So that suggests that farming was introduced into Britain from Ireland ... it would make sense really ...once the Irish population had expanded and hunted the wild game almost to extinction ...they would have to invent farming animals and growing food or starve to death ... which would have in turn also have to defend their livestock and crops... so weapons and tactics would also be developed. As soon as their canoes grew in size to carry more Warriors some bright spark on a carm day made it across to Wales or Scotland where they would have discovered plenty of forests and wild game and tribes of hunter gatherers who were inferior to the Irish culture who had already discovered how make metal ... rather than just kill and slaughter the hunter gatherers, they sent their Priest call Druids to teach these hunter gatherers how to farm and mining for ores and in return for metal tools and know how of how Read the seasons for planting crops ... from there the Irish great cultural was carried to Northern Europe ...!