Calvin,我從來無試過KZbin 留言,但真係要同你講句「多謝」! 我係師奶仔,一直都係「貪得意」睇你教唱歌,不經不覺成為習慣。 我都係近年移民的一份子,正如你講,再見唔到熟悉嘅人和地,係好辛苦,就連簡單想去食個雞蛋仔食碗豬腸粉,都變得奢侈。 真正揪心的不需要哭腔做作,我聽軒公的歌雖然傷感,但竟然唔及你最後幾句說話「一刀刺中心坎」,久久不能平伏,留下來的人,同出走的,都一樣有說不出口的苦。 不過,城堡靠想像,慢慢從頭再做,總有一日會重新見到那隻木馬。 Everything will be ok at the end, if there’s not ok, the end is yet to come.
Hi Calvin, at the end of the bridge, the letter names you have on screen are incorrect. Please revise (E F# G D D A A). Also, since the song is in G major, you’ll have to use F#, not G-flat. F# is in the key signature. 😊