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Distribution board What to put? RCD, difavtomat, relay voltage - • Распределительный щит....
Video for ordinary residents about the assembly and installation of switchboards. A good electrical distribution board should protect the electrical wiring in the house or apartment and human health if the insulation is damaged and the phase conductor is touched.
If you think that building a shield is something supernatural, then you are deeply mistaken. Electrical panel only at a glance very complicated and incomprehensible design. But there is nothing difficult. The assembly of the switchboard is carried out according to certain rules. How to properly assemble the shield for an apartment or a private house? After watching this video, you will learn what the correct assembly of the shield is, you will see the connection of the machines. You will learn how to assemble a budget shield, as well as a shield with RCD, Bison voltage switch and difavtomaty. You will see how the installation of boards, what wires and according to what rules.
01:32 Shield layout.
02:19 Bundle shield.
02:49 Wire cross section of a single circuit breaker wire.
03:29 How to choose an electrical panel.
04:29 Installation of machines on dinriku.
05:26 Connecting machines.
06:15 Wire for shield assembly.
08:44 Colors of wires. Shield installation.
12:05 Terms of assembly and installation of the shield.
13:09 How to build a budget flap.
16:04 Assembly of a single-phase shield.
17:17 Relay voltage Bison.
The magazine “How to do everything yourself” tells about various useful tips that will be useful to every person in his life, regardless of gender and age. We will try to tell just about how best to make a product, how to make your choice, or how best to act in a given situation. All suggested tips are tested on their own experience.
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