HellBlade was received well, and HellBlade 2 seems to be receiving a big marketing push as an Xbox exclusive. But can HellBlade 2 really sell consoles?
@kingsleyjackson82878 ай бұрын
We needs a physical copy
@Rehabz4Quitterz8 ай бұрын
Well unfortunately that isn't happening. It weird they decided to go only digital, but I guess it made the game cheaper. Just another thing that makes it feel like a smaller AA game instead of a big xbox exclusive
@asmurf41448 ай бұрын
Xbox needs another Xbox 369 generation if they’re gonna make a comeback
@MistaVidz8 ай бұрын
Unfortunately it's gonna have to take more than one game for Microsoft to bounce back
@Rehabz4Quitterz8 ай бұрын
Gonna take an entire Xbox 360 like generation lol
@NuclearAbyss8 ай бұрын
True but that wont do much since they already open Pandoras box. People will be like "Ill just wait for the game to come to ps5 at some point". If it does then they have less reasons to bother with the xbox console. if it doesn't then people will just forget about it.
@NuclearAbyss8 ай бұрын
Sadly Hellblade 2 wont be a console seller and wont due huge numbers. Its not because the game will be bad, but because Xbox has destroyed their retail and physical presence. Not to mention they rather put a spotlight on gamepass, over big individual games. Can't sell games and consoles if you dont have a physical presence where casuals can see them. Also when marketing is almost non existent and they rely on just gamepass to somehow push the game to players.
@Rehabz4Quitterz8 ай бұрын
I agree to a degree. It doesn't help that it was just announced that it's going to run at 30 fps on consoles. it just seems like they're marketing it as a AAA console seller but everything else screams smaller AA experience. Not to mention this game is on my radar mostly because of gamepass. I can't imagine I would buy HellBlade 2, but I will definitely play it on gamepass
@NuclearAbyss8 ай бұрын
@@Rehabz4Quitterz True but still the casual market doesn't care about 60fps or 4k. They are the majority and if they cant see the product on the shelf they wont know about it.
@Rehabz4Quitterz8 ай бұрын
@@NuclearAbyss yeah that's true, casual gamers walk into a store, look at the box art and pick a game up hoping it's cool. Definitely loss of potential in that aspect
@siffrewillaert62718 ай бұрын
"Promo SM"
@Rehabz4Quitterz8 ай бұрын
@aoukamohammed8 ай бұрын
@Rehabz4Quitterz8 ай бұрын
F's in the comments
@kevinpohl84698 ай бұрын
Xbox is retiring from console sellers
@danieldavis10288 ай бұрын
I'll answer that no.....and here is why its a linear exclusive game that only has a 30fps option in an industry where Sony's exclusives either have a 60 fps option or a performance mode. On top of that it has dynamic scaling so even at 30fps it can't maintain resolution....now lets call a spade a spade what the hell is microsoft doing over there, is there not any oversite in their game developemnt or is Phil to busy playing online? Sony's exclusives have looked better and played better than Xbox's exclusives this generation and they wonder why they can't sell xbox consoles or games.