Wise life is one must be firmly rooted. 飄篷生涯于浮世无干。 人之无信(things that are firmly founded and immutable to the externals), 不知其可(suitable or applicable; what is right or wrong)也。 不知其可,不仅是一个人生的悲剧,更是一个悲剧的人生。 浮光掠影可能是被动的过客;走马观花则当然是自己的选择。 言辞巧慧,多是曲径;心地通明,必有灵悟。 Those busy with many learnings and thinkings, few are capable of true wisdom, which comes only thru experience and practice. Such a life can never 辈the fruit of a tree in a green house, not mention an ivory tower.