[C&C3: Kane's Wrath] Game Highlight - Scrin Infantry Strategy in 1.02+ R21

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@anonymouse2863 10 ай бұрын
“If you build nothing but pitbulls….” GZ just sneezed. 😂
@TE4MTIGER 10 ай бұрын
Awesome couple of games, those GDI "combined arms" tactics are the best
@ozfx1860 10 ай бұрын
Agreed. Love to see Masterleaf use almost all the units in the roster. I feel like his games are the only ones where I see that happen.
@masterleafcnc 10 ай бұрын
The Campaign and Global Conquest tried to teach this to players, but I don't think it did a good enough job. It's clearly the design of the game - since even the trailers contain both land and air units at the same time.
@KF1 5 ай бұрын
15:00 Two of the original dev tanks still survived to the end of the game despite the mammoth tank response. That's pretty impressive unit control. Got huge value out of those dev tanks and infantry
@squishymusic9723 9 ай бұрын
Your games against Shocktrepet are fantastic, they challenge your strategies well 😎
@KauzIV 10 ай бұрын
8:10 That dodge
@giovannyc.1724 10 ай бұрын
About the global conquest, could we have R21 stats but for global conquest? On another note, on the auto-resolve AI, how does the game compute your strike force compositions + who wins and what unit/building dies? Maybe this would be a good reservoir of good to knows and fun facts for the next 10 think you don't know series
@looinrims 9 ай бұрын
Do disints try to attack the center of an enemy and because the marv is, huge they get really close?
@ShadowPriestBear 6 ай бұрын
First of all love your content and I love Command and Conquer Tiberium universe. There's any chance to have a video of you playing conquest mode as NOD (my favorite faction) cause I feel some interest in what you said about composition. Cheers ❤
@terrytredinnick8631 9 ай бұрын
Think it would be cool if the dev tanks beams went blue with say .... 10percent more dps if charged from the blue tib just for fun reasons
@henryjaremek2644 10 ай бұрын
.. GG's ... Leaf , can you Please try the ... " Hexapod / Infantry Buff "... it could be Cool as well
@TheDude50447 10 ай бұрын
I think a bit differently about GDI tactics and I also think the game here is a good example. During the earlier harassment the combined arms approach was basically the natural counter flow. Build orcas and hh against tripods and prodigy. But when it comes ground army vs ground army theres only one unit for gdi and those are jugs. Maybe the best unit in the game. Give them a meatshield and especially Nod doesnt have a single counter.
@looinrims 9 ай бұрын
vertigo’s? Stealth tanks? Bike buggy? Enlightened? Beams?
@TheDude50447 9 ай бұрын
@@looinrims 1. Upfront Vertigos are the best counter. But theyre limited to airfields, take ages to reload and have a hard time killing the husks. Also expensive to lose when Gdi fields a few pitbulls and slingshots. Theyre a very heavy investment and while building it up you may get already overrun. 2. Stanks just dont work against a GDI ground army. Theyre way to fragile and costly to be used even as flanking units 3. Bike/Buggy just dies in a direct confrontation even to just T1 units let alone Jugs supporting fire. 4. Enlightened can work until there are HHs to support and theyre also not available to NOD, only Mok. 5. Beams get shredded by jugs. Every ground Vehicle gets shredded by jugs. Keep in mind you cant just snipe the jugs. You need to kill the meatshield as well cause otherwise the husks just get picked back up.
@looinrims 9 ай бұрын
@@TheDude50447 I’d love to play with you cuz man, sounds sooooooo easy…almost too easy
@TheDude50447 9 ай бұрын
@@looinrims Not quite sure what you mean by that.
@Draconiss 10 ай бұрын
Hey as a question. If I have the Eu (german) Version of the game (on steam), where Animatoins and game language is censord and I where to download the 4k mod and R 21 (the comunity mod) Would that uncensor my game? would it even work? Because I have the text language allready uncensord with the help of the internet and since I played this game as a child uncensord I would love to play it also uncensord now too. Or if any of you (as a community) know of ways to uncensore the gameplay (best example being the fanatics who are called "explosion masters" abd instead of blowing themselfs up run to the enemy, exploed and then run off again). And I still great videos.
@anonymouse2863 10 ай бұрын
Just try it and see? Worst case the game becomes broken and you reinstall it.
@pierrescheepens8063 10 ай бұрын
I was wondering if it is an option to add that when you A-move your harvesters into a field they start harvesting automatically or that they just start harvesting automatically after having moved unless you but them on hold ground stance?
@masterleafcnc 10 ай бұрын
I think if it were possible it'd interfere with the gdi harvester weapons. You'd see a conflict between the harvesting and the machine gun/rocket launcher. It's easy to click on the Tiberium if you ask me. There's a very small amount of busy work in this game anyways, compared to starcraft 2.
@giulianonistor3696 9 ай бұрын
Hey Masterleaf. After the last update of the newest map R21H . I cant really play more. Game start and than the game Broke . is like get oput of the game completly . I try to deactivate Features . i try to reinstall command post . nothing . i reinstall game . nothing . basicly i cant use my kanes wrath game more. work only if i play with Ai not online . when i go online i start a room or i entry in 1 than game start for 10-20 sec than crash .... let me know if i can do something . tks+
@masterleafcnc 9 ай бұрын
Dont use command post for installing it and reinstall from here, get the 4k mod from here as well if your pc can handle it: tinyurl.com/patchr21
@ProfZoom 8 ай бұрын
sybert said you created that 4k texture mod, its true?
@masterleafcnc 8 ай бұрын
@@ProfZoom Yes I did, as well as R21. Is there something wrong?
@eduardovillalba8852 10 ай бұрын
How or which platform you guys using to play the game?. Or you just playing through steam?
@masterleafcnc 10 ай бұрын
I use the EA version, but it's also available on Steam.
@vadim1026 10 ай бұрын
Hi friend. I downloaded R21. In the middle of the battle, it crashes. What could be the matter?
@masterleafcnc 10 ай бұрын
If you are alt tabbing a lot it increases the likelyhood of it happening in this game (that's nothing to do with mods). I think its a windows 10/11 thing due to the full screen optimizations. Though really, it's rare.
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