Oh yes, the final ten stages of a Hachette build where they give you 1,000 things to do in each stage. Looking incredible, though! It's going to be an amazing finish :)
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
It sure is a beautiful ship. 👍
@davemacbuilds52323 ай бұрын
excellent work John, you would have thought that the holes would have been pre drilled for us, the first one you did was mighty close to the funnel and with the LED in there, im surprised the drill didnt go through it, great vid mate
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Thanks Dave 👍 never a problem, Dave. I just followed the instructions.
@kevinvicedomini87453 ай бұрын
I agree about pre drill holes
@rizz9173 ай бұрын
So glad I found your channel, John. Thanks for sharing
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
You are welcome. 😀
@rodadams84223 ай бұрын
Great video John Nicely presented and she's looking fantastic, yes your so right everyone has different views including myself thanks for sharing take care cheers 🍻
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Thanks Rod 👍 😊
@DeanKennedy8053 ай бұрын
Omg I'm worried when I get there
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
It's not difficult, if I can do it so can anyone.👍😊
@DeanKennedy8053 ай бұрын
@@JohnsModelmaking this week I'm getting 102 103 so I am catching up slowly great work
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Thanks 👍
@hbalazs09103 ай бұрын
You are almost ready, the building start in Hungary now only :) I building it :) Greetings from Hungary 🤝
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Hope you enjoy it! :)
@eddywells56893 ай бұрын
Holey heck that took some doing great vid 💪🍺💞👍🙏
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Thanks Eddy 👍 much appreciated 🙏 😊
@steveashforth50973 ай бұрын
The Poop deck is looking great. Quickly running out of holes to stick things in, lol! I can't believe there's only two more deliveries to come now.
@philliposborn8083 ай бұрын
Nice to watch John, was getting concerned about having to drill that close to the funnel and LED, but im sure it must be okay, when you see it on your video, i suppose the camera makes it look more risky than it really is. Saw your update with the display case, looks precisely like the Bismarck's with subtle differences. Also saw the latest on the Titanic wreck, where the railing has come away from the famous bow end and the statue of Diana, they are going to be picking those up i believe. The ship is disappearing slowly but surely back to mother nature. Thanks John, enjoyed the watch. Got my three cranes built okay, only three to go 😊👍
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Thanks Phil 👍 The close up was to terrify you all, kidding, lol. Its easy peasy really. Good info about the Titanic, anymore news on Titanic 2? Take care. 👍
@richardcopleston66762 ай бұрын
what paint are you using for the bottom of the cranes
@JohnsModelmaking2 ай бұрын
Revell 310. 👍
@lesterkirby71323 ай бұрын
could you tell me the length and width and height please of your case for titanic so i can make one if thats ok thankyou
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Dimensions are on a post my community page. 😀
@lesterkirby71323 ай бұрын
@@JohnsModelmaking thankyou
@germanyretrotoys9444Ай бұрын
Can you do me a favor? Can you tell me the exact height from the front, from the start of the stand that is on the table to the top of the front mast at the top and the end of the flag? Can you tell me in centimeters how high it is? I urgently need it for a display case so that it fits. So from the front of the ship, where the pole goes up, the brown one from below the stand to the pole at the end of the flag.
@JohnsModelmakingАй бұрын
The display case dimensions are on my community page. 👍
@audi100010003 ай бұрын
When does issue 133 coming out
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Last week of September. 👍
@audi100010003 ай бұрын
@@JohnsModelmaking okay thanks
@audi100010002 ай бұрын
Do we have to be concerned about the last issues , I don’t think there is activity on Hachette s website . Do you got issues delivered for this month
@JohnsModelmaking2 ай бұрын
@audi10001000 No, I have received notification for stages 133 to 136. 😊
@audi100010002 ай бұрын
@@JohnsModelmaking Well this weird, I have always been 10 issues behind and now I am on stage 131 . On their homepage it has been stuck at 134 for a lone time
@kevinvicedomini87453 ай бұрын
I'm dreading when I get to that drilling . But I'm only on issue 93 at moment I'm quite behind
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
There is nothing to worry about. 👍😊
@markapted44943 ай бұрын
Thank you for all videos 129 to 132. I'm not receive yet 🤔
@nachocdbz3 ай бұрын
Oh, the yellow lines are stickers then? Kind of disappointing. I hope they have good quality glue on them
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Decals and sticker sheet. 👍🙂
@malcolmrich92273 ай бұрын
All other holes are predrilled so why not these, were they feeling guilty charging so much for tiny bits of plastic and thought must give you a little drill to make up for it. BTW are the measurements that important as long as it's in the centre and roughly in the right place.
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
The measurements are important for the 4th funnel due to the position of the Led. As for why they are not predrilled, it is possibly due to being overlooked. 👍
@scqqter86233 ай бұрын
Interesting that here in Poland, where we're about 8 months behind, the hole for the eyelet has since been predrilled into the base of the fourth funnel, but not the roof.
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
@scqqter8623 That is interesting. It must have been an oversight, and since corrected. 👍🙂
@arnddegenhard22783 ай бұрын
Eine super Vorstellung! Ich begreife nur nicht, wieso Hachette Anker, Poller und Klampen metallfarben geliefert hat! Die waren grundsätzlich schwarz. Ebenso wie die Winschen, die in Wahrheit dunkelgrün lackiert waren. Auch die Farbe der Schornsteine ist viel zu gelblastig! Ich musste mir die Arbeit machen, sie nachträglich mit Tamiya XF 15 nachzulackieren.
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
There has been a lot of debate with the colours of the parts, and no one really knows due to a lack of colour pictures of the Titanic. 👍
@arnddegenhard22783 ай бұрын
@@JohnsModelmaking Das ist richtig, aber es gibt etliche Farbfotos der Olympic - und die Farben dürften wohl identisch mit denen der Titanic sein. Ok, die 100%ig korrekte Farbe der Schornsteine ist auch da nicht genau zu erkennen. Aber was Poller, Klampen und Anker angeht, durchaus. Ebenso wie Hachette es versäumt hat, die orange-braune Farbe an den Innenseiten des Schanzkleides von Vor- und Achterdeck zu erwähnen/darzustellen, sodaß man auch die nachträglich malen muss, ebenso wie den entsprechenden Streifen an Aufbauten und den vorderen und hinteren Deckskränen. Am Vordeck habe ich mir jedenfalls die Mühe gemacht und ein gutes Ergebnis erzielt. Das Achterdeck habe ich noch nicht, werde es aber genauso bemalen. Ob ich die Decals aus der nächsten Ausgabe verwenden werde, weiß ich noch nicht. Vielleicht klebe ich auch entsprechend ab und lackiere die gelben Streifen stattdessen. Auf jeden Fall hast du eine spitzenmäßige Arbeit geleistet!
@arnddegenhard22783 ай бұрын
@@JohnsModelmaking Soweit ich weiß, gibt es überhaupt keine Farbfotos der Titanic, nur welche von der Olympic, die allerdings viel später erst gemacht wurden.
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Thank you :)
@kevinvicedomini87453 ай бұрын
Are the eyelets metal
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Yes. 👍
@kevinb8973 ай бұрын
Did you get your display case delivered the same day as your parts , normally i get an email from the Royal mail to say ŵhen the parts are going to be delivered, but this time nothing even though i got the parts delivered today by a big mail van where as normaly its the postman that delivers The parts ?
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Parcelforce delivered the case the day after RM delivered the parts. :)
@NicolaMs0073 ай бұрын
when you say Officers quaters for the rear of the boat deck it's actually the 2nd Class Entrance an stairway
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Silly me. 👍😊
@jayrobinson75543 ай бұрын
Them screw eyes are a pain, I had to use blue tack on the tool in the end to get them in they kept on falling over 😂
@JohnsModelmaking3 ай бұрын
Satisfying when they are in, though, and more to come.👍
@AnthonyWiddowson3 ай бұрын
Think my Titanic will be from an alternate timeline that doesn't have rigging.
@k.neville6774Ай бұрын
@AnthonyWiddowson Rigging will be in issue 139 or 140
@markapted44943 ай бұрын
I had been doing the hand drill is rubbish and poor quality that I use Revell hand drill excellent quality.
@jimmclaughlin2728Ай бұрын
why is there a joint on the wheelhouse roof?
@JohnsModelmakingАй бұрын
It's in the instructions, do you mean eyelet or that the roof came in 2 pieces? 👍