Buy an Electric Car they said...

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Trucker Dashcam // Sweden

Trucker Dashcam // Sweden

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@truckdriver1982 11 ай бұрын
Before I upset too many...😁 I have no problems with electric cars. They will probably be a big part of the future. It´s was just a joke, nothing to take serious 😉
@Dabjo01 11 ай бұрын
At least most EV's let you "limp" for a bit when the battery goes flat. if you run out in a combustion engined car, that's it 😂 Also, curious to ask, are you getting back behind the wheel of a truck in the future? i miss your POV clips lol
@freddiebox 10 ай бұрын
Well, I have no problem saying it. Electric cars are a flawed and rushed technology that will have no place in the near future until we can figure out how to make them drive in cold and warm climates and have energy infrastructure robust enough to charge them without giving the rest of us skyhigh electric prices.
@danstrzy6111 11 ай бұрын
Lol this happened to me like 2 days ago. Car had 7% battery left, orange turtle appeared on screen and car went into slow turtle mode. Max speed was about 7km/h lol. VW ID 3
@lolvalle 11 ай бұрын
Well, he was stranded at first. He must have plugged in a powerbank to get moving
@MrTrs1978 11 ай бұрын
Bought my first electric car a few months ago, I never want anything else again. My colleagues joked about how I wouldn't be able to get to work in winter, but whose car wouldn't start when it froze a few degrees... :) And I don't have to clean my windows from ice, as it's already pre-heated and nice and warm when I get in. I looked at hybrid also, but they don't have enough electric range (for my daily commute) and you still have to put fuel in, it wouldn't be any cheaper then my previous car that ran only on petrol.
@georgevindo 11 ай бұрын
Until you have to replace the battery. I think it will dawn on a lot of people then. But you enjoy yours until then.
@MrTrs1978 11 ай бұрын
Why should I replace the battery? How many engines have you replaced in your car? I'm not saying there are any disadvantages, but for me this is the right choice right now, at least it saving me a lot of money each month. I think it will dawn on a lot of people...
@cambridgemart2075 9 ай бұрын
@@MrTrs1978 Batteries do have a limited lifespan, especially if you fast charge them. An engine will typically last much longer than a battery pack.
@Stefan- 11 ай бұрын
Överlag så verkar det vara nyare bilar oavsett drivmedel som man ser strandade och upphämtade av bärgningsbil medan min 26 år gamla Volvo 945 bara tuffar på och aldrig har haft något allvarligt fel under de 20 år som jag ägt den och jag har aldrig blivit strandad någonstans heller.
@truckdriver1982 11 ай бұрын
Generellt tycker man ju att elbilar borde va ganska driftsäkra beroende på få delar som rör sig. Men de är fortfarande tidigt i utvecklingen. En Volvo 945 var ju en ganska beprövad konstruktion :)
@Stefan- 11 ай бұрын
@@truckdriver1982 Jo, min är också sista årsmodellen så den var nog som bäst då och ursprunget till modellen är ju 740/760 som började tillverkas 1982. Jag tror det handlar mycket om hur komplicerade nyare bilar är med mycket elektronik jämfört med min gamla Volvo , min har ju ganska lite sånt, den enda elektroniska displayen den har är en liten tempmätare t ex. Sedan så är ju också kvaliteten inte något vidare på nya bilar jämfört med en gammal Volvo trots skyhöga priser på de nya, jag önskar att min lön hade utvecklats i närheten så bra som bilpriserna.
@tangosierradelta 11 ай бұрын
I am a truck/bus driver myself and I drive electric cars since 2013 and wouldn't want to go back. Most people just convert to electric and don't change their habits and/or driving style. And your video features one of the results of such. If you understand (like professional drivers!) how to anticipate in traffic, mainly brake regenerative, pull up gently in stead of pulling away like in a derby, and check the range (in combination with your remaining navi distance) plus weather forecast, then you're going to 'have a good time' and you'll be better off. Otherwise you'll pay the price of your ignorance and not respecting the 'rules' of electric mobility. 😊
@RavTokomi 11 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure ICE cars can run out of fuel or break down as well.
@georgevindo 11 ай бұрын
Yes but fuel is available in far more locations than chargers. Also you can bring fuel to your car. Not much chance of bringing a can full of electricity.
@keithlarsson8540 10 ай бұрын
Vad har du för dashcam? 😊
@truckdriver1982 10 ай бұрын
En Blackvue 900 :)
@martinjohansson7490 11 ай бұрын
Får väl prova med starkström 😂
@suebarnes9310 11 ай бұрын
Watching again your old videos, which I love, and imo opinion you and Martijn Doolaard are the best items on tube ever. Bless Pikachu, wherever he is 🤗
@rgrndu 11 ай бұрын
Your snail made me 😂😅. This is our future, as combustion engines go bye bye.😢
@georgevindo 11 ай бұрын
North American and some Asian car manufacturers are going to stop producing them, dealers can't sell them and people are not buying them here.
@georgevindo 11 ай бұрын
Ha, ha, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
@charlesball6519 11 ай бұрын
I mean, that's their fault they didn't plan properly. Only an idiot lets their battery get that low. Same with anyone who runs out of gas, you're an idiot if you do.
@bobcatforever3485 11 ай бұрын
TD // S. Good video. It happens!
@johnscott2849 11 ай бұрын
No country is set up for fully electric cars. Hybrid is really the only way to go. It makes sense.
@chrismuller9289 11 ай бұрын
Nicht für längere Strecken. Da hilft von der Zuverlässigkeit als auch tasächlich vom Umweltaspekt her der Dieselantrieb. Die Reichweiten der E-Triebler sind alles Schönwetterwerte, bestgerechnet von der Industrie aber im täglichen Leben nicht erreichbar. Dann steht man Nachts mitten in einem kalten Gewerbegebiet und betet, daß die Ladesäulen a) die eigene Ladekarte akzeptieren und b) die erforderliche Ladeleistung überhaupt anbieten... Ich hab reichlich tolle Erfahrungen damit und kann bestätigen: ICH war danach geladen, meine Autoakkus aber nur halbherzig und der nächste Geschäftstermin war... geplatzt. E und Hybrid im Ferneinsatz? Nicht wieder. (Ich fahre durchaus öfter Strecken in D von 1.200km am Tag... mit einem Pkw...)
@lithium81 11 ай бұрын
This is the facts. But noone look for it.
@HikaruKatayamma 11 ай бұрын
I drive a Tesla Model 3 and have had no problems. Drove from KC to LA and back without any issues.
@ibustanut 11 ай бұрын
​@@HikaruKatayammawhats your plan if theres a total blackout for a week?
@chrismuller9289 11 ай бұрын
@@HikaruKatayamma Mit EINER Ladung??? ;-)
@ronniebackman171 11 ай бұрын
Har stått ett par gånger vid vägkanten med trasig bil. Hittills aldrig i en elbil dock…
@spaltyy9794 11 ай бұрын
I live in Norway, its Electric cars everywhere. And still I see more stopped fossils than what I do with Electric... We have also had -20/-30 degrees in Norway now, many people that stuggled with getting their fossil to start because of their battery going out, while me in my Electric car have no problems starting with 20+ degrees ready in my car. Just saying, I hated Electric before. Then I buyed one and won't probably not go back. Cheaper and SO much better in general.
@Groza_Dallocort 11 ай бұрын
Thing is even at -35 celsius while an ICE car might have trouble the electric car will start and work just fine although the range is cut by like 50-60%
@eastcoastdashcamsweden2483 11 ай бұрын
@@Groza_Dallocort Depends on whether you can preheat the car's battery, while you have it plugged in for charging, before you drive away. Then you won't lose as much range. Would never buy an electric car without a heat pump.
@cambridgemart2075 9 ай бұрын
@@eastcoastdashcamsweden2483 And you can leave your ICE car plugged in so the block heater warms the engine up and there are no starting problems. There are more parking spots with an outlet for block heaters than there are parking spots with EV chargers.
@ericaleak3170 11 ай бұрын
We don’t have enough electric plug -in points here in the U.K. You can’t tow them if they break down. They aren’t as ‘green’ as they would like us to believe. I will stick with my petrol car thanks. Love the snail! 😁
@RealCadde 11 ай бұрын
Sounds to me like a missed opportunity really. Don't EV's have regenerative braking? Couldn't they just regeneratively brake while being towed so they are actually being charged while towed and thus they can move on their own power for the last bit? I really don't see a reason as to why an EV manufacturer wouldn't be able to solve this?
@ericaleak3170 11 ай бұрын
@@RealCadde , they have to be put on a low loader. They can’t move when they break down. I’m not an expert on e.v’s, but l watch a lot of police related programmes, so I know they can’t be towed.
@RealCadde 11 ай бұрын
@@ericaleak3170 And i am saying they really should be able to by design. I've already looked it up and they can't be towed because it would damage the battery. But i see no reason as to why they can't both fix the issue AND take advantage of a tow.
@volvodashcam 11 ай бұрын
​@@ericaleak3170 I have towed and EV. As long as it has some battery left so lights and stearing and such are working there are no problems towing. But if the car is totally dead it seems like it needs a flatbed.
@ericaleak3170 11 ай бұрын
@@RealCadde , I totally agree with you. Hopefully some clever people will come up with new solutions to the problems.
@volvodashcam 11 ай бұрын
Så en elbilist som fått problem får stå för alla elbilar? Nej det här var lite väl billigt. Bättre kan du. ;)
@tsint 11 ай бұрын
Har väl hamnat i någon limp-mode precis som även alla fosilbilar kan hamna i
@truckdriver1982 11 ай бұрын
Man ska inte ta allt jag lägger ut allt för seriöst. Det var mest att det såg roligt ut ;) Jag vet dom som hamnat i limp-mode med sina väldigt diesel drivna lastbilar, mitt i Tingstadstunneln 😁
@volvodashcam 11 ай бұрын
@@espn1337 Triggade min kommentar dig så pass att du var tvungen att kommentera? 😂 Gulligt.
@jenesisjones6706 11 ай бұрын
That was hilarious! Oh how the other half live. 🤣
@chrismuller9289 11 ай бұрын
poor him, go back classic ;-)
@sylviahacker6695 11 ай бұрын
@WinkelHoof 11 ай бұрын
Snacka om att skratta åt andras olycka…det kan ju vara fel på bilen också inte bara tomt i batteriet, vad vet vi? (Nej, jag kör inte elbil och är inte kränkt 😉)
@MattiAntsuK 11 ай бұрын
Jo, nej tack. Åtminstånde min bil med en klassisk förbrännings motor tappar inte räckvid när vintern kommer.
@RealCadde 11 ай бұрын
You know, there one major difference here that does not apply to gas/diesel powered cars. Electric vehicles have a limp mode that still lets it move, very slowly, to safety. Where a gas/diesel powered vehicle will happily let you run it bone dry and then you can't go any further. Knowing people's refueling habits, i think the EV is the preferable choice. Towing companies will of course disagree!
@cambridgemart2075 9 ай бұрын
Well, an electric car can only limp so far and then it will stop, then you either push it to the next charger or call recovery; meanwhile, I can walk to the nearest fuel station and bring back enough fuel to drive 100 miles in a can.
@keithshort688 11 ай бұрын
I bet EV's are fun vehicles to be in when you're stranded way out in the boonies in freezing weather. 😂
@eastcoastdashcamsweden2483 11 ай бұрын
Yes, they are! If you have a Tesla, you can choose "Camp mode" and have any temperature in the car for a couple of days, if you have a reasonably high charge. You can pass the time by watching movies, playing games, etc. on the big screen in the car. You avoid disgusting exhaust gases and other things. So yes, they are fun. I myself have camped in my Tesla in freezing temperatures outside and slept like a king. 7% of the charge was consumed during the night.
@Elgstrand 11 ай бұрын
​@@eastcoastdashcamsweden2483teslas heat pumps are notorious for breaking down because they can't cope when it's getting cold though, so probably not the best example. By cold I mean below -10 to -15C.
@eastcoastdashcamsweden2483 11 ай бұрын
@@Elgstrand Do you have any statistics? Mine works perfectly and has been working below -30C.
@Elgstrand 11 ай бұрын
@@eastcoastdashcamsweden2483 for one they made a recall on ~30000 cars for a valve that was getting stuck. Then they had issues with the heat pump seizing. There have also been problems with the fan/blower but I don't think to the same extent as the other two.
@richardthomas1743 11 ай бұрын
Just say no thank you to electric cars.
@crisgriffin3042 11 ай бұрын
Thought you were smarter than that.
@truckdriver1982 11 ай бұрын
Who is smarter than what?
@rolfsinkgraven 11 ай бұрын
Put a solar panel on it sigh lol
@Movetheproduct 11 ай бұрын
Trash EV's. Imagine being rich and choosing an electric vehicle, LOL!
@dot7107 11 ай бұрын
Well I have driven over 50 tkm during 16 month period with my 28 kwh ioniq. No problems, no services, no repairs, just driving and charging...
@Movetheproduct 11 ай бұрын
It is 19 years old and has a 750km range, Waoooow.
@volvodashcam 11 ай бұрын
So you have never driven an EV and thinks you know how they work? 😂😂
@charlesball6519 11 ай бұрын
The ID.3 isn't a very expensive vehicle. The Tesla Model 3 costs about the same (slightly less) than a Toyota Corolla.
@Movetheproduct 11 ай бұрын
You say i've never driven an EV. You are wrong. I've tried several different EV's also rented them. I understand that you get triggered with that fragile ego of an EV owner who can't stand criticism. Hard pill to swallow, especially if you're an owner of a Polestar, LOL. what a failed company. Cheers.@@volvodashcam
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