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⚡ New course Sony KDL32BX355 Power Supply - R$70.00 until 02/24/2025!
✔ Payment via Mercado Pago: 👉 mpago.la/2hFnZ2J
📣 Our Course Store:
✂ Professional Oscilloscope Use Course - R$100.00 until 02/02/2025!
🎁 Winner of the RIGOL/RioLink Oscilloscope DHO802 giveaway:
Number 67 - Antonio Fernando M. de Mendonça
🎁 Buy any oscilloscope at RioLink and get the course + carrying case:
✂ For the DHO line, there is a 10% discount with the coupon: BURGOS10
📢 AFR Store:
✅ Experiment Kit with the 555:
🏆 Kit for the Practical Electronics Course:
📩 Our contacts:
Whats 11 92006-5996
😊 Donations to the Channel:
PIX: Lburgos@terra.com.br
Caixa Econômica Federal
Ag 1368
Operation 013
Account 7756-5
Beneficiary Luis Carlos Burgos
😊 Be a member of this channel and earn benefits:
/ @burgoseletronica05
📚 New Course - Digital Electronics from scratch to advanced - Live online R$150.00 (100.00 for Members in the Members Community Tab):
Pagseguro: pag.ae/7ZuDdfnpo
Mercado Pago: mpago.la/2ofqjb3
📚 Burgoseletronica e-books (including those from the 704E font) R$150.00
Pagseguro: pag.ae/7ZfWn-5eo
Mercado Pago: mpago.la/1qjpBgA
✅ Mamute Eletrônica:
Code 10% discount = Burgos10
😊 Support the channel and get benefits: apoia.se/burgo...
👨🏾🤝👨🏻 Link to the Burgoseletronica Group on Whatsapp:
✔ Very cool electronics and mechatronics channels:
✅ / vanderlab
✅ / @vandertronic
✅ Brincando com Ideias Channel:
/ @brincandocomideias
✅ JuliaLabs Channel:
/ @julia_labs
✅ Inclusive Robotics Channel Play:
/ @oficinadaina
✅ Easy Electronics Channel:
/ eletrônicafácil
✅ Newton C Braga Channel:
/ institutoncbnewtoncbraga
✅ Mariana Tomáz´ Channel:
/ @tritechinformatica_
✅ Natal Space Electronics Channel:
/ eletronicaespacialdenatal
✅ Demainfo Channel - Valdemar Gomes:
/ demainfo