Really like your videos. You can clearly articulate your points in concise and attractive language. This episode is particularly good. I’m already at the late stage of my career, but listening to your experience and advice for the younger generations is quite soul touching. Thanks for your time and effort to share all the helpful information.
First off great video, very eloquent and articulate. The saying "All road(s) leads to Rome / Beijing / wherever else considered successful and etc..." 这个路this day and age是多通道的所以我认为高考是准备我们进去大学也就是the next step但是更重要的是你下一步怎么embrace fully和experience这一段成长的路。这个路必要会面对高潮和低谷但是通常这是一些"blessing in disguise". 我们要先迷失自己才能寻找到自我。如果高考是Sprint (End justifies the means) 那么下一段就是准备和享受我们如何跑漂亮我们人生的马拉松 (Enjoy the process of education, career, life and lifelong learning)。祝你的channel和高考的学生们all the best down the road.
我从小不喜欢读书,直到第一年高考结束,我的分数比本科线低了整整五十分。我收到了一张专科的录取通知书。我告诉自己再给自己一次机会吧。因为自己从小的基础就特别差,高中也是开后门进的全市最差的普高。复读那年,我拼了命的努力,我比周围的同学更加努力,因为我更珍惜这一次的机会。复读那年,我的分数比本科线高了四十分。虽然最终仅仅是进入了浙江省倒数的本科学校(当时是三本,但也是本科)。并不像别人那么体面进入好的大学,甚至还有人嘲笑我说,复读了一年还考了一个垃圾学校。可是那又怎样呢?起码在当时那个幼小的我的心中,我给了自己很大的尊敬。即使别人并不看好自己,但是也要steadiy in your boots!即使自己的起点不够高,也要努力把事情尽力做到最好!