YutoさんShuanさんHappy new year!!!✨✨✨大晦日はニューヨークフライトだったのですねー!ロンドンとは違った魅力があって綺麗ですね!どっちも本当にきれいです!今年はフライングボーイズのフライトで楽しい旅行をするお客さんが一人でも増えるよう祈っています!👍👍そして動画も楽しみにしています!今年もよろしくお願いします!!😀✨✨✨
Wishing you two the very best for 2022 . Much love 💕 Andrea .
@megs64193 жыл бұрын
Happy New Year!🎍 May you have an amazing year!! ✨✨
@nekotama35083 жыл бұрын
Happy new year to Yuto san and Shaun san ^^ Lovely Manhattan's view !! I went to New York twice with VS flight whenI lived in London ^^ NY is much more busier than LON and I couldn't understand New Yorker's english because they speak too fast with roll tongue ?! that I was familiar with British english...... Good luck for your next NY flight to meet with Moriaki san and Saku Ran san.