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With The Chablals

With The Chablals

2 жыл бұрын

Can you be Christian and atheist at the same time? Some people may say it's impossible to be both Christian and atheist, they're mutually exclusive aren't they? In this video, we dig into what being Christian and atheist may look like and how we can sometimes express characteristics of both. I know it seems impossible, but you may be surprised how often they may seem to intertwine.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, do you think you can be Christian and atheist at the same time?
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#Christian #Atheist #Christianity

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@Therealbrant Жыл бұрын
As a SDA, your dialogue is amazing!!! I love all of this!
@Dark-Sentences 2 жыл бұрын
Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, *because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.*
@sandrajackson709 2 жыл бұрын
But does that really make any sense to you? Does that not sound backward? Belief before revelation, rather than the revelation that would warrant belief (not just belief but acceptance with no faith or doubt required)? If it is not rational to apply that logic to anything else aside from a god why should it be any different when it comes to a god? Doesn't seem logical or believable for a god to give you a mind in which to discern fact from fiction all while encouraging you to go against it, while also expecting you not to at least doubt let alone disbelieve altogether. Surely this god would have known this would have been a major issue not just for atheist but believers as well. Just does not seem at all believable that any such god exits. If a god was willing to reveal himself to the people mentioned in the Bible so they can believe it's no reason why this god shouldn't be willing to do the same in this day and time so we could believe.
@Dark-Sentences 2 жыл бұрын
@@sandrajackson709 You have some interesting ponderings. I'll address one. The demand that God present himself in some miraculous physical manifestation or he is either unfair or doesn't exist in the first place, that is based on a faulty premise. That thinking is based on the notion that you are qualified to know how God should conduct himself. I know you don't want to hear that but be patient with me. You can not create life, DNA or anything of the sort. It is even likely that you need the local mechanic when your car malfunctions. But you find your wisdom to be on par with a God who knows all things? That's a bit presumptuous. Especially since the Bible clearly teaches that all of mankind can not be trusted and God boldly states "I will be merciful to whom I will." I can not see who you are in your thought life or what kind of nasty things you've done throughout your life. I assume you are human like me and that your list of wrongdoings is pretty long. God can see you and that which you are not considering about yourself he is considering. Think of the cacophony of requests going up into the ears of God. Let's just consider one person. Some fellow lives in an apartment and supports himself by working as a dishwasher. Now, he is IN LOVE with a pretty girl who lives next door. So, he asks the Lord to cause the girl to fall in love with him. There are 17 other men nearby who desire the woman because she is young and at a good point in life where she has some attributes that cause her to be appealing to many. God must deny the requests of the 17 other men. God must alter the course of the woman's life to accommodate her passionate neighbor as well. So, God does as the man requests and the girl suddenly falls in love with him. Yet, the girl has a better job than the dishwasher and it troubles the man to whom God has just bestowed this blessing of a successful young woman to. So, the man asks to have a better job so he can be up to or even exceed her level of employment. God grants it to him. There were 22 other individuals trying to get the new job he suddenly landed but God gave it to him. Many men are still quite attracted to his fiancé (the pretty girl next door). So, the worried ex-dishwasher asks to be the most handsome guy his pretty girl will ever know. So, the guy gets in an accident and his face gets damaged a little here and there but his new job has great insurance. The doctors do a little pulling, tucking and patching and after a little sun he looks excruciatingly handsome. Now keep in mind that there are millions of other requests going up to God from millions of other men and women at the same time. Will you decide who should get the girl? Which prayer request do you grant? Who should hold which job? How do you keep someone from being shortchanged? What if the wisest strategy for an all-powerful God is to make personal appearances according to his perfect wisdom? That wisdom of God seems to be that he must do things according to his ways not man's ways.
@sandrajackson709 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dark-Sentences "The demand that God present himself in some miraculous physical manifestation or he is either unfair or doesn't exist in the first place, that is based on a faulty premise. That thinking is based on the notion that you are qualified to know how God should conduct himself." I totally understand why you have that impression. It's not a demand it's about what's required for me to undrerstand and accept that a god exists. If a god exists and is not at all concerned about my disbelief then why should I be concerned about believing? I would be totally justified in not believing. I simply cannot know what has not presented itself to my understanding. I am only taking for granted that if a god exists and knows the inner workings of the mind this god would know just how to appeal to it so that I could know of his existence. So it's not really about me trying to determine how a god should conduct himself when it's just an either or situation ( I will be using the pronouns he/his/him because I know you are speaking within the context of Christianity) " I know you don't want to hear that but be patient with me. You can not create life, DNA or anything of the sort. It is even likely that you need the local mechanic when your car malfunctions. But you find your wisdom to be on par with a God who knows all things? "That's a bit presumptuous. Especially since the Bible clearly teaches that all of mankind can not be trusted and God boldly states "I will be merciful to whom I will." It's fine I understand. To me, the comparison cannot be made between my wisdom and that of a gods because I am not convinced a god exists. The so-called wisdom of the Bible only seems to be on par with man's (and I do mean man's) logic/wisdom which I wouldn't even refer to as wisdom, but merely a product of man's imagination, hopes, selfish manipulative desires, desperation for answers, and added sense of purpose. I hope that does not offend you but that is honestly where I stand which I probably should have made clear initially. I am already convinced of the answers to the questions I posed to you, I was simply trying to understand your reasons for believing in a god and see if those questions at some point crossed your mind and curious how you made sense of it. I am hoping you don't mind. Would you at least expect of your god to reach you through your level of understanding and is your mind truely satifised with the answers you given me or are do you resign yourself to the idea of never questioning no matter how illogical it may seem to you? It sounds as though you are describing your god to be closed off from having an open dialogue, hates some and love others in determining who is deserving of his mercy and who is not, with this god being very selective in who he reveals himself to as if anyone that loves you would ever leave you to wonder if they exist or not. So even if you could prove this god exists I see nothing that would make this god worthy of worship. I would be 100 percent sure this god does not have any love for me and I that I would be doomed either way it goes so why worship this god? A god not appealing to my understanding which is the only way I have of knowing this god exists is no less than abandonment and I wonder how you could you see this any other way. "Some fellow lives in an apartment and supports himself by working as a dishwasher. Now, he is IN LOVE with a pretty girl who lives next door. So, he asks the Lord to cause the girl to fall in love with him. There are 17 other men nearby who desire the woman because she is young and at a good point in life where she has some attributes that cause her to be appealing to many. God must deny the requests of the 17 other men. God must alter the course of the woman's life to accommodate her passionate neighbor as well. So, God does as the man requests and the girl suddenly falls in love with him. Yet, the girl has a better job than the dishwasher and it troubles the man to whom God has just bestowed this blessing of a successful young woman to. So, the man asks to have a better job so he can be up to or even exceed her level of employment. God grants it to him. There were 22 other individuals trying to get the new job he suddenly landed but God gave it to him. " Not really sure how that analogy relates and if I am understanding you correctly. When I was a Christian I never expected a god to grant all my requests. Towards the end of my faith I did not think it was reasonable to ask God for anything because I had the understanding that this god was well aware of my needs and was only going to do for me whatever he willed to do, without me asking, but what I expected in the least was to know this god exists with me being able to tell the difference between God's will and just random fate. Not being able to tell the difference made it impossible to trust in this gods will. I still cannot say that directly contributed to me an atheist but could have been one of so many factors. I am pretty certain I am not an atheist because I felt any disappointment or displeasure with god,. I am not sure if your analogy was getting at a god being spread too thin to provide evidence of his existence to everyone with it being merly a request rather than a necessity but if that is where you were going, my answer to that would be there is no such thing as an omnipresent god being spread to thin. The only thing I am discussing is the knowledge of god existence. If the sun can rise each day so could a god, you would tell me my wisdom is not on par with a god's so I would expect this god to be able to work it out.
@Dark-Sentences 2 жыл бұрын
@@sandrajackson709 I'm happy with your answers in large part. They are better than the emotional tirades I usually get. The analogy was merely to suggest that in most situations the best response from God is to NOT grant what people think are their must needs. No, having your need be his proving himself to you so you can be saved, comforted and close to him isn't more legitimate. That is, it isn't more legitimate for you in particular...specifically you. I know, I seem wrong on this point but I'm not. One of the strangest things God put into his design of the human being is this intelligence/honesty ratio whereby a person's IQ is just high enough to give them the ability to fool themselves. Even the most righteous people are smarter than they are honest. You are smart, smart enough to fool yourself. After studying these matters since about 1970 (the year I was saved) this is what I can see. Even the most sincere and honest people have desires that work as screening devices in their determination of what is true. Back when O. J. Simpson was on trial for the murder of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman most Blacks believed he was innocent. Most whites believed he was guilty. However, at that time, I was a Sgt Corrections Officer at a State Prison. When discussing the case with coworkers I found myself entirely alone. Because of the environment, wherein half the inmates were Black and a large percentage of the staff was Black as well, it provided a huge incentive for people to filter the facts so as to interpret them as proof of OJs innocence. Here were the facts that caused me to think OJ was guilty. OJ's blood was found at the crime scene in drops going from the bodies to where his Ford Bronco would have been parked in the alley. OJ had a cut on his finger. Blood from Nicole, Ron and OJ was found all over the interior of OJ's Bronco. A bloody glove belonging to OJ was found at OJ's estate. The blood on the glove was that of Nicole, Ron and OJ. Then OJ attempted to flee, by vehicle, with a bag of money. I watched the police follow the vehicle on local TV as I lived in Los Angeles at the time. As solid as those facts were, my coworkers with their mental filtering devices, saw them as evidence of OJ's innocence. Likewise, despite those incriminating facts, the jury, comprised mostly of Black jurors found OJ innocent. The Bible makes that human trait abundantly clear throughout. As hard as we try, our desires can still override our discernment. Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Let's cut to the chase. God WILL judge you, not me. He says that He HAS given you proof of his existence but you called it proof of something else, after you ran it through your "needs filter." Romans 1:19 *For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.* For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, *so that men are without excuse.* For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools In the Western countries of the world, as well as many others, the word of God has been more readily available than it was even to the ancient Jews from where it originated. I've seen complete KJV Bibles in the dollar store for 1 dollar apiece. We are without excuse. The one who designed our brains designed the scriptures. He has it fix so that all who have heard the word but say they don't believe are proven false. Remember, if you are not saved, God will replay your every thought and deed and your true motivations will be exposed to all. Time isn't a problem in eternity. Luke 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets *(the Bible),* neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead *(proof).* You see, God says that if you don't believe the Bible, you're not looking for proof. You just want your own way. God knows that we horribly deceive ourselves. There is hope. Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Whosoever includes you and me.
@sandrajackson709 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dark-Sentences Nah, I usually save the tirades for those insulting atheists or those that advocate for legislation that would impose religion on others. I do not gather that you are trying to offend me in any way you are just giving me your honest thoughts which is what I asked for. "The Bible makes that human trait abundantly clear throughout. As hard as we try, our desires can still override our discernment. Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" So are you insinuating that I have some desire to be an atheist? I can assure you that is not the case. What I preferred over anything and what I have always valued most was the truth. Even as a Chrsitian my loyalty was always to the truth and as an atheist my loyality is still to the truth which I always understood may not be what I fiind comforting or convenient and atheism was certainly not what I found to be comforting or convenient. I am willing to follow the truth wherever it may lead. I know many Christians have it in their heads that atheists only wants to be athiest to avoid submitting to gods will and so we can sin as if I could nott have remained Christain and still sinned and continued to ask for forgiveness just same as any other Christain. Being an atheist is not volitional, it's simply not being able to convince the mind to accept god/s exists, with only compelling evidence being able to change the situation. The things that were bad for me as a Christan are still the same things that are bad for me as an atheist with there still being rules I must follow if I want to life a better and more fulfilling life which are not easy to follow and I still struggle with and face the consequences, except now I am without the slightest reassurance that a god is helping me through those struggles "Let's cut to the chase. God WILL judge you, not me. He says that He HAS given you proof of his existence but you called it proof of something else, after you ran it through your "needs filter." You could never convince me that a god ever said such a thing. I am firmly convinced that only the men that wanted you to believe in the Bible said that. I am not just saying that just because I am an atheist but also because I am awere of what's required on the quest for truth. Noting should ever obstruct your path to it. Questioning is vital and whatever would instruct anyone never to question I view as a lie, it's a fraud. Questions must be asked in ways that lead to a valid conclusion, free of any presuppositions or bias, therefore logic is required and anything that would instruct or encourage a person to go against logic , such as accepting what there is no evidence for with it being a major problelm just simply asking for it, has to be a lie, its a fraud, and is no less than manipulation. If askng for evidence is a problem that only tells me the evidence is not there because if it were it is no way it shoud be a problem without anyone having to appeal to faith to accept anything, which only attracts doubt. Nor should it ever be a problem in presenting the truth if the god of the Bible is the truth. Having to accept on faith what should be knowledge does not even work for believers because they are constantly doubting, and this is really what the topic of this video is about even if the poster is not aware of it. "In the Western countries of the world, as well as many others, the word of God has been more readily available than it was even to the ancient Jews from where it originated. I've seen complete KJV Bibles in the dollar store for 1 dollar apiece. We are without excuse" Do you think the Bible was the only book written about a god? Christians have no more evidence that the words of the Bible are any more the words of a god than any other book written about a god. If I know this then surely a god would have known this and would be more than capable of getting his/her/it's message out other than through a ancient book with parts missing. If a god has given me logic then it would stand to reason that a god would use logic. I genuinely appreciate you answering my questions and I get the picture now. I just wanted to know your reasons and you gave them to me and I received them without judgment, so thanks again
@zakila2cute Жыл бұрын
This was very powerful guys! Fear, and not believing that’s real guys! Thanks for sharing!
@deeevonie8765 Жыл бұрын
Love your raw truth. Wish more Christians would speak as such. There's value in your message here. 🙏
@prudencenemwel Жыл бұрын
I am praying for you🤲
@christinagonzalez7125 Жыл бұрын
powerful truths message
@kevinpaul7709 2 жыл бұрын
Amen sis well said
@DoctaOsiris Жыл бұрын
For delusional people, maybe, but here's a suggestion - learn Linguistics before embarrassing yourself, because "Christian Atheist" is grammatically incoherent, you'd have known that had you even a little bit of education outside of "buh mah huly buhk", maybe try getting a real education instead of forming incoherent ideas yourself? I don't mean to be rude to you, but in all fairness your comment is ripe to over bursting with stupidity, I honestly don't know what else to say to it 😅
@lashawndahill4776 Жыл бұрын
Good topic.
@DoctaOsiris Жыл бұрын
How? How is this a good topic? Please explain... FYI, as I mentioned to others on here, "Christian Atheist" is grammatically incoherent, just because this couple wants to shit on the English language and pretend their definition matters doesn't mean that's how language actually works, so please, explain to me how it's a good topic and exactly why you couldn't think of anything more than just that to say on the matter? I know your book of magic says you shouldn't question anything another one of your cult members says, and that knowledge bad 🤤 but it doesn't actually take much to use the brain you were born with, or did your gawd give you said brain to atrophy out of your ears before you get too old? Use it for yourself, not for stupidity, stupidity is not a right, it's a choice... 🤦
@DoctaOsiris Жыл бұрын
Also, I have to ask exactly why people who own channels like this are too scared to respond to an Atheist such as me even though I'm not showing any signs that christians like to pretend we are like? Is it possible that my words actually form logical structures that you're unfamiliar with? Is logic such a hard thing to deal with? (that last one is rhetorical, I already know the answer since I was a theist many years ago, I know the mindset). Simply put, putting the words "Christian" and "Atheist" together is grammatically incoherent, everything you said on the subject was misinformed, arrogant and outright laughable. In some ways I had that feeling where people of colour say we shouldn't use the "N" word because "that's our word", how do you think appropriating the word "Atheist" for your own narrative makes us actual Atheists feel? You're polluting the word in a way that makes me want to "wtaf is wrong with you N?!" seriously, wtaf is wrong with you? I've told you that's not how language works but you're too scared to respond, so in all seriousness... What the actual fuck is wrong with you N? 😱 🤯
@ingakarlsen4042 Жыл бұрын
«I will build MY church,and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.» Why did God have to create only 1 church? What is the meaning of the church he has created? Because God saves people through it. It is Noah’s ark. the devil makes pirated copies. more and more “I am the bread of life... If you do not eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will NOT have life in you. Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My Flesh is truly food, and My Blood is truly drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.” The fact is that by eating under the guise of Eucharistic bread and wine of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the closest and deepest union of a person with God takes place, which is only possible here on Earth. a person receives Christ into himself and becomes a partaker of God, that is, he becomes what he eats.
@nickgagnon3626 2 жыл бұрын
Seems rather odd but if someone says that Im not going to argue with them.
@DoctaOsiris Жыл бұрын
Why? Why would you not argue against a grammatically incoherent addition of two polar opposite words being strung together? Is it because your book of magic tells you not to? Or is it just because you were taught not to question stupid things like this? Seriously, I want to know how you wouldn't argue about something so incoherent as this derp? 🤷
@scripturehelps Жыл бұрын
Please research spiritual warfare and discuss it. The believers in Jesus need to work it as much as it is a part of obeying Jesus. No one is going to remain on Jesus side without it during the tribulation...sat'n ( I don't like to give him the dignity of capping his name); he is easily beatable, if you remain totally honest, his dishonesty will show
@ravenvalentine4919 5 ай бұрын
stop taking drugs
@ayannaking8553 Жыл бұрын
Glory to Yah Jesus Christ ♥️
@DoctaOsiris Жыл бұрын
Can you demonstrate to me that this "jesus christ" you speak of actually existed? STOP! Don't go picking up your book of magic spells, that will not suffice. According to that book your "saviour" was crucified by Pontius Pilate, and yet we know as historical fact that Pontius Pilate died long before your imaginary friend was supposedly born. And that brings us to another issue - when was this character born exactly? I mean, if you're so sure he existed at all you should know exactly when he was born and exactly when he died, surely? No? Hmm 🤔 strange... Seems none of your cult can quite pin either of those dates down, I wonder why that is? 🤷 I have lots more examples of how your book of fairy tales is blatantly wrong if you want to discuss it with me. Just remember that quoting from your claim to prove your claim is not only a fallacy, including circular reasoning, but... Umm... I don't care what your book says, I care about the evidence, the facts of the matter, and none of that is contained within your dusty old book. I can show my sourses outside of the buy-bull, can you? 😲
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