 屋依休大呀 屋依休大呀 shiodhaya shiodhaya | vishiodhaya vishiodhaya | 薩忙當 某加呀 某加呀 薩忙大 日阿喜咪 帕日以咻得ㄝ samantAn motsaya motsaya | samanta rashimi parishiuddhe | 薩兒瓦 大踏嘎大 河日以大呀 阿底師塔那 阿底師替得ㄝ sarva tathAgata hridaya | adhishThAna-adhishThite | 母的瑞 母的瑞 馬哈母的瑞 馬哈木的日阿 忙特日阿 帕帶 斯瓦哈 mudre mudre mahAmudre | mahAmudrA mantra padai: svAhA |
@catbird4 4 жыл бұрын
@nurgrulichova1372 2 жыл бұрын
I am not even buddhist but whenever i listen this mantra, my heart hurts and i have full of tears in my eyes..
@escapetothemoon9069 2 жыл бұрын
I got tears in my eyes but I feeling so good in my heart ❤
@adamakaru2683 2 жыл бұрын
😘 You are a buddhist and don't even know it. Just listening to the inner you and yow hear it all.
@naengmyeonkulukulu 2 жыл бұрын
Likely u were a buddhist in your past life. I know because I experienced the same.
@adamakaru2683 2 жыл бұрын
@@naengmyeonkulukulu Yes! all my knowledge and enlightenment you got is from prelife. Must people don't pay attention to it, but your inelegant will stay with you and guid you NAMASTE.
@superanonymous467 2 жыл бұрын
My head hurts when i hear adzan. Lol. But im at peace when hear mantra
@yangbaohui 9 ай бұрын
How can she remember all the lyrics! They sounds so magical and elegant ❤
@aridumontsl 6 ай бұрын
practice :)
@MoonDevi963 3 жыл бұрын
namo bhagavate trailokya prativiśiṣṭaya buddhāya bhagavate.tadyathā, om, viśodhaya viśodhaya, asama-samasamantāvabhāsa-spharaṇa gati gahana svabhāva viśuddhe,abhiṣiñcatu mām. sugata vara vacana amṛta abhiṣekai mahā mantra-padai.āhara āhara āyuḥ saṃ-dhāraṇi. śodhaya śodhaya gagana viśuddhe.uṣṇīṣa vijaya viśuddhe sahasra-raśmi sam-codite.sarva tathāgata avalokani ṣaṭ-pāramitā-paripūraṇi.sarva tathāgata mati daśa-bhūmi prati-ṣṭhite.sarva tathāgata hṛdaya adhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhita mahā-mudre.vajra kāya sam-hatana viśuddhe.sarva āvaraṇa apāya-durgati pari viśuddhe, prati-nivartaya āyuh śuddhe.samaya adhiṣṭhite. maṇi maṇi mahā maṇi.tathatā bhūta-koṭi pariśuddhe. visphuṭa buddhi śuddhe.jaya jaya, vijaya vijaya. smara smara, sarva buddha adhiṣṭhita śuddhe,vajri vajragārbhe vajram bhavatu mama śarīram.sarva sattvānām ca kāya pari viśuddhe. sarva gati pariśuddhe.sarva tathāgata siñca me samāśvāsayantu.sarva tathāgata samāśvāsa adhiṣṭhite.budhya budhya, vibudhya vibudhya,bodhaya bodhaya, vibodhaya vibodhaya samanta pariśuddhe.sarva tathāgata hṛdaya adhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhita mahā-mudre svāhā. 🙏
@vajrachou408 2 жыл бұрын
thanks a lot
@amychilde7060 3 жыл бұрын
When I heard Sanskrit coming from a Vietnamese/Czech person, with Chinese subs....All differences just evaporated , and felt the kinship so damn strong...Its true that this is the language from the divine, which came as vibration deciphered by rishis, and helps to remove the difference and feel the unity with every being around.
@obitouchiha-fl7od 3 жыл бұрын
@@sycmaneybhanjyang7490 what is pali? read the lyrics in desciption its sanskrit
@ewan3503 3 жыл бұрын
@@obitouchiha-fl7od It was the languange spoken by siddhartha gautama the Buddha. It's used for speaking with common people. That is what I know of. Try Google it..
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 3 жыл бұрын
Lots of love from Bihar state of India to all our beloved Buddhist brothers and sisters
@margretharris9532 3 жыл бұрын
@sandipanghosh6997 3 жыл бұрын
This is Pali
@prateekoutlaw1245 3 жыл бұрын
Felt like as if a Goddess is chanting the mantra, she was spectacular.
@simmisaa7905 3 жыл бұрын
Or God himself ;-)
@alisonshanklin3690 3 жыл бұрын
So true 🍒🍒🍒the absolute goddess.
@Destroyingegobecomingbuddha 3 жыл бұрын
She's definetly self generating many powerful deity's within!
@tribektiagustinus157 3 жыл бұрын
Jikalau mantras mengusir devil&demon.
@tribektiagustinus157 3 жыл бұрын
Lagu mantra mengusir spoky&demon.
@сайгаЧисайна Жыл бұрын
...🙏 вот это круто!!! 👍 вот это ШОУ! ... вот это формат подачи !👋 ничего лучшего , в таком жанре не видел 💥💖... благо дарю !🙏
@113-pushprajkamble2 2 жыл бұрын
Namo bhudhay ☸️☸️ from India🇮🇳❤️
@ellie5888 3 жыл бұрын
My husband just left me suddenly to follow this dream, it is helping me to heal my heart and continue loving him as a spiritual soul.. thank you for this gift..
@Agnet_Faze 3 жыл бұрын
Love God, God will never leave you....
@shivam9749 3 жыл бұрын
I would recommd you to see isckon mantras too
@vishal----SaveTrees 3 жыл бұрын
Ellie Stay happy.
@suyashagarwal1918 3 жыл бұрын
Experience your life, but treat it like you are watching a movie. A mere third party. Let go of these restraints. Light the spark of divinity in you, light it for it is you. You are your heaven and earth. You are your stars and it is your path that you must walk. Don't look back, definitely don't let anything hold you back. Let it all go and walk freely.
@alhashmy1310 3 жыл бұрын
@Iseeeverything1 Жыл бұрын
Everyday I start my work with this mantra, 😊
@dylanbeard9770 Жыл бұрын
Starting the day off right :)
@gabrielapfel6990 Жыл бұрын
Is lovely. Amazing feeling
@StephenEzraWestDrEz 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing such transformational gifts with everyone around the world! ✨💛✨
@dj7068 3 жыл бұрын
@RAFChannel86 3 жыл бұрын
wih there are devotees of the Dharma greetings from Hindu Indonesia
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 3 жыл бұрын
@@RAFChannel86 Lots and lots of LOVE from India 🙏🏻😇❣️🚩☸️😇🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
@chitranjankumarkushwaha4259 3 жыл бұрын
Yes me too brother
@YT-pm2sc 3 жыл бұрын
2-4 emoji aur daal de
@zenmusicchant 2 жыл бұрын
I also love Shiva :))) we all one
@alexanderrintelen 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful Sanskritpronunciation, bow to Buddha, Dharma, Sanga 🙏 manyur, manur, mahinasho ... Om Shanti
@yihwah 4 жыл бұрын
This is definitely the most beautiful USNISA VIJAYA DHARANI song in the world. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@victorhgarcia5069 4 жыл бұрын
Can you tell me, please, what does USNISS VIJAYA DHARANI means on English?.. thank you.
@shivamanand611 4 жыл бұрын
@@victorhgarcia5069 it loosly traslates to Victorious Buddha Crown Mantra.
@victorhgarcia5069 4 жыл бұрын
@@shivamanand611 Thank you very much.
@bungaraya9767 4 жыл бұрын
@ДмитрийАкимов-б2л 4 жыл бұрын
@GopiNath-um9ij 15 күн бұрын
@zola1406 4 жыл бұрын
Great mantra Brilliant women Perfection The World needs Gems like you Love from Mongolia 🤍
@bungaraya9767 4 жыл бұрын
@ngobi7705 3 жыл бұрын
Mongolian do care abt budhism?
@thommieu7792 3 жыл бұрын
Dây la than chu gi vay ca nha oi
@monotheist.. 2 жыл бұрын
hello brother we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million historian put some estimation that in acient egypp the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line up of people be way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof but the census that moses did resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46. The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number 1000. but the quran said its only small number and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but its anachronistic because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word? bible interpolation kzbin.info/www/bejne/b4SmdnaInbZ7jZI quranic preservation muslimprophets.com/article.php?aid=37 how can patriavh commit sin? www.jesus-resurrection.info/bible-prophets.html patraich commit sin? unpleasant.ffrf.org/ genocide www.layittoheart.com/septuagint.html septuagint problem sites.google.com/site/errorsinthebible/dss-lxx-vs-mt bible error skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/topics/about.html contradiction www.lyingforjesus.org/Bible-Contradictions/ rationalwiki.org/wiki/Bible_interpolation interpolation sites.google.com/site/isthebiblegodsword/interpolations-in-the-bible/interpolations-in-the-bible kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z5aUnYp3mNKUg7M quran preservation heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
@firephoenixspirituality 4 жыл бұрын
I cried when first time i listen to this song.😍
@maianhvu1874 4 жыл бұрын
Same here, touched to the heart and soul.and suddenly i cried
@nathaliechapeau266 3 жыл бұрын
ME TOO ... it's so powerfull
@shuchi9534 3 жыл бұрын
Same here
@brianbishoff194 3 жыл бұрын
Yes indeed, it's so beautiful 💗 Tears for the suffering of all sentient beings and joyful tears at the same time.
@MaynardsSpaceship 3 жыл бұрын
I still do.
@jkkaikai 3 жыл бұрын
To many who practice Buddhism it is not a religion but a way to enlightment
@sandeep00758 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe you also look towards it's origin
@magpie9989 2 ай бұрын
This is the best Mantra I have ever heard ❤I can feel the vibration ❤ I command for all hurt and suffering to end for all of us and the world 🌎
@tanishqgangurde9137 3 жыл бұрын
☸️☸️🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳☸️☸️ I'am real Indian Buddhist. BUT ..I love Your Voice ❤️❤️🌹 YOUR VoiceTouching my Heart 💜❤️❤️ I Love You So much.. .
@zenmusicchant 2 жыл бұрын
❤ 🇮🇳
@abmusica909 2 жыл бұрын
Shiva Mangalam,🙏 Try to chant "Chidambaram Rahasya Sutra". There are four levels to chant this Sacred Mantra. They are as follows- 1. 51 times (Initial Method) 2. 255 times (Panchbhoot Method) 3. 510 times (Navgrah Method) 4. 1008 times (The Cosmic Dance - Nataraja Method) After practicing this Sacred Mantra's for minimum 51 days, the sound will reverberate into your system. This Mantra can activate your "Chittam" also. This mantra has the power to Reduce the bad karmas & make the mind in balancing state. This mantra can Reduce stress, anxiety, sleeplessness & similar problems. It can reduce excessive intake of drugs, alcohol & smoking etc. The one word Solution, for all of this is the "Chidambaram Rahasya Sutra"; Chanting the sutra ignites POSITIVE VIBRATIONS & calms the mind. To chant this sutra for 1008 times which take only 21-30 minutes. There are so many peoples who benefited by Chanting this Mantra. To know more details please connect with us, +91-7410135525 (WhatsApp)🙏
@rceplays 3 жыл бұрын
This mantra is to help release you from karma and help you to reincarnate into a more positive state or stop the wheel of samsara ...you will no longer need to reincarnate...as time is changing and karma is changed and we are in age of Aquarius...this is just a beautiful rendition....prayer brings change and “luck” your way!! Blessings!!!
@petuniayen2633 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, do u mind elaborating on "karma is changing"? I would like to know more
@ily5369 3 жыл бұрын
Wat do u mean aquarius age
@rceplays 3 жыл бұрын
@@petuniayen2633 the new era once you clear karma it’s over…karma is being cleared faster in the new age
@rceplays 3 жыл бұрын
@@ily5369 you can google it any where it’s a lot to explain we are out of the dark ages of the age of Pisces …more light is here the dark forces are leaving ..we are being freed and relearning who we really are or remembering who we are, with the addition of Christ consciousness which is about compassion and love and unity consciousness we are all going to acquire in the change
@ily5369 3 жыл бұрын
@@rceplays so if we want the new age to come we must wait for 2000 years damn thats a lot
@OShotzrz 4 жыл бұрын
This is what I called Buddha Rock
@zenmusicchant 4 жыл бұрын
@TranPhan2023 4 жыл бұрын
@CrazyBoyVN94 3 жыл бұрын
Ok. If u want.. Kk
@billyseah1584 3 жыл бұрын
We need this more... #buddha rock
@thuan6262 Жыл бұрын
it makes your energy frequency soar
@jenniehuynh1804 3 жыл бұрын
I’m proud of her because Tina Tinh is Vietnamese and me too ❤️🇻🇳. She is so beautiful and I hope everyone body after listening to her voice all blessings on you guys ☘️🙏🙏🙏
@MrHominh 3 жыл бұрын
Her voice frequency is incredible, it seems coming from beyond, the divine universe.
@karinah2604 2 жыл бұрын
I agreed with you
@sheelusingh8472 3 жыл бұрын
Proud to be a Buddhist🙏
@jitendrayeolekar9164 3 жыл бұрын
a girl putting huge makeup, and pronouncing Sanskrit so badly.....and you feel proud of it. lols
@jitendrayeolekar9164 2 жыл бұрын
@Armanda Valente KZbin is all about showbiz....I from India, living near Himalaya. Buddism is a small part of Hinduism. Come here and experience Shiva..... 🙂
@monotheist.. 2 жыл бұрын
hello brother we muslim meet ramadhan this month i hope god bless the world to become more peaceful place and help those who suffer, i just want to tell some information and fact about quran and bible the quran multiple times correcting the bible in many cases first in exodus the bible stated people in exodus could be 2 or 3 million historian put some estimation that in acient egypp the population could be around 5 million , so the exodus to be that many is impossible not just that based on scholars observation there would be a problem with logistic and the line up of people be way too long and the collapse of egyptian economy also pharaoh chase the jew only with 600 chariots all christian channel and scholars taht regard this issue seriously excuses taht its only thousand not million because the word eleph in 600 eleph doesnt mean thousand but clan so instead 600 eleph as thousand plus woman and childern they make it clan to fit the historical result and proof but the census that moses did resulting in 600 thousand shekels stuff, that when you read the narrative the result of the tax only compatible wehn the israelite is above million so its true that bible said its up to million It is the silver that is directly connected with the census of Num 1:1-46. The fact that 100 talents plus 1,775 shekels exactly equals 603,550 bekas utterly refutes those who try to make "eleph" mean clans, not the number 1000. but the quran said its only small number and the bible said the ruler in joseph time called pharaoh but its anachronistic because the term pharaoh only used in new kingdom not previous period of egypt the quran stated that the ruler in joseph time didnt called as pharaoh the quran simply stated it as king the quran also know the name moses means newborn and the pharaoh family member name him egyptian name and the quran is preserved orally by memorization also have fixed text unlike new testament that written in greek and can be pharaphrased if scholars said 99% of new tetsament is only inspelling differeneces , then quran is really better than the new testament they didnt uttilize the same scribal technic like this semitic language holy book does whiches you need to always copy it with verbatim and not adding words as interpolation like we found in new testament and old testament and quran is not as bloody as people think in fact the bible is more bloody and severe in killing people as you know when you read the old testament also patriach that depicted in bible as sinner is not like quran Interpolations in the Bible - IS the Bible God's Word? bible interpolation kzbin.info/www/bejne/b4SmdnaInbZ7jZI quranic preservation muslimprophets.com/article.php?aid=37 how can patriavh commit sin? www.jesus-resurrection.info/bible-prophets.html patraich commit sin? unpleasant.ffrf.org/ genocide www.layittoheart.com/septuagint.html septuagint problem sites.google.com/site/errorsinthebible/dss-lxx-vs-mt bible error skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/topics/about.html contradiction www.lyingforjesus.org/Bible-Contradictions/ rationalwiki.org/wiki/Bible_interpolation interpolation sites.google.com/site/isthebiblegodsword/interpolations-in-the-bible/interpolations-in-the-bible kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z5aUnYp3mNKUg7M quran preservation heres the proof no interpolation found in quran amd no need textual criticism like bible does that they need to lift up the variation so you could return to the original so its not the same text throughout the ages without need to return
@dorteevachristmassalling3789 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like someone is jealius. If you can do better, i urge you to do so. Van you translate it too?? Just the basic overall mening, not nessesarily Word by Word, but what is being,canted, to whom and why, when it is used and Who typicaly wøuld choose that very tekst. Just so US merely mortals understand, the purpose and bennefits of this chant. I think it is beautyfull, and I would love to hear more of her interpetations with music. Fantastic.
@user-Void-Star 2 жыл бұрын
@@jitendrayeolekar9164 buddhism is not part of Hindusim.
@arunbishwas2896 Жыл бұрын
Om Shiva Shakti swarupaye namaha.
@嗚嗚一隻貓 2 жыл бұрын
@54kagdrake1 4 жыл бұрын
佛頂尊勝陀羅尼_版本02 南摩 巴嘎瓦爹 德來路戈呀, 巴拉帝 偉施司大呀 布達呀, 巴嘎瓦爹 達帝呀它, 嗡, 偉須達呀 偉須達呀, 薩瑪薩瑪, 司曼達 瓦巴薩, 司巴拉那 嘎帝 嘎哈那, 索巴瓦 威須爹, 阿比森 恰圖曼, 蘇嘎它 瓦拉瓦恰那, 阿米里達 比曬該, 瑪哈曼德拉 巴戴, 阿哈拉 阿哈拉, 阿又索 達拉尼, 須達呀 須達呀, 嘎嘎那 威須爹, 屋司尼薩 偉加呀 威須爹, 薩哈司拉 拉司米 三處抵爹, 薩爾瓦 達它嘎達 瓦羅卡尼, 沙特巴拉米達 巴里布羅尼, 薩爾瓦 達它嘎達 賀里達呀, 帝施達那 帝施抵爹, 瑪哈目德烈 鎢計拉嘎呀, 三哈達那 威須爹, 薩爾瓦 瓦拉那巴呀 圖爾嘎帝, 巴里 威須爹, 巴羅帝 尼瓦爾達呀 阿又須爹, 薩瑪呀 帝施抵爹, 摩尼 摩尼 瑪哈摩尼, 達它達 布特括帝 巴里須爹, 偉司波達 菩提須爹, 加呀加呀 偉加呀偉加呀, 司瑪拉司瑪拉, 薩爾瓦布達 帝施抵達 須爹, 瓦計里 瓦計拉 嘎爾貝, 瓦計蘭 巴瓦度, 麼麼麼 舍里蘭, 薩爾瓦 薩多南加 嘎呀, 巴里威須爹, 薩爾瓦嘎帝 巴里須爹, 薩爾瓦 達它嘎達 希佳美, 薩瑪索薩 呀姆多, 薩爾瓦 達它嘎達, 薩瑪索薩 帝施抵爹, 菩提呀 菩提呀, 偉菩提呀 偉菩提呀, 布達呀 布達呀, 偉布達呀 偉布達呀, 薩曼達 巴里須爹, 薩爾瓦 達它嘎達 賀里達呀, 帝施達那 帝施抵爹, 瑪哈目德烈 司哇哈.
@catbird4 4 жыл бұрын
@yugenlimbu3311 3 жыл бұрын
Can you translate in english🙏🙏 plz
@GoodnessInEachOfUs Жыл бұрын
Hãy bắt đầu một ngày mới, hãy nhớ rằng không phải ai cũng có cơ hội thức dậy sau giấc ngủ . Việc bạn có thể chứng kiến ​​ngày đẹp trời này trong tình trạng sức khỏe tốt là dấu hiệu lớn nhất cho thấy bạn đã được ban phước dồi dào Phúc lành, chúc bạn luôn Bình An, May Mắn 🙏🙏🙏
@จิรัญชญาชอบบุญ-ฟ5ฟ 4 ай бұрын
❤น้อมรับเปิดรับ พลังงานบุญ คลื่นดีๆค่ะ สู่กัลยกร ช่อบุญฐา น้อมเปิดรับสายเปย์
@GabyCT.Mexico Жыл бұрын
Soy GabyCT del Estado de México 🇲🇽, no sigo ninguna religión, tampoco ninguna doctrina, desde hace 10 años entendí que para encontrar a Dios y comunicarme y hasta poderlo ver, se necesita VERDAD EN EL CORAZÓN! y gracias a ello, me ha llevado por los bellos caminos en donde he encontrado grandes seres de luz de los cuales sigo aprendiendo y alegran mi espurutu como tu. Mi cariño y admiración para ti y todo el equipo que hacen posible tan bello espectáculo, ahora tengo un sueño más, estar presente en un evento tuyo. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@kartikpanickar973 3 жыл бұрын
🙏🙏🙏 Namaste... To all, love from India.... Thank you this redention and keeping the Dharma alive....🙏🙏🙏 I bow to Lord Buddha... Bless my loved ones and all those listening to this beautiful mantra Har Har Mahadev!!!!
@privilegedindiansrworsthum8408 Жыл бұрын
@PreetiGupta-zv5gw Жыл бұрын
​@@privilegedindiansrworsthum8408Who? You! Definitely 😂
@silkykamboj6874 Жыл бұрын
🇮🇳❣✨ Blessing from india to everyone
@sindasolutionelectronic5401 4 жыл бұрын
May all Being be Happy ...Praise the lord Buddha from Indonesia.
@SatyamKumar-px1ch 3 жыл бұрын
Lots of love from BIHAR state of India 😇☸️❣️🇮🇳🇮🇩❣️❣️
@Epifiloma 3 жыл бұрын
Namo buddhaya,salam
@Makkaru112 3 жыл бұрын
There are many buddhas in India.. many are able to become a living Buddha. We all can. Have it within us. Limitless potential.
@ninomano1929 3 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum..I love Budha💓🙏
@Riyakumari-do8vk Жыл бұрын
I'm not Buddhist.... but i love this prayer i saw this prayer on status of KZbin nd when i heard it.. i searched it immediately nd i love it tons of... love from India 🙏♥️.. it's Riya....
@padmanabhvyas9823 27 күн бұрын
And all of this is beautiful recitation in sanskrit ❤ just fell in love with the protection seeking prayer from lord buddha in sanskrit, so heart touching, and opened a new realm of my understanding for occult Buddhism ❤ namo bhagwate buddhaya
@nevornsomaru819 3 жыл бұрын
To my fellow companion stranger on this earth journey reading this, you, an embodiment of love...may the deepest peace, everlasting happiness, abundant health, bounteous wealth be forever your birthright in all lifetimes till your attainment of the eternal jewel in the lotus.
@aideengleeson1969 3 жыл бұрын
Thankyou I pray that the demons trying to make me feel hopeless and despairing and worthless be destroyed and may loving angels be a signed to be my guardians to help me to discover the love and goodness and abundance that lives within me simply because I ama woman and therefore a goddess the embodiment of the divine feminine christ to whom is capable of healing all things and manifesting blessings in all ways. Amen.
@you-n-ETtarot 3 жыл бұрын
@Vort317545 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely POWERFUL! I am not a Buddhist but much respect. Just fifteen minutes of listening to this. I LITERALLY felt my troubled spirits (over events playing out in the world today) I felt instant healing dare to state to point of joyous spiritual ecstasy. This is incredible. Did look up the meaning of the mantra and to my astonishment that is its purpose. Purification. No words others then amazing!
@icyboy771z 11 ай бұрын
Me too, I felt a sense of empowerment and spiritual joy listening just a mere 15 seconds into it...
@english3647 3 жыл бұрын
If listening to this music has brought so much comfort to your heart, just imagine how much your heart will be comforted by the tenets of Buddhism and the profound philosophy it teaches.
@krishanu-d1k 2 жыл бұрын
Be meditative. Buddha given what is in the Upanishads 🙏🏻🙏🏻 AUM NAMO BHAGBATE VASUDEVAYA 🙏🏻🙏🏻 AUM NAMO BHAGBATE BUDDHAYA 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@csflower 2 жыл бұрын
Studying Buddhist philosophy has brought home to my heart how great God is and the Buddha is one of His servants as are all of us. It’s an amazing way to connect with the Divine within us and all the teachings of Jesus and Moses are found in Buddhism also. To bring these tenets into our lives truly involves setting aside our egos, our judgments, our selfishness putting our self love in a place of humility as we care for all sentient beings. Unfortunately “religion” has tendency to divide people as we place ourselves in separate camps. Of all this old world’s great religions I think Buddhism is the most inclusive really putting to heart and action the commandment taught by Moses - “Love your fellowman as you love yourself” - and the words of Jesus - “The Kingdom of God is within you”. In other words: “The Jewel is in the Lotus.” I am Jewish and in my personal studies of all religions I see Truth and I am in awe of the Creator of us all. It’s ok to be in separate camps as we called to bloom where we are planted, as long as we don’t allow religious pride to dictate a negative judgment of other camps. A tree is known by its fruit. I think a time may be coming when all humanity will be as one as The Lord Who is our God is One. Have a beautiful life❤️
@anthonykearney3504 2 жыл бұрын
@LeoandLunaLumine123 2 жыл бұрын
That’s right. Buddhism is a very healing philosophy.
@LeoandLunaLumine123 2 жыл бұрын
@@csflower I really enjoyed your comment. I follow the Buddha and Jesus, and others. Your comment truly made me happy, to hear someone so open minded what a blessing.
@ThuyNguyen-ez1cp 4 ай бұрын
Thuộc chú đại bi tiếng việt..thì nghe tiếng phạn cũng rất hay.. chúc mừng ca sĩ ❤️🌹❤️
@rajeshmisra2000 3 жыл бұрын
I hear Green Taara and this Mantra every night before sleeping, very positive feeling.
@PureZenMusic 3 жыл бұрын
The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results.
@kayatbrothers2790 3 жыл бұрын
this the thathagata languge #PALI......why are not told these unknown people.....tell them PALI and SANSKRIT are diffrent languge......told them bro this is pali languge
@spritualindia1379 3 жыл бұрын
@primavera5406 2 жыл бұрын
After 5 minutes I am literally crying...Feelig so.. cannot even describe these emotions but it's much more than happiness... Greetings and gratitude from Kazakhstan 🙏🌠🌠🌠
@privilegedindiansrworsthum8408 2 жыл бұрын
Do u know central asia was buddhist before 6th c.e
@primavera5406 2 жыл бұрын
@@privilegedindiansrworsthum8408 I didnt know but can believe, I feel there is some connection between us.. 🌠🌠🌠😊
@МарияМария-т4ы 8 ай бұрын
Благодарю!!! Огромное спасибо за эту прекрасную мантру и дивное исполнение!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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