Camellia - GHOST in rhythm games

  Рет қаралды 33,971



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Una compilación de la canción Ghost de camellia
Canción original: • Camellia - GHOST (from...
Videos Originales:
OrangeW/Beatsaber/ • Beat Saber | Camellia ...
Yut0124/Arcaea(fanmade)/ • 【Arcaea Fanmade】Ghost ...
Lemonguy/Osu! - Manía/ • osu!mania - Camellia -...
Noname11/Malody/ • [Malody] GHOST by Came...
Flippage/Etterna/ • Camellia - GHOST 93.94...
Cole/MuseDash/ • Muse dash-ghost
Bubbleman/Osu!/ • Camellia - GHOST [SPEK...
ImagineBlaze/Osu!Droid/ • osu!droid liveplay 108...
Chrisu/Robeat-Roblox/ • THIS NEW SONG WILL BRE...
DarkPlayzYT/Quaver/ • Camellia - GHOST 28.61...
RainyCobra/FNF/ • FNF Vs Camellia - Ghos...
Jona Taco/Osu!-taiko/ • Camellia - GHOST [Spir...
SanicStudiosGH/GuitarHero/ • [CH] GHOST - CAMELLIA ...
CatchTheBeath!/Osu!Catch/ • Osu!Catch | [224]Hyper...
Prototype/GeometryDash/ • GHOST (Upcoming Extrem...
Dni0/Synthriders/ • Synth Riders: Camellia...
ThatStella7922/Cytoid/ • かめりあ/Camellia - GHOST ...
Odd/Vulnus/ • Video

Пікірлер: 241
@eren-xo2en 3 ай бұрын
No importa el juego de ritmo donde esté, Ghost es un temazo y de los mas difíciles en cada uno
@modernist927 Жыл бұрын
The thing that unites all rhythm gamers across all games on all platforms: Camellia songs are absolute nightmares This video needs more recognition for showing this fact
@FakerSilverYT 8 ай бұрын
So basically every GHOST is a tryhard
@Beckhamfrfr 8 ай бұрын
@yruherelmao Ай бұрын
Most of these kill your fingers, some of them make you not able to move at all for the next week, but one thing is for sure, they all give you a headache after you're done.
@TheSpy-zx8ks 6 ай бұрын
Showing the beginning of ghost for beat saber is criminal
@Kkkkmmmkk9754 4 ай бұрын
@Sandif_ 11 ай бұрын
We got 5 of the same 4 arrow type games, but no adofai?
@cygern77 10 ай бұрын
its called VSRG (vertical scrolling rhythm game) just to tell you, but yeah i think he forgot
@pigosososososos 3 ай бұрын
respect for those who are good at rythm games, as they are probably one of the hardest to master game genders out there
@BeastyBeastWisam 9 күн бұрын
the whole song be like [the song] jkdfjkfdkjfdkjfdkjdfkjdfkjdurtuytyuteyoutyeipoutypiutopiyurtypoiurtypiourtypoiuretyopiuertyiuertyoiuertyopiuetypoiuretypioutyopiuteyoiuretypoiuteypoiuteopiuretyopiurtyopiuertyopuretyopiuertyopiuertypoiuretypoiuretypoiutypoiurtypoiurtypoiurtyopiurtypuirtyuryoipurtyiputrypouirtypoiurtypoiretyopietyopiutreypoiutryopiurtyopiurtyopiurtypoiurteyipourtypoiuretiyourtpoiyurtyurteyoiutrityepoiutypoiytyyopiutiuteyiupoiutyeoiurtyopiurtyopiuertyopiuretyoipueryiurtypoietuyoiertyoiputyioputyiouprtypiourtoiuproipughpioughoipufghpoiufghpoiugfhpoiufghpoiufghfghfdghdfghfghlfghkjghlkjgfhfghfgdhcvcvxczvkjhcvkjlhxzcvkljhxcvkjhcvkjlhxczkvjlhxczvljhcvljhzcvkljhxzcvkljhxcvlkjhxczvlkjhxczvkjlzxcvkjlxczvlkxzclklkjxjzxlkvlxzhjjzxlhlkjjhlhvxckjlhxzcvkljxhzcvljxzhcvlkjxczhvljkxzhcvljhxzcvlkjxzhcvljkhzxcvlkjhzcvlkhxczvlkjxhcvlhzxcvkljhzcvjlhxzclvjhcvjlhcvljhzvkjlhxzclvjkhioturtioutoiurtoiurtoiurtiourtiurtorutoiutoirutoriutourtoiurtiugfgfhdfghfghfdghlkjghfdghfghlkfghlkjfdghlkjfdglhkjfghlkjfghlkjghlkjdfghlkfjghlkjghkljfdghjgflhkjfgdlkjfdghlkjdghlkjgdhlkjfgdhlkjfghlkjfghlkjreqiyyueryrynkjcvcvccvbhjvcbkjhvbkjhcxvbkjhcxvbkjxhcvbkjxhcvbkjhxcvbkhcvbkjhcxvbkjhxcvbkjhcxvbkjchvbkjhcxvbkjchvbkjhcxvbjhcvbkjhcvbkjhcvbkjhcvbkjcvkjcbjkbkhcbkjcvkjcvkjvchjcvjcvjhcvbjhvbjhvchkvjbbvcjhvcklxklxzlkxzlkxclkxclkxclkcxklxclkcxlkxclkcxkjlxclkjcxlkjcxlkjxclkjxclkjcxjlkcxlkjcxlkjvclkjcvxlkjvcxlkjvcxlkjcvxlkjvcxlkjvxclkjcvxlkjxcblkjcvxlkjvcxlkjvclkjvxclkjvcxjlkvxclkjvcxlkjvcxlkjvxclkjvcxjkvxckljvcxlkjvxclkjvxclkjvxcljkxcvljkvljlklxlkjhlhcvllkjvxclkjvxckvxckjvxclkjvxclkjvcjlkvcxlkjvxcjlkvxcjlkcvxlkjvxkjlvxclkjvcxlkjcvlkjcvlkjxcvlkxjcvlkjxcvlkxlkxkclxkclkxclkxlkxlclklxlxkclkxlkckxkxclklkxclkclkclkxclkxclkxclkxclkxclxclxclkxclkxlclkxclkcxlklkxclkxclkxclkcxklxclkxclkxclkxclkxlkxclkclkxclkxclkxclkxlkxclkxclkxclxclkxclkxclkxclkxclkxclkxclkxclkxclkclkcxlkcxlkcxklxclkcxlkxlkcxlkclkcxlkcxlkcxlkclkcxlkcvlcvlkclkjxcvlkjxcvlkjcvxlkjcvbcxvkhlxzcvljhzclkjvhzcvjkhxzcvlkjhxcvlkjhxzcvkljhxzcvkljhxzcvlhxzcvlkjzxcvkjlxzcvjkhzcvkljzhxcvkljxzhcvlkjhcvlkjhzcvljhzxcvlkjhzcvljhxzcvljzxcvkljhzcxvklhcvlkjhxzcvlkhxcvkjlhzxcvljhxczvlkjhxzcvljkhxzcvlkjhzxcvlkhxzcvlkjhzxcvlkjhzcvkljhxzcvlkjhxzclkjvhxczvlkjhxcvkljhxzcvlkjxhcvlkjxzhcvlkjhzxcvlkjxczhvlkjhcvljkxcvlkjhzcvlkjhzxcvkljhxcvlkjhxzcvkljhzxcvkjhzxcvkjlhcvkjlxcvbvjhxczvkjhxcvkljhxczvkljhxckjhczvxlhdfkjlhdfkjldfkjhfglkjhfdlkjghdlkjgjlfdhgdfglkjhdfglkjhdfgljdhfgkljhdfglkjhdfglkjhdfglkhldfjhdflhlklhdflkhkjhllkljlkjhdfgkljhdfglkjhdfgkjhjdfglkjhdfgdfkjlgdflkjghlkjdgflkjfdhglkjhdfgkljhflkjhdfglkjhdfglkjdfglkjhdfgljhdfglkjhdfgkjlhdfglkjhdfgkljdfglkjhdfglkjhdfkgjlhdfgjhdfglkjhdfglkjhdfglkjdflkjdfglkjdfgljkdhfgkljhfdglkjhkljdfghlkdfjghkldjfghdkjfghdkljfghdlfkjghdkjflghdkjflghkljdflkjdffkljdhfglkjfdhglkdjfghdkjflghkdjfghkjfghdkjfghdkljfghdflkjghdfkjghdfkjghkjhdfglkjhdfjdjdjdjdjhgdlkhdfgljkdhfgkljdhfgkljhfglkjhdfgkljfdhglkjdfgkljfdhgkjldfgkljhdfgkljhdfgkljhlkjhlkjhkjlhxcvlkjhxcvkljzhxcvljhzcxvlkjhxzcvlkjhzxcvlkjhxzcvkljkxkxkxkxkkxkkxjckxkllkjzxcvlkjhxcvlkjhxzcvlkjhxzcvlkjhxzcvlkjxzcvkjlhxcvkljxzcvlkjhxzcvlkjhzxcvkljhzxcvkjlhxzcvkjlhxcvkjhxczvlkzllkzjxcvhlkjzxchvkljzxchvkljczhvkljxchvkjlxvczhlkjvxchlkhcvkljxvchlkjcvhzxcjlkvhxczvljkhzkxkxzcvklhxczvlkjxzhcvkljhcvjlkhzxcvlkjhzcxvkjlhxzcvkjlhcvlkjxzhcvlkjhzcvlkjhzxcvljhzxcjhlzkjkzhjzvhvzhvczxhvcxzhcvxzhcvhvcxhnvcxhvcxhvxchvxchvxchvxchvxchvxchvxchvxchcvhvcxhvxchjvxcjhvcjhcvxjkhjvxckjhjcvxhvhvhvhvhvhvchvcxhvchvchjvcjhvchjvchjvchjvchjvchjvchjvcjhvchjvchjvchjvchjvchjvcjhvchjvchjvchjvchjvchjvcyugfyugyutryuteyutryutryutryutruytryufyufyuvcuyvcuyvcyuvcuyvcuyvcyuvcyuvcuyvuyvcuycvyuvcyuvcuyvcyuvcyuvcycvuycvyuvcuyvcuyvcyuvcuyvcyuvcyuvcuyvcuhyvcyuvcyuvcuyfyureyuerityoiyuoiuyiutjhhjjhdfjhdfjhdjhfdjhfdjhfhjfjhfhjfdhufgutiugfvcjhncjbgfjnfdhghjugfijghbhjcvxhjgkjhgfhjdhjkgfjhfgjhgfhjgfhjgfhjgfhjgfhjgfhjgfjhgfjhfgkhfgjhfgjhfgjhfgjhfgjhfgjhfghjgfhjgfjhgfjhfghjdyurtyutryutryuryureyutryureyureyueiurtyoijyhigfjbfdjhdsjhdshjfghjghjgjgfiufhugfjhfdjhfghjgfhjfdgkljhdfglkjhdfgljkhdfglkjfhglkjhtlkjrthylkjtryiorutyourtyoiurtyoiurtourtyoiurtyoiurtyoiurtyoiurtyoiurtyoirtoirtykjfkjdfkjfkjdfkjdfkjdfkjdfjdkhdfhgkjdfgkjvcxoiucvxzcvboivouxcyvouixcoiuycvoiuyczvxoiuxycvoiuzxcvoiuyzxcvoiuyxzcvoiuyzxcvoiuyxzcvoiuxyczvoiuyxzcvoiuyzxcvoiuyxzcvoiuyxzcvoyzxcvouiyzxcvouyxzcviuoyxcvouyxcvoiuzyxcvoiuyxczvoiuzxcvouyxzcvouyxcvuxciucicoiyvoixzcuvyxzocvyuxzcvuoiyxzcviuoyzcviouxzycviouyzxcviouyzxcviouzyxcviuoxzcviouxzycviouyxcvuiyxzcviuoyxcvoiuyzxcviouzyxcviuo
@ZoRiv-p66 11 ай бұрын
3:00 best part of the song
@radanju3 11 ай бұрын
build to the drop is a cure for my adhd
@Anth-rj8sq Жыл бұрын
people that have done GHOS7 in beat saber have to have PTSD from doing it
@FANOFPORTAL2 11 ай бұрын
Do you mean ghost 8 lane expert+++++++++++++++++ in beat saber?
@SpecialK05_GeometryDash 11 ай бұрын
And FNF too... the only song my fingers couldn't take
@Beckhamfrfr 7 ай бұрын
@kalanimuncan9807 4 ай бұрын
Love how every game agrees that camellia=hell
@DNation652 3 ай бұрын
Camellia: makes ghost and puts it on the table Rythm games: slides there hand across the table and grabs ghost "this is mine now"
@fullhd_60fps 4 ай бұрын
gd is unironically the hardest game, i would literally die because of extreme seizure before i can read patterns
@jansyrovatka4090 4 ай бұрын
Try to play beat saber, the headache is way worse.
@corereal111 4 ай бұрын
play beat saber. no disrespect I'm sure gd is difficult but if you wanna pass away and get all limbs amputated then id recommend beat saber.
@FranaLaRana Ай бұрын
Gd is not even a rhythm game and it's easy (it was discordinated with the song bruh HAHAHA)
@tacticallemon7518 7 күн бұрын
@corereal111 as someone who's played both, beat saber is way easier GD requires frame-perfect inputs at times, don't think the mapping we saw in this video was that precise, but GD is definitely not easy
@adamtweedie6271 6 ай бұрын
I’m honestly surprised that since camellia has been Added to the geometry dash library nobody has actually made a full rated level
@14mthebest48 5 ай бұрын
Yeah. I'm trying rn but I'm not good at building, so...
@fork445 4 ай бұрын
Bro idk why but it’s hard to make gd levels with a lot of camellia songs
@14mthebest48 4 ай бұрын
@@fork445 I know one really good level tho. Zircon by DHaner. It uses the Song Crystallized. It's on newgrounds, the level is pre 2.2
@Dash-d1t 3 ай бұрын
@14mthebest48 same
@sendansen7416 5 ай бұрын
Strangely no one is talking about "King" which is also a very popular song in rhythm games
@Armadeus 3 ай бұрын
ngl this particular gd layout just looks sad in comparison lmao, should've picked the bigthunder556 layout
@GDGoodFloof 7 ай бұрын
GHOST - The Eruption of Absolute Chaos
@m00g13x 7 ай бұрын
GEOMETRY DASH IS *NOT* A RHYTHM GAMES as someone who two-hundred hours in gd i can confirm it's not.
@idiotguy1624 7 ай бұрын
@spki8656 7 ай бұрын
@@idiotguy1624 because the music does not impact gameplay
@idiotguy1624 7 ай бұрын
@@spki8656 Thanks
@TheSpy-zx8ks 6 ай бұрын
@@idiotguy1624 Its also called a "Rhythm based platformer"
@rhythmdude 6 ай бұрын
as someone with 350 HOURS, i can confirm it is.
@cactus_2600 Жыл бұрын
Hey, I'm the guy who made ghost in Muse Dash, I would appreciate if you could credit me lol
@SilverSuS-ws2rw Жыл бұрын
The credits are in the description of the video, the links to the original videos appear there
@nopejustnope3900 10 ай бұрын
@@SilverSuS-ws2rw You didn't credit the mapper. You credited the gameplay. Not the same
@xshock__ 7 ай бұрын
@@nopejustnope3900 imagine someone giving a shit lmao
@ineri_xd4884 8 ай бұрын
@corereal111 4 ай бұрын
is like nobody gonna talk about how disgusting it is to show the very beginning of the song for beat saber like bro as someone who plays beat saber I did NOT beat ghost just for that/hj
@zangetsu3452 3 ай бұрын
1:58 same with the OSU!
@tacticallemon7518 7 күн бұрын
to be fair, other than maybe osu, Beat saber is probably the most popular rhythm game
@glefyr 2 ай бұрын
3:40 WYSI
@handlecheating Ай бұрын
@GiraGDXD Жыл бұрын
Here the GD gang 👇
@joinpotototoarmy Жыл бұрын
I am but I also do Beat Saber :D
@Alguien_random6400 Жыл бұрын
I also come from GD
@fiblz5443 Жыл бұрын
both gd and beat saber
@daridon2483 11 ай бұрын
And now the song will be in GD for real. Oh no, we're next
@silent4198 11 ай бұрын
like begger bruh
@lillianaoo2842 7 ай бұрын
I think you are missing one more game thing. Where is ADOFAI? (A Dance Of Fire And Ice?)
@Hagan8ar 5 ай бұрын
fr tho adofai not being here is criminal
@I-have-homework-to-do 9 ай бұрын
basically the same pfp
@Damnn_Marqq 9 ай бұрын
Yo esperando el drop de ghost en osu std y me pones el de FNF 😭 3:05
@elmisses1164 8 ай бұрын
@andrei4ik22 8 ай бұрын
fnf version is the best
@ArgentineFanLM10 8 ай бұрын
A nadie le importa tilín
@Damnn_Marqq 8 ай бұрын
@@ArgentineFanLM10 especialito
@ArgentineFanLM10 8 ай бұрын
@@Damnn_Marqq ?
@tacticallemon7518 7 күн бұрын
kinda disappointed there wasn't any ADOFAI in here
@poto2826 8 ай бұрын
Arcaea gang 🤙
@Electoline 7 ай бұрын
He showed the worst part in gd and not the best layout sadly...
@CatEatGlue 2 ай бұрын
3:07 Friday night funkin!
@вевекекс Ай бұрын
ah yeah osu!mania ripoff
@MrCorruptSteve666 28 күн бұрын
Oh shut the fuck up please, it's a rhythm game inspired by many others. ​@@вевекекс
@Yourlocalgoose-yoy 22 күн бұрын
@@вевекексits like that rythm game in the arcades where you step on things, but you use your fingers
@Yourlocalgoose-yoy 22 күн бұрын
@@вевекексinfact 4:53 looks like am actual rippoff
@RadeonGD 2 ай бұрын
4:53 game?
@abra-k 2 ай бұрын
in the Description: Cytoid
@RadeonGD 2 ай бұрын
@ thanks
@Trinototolueno 8 ай бұрын
If only you had put Rzmpant's Ghost
@Beckhamfrfr 8 ай бұрын
Not trying to argue but camellias is better
@Trinototolueno 8 ай бұрын
@@Beckhamfrfr No, I mean a geometry dash level, not a song
@Beckhamfrfr 8 ай бұрын
@@Trinototolueno oh okay
@Aimlessshark437 7 ай бұрын
Erm actually geometry dash is a auto scrolling platformer -🤓
@Billythegamrr 3 ай бұрын
Fu wrong vid-
@YesImNotGD 5 ай бұрын
The spider part in geometry dash is bad ASF The ship part is worse
@Yakosmicheskiydurak1 2 күн бұрын
Geometry dash is not rhythm game
@NetherTak 2 ай бұрын
If NotITG were here it'd be chaos
@YOUSAIDWHAT507 6 ай бұрын
2:32game name
@GarGuss7_7 6 ай бұрын
@YorgipS 2 ай бұрын
@Shinigami_17347 10 ай бұрын
Geometry dash is the hardest game
@Wiiins_n 10 ай бұрын
beat saber is
@NatalyDk156 10 ай бұрын
in this level no, but yes
@LitoMike 10 ай бұрын
as a gd player I can confirm osu mania is 20x harder on this specific song
@Shinigami_17347 10 ай бұрын
​@@LitoMikeOsu cannot be more complicated than geometry dash, you know too little and keep saying the same bullshit
@awildputinappeared925 9 ай бұрын
​@@Shinigami_17347osu and osu mania is different dumbass
@wavaderg781 7 ай бұрын
wheres sound space/rhythia??
@chocolatebar6785 Ай бұрын
@jyzxzy 5 ай бұрын
2:16 game name?
@NatureFromGod 5 ай бұрын
@kalanimuncan9807 4 ай бұрын
Osu! mobile
@Ammamscaletta 5 ай бұрын
music turns into a song at fnf. everyone would disagree to me but to my opinion, the fnf remix is actually makes it better...
@BlancaBam-ej3vw 5 ай бұрын
Fnf suena mejor
@vrtonXD 23 күн бұрын
Es mejor osu mania
@arroganzzz-12 6 ай бұрын
gd is not a rhythm game bro
@Аномалия556 6 ай бұрын
как гдшер я с тобой не согласен. В ГД есть ритм-уровни с Кликсинком, что засчитывает их в категорию Ритм Игры
@_NEXTGEN_ 6 ай бұрын
@agoodguy1837 6 ай бұрын
gd is rhythm
@14mthebest48 5 ай бұрын
It is lol Levels sync with the music. At least good levels
@DJJUUPITR 5 ай бұрын
@@14mthebest48its a rhythm based platformer, not a rhythm game. Similar words, but different meanings.
@YorgipS 2 ай бұрын
2:49 game?
@mmllarchiver 2 ай бұрын
@TaylorBlast 5 ай бұрын
5:10 game name?
@Not.starlivht1 5 ай бұрын
Sound space+
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