Looking back to when I first started collecting about 15 years ago, one of my biggest regrets is intentionally peeling off rental stickers. Realizing the historical/sentimental value of the rental era, I eventually stopped and kept them on. I still kick myself for seeing those as an eyesore, but you live and learn.
@BittyKongsQuest8 ай бұрын
Yep. Some of the earliest videos on this channel were restoration videos, and one of the things I used to do was remove rental stickers and labels. I've long-since changed my perspective, but I used to do the same thing! Thanks so much for watching!
@AtheistPanic8 ай бұрын
The idea of rental stickers or other imperfections to (roughly) verify authenticity is stupidly brilliant. All of the collecting hype is too focused on physical condition (akin to shelf candy), rather than people truly enjoying the games/consoles. I've got a copy of Chrono Trigger with it's label pock marked, about 15 years ago at a Game Crazy, for a cheaper price because of the blemish to the label (the rest of the cart is fine). I'm fine with an "ugly" game, so long that it works.
@BittyKongsQuest8 ай бұрын
That's awesome! My childhood copy of Chrono Trigger has some visible wear on the label as well, but I love it all the same! And yeah, lately I've started looking at wear to a game as an extra bit of security that what I'm buying is a real copy (in addition to checking the board, of course). It's just too easy for "mint" copies to be fake these days. Glad you enjoyed the video and thanks so much for watching!
@brandonsims38888 ай бұрын
I'm going to start a small NES collection soon and was wondering how to best save money while collecting it. The thought of ugly copies never crossed my mind thank you for the idea
@BittyKongsQuest8 ай бұрын
Of course! Thanks so much for watching!
@sasquatchintime8 ай бұрын
Hey man, this was a great video with lots of good tips for cleaning up games as well as an important message on life itself! Beaten up things do show character, especially if you know the story behind it. And if there is something you dont like about a game's aesthetics you can also try to change or improve it! Subbed and keep it up!
@tuxedomirage027 ай бұрын
Thank you for not doing what others do and just naming it ugly cause "it has a marker stain on the cart shell" or "the label is starting to come off." Much more common is the rental store stickers, or a ripped label, or permanent marker on the label itself. Collectors are so adverse to it, and whatever, my gain. I am going for a full Sega Genesis collection and while I go for the nicest condition I can find, I won't not buy it if it is ugly. Especially the high end ones. I have Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel with a faded label. I have some games that came with no label at all that I picked up for $10 each. Just bought repro labels for those. It looks great, I know the game inside is authentic, and I don't plan on selling it. Even if I do, it still would just sell it for a bit less, as if it had no label at all, and be honest with the buyer. Again though, looking forward to the day I have all the games, don't plan to sell, and as long as the original game is inside, that's what matters to me.
@mmo47548 ай бұрын
I love collecting barely functional/damaged old games. I don't think their condition makes them any less valuable if they can still be made to work.
@BittyKongsQuest8 ай бұрын
I couldn't agree more! There are way too many instances of games sitting on a shelf for literal years just because they're a little worse for wear. Thanks so much for watching!
@DoYouNerd8 ай бұрын
Great advice. We're such cheapskates that we totally live by this mantra. It's usually nothing to pretty up a game and any purchased in the wild should get a good cleaning anyway.
@Retrorevelations8 ай бұрын
Great video as always, man!
@BittyKongsQuest8 ай бұрын
Thanks man! Always good to see you pop in!
@retrobeliever8 ай бұрын
Totally agree with this and a great vid my friend!
@BittyKongsQuest8 ай бұрын
Thanks man! I appreciate you watching!
@retrobeliever8 ай бұрын
@@BittyKongsQuestyou’re welcome! Trying to watch everyone’s stuff….its so much lol!
@BittyKongsQuest8 ай бұрын
@@retrobeliever Dude I totally get it. I've got a constant backlog of videos to watch now. 😆
@retrobeliever8 ай бұрын
@bobspence53228 ай бұрын
if you want more games that are burned ill sell my humble 3ds collection or whats left of it at basement price. i tend to be a bit narcoleptic. or very, and i would play till late hours.. well to make a long story shorter, i nodded and dropped a lit smoke onto a pouch some hippie gave me that was holding the 3ds games, and woke in time to save them..all but one, but they melted together. i snapped them apart and kinda sanded the cart till it fit again, and they still play. they have character nicely toasted.
@ewstargamer8 ай бұрын
Just found your channel and subbed Great video 👍
@BittyKongsQuest8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it!
@rockmanfan51048 ай бұрын
You can always make new labels. I know its not the official label but ive had carts that were chewd by dogs and stuff. Labels gone completely. All kinds of stuff. I think the game is more enjoyable when you have made your own cart. One of my favorite carts is solid brass with a clear pokemon gold label on it so the brass shines threw Ho-oh. Its a gorgeous cart
@slamshift69278 ай бұрын
Listen, unless we're talking a considerable reduction in price, I ain't buying someone's abused property