I know this is a very niche topic, but a lot of people have vocalized confusion in my comment sections about finding a good server. Server owners have become very dishonest in their advertisements so I hoped to provide some clarity. ALL LOVE ALL THE TIME.
@Flicky800Ай бұрын
Where can the From noob to pro server be found?
@camcantrunАй бұрын
@@Flicky800 It's in the community tab. Filter From Noob and you should find it :)
@Dcypled9 күн бұрын
You can I both know they have cheats to find people, see skeletons and aim hacks... Cheaters gonna cheat. Not avoidable by choice.
@sealofakatoshАй бұрын
There's other videos about servers, but this was the most in depth & most clearly explained. Thanks again Cam!
@603chefmonАй бұрын
I played the mod and got stand alone DayZ at launch but never played much, I've watched thousands of hours of youtube and twitch and now have the itch to try playing again. This was the perfect video at the perfect time. thank you love the content.
@Lacaze89Ай бұрын
Nothing beats the vanilla gameplay
@ME-ci8ziАй бұрын
Thank you, dude. This will help people, for sure.
@joeschmidt3051Ай бұрын
Been going to 1st person only, vanilla. I avoid cheaters majority of time, the server doesn't have more than 40 players. It's more down low, which makes it perfect as I get more loot. People are a lot more friendly, I don't have a map etc.
@MillerTheOriginalАй бұрын
Officially or community?
@joeschmidt3051Ай бұрын
@MillerTheOriginal community
@randomgamer1433Ай бұрын
At some point vanilla gets boring 😅 you will be suprised by how cool moded servers are
@joeschmidt3051Ай бұрын
@randomgamer1433 probably eventually, but I'm still in the learning stages. I want to remember what's what, etc The top thing deterring me from modded, is the cheaters.
@randomgamer1433Ай бұрын
@@joeschmidt3051 hackers are realy only an issue om official since moded servers are usualy adminisered but good luck learning how to play
@shlimmsАй бұрын
I’ve been following your beginner videos since yesterday when I bought the game, this couldn’t have come at a better time 😂
@RitaDBT92Ай бұрын
As someone who just came from xbox to pc i appreciate this video...ALOT! Been struggling to find something i like so far. Definitely gonna check out ur streams of RP.
@JohnFlowy28 күн бұрын
new to dayz and just wanna say servers are what ive had the most trouble with, thanks for helping!
@neo-farmers-dayz2052Ай бұрын
@TheDashingInsanityxАй бұрын
I always wanted to get into day Z but never got around to it but after watching a lot of your videos I think I will. I’m a PS5 player
@konnorcw19 күн бұрын
Ps5 is much easier to find servers as there's no modded ones
@TheHabsburgJawАй бұрын
This is the best guide for servers for DayZ, this deserves more views.
@MacoCompanyАй бұрын
Been playing DayZ for 10 years, and this still gave me more and better info than i know beforehand.
@DeadbeatbeatsАй бұрын
Solid content bro, wish I saw this 5 years ago . I always thought community servers ment traders and skybases etc, such a wild range of servers out there. Worth mentioning the difference in moderating admins between servers. You can tell by the quality of the gameplay, but that requires actually playing on it to find out.
@crimestick664823 күн бұрын
I've been researching the game for a few weeks now ( before buying ), this video has answered many of the "second wave" of questions that has been popping into my head. Thank you for your effort here. Subbed.
@jeepsam2000Ай бұрын
lots of great info brother, thanks for the breakdown!
@iestyn81Ай бұрын
wow i just found out ive been playing a scam server for over a week... was wondering why i had more interactions when playing on officials lol, thanks for the video probably wouldve never figured it out! subbed
@GoatSays15 күн бұрын
Thank you. I got frustrated trying to find a server that was like vanilla+ but came across all sorts of problems like you mentioned.
@ItsSaDowwingАй бұрын
This video I needed sooner!
@_T.r.u.e._Ай бұрын
REALLY helpful bro. I have like 1500 hours. and still sometimes stare at the server list wondering what the best choice is. def gonna try more rp servers! hopefully I can pass the application process... I think your idea for a video dedicated to explaining the in's and out's of rp would be fantastic. ALSO that little animation you put at end of the video that you did is SICK!
@GregoryWatkins-gb1uyАй бұрын
Super helpful. Never have seen anyone else delve into this. Nice work!
@novatryshotsАй бұрын
Plenty of others have done this type of videos but nobody beyyrt them cam 😂
@TheBoomshanka28 күн бұрын
Hi Cam thanks for the video, very informative as a new affiliated streamer this was awesome, one thing I think you should have added though to your genre choice could have been hardcore survival, Intenz CHF PlayZ Barba Rija, I know you're doing modded and vanilla but hardcore survival is getting increasingly more popular so I would love to see a video on these if not it's cool I appreciate you dude, boomshanka love and respect
@skoibear14 күн бұрын
Great video. Something that wasn't mentioned was the DayZed server routing is exhausting (they have literally hundreds of spam servers listed that all route players into the same few real servers they run). All player count spoofed, all ping spoofed.
@bushu69Ай бұрын
Very good video for new players !!!
@dayzthestruggle2 күн бұрын
Much appreciate the recommendation for The Struggle!
@stevemorris4603Ай бұрын
Thanks, man, this was very helpful. I just started playing stand alone to get used to the mechanics (and I didn't have a mic), but now that I have my mic I was just getting ready to go on official when I happened across this video, so hopefully it'll save me some frustration. Cheers!
@Odinsravenhugin27 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. I started playing a month ago on official servers but have wanted to get into the community pool and was SO confused.
@ganjahiwalker2641Ай бұрын
Step 1: Install DZSA Launcher Seriously though, great video this will be great for new players
@Dolphinho27 күн бұрын
whats the difference?
@ganjahiwalker264127 күн бұрын
In my experience DZSA launcher works better. A lot of servers that I play on DZSA won’t even show up on the vanilla launcher
@ganjahiwalker264127 күн бұрын
And the vanilla launcher is oddly slow at loading the server lists for me where DZSA is instant.
@SlinkymangoАй бұрын
Very useful Sir. I've a lot better understanding now as a noob(30hrs). Your my go to for Dayz info. Love your Vids. ❤from UK.
@oakenleifАй бұрын
The Struggle community server will answer all your needs
@dayzthestruggle2 күн бұрын
I concur! Thanks for playing!
@dv8mls2Ай бұрын
Awesome video! Going to turn DayZ on after work and poke around with the info you shared!
@andreassrensen28210 күн бұрын
Btw if the location says DE it's a german server, DE stands for Deutschland which translated means germany. If it was danish it would say DK, just FYI. Really great video tho, which I could've used when I started out :D
@clamidiha9 күн бұрын
DE means its hosted in Germany, not necessarily a german server
@limacharlieactual18 күн бұрын
Thanks! Great breakdown for the new players!
@Jonty16123 күн бұрын
Dammit, u got to this idea for a vid before me. good on u dude.
@olalundqvist3080Ай бұрын
So, I'm playing the game on console (ps4 pro edition), the game flows pretty smoothly in my own Very humble opinion. To get to my point, to My knowledge... I've never run into a cheater or experienced someone somewhere sitting in a bush somewhere right on the other side of the map headshoting me through a brick wall. That being said, I can't say for sure that it doesn't exist, I'm sure that someone somewhere has figured out a way to break into the game tweeking it to his advantage in some way, but as I said, I haven't... to my knowledge experienced it (cheaters) on console... yet.
@searchingforknowledge5 күн бұрын
This all makes sense now… I joined one of those with an inflated player count and didn’t find anyone for hours
@iniHdu18 күн бұрын
Thanks, just bought the game and digesting your content atm, bery helpful and straigtforward. Do you own a server that is not on the latest expansion?
@illidur21 күн бұрын
This is 100% true and I agree its sad about the deception. You can change so much about the base game without even adding mods too. Like boosting loot, changing weather, night length/darkness, gate HP and stamina etc. Shoutout to The Struggle players.
@dayzthestruggle2 күн бұрын
Yeah! 🏴☠
@gwoody4003Ай бұрын
I just started a few weeks ago. I began with a low pop Livonia PVE server to learn the game and the map without being killed just for existing 😂. There is never more than 10 people in it, and they have all been cool people. Its been a dope hiking and camping trip with occasional zombies. I have a charachter for Official servers that I have so far had good luck with. Only been killed by someone I never saw a couple times. But I always pick low pop cus I am still terrible and want to limit my combat encounters to one at a time. 😂 I have not made it to the military base yet though, I am stopping to smell the roses and explore. For now, the survival element is what I am after. I really don't care about PvP, at least for now, but I like the potential of having to deal with hostile people in my survival experience. Makes it authentic. As we see in every Zombie Apocalypse movie/show... Zombies aren't really the big threat, you learn to manage them. Its other survivors you gotta watch out for.
@oldmilk3y301Ай бұрын
Great info for New and Old players good job Cam 👍
@MrDSmithАй бұрын
Great video. I play on OK Chernarus too. Hope to run into you out there and go on an adventure some time 😎😎 gonna check out your server today as it looks awesome to me.
@KiffgrasConnaisseurАй бұрын
In my experience, player number rarely matters anyway, especially on the new map. Played on an official Sakhal server with ~10ppl, me and my mate took out a whole Squad at that military near volcano with the radio tower on top. Fired first round and the next thing we saw was the surviving 3 people running straight to the barracks, cramming in the bathroom together. lmao I dunno what it is, but if there´s 5 players on the server, me included, you could almost bet I´m bumping into the other 4
@jannesvermeersch5989Ай бұрын
Wow! I had no idea! Thank you so much
@Modest661Ай бұрын
I joined DUG a few times I was a bit throwback by how deep the characters are 😂 I was not ready for it.
@SpinCrashАй бұрын
You're a goddang legend. Thank you for this.
@Billgiles-56Ай бұрын
Very useful video, thanks for taking the time to make it.
@nurfuerverrueckteАй бұрын
I started playing dayz two weeks ago and didn't even try official servers because I already heard about cheaters infesting basically all of them. I had to buy another SSD though because checking out community servers blew up my modfolder towards 100gb. I'm still not sure what mods I actually want to play even though there are some interesting ideas. I like the Stalker aproach with anomalies and all but tbh vanilla+ and free choice of spawn locations and a map is probably all I need.
@inarariiАй бұрын
For consoles players Xbox servers guys I suggest 4413 or 4913 they are pretty good 😊
@isbjornen7418Ай бұрын
I suggest 1450 and 1420👌
@TwoCommaKidАй бұрын
I think I just started playing on on 4913
@futurekinggaming19 күн бұрын
Another banger....very informative.
@mikeFolcoАй бұрын
The other scam in the server is anything that has DayZed in its mod list.
@jasko346Ай бұрын
This video is so good.
@elijahknesel33444 күн бұрын
Pretty sure I ran into a group of 3 cheaters earlier this week. Scouted the hell out of Novy Sobor, was running around all over the perimeter and didn't see or hear ANYTHING then within 2 minutes of entering the police station (which I specifically scouted from every angle) I was surrounded, unconned, revived and handcuffed. I'm fine being outplayed, but that just felt so sus to me
@ashryver3605Ай бұрын
I was actually quite lucky starting to play DayZ again with my friend, we play about a 10-30 pop~ server and never ran into one yet that we know of
@theaustinfound8380Ай бұрын
Thanks Cam man super necessary your the BMF
@YusufPondersАй бұрын
I was having fun on Descent, waited for my mate to get on and prepared for a week as really wanted to rp with him. My mates microphone isn’t working, and while me and him are alone, he puts something in the local chat. He got banned without warning. The admin that was dealing with him seemed a bit like a douche as well. I’d only managed to run with my friend for like 15 minutes before then ban. And it was over absolutely nothing. Tried to dispute it they essentially told me to mind my own business. Really didn’t feel comfortable playing on the server anymore after that, if they ban people so quickly over something so minor. Fair enough if you want to be strict with rules but at least have a warning system in place. They operate with a “no bs” rule, which in the end just felt like a preface to an unnecessarily harsh admin culture with a few (not all) admins on a power trip.
@inclinedplane0192Ай бұрын
Very useful video, thanks Mahogany!
@erikwestrheim80424 күн бұрын
@chrissandall6257Ай бұрын
As a DayZ noob, this was really helpful. Just one question: how do you get the server list to show all the details? Nevermind - I realised that I was looking at the server list in game and not in the launcher.
@beckhamjarale903Ай бұрын
this!!!! is so helpful thank you for this video
@ancientgruntgaming6646Ай бұрын
As an owner of a server that is not vanilla but not chocolate either it is frustrating to know there are servers out there lying about their ping and pop.
@bisonz18Ай бұрын
as someone who used to use hacks, yes i preyed in max pop servers
@priorsproductions2426Ай бұрын
As a long time dayz player as well who recently returned, im frustrated with how monopolized these community servers have gotten, all of them redirect you to the host server, and have fake player counts. If you find another group of servers none of them are unique, every server choses such similar mods, so its either ultra modded, vanilla + , vanilla + again, and official are your options. There should be a bit more of a gradient in between, but since i have about 5 different options to chose from its difficult, its especially annoying when you consider how many people are playing the game right now, this is going to just turn people away from the game.
@neo-farmers-dayz2052Ай бұрын
This to me is a very interesting point. Faking player counts and ping is just ridiculous because people will figure out once they are in there. But the mod thing is what made me curious. I don't care much for heavily modded servers mostly because there is going to be a larger server with a staff of 30 that can come up with way better integration that our staff of 5... In your opinion how does one stand out? What mods are important and different enough? Some of the basics are just there for quality of life, earplugs etc.. For awhile everyone ran SNAFU but in my opinion it was always over the top, they ran BBP but that seems to have gone out of favor. More just a curiosity, but always looking for feedback.
@Krisjohnson83Ай бұрын
What is the point of faking the player count and ping? Is there a monetary benefit to get players in their servers?
@priorsproductions2426Ай бұрын
I would say what makes the server stick out is when the owner picks mods you dont commonly see that work well, for example dayz expansion vehicles etc are seen often, when i see something like care packages but not surrounded by 50 other mods i would consider that to be unique maybe, or bear mountain, that is a unique concept/set of mods And to the other commenter, yes there is incentive because of subscriptions to discord channels so they want to have high pop to maintain high sub rate
@19stoned90Ай бұрын
KarmaKrew are servers from Frankfurt btw.
@cbr600rrturboАй бұрын
Thanks for the help
@RecognizMe9 күн бұрын
As a Malaysian, there aren't many Asian people playing this game, so yea either the server got no people or just modded or locked.
@DanielJohnFPV16 күн бұрын
Once I'm already in a server (I can see my player, but before launching), how do I look at server stats (ping, # of players, etc.) without accidentally leaving the server?
@iosofКүн бұрын
Guys video starts 19:35
@TheFerumnАй бұрын
1:30 Cmon there is not so many. You will find maybe just around 100 servers with first person perspective where you can play because others will have too big ping or just no players at all so its not even worth looking for...8:34 yeah 1 filter and you have around 1000 already when most of them is useless. 11:30 So can anyone explain is DZSA launcher also showing spoofed ping or not ?
@thatguy7085Ай бұрын
@sjfjaisncnsa.7 күн бұрын
good video, im gonna stick to official after i joined russian servers and i had to uninstall 2 times
@matt-z5jАй бұрын
I dont understand character creation in dayz. I appear to not be able create new or delete old characters. Some characters are locked to certain maps, but I have no way of finding out which map they are on.
@miksha.mokshaАй бұрын
Спасибо за видосы дружище! ❤ Мне как новичку твои видео были очень полезны. Длинные приключения тоже крутые
@camcantrunАй бұрын
I need a native CYRILLIC speaker for a video! Please join the discord and message me PLEASE!
@jakuarias800310 күн бұрын
Hey I have been looking for a close to canola day z server that would allow for me and my 3 friends to join a party together and get to playing day z straight off the bat together with a good party system, thank you for any suggestions!!
@EnveBeatsАй бұрын
I have a question Cam....ive been playing on a sakhal server, when i first load the launcher the room has 200+ ping...soon as i refresh my list it says 30ms. im in the US playing its a german server, so most likely the ping i see before i refresh is the REAL ping not 30ms huh ???
@runDnC1416 күн бұрын
Is there a good vanilla server that will allow people to spawn together in roughly the same area so we can learn how to play the game?
@camcantrun16 күн бұрын
Official DAYZ has a mechanic for this, make sure you both load in at the same time or RESPAWN the same time :)
@runDnC1416 күн бұрын
@ okay thanks!
@letrface_8596Ай бұрын
When I was first starting out what I would do was just type trader into the top search bar or else mods that I liked that I knew I liked playing with and just so you don't spend 20 minutes downloading 60 mods only to find out that the server sucks ass cuz that will happen I tend to bounce from server to server so if anyone's looking for some good PVE or PVP servers let me know on PC
@Jimmy-e3bАй бұрын
Karma krew always lying to me saying I’ve got 18 ping when I’m in Australia. Haha
@stonic529 күн бұрын
I see this in rust too. Servers with eu and us showing 40ms. Like mfer i only get 70 to aussie servers haha.
@BigRedUSАй бұрын
Good video.
@The_Real_bubbazaneti24 күн бұрын
Well....as a total noob.....and playing on official servers for a couple of dayZ, time to hit the "from noob to Pro" server!!!! Now....? is, will I die quicker in there??? 😂
@turbofox23Ай бұрын
communityZ is pretty good they have no mods and don't allow 3rd party voip so IMO it's the closest you can get to official vanilla but without cheaters
@nurfuerverrueckteАй бұрын
How do you block 3rd Party voip?
@EnveBeatsАй бұрын
Ok so i went to Cactus tools and my server i play did show up, but it doesnt show the ping....im convinced its a 200+ ping even tho it says 30ms everytime i refresh uggghhhhh
@HerEvilTwinАй бұрын
Great freaking video Cam, if only this existed a couple months ago when I started playing and had to learn all this shit the hard way lol. Joined a +200 player server thinking it would be chaotic fun, no one was in there. Joined a “basically vanilla” and found rare loot immediately with unlimited stamina and maps. Chose servers based on good pinf and wondering why my ping is horrible. You doing good work here man, always looking forward to the bext upload
@kabadayz23 күн бұрын
Is there any Eu server using DayZ Underground mod? It is by far the best mod in my opinion
@williamkeefner916222 күн бұрын
@8:30 Wait but why would they lie about how many people are in a server???
@phyllip742620 күн бұрын
I imagine to deter cheaters from seeing if the server is worth them joining
@jbrav5512 күн бұрын
Alot of players won't join a server if it's low pop, it's too "boring". It's a tough cycle for even good servers to break out of by being honest. High pop servers can be lucrative. On their discord they sell everything from merchandise to priority queues and receive alot of donations that may come with perks. In extreme cases cheating players will donate alot so that admits won't kick them off the server for using cheats.
@KazingaD12 күн бұрын
look out there's a 22 min delay on I-80
@techgamer1597Ай бұрын
Get this man Windows 11.
@camcantrunАй бұрын
Classic Shell ;)
@roryclynesАй бұрын
Does this translate to ps5 servers, too? (Cheaters) cause I’d love a built in excuse to some of deaths
@camcantrunАй бұрын
No, cheaters are WAYYYYY LESS on console :)
@filipo514320 күн бұрын
I love hardcore server Laik Cold Zone HardCore
@nova-j7rАй бұрын
KK lying about their ping lmao. Noticed it right when they started doing that s***.
@klocperАй бұрын
If youtube had chosen me to come here this early I will comment to boost the algorithm. Cheers
@camperlou1Ай бұрын
We're the chosen ones
@Krisjohnson83Ай бұрын
What is the purpose of faking the player numbers and ping? Is there some kind of monetary gain to be had for having more players in your server?
@jbrav5512 күн бұрын
Alot of high pop servers make money from their discord or sometimes actual websites. They sell everything from merchandise to priority queue, meaning you never have to wait you just log right in. They also accept donations which sometimes comes with perks. The more players, the more donations.
@yiosomething8 күн бұрын
Dayz is a really dishonorable gaming experience
@ericmathews4862Ай бұрын
What is the point of paying the money to host a server and then spoof the population so that no one plays. I'm not arguing that it doesn't happen, b/c it obviously does, but why are they doing that? What is the gain?
@kainemead330711 күн бұрын
i need find a sever where u can find the best guns anywhere and so easily more of a pvp sever but easy easy easy loot not looking for 45 minute for a gun.
@lkaszu6599Ай бұрын
god the "basically/almost" vanilla pisses me off so much
@thatguy7085Ай бұрын
I didn’t know there were PVE servers
@jbrav5512 күн бұрын
Some of them are surprisingly good, PVE doesn't always mean easy. They can have everything from hardcore survival to advanced ai enemies to make it challenging. Just being PVE pretty much eliminates toxic players and cheaters
@sckrolikАй бұрын
200 ping are enjoyable for fps shooter? I'll be damned
@camcantrunАй бұрын
Europeans can't aim. KAAAAAAAAAAAPA
@antonipuka1294Ай бұрын
@@camcantrun dude that's rude 🥺, just joking....
@camcantrunАй бұрын
@@antonipuka1294 ahhaha, it's pretty well known EUROPEANS in literally every competitive shooter dominate americans.
@antonipuka1294Ай бұрын
@camcantrun Probably we both can agree that the Asian are the best in FPS shooters
@camcantrunАй бұрын
@@antonipuka1294 No, europeans are the best. Look at professional CSGO, that's all you need to do. Russia/Europe dominates forever. Asians generally speaking do good at MOBA's like LOL mainly because DOTA is hyper dominated by Russia/Europe as well.