Thank you very much Master Guan Cheng, I am a catholic, happen this week have to stay at due to Covid 19. Now I really believe any things happen for a reason if not I think I will not have a chance to listen to your previous lecture. It is really very enriching and I have learn to inprove myself. I will continuing to listen and learn from your teaching. May Buddha Bless you with good health and long life, Thank you once again.
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南無觀世音菩薩聖誕千秋,生日快樂!感恩神尊護佑一切眾生,護持我們一家人身體健康!平安順遂!心想事成! 戒杀,放生。持十善业道。生生世世不吃众生肉,生生世世不做有害众生生命的事业。 Ten Wholesome Ways 1. No Killing 2. No stealing 3. No sexual misconduct 4. No lying 5. No abusive speech 6. No slander 7. No enticing speech 8. No greed 9 No anger 10. No ignorance /delusion/attachment 南無阿彌陀佛🙏南無阿彌陀佛🙏南無阿彌陀佛🙏 Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit.
被受尊敬的觀成法師, 我相信你的工作幫助和啟迪了許多人的心靈,使他們頓悟成道。我也相信,他們不介意我代表他們謝謝你。 加國雲城的Dr. George Ho Dear Venerable Guan Cheng , I am sure your work must have helped many people who want to achieve enlightenment. I am also sure that they do not mind me representing them to thank you. Dr. George Ho of Vancouver.