My husband did a comparison of hair transplant between Bangkok and Los Angeles. He ended up doing his transplant at a famous hospital in Bangkok. The thing is the U.S. and Thailand offer the same price per graph including miscellaneous expenses. This doesn’t include travel costs to Thailand. The breaking point and the real reason my husband chose to do it in Bangkok was the percentage of graph survival. The cost of labor is cheaper in Thailand allowing the doctor to hire more nurses to dress the graphs after they are removed from scalp. The lesser time they are exposed means the more survival rate before they are replanted. The U.S. doctors only work with 1-2 nurses whereas doctors in Thailand has a crew of 3-4 nurses. It has been 11 years now and his transplant was worth every penny.
@Retaw6543 жыл бұрын
Would it be possible for you to share the name of the hospital that your husband got it done?
@bluerains.90593 жыл бұрын
@Pairin SM. The doctor is Damkerng Pathomvanich. Here is the webpage.