She looked like a future rising star, but this match suggests she won't challenge the top Chinese players. She was way off the level of Hayata, who is herself off the level of the top Chinese. It looks like she'll be similar to her brother, a v good player but unable to break the dominance of the top Chinese players.
《早田希娜 VS 張本美和》 時間站在張本美和這一邊! 也就是說,未來是美和的! 雖然,美和連續3年在全日本天皇盃女單,都慘敗在早田手上(2023年1-4止步R16,2024年與2025年都是0-4輸在冠亞軍決賽)。 並且,Head to Head的交手紀錄,美和只勝過早田1場次,國內外比賽至少輸過早田10場次以上。 然而,早田現年24歲了(2000年出生),美和年僅16歲(2008年出生)。 一般而言,女子乒球選手的成熟期(高峰期),大約落在18~28歲之間。 具體的說,早田還有幾年好光景呢?大約就是3~5年而已! 相對來說,美和在成年組的輝煌,才正要開展哩! 等到兩人都退役時,我們就可以回頭客觀地評估。 我的預測是美和的戰績與各項紀錄,將會優於(超過)早田。 簡單地說,如果我們從國內賽(日本)與國際賽(外國)的「同齡層」(各自的歲數±5歲),主要競爭對手的角度來探究分析,就能夠得出結論。 早田在日本國內的同齡層主要競爭對手,基本上就是同樣都是2000年出生的伊藤美誠與平野美宇。她們三人(日本3龍)與已退役的石川佳純,包攬了近10年的全日本天皇盃女單冠軍。(2016石川、2017平野、2018伊藤、2019伊藤、2020早田、2021石川、2022伊藤、2023早田、2024早田、2025早田)。 早田迄今取得4次全日本天皇盃女單冠軍金盃?退役時,能夠達成的最佳紀錄將會是多少次,就留待日後退役時統計吧! 美和在日本的同齡層主要競爭對手,我的評論是「從缺」。16歲的美和在全日本天皇盃青女組(U18)女單3連霸,所向無敵、完全制霸。只要她願意,我相信應該可以創下5連霸的歷史紀錄。美和雖然迄今在全日本天皇盃尚未取的女單冠軍。不過年紀尚輕的她,連續2年輸給早田屈居亞軍,正也顯示距離奪冠之日不遠了!我非常樂觀地相信,美和退役時取得全日本天皇盃女單冠軍的次數,應該可以超越早田。 另外,就兩人的同齡層外國主要競爭對手來看,早田可說是「苦苦掙扎」! 對上王曼昱(1999年出生)是0勝3敗,對上孫穎莎(2000出生)是0勝16敗,對上錢天一(2000年出生)是1勝1敗。整體來說,自參加國際賽以來,對戰交手中國選手總計79場次,23勝56敗,勝率29.1%。 相對地,面對交手同齡層外國主要競爭對手,美和可說是「優勢領先」! 對上德國Annett Kaufmann (2006年出生)是3勝1敗,對上埃及Goda Hana (2007年出生)是1勝0敗,對上中國的覃予萱(2006年出生)是1勝1敗,對上纵歌曼(2006年出生)是1勝0敗。累計對戰交手中國選手60場次,25勝35敗,勝率41.6%。 按照WTT與ITTF的世界排名World Ranking積分表來看,最高等級的5項女單比賽冠軍積分,分別是奧運(2000分)、世界錦標賽(2000分)、Grand Smash(2000分)、年終賽WTT Finals(1500分)與ITTF World Cup(1500分)。 迄今為止,早田拿過1次奧運女單銅牌、世界錦標賽女單銅牌。退役時,能拿到前述5項比賽的金牌或銀牌嗎?我相當保守哩! 美和迄今為止,雖然僅拿過1次ITTF World Cup(女子世界盃)的銅牌。不過,我相信美和退役時,拿到前述5項比賽的金、銀、銅牌總數,鐵定超過早田! "Hayata Hina VS Harimoto Miwa" Time is on Miwa’s side! In other words, the future belongs to Miwa! Although, Miwa was defeated by Hayata in the All Japan Championships Women's Singles Events for three consecutive years (1-4 in R16 in 2023, and 0-4 in the finals in 2024 and 2025). Moreover, in the Head-to-Head match record, Miwa only won one match against Hayata, and lost to Hayata at least 10 times in both domestic and overseas competitions. However, Hayata is now 24 years old (born in 2000) and Miwa is only 16 years old (born in 2008). Generally speaking, the maturity (peak period) of female table tennis players is approximately between 18 and 28 years old. Specifically speaking, how many years of good times does Hayata have left? It’s only about 3 to 5 years! On the contrary, Miwa's glory in the adult events is just beginning! When both of them retire, we can look back and make an objective assessment. My prediction is that Miwa's performance and records will be better than (exceed) Hayata's. In simple terms, if we analyze the "peer players" (each age ± 5 years) of domestic competitions (Japan) and international competitions (foreign countries) from the perspective of major competitors, we can draw a conclusion. Hayata's main competitors of peer players in Japan are basically Ito Mima and Hirano Miu, who were both born in 2000. The three of them (Japan's Three Dragons) and the retired Kasumi Ishikawa have won the All-Japan Championships Women's Singles Events for last 10 years. (2016 Ishikawa, 2017 Hirano, 2018 Ito, 2019 Ito, 2020 Hayata, 2021 Ishikawa, 2022 Ito, 2023 Hayata, 2024 Hayata, 2025 Hayata). Hayata has won the All Japan Championships Women's Singles Events Gold Medal 4 times so far. How many times can Hayata win the All-Japan Championships Women's Singles Events when she retired? My comment on Miwa's main competitor of peer players in Japan is "absent (none)". The 16-year-old Miwa won the All Japan Championships U18 Girl's Singles title for the third time in a row, being invincible and completely dominating. As long as she is willing, I believe she can set a historical record of five consecutive championships. Although Miwa has not yet won the Women's Sngles Events in the All Japan Championships. However, despite her young age, she has been the runner up for two consecutive years, which shows that she is not far from winning the championship! I am very optimistic that when Miwa retires, she should be able to surpass Hayata in the number of All-Japan Championships Women's Singles titles she has won. In addition, compared with their main foreign competitors of the same age, Hayata can be said to be "struggling"! Against Wang Manyu (born in 1999), the record is 0 wins and 3 losses; against Sun Yingsha (born in 2000), the record is 0 wins and 16 losses; against Qian Tianyi (born in 2000), the record is 1 win and 1 loss. Overall, since participating in international competitions, she has played against Chinese players 79 matches, with 23 wins and 56 losses, and a winning rate of 29.1%. In contrast, when facing major foreign competitors of the same age group, Miwa can be said to have a "leading advantage"! Against Germany's Annett Kaufmann (born in 2006), the record is 3 wins and 1 loss; against Egypt's Goda Hana (born in 2007), the record is 1 win and 0 losses; against China's Qin Yuxuan (born in 2006), the record is 1 win and 1 loss; against Zong Geman (born in 2006) the record is 1 win and 0 losses. A total of 60 matches were played against Chinese players, with 25 wins and 35 losses, and a winning rate of 41.6%. According to the WTT and ITTF World Ranking points table, the top five women's singles championship points are the Olympic Games (2000 points), the ITTF World Championships (2000 points), the Grand Smash (2000 points), the WTT Finals (1500 points) and ITTF World Cup (1500 points). So far, Hayata has won one Olympic women's singles bronze medal and one World Championships women's singles bronze medal. Will she be able to win gold and silver medals in the above five competitions when she retires? I'm quite conservative! So far, Miwa has only won one bronze medal in the ITTF Women's World Cup. However, I believe that when Miwa retires, the total number of gold, silver and bronze medals she has won in the above five competitions will definitely exceed that of Hayata! 2025.1.27
내가본 하야타히나 2016년 코리아오픈에서 당시16세에 중국 딩닝(세계1위)과시합에서 하야타의 탁구스타일에 반해 팬이 됨 1.하야타히나의 천재성(마이클조던같은 강한 승부욕, 오타니를 연상시키는 철저함 그리고 마롱과같은 문제해결 능력등) 아마 중국탁구시스템에서 탁구를 시작했다면 지금 세계1위를 하고 있을 하야타히나!!! 그리고 아직도 성장중인 하야타히나 2. 4세에 취미로 시작하여 본격적으로 탁구할때쯤 이토미마 나 히라노 미우는 벌써 전국적으로 탁구스타로 이름을 날리고 있었음 이토,히리노,하리모토등 모두 선수출신부모을둔 조기교육파들( 100미터 달리기시합에서 하야타히나가 출발할때 벌써 30미터앞에서 출발한것과 같음) 3.조기교육파들은 특히 여자들은 남자보다 빨리 조숙하여 15~17세에 정점을 찍고 엄마가 되기위해 이후 여성호로몬 급격히 증가 운동신경이 떨어지짐(중국의 장이닝이 이토는 20세이후 15~16세처럼 치지 못할것이라고 예상함) 20세이후 탁구가 성장하는경우는 타고한 운동신경이 있어야함(예 마롱) 특히 조기교육파들은 20세이후 진짜 천재적 운동신경있는지 파악됨 일본여자탁구 선수들중 하야타히나 유일함 하리모토 미화도 자기재능인지 아니면 부모의재능인지는 곧 나타남 난 개인적으로 미와는 부모의재능이라고 생각됨 그리고 미와는 하야타히나보다는 자기후배에게 역전될 가능성도 매우 높음 3.하야타히나 기합소리 저음 고음1단 고음2단 전부 박자가 있음 매우 멋진모습 4. 고등학교졸업쯤 자신에게 쓴 글(최후는 자신과의 싸움 약해진 자신에게 무너지지마) 학창시절 공부도 매우 잘함, 머리가명석함 탁구를 하지않았으면 지금쯤 명문대 대학생? 5. 개인적 소망 올림픽 금메달 하야타히나! 화이팅!
Very strange why Miwa can't win even one game, seems not logic,what is the reason ? Miwa strong in all aspects ,any particular reason why she can't win, also Miwa you can't go on like that,need deeply though about this matter seriously
Miwa looked like a future rising star, but this match suggests she won't challenge the top Chinese players. She was way off the level of Hayata, who is herself off the level of the top Chinese. It looks like she'll be similar to her brother, a v good player but unable to break the dominance of the top Chinese players.