Translation by stanza incoming!!! 良禽擇木棲,枝端蘭桂發清香 A wise beast chooses a fitting dwelling, the lopped off branches of the Gui Fang plant still impart a lingering fragrance. 士為知己死,胸口氤氳血一腔 A shi will die for his bosom friend, harbouring a steel-clad will. 天若知你意,護佑家國定安邦 If the Heavens know of your intentions, it will protect the state and nation. 你若知我意,水荇牽風不相忘 If you know of my intentions, our sentiments will never drift apart.
@Mr2tails10 жыл бұрын
君子行端且正光耀四方 A gentleman's action must be rightful and be seen by all. 君子一言難追綿澤萬洋 A gentleman must uphold his word at all times. 你享萬民景仰,轉過身卻低頭黯然神傷 You, who has the admiration of the populace, turns about with a dispirited expression. 不是英雄,誰願意萬古流芳 If you are not a hero, then why should you wished to be remembered throughout the ages?
@Mr2tails10 жыл бұрын
Mr2tails 縱馬燕山過,一腔熱血灑疆場 Riding your steed across the Yan mountains, a flow of your spirited blood washes across the battlefield. 紅霞生晴光,染盡碧空萬里長 Rosy clouds birth a gentle glow, that colours the dark sky red for ten thousand miles. 持劍做畫筆,為你繪江山錦繡文章 Using a sword as a pen, to draw a portrait of all the lands. 終不悔此心之意比天長 So as to prove that my feelings for you is greater than the Heavens.
@Mr2tails10 жыл бұрын
Mr2tails 良禽擇木棲,枝端蘭桂發清香 A wise beast chooses a fitting dwelling, the lopped off branches of the Gui Fang plant still impart a lingering fragrance. 士為知己死,胸口氤氳血一腔 A shi will die for his bosom friend, harbouring a steel-clad will. 天若知你意,護佑家國定安邦 If the Heavens know of your intentions, it will protect the state and nation. 你若知我意,水荇牽風不相忘 If you know of my intentions, our sentiments will never drift apart.
@Mr2tails10 жыл бұрын
Mr2tails 君子行端且正光耀四方 A gentleman's action must be rightful and be seen by all. 君子一言難追綿澤萬洋 A gentleman must uphold his word at all times. 你享萬民景仰,轉過身卻低頭黯然神傷 You, who has the admiration of the populace, turns about with a dispirited expression. 我是英雄,願為你萬古流芳 If I am a hero, then I wish that you will be remembered throughout the ages.
@Mr2tails10 жыл бұрын
Mr2tails 繁華度一夢 夜如水 枕衾涼 A dream full of grandeur, a night passes like flowing water, the bedclothes grows cold. 良將戍邊疆 羌笛萬里越宮牆 A capable general guards the borders, the flutes of the Jiang resound across the palace walls. 龍涎潤朱筆 批你余生盡滄桑凄涼 Using dragon spittle to wet my vermillion pen, I pass judgement on the changes and misery of your remaining life. 終無怨 此心之意比天長 So as not to resent my ambition which is greater than the Heavens.