Canadas Monopoly Problem

  Рет қаралды 87,769

Ryan Williams Bay of Quinte

Ryan Williams Bay of Quinte

3 ай бұрын

Canada has a monopoly problem.
How did we get here? And how do we get out?
Let’s bring home competition

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@MiriamKearney 3 ай бұрын
This didn't start with the LIberal government and probably won't end with a Conservative government. Although he avoided mentioning it, the problems happened throughout both Conservative and Liberal governments in the past. The point is accurate - we need more competition but I doubt any government is going to do anything to help this along.
@dootdoot1867 2 ай бұрын
But this conservative party is the reform party built by Preston Manning and Steven Harper. They beat the Mulroney conservatives. GsT dude.
@botks894 2 ай бұрын
when you consider that the monopolies are large donators to both the conservative and liberal parties its hard to believe this video is anything but a grift, pollieves campaign manager is a lobbyist for loblaws so you can expect the conservatives to do nothing about their grip on the market,
@LobsterFusion 2 ай бұрын
I was questioning that myself. I was thinking this had to be going on even before the current Liberals.
@dootdoot1867 2 ай бұрын
@@botks894 because it is a big club coming from a few universities taught by the same people all leading to baron and lordship titles and the house of lords. The richest family n Canada is the baron Thomson of fleet. As in Thomson Reuters. Viking air. Etc etc. Railroads, energy companies, everything.
@sammavitae114 2 ай бұрын
@@botks894 Yes and for a further example look at Doug and his relationship with Loblaws who have been allowed through their ownership of Shoppers to be paid to administer vaccines, advice from pharmacists etc also during lockdowns small retailers closed but Walmart open etc.
@AlexWilkinsonYYC 2 ай бұрын
It should be illegal for companies to have subsidary companies under different brand names. That would make the monopolies visually obvious to everyone, so everyone can see the scale of the problem.
@JahBreed 2 ай бұрын
Thank You for talking about these things. My Grandfather was kind of an idiot. He got involved in building the Insurance Restoration industry monopoly here in Winnipeg. I found myself working for his betrayers years later. Our family had fallen apart. I went to talk to my grandmother about what happened. It was a joke. I knew our attachment, I knew we'd have nothing to do with what I was seeing. Monopolies have degraded our national productivity, promoted mediocrity and ruined our pool of leadership as they all mostly come from pools of people who live in a false reality created by their place among, pretty simply put, groups of racketeering fascists who haven't had to participate in society in any manner aside from leeching lowlives since the 80's. Canadians are fools. PCs made this problem. Meet them and their children on a personal level and You'll know where the issues come from.
@kurtisb100 2 ай бұрын
Oh, it would do a lot more than that. Corporate tax rates are quite steep on profits; not sure about all the other provinces but in BC Corp tax rate is a 2 tier rate. First step is ~10% on profit (from memory) right around 400k. This is about 10 years ago; the numbers are probably a little different now. But tier 2 tax rate on profit above the tier 1 level are around 35%. So if the owner Corp has to declare profit all in one corporation, it jacks up the tax rate by quite a bit. Which is why I believe lots of companies do it that way; that and it limits liabilities as well. A subsidiary can be sued into bankruptcy without bankrupting the holding company.
@corneydasilva5831 2 ай бұрын
The government is on bed with monopolize system
@joshhsoj1902 2 ай бұрын
I've often wondered what would happen if companies were forced to include the parent corporation in brand names "Fido by Rogers", "Quaker by Pepsi", etc. I don't think it would need to extend to product names assuming the brand name is prominently displayed in ads and on packaging. Would forcing that be a subtle enough middle ground to force awareness to consumers?
@AlexWilkinsonYYC 2 ай бұрын
@@joshhsoj1902 maybe - but it would also end lots of weird tax loopholes and whatnot. Like if Doritos loses money one year, I'm sure they do all sorts of tax offsets, even though its parent corp is essentially one large food company that made billions, so it should all be taxed as profitable. It's not actually a "different company", so to speak.
@claude6543 3 ай бұрын
Good video with one glaring omission: not one word about the competition-killing Canada Dairy Commission. To protect a minuscule number of pampered farmers through tariffs and quotas, the rest of the population pays egregiously high prices for dairy products. As long as the Conservatives shy away from this issue, their call for more competition smacks of hypocrisy.
@catc8233 2 ай бұрын
Totally agree with you. Get rid of the diary commission.
@chadparsons50 2 ай бұрын
I'm with you, but I wonder if the dairy challenge is too daunting ? Bernier might still have a seat in parliament if he hadn't picked that fight. IDK maybe taking on big dairy is a higher level boss, have to practice on the lower bosses first?
@truthteller6743 2 ай бұрын
I call them the Dairy Cartel. I’ve been voting PPC for the last two elections and will continue to do so. Will Canadians wake up?
@chadparsons50 2 ай бұрын
@@truthteller6743 important issue, but not the most important issue.
@dirtykurty1774 2 ай бұрын
Bernier lost to the dairy cartel…
@catc8233 2 ай бұрын
Totally agree with you. Canada needs more competition.
@Dholi1 Ай бұрын
This guy is hilarious if he thinks Conservatives will bring in competition. Harper did everything he could to protect the telecom oligopolies during his tenure and let those companies fire thousands of Canadians so they could hire overseas.
@TheosekMechanes 2 ай бұрын
You won't hear ONE WORD from PP about the monopoly problem in Canada. He doesn't want to piss off his donors.
@TLiu-1b 2 ай бұрын
Then we are fucked, time to move to the US.
@thefabulouskitten7204 2 ай бұрын
​@@TLiu-1bI don't think they're much better
@yashpatel261 Ай бұрын
@@thefabulouskitten7204 They are conclusively far better in terms of income and taxes.
@HaltedSpark Ай бұрын
PP said in a Jordan Peterson podcast that he wanted to help new startups and he voted against the RBC merger behind the scenes so he does want change it seems
@TLiu-1b Ай бұрын
@@HaltedSpark may change once in office and gets lobbied constantly by big corps
@bernl178 2 ай бұрын
Why would the federal government do anything about it when they’re getting most of the revenues from those exact same monopolies. When an election comes around campaign contributions come from the least competitive companies saying let’s keep it this way because I’m giving you shit load of money.
@inZaneSK 2 ай бұрын
Canada's federal government needs to force these monopolies to divest. But no government, Liberal/NDP or PC, will do that. It will piss off the richest people in the country.
@helpanimals- 2 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, they are bought by them. Maybe if we all protest that'll help..
@nathanlevesque7812 2 ай бұрын
NDP would.
@ST-fk3jz 2 ай бұрын
the issue is that they don't invest because they do not have competition forcing them to do so. which is lowering productivity, wages, gdp per capita.
@theshi3152 2 ай бұрын
@@nathanlevesque7812 Jag wouldn't. NDP maybe. Jag... naw. i dont see it. i want him to be a real leader.. but its just not there. he fails to hold Trudeau accountable. he fails to push any meaning full legislation. and dont tell me the dental and disability bills are a win.. they are absolutely anything but.
@plav032 2 ай бұрын
eat the rich!
@christopher6895 2 ай бұрын
I completely agree with much of this - but in what alternate history has the conservative govt ever prioritized the little guy over monopolies?? Hell, they CREATED most of them (selling off Air Canada and Petro Canada, for example).
@steventhompson8189 3 ай бұрын
I really liked the monopoly game analogy, the economy does feel like we are living the game.
@smity25ca 3 ай бұрын
They print unbacked currency out of thin air and then make you pay taxes 🤔 A system created by the greatest slave masters in the business, Gold is money, everything else is credit - JP Morgan 😉
@haroldgraphene 2 ай бұрын
It’s literally a representation of how Capitalism works and why the game was created in the first place lol. Monopolies gradually take over the market as competition plays out. Eventually big players keep out small players and everyone is paying rent to monopolists just to survive and are lucky if they are allowed to reproduce. That’s why we have immigrants, so Capitalists don’t even have to remunerate you enough to have families.
@Evilslayer73 2 ай бұрын
this is what it is!!
@philsidock 2 ай бұрын
The game was actually designed to show perils of capitalism. Ironically, it became one of the best-selling board games of all time and greatly profited from the capitalistic system.
@willhatch7721 Ай бұрын
Someone is going to throw it off the table next
@AspiringXenophile 2 ай бұрын
One flaw with your argument - the provincial Crown corporations like SaskTel allow for some of the most competitive prices within Canada for telecommunications. In fact, the big 3 then undercut the prices in Saskatchewan knowing they can make up the “loss” in the rest of the country. Government intervention in the economy is not inherently bad or anti-capitalist if it’s used as a tool to wedge open oligopolies and prioritize service over profits as part of creating a competitive market.
@Tribuneoftheplebs 2 ай бұрын
You yourself admit it only works for 1 region by stealing funds from the rest. This isnt an actual national solution
@Trythis837 2 ай бұрын
Phone bills are cheap as can be now. 4 years ago I was $200 a month now I’m $45.
@ZapperJohn 2 ай бұрын
Dude, our cell phone rates are the highest in the free world...
@Trythis837 2 ай бұрын
@@ZapperJohn not any more. Every month I get a call offering lower plans. Last month was 100 gigs unlimited for $35 a month.
@ZapperJohn 2 ай бұрын
@@Trythis837 March, 1, 2024, Bloomberg headline..."Average Canadian pays 61 times more for mobile data than people in Italy: study ." Maybe you should only be paying $0.57 per month instead of $35
@paulpower2680 3 ай бұрын
Excellent Video. Well done.
@rally_chronicles 2 ай бұрын
I remember when there was even a mention that version would come to Canada, Bell and Roger's stock fell 15% in a day. They would die within 3 years of US companies coming in.
@suJayhh 2 ай бұрын
This is so flawed I don't even want to reply. But here's 5 sentences. Bell and Rogers own basically all of the infrastructure and getting connectivity to Canadians is hardly worth that cost. American companies would prefer to rent that infrastructure from bell or Rogers. Bell and Rogers don't lack the "innovation" to lower prices. They'll just price out the American companies, the only flaw in that plan being that they make less profit.
@krislam2603 2 ай бұрын
@@suJayhh"hardly worth the cost" but they're making record revenues and profits?
@suJayhh 2 ай бұрын
@@krislam2603 specifically because they're an oligopoly on already made infrastructure?? If the markets opened up like that, you think there's going to be much of any profit to be made? In this fictitious scenario, as soon as new infrastructure is made (illogical because the cost is high for the following reason) the prices race to the bottom and margins become as thin as in America. Canada is the second largest country with some of the lowest population density. Maybe Toronto and Vancouver ( areas) could be served well, but that's kind of it. That's only because they're close enough to the border with a high enough population density around it to be worth it. Northwest Territories will not be receiving any other American telecom company's service unless its on bell or Rogers infrastructure. Yeah an American company would certainly make the effort, but "bell and Rogers would die within a year of US companies coming in" is not true in the slightest lmao. Downward pressure in specific cities, then the rest is the exact same until satellite internet reception becomes a standard as good as fibre optic. Surely you understand that thousands of miles of unground and above ground cabling is expensive as fk right?
@joeeeyyyyyy 2 ай бұрын
​@krislam2603 I understand where your coming from but we could use alot more infrastructure and coverage. If there are areas with 0 coverage now that the existing providers dont cover due to it not being as profitable as theyd like it to be, other companies can provide service and price slightly above regular coverage. For that to happen though, they need to build the infrastructure for the rest of the province/country so they arent just renting the space from Rogers - who could jus set the price there through how much the rent costs. American companies coming into canada to do cell work is a good idea. It will bring prices down, cut the profits of the other giants, and anyone fired will have jobs with the new expanding provider - who can pay competitive wages. Infrastructure is slow to develop in canada bc we are funding everything ourselves or through investments the working class never benefits from. Deep us pockets building canadian infra is a win win.
@rally_chronicles 2 ай бұрын
@suJayhh like Star Link from Elon? He doesn't need local infrastructure or government permission. He just by passes. Do bell and Rogers own that infrastructure? You are still thinking early 2000s. It's 2024. Wake up.
@Edenismdotca 3 ай бұрын
Every Canadian needs to hear this video, it needs to go viral.
@darkejon 2 ай бұрын
As a new arrival to Canada, having worked in tech here for a few years now it’s shocking to see the effects of this. There is a nation wide culture of lack of innovation in the c-suite of large companies. Conservative decision making at every corner and every decision made to appease share holders at all costs.
@GoodlyRogue 2 ай бұрын
What a great documentary. Many thanks from Québec.
@briuiwnw7229nurjwnqoaakne 2 ай бұрын
Regardless of which party you support this is a message everyone can get behind
@aryanparikh9085 2 ай бұрын
Not to mention monopolies in minerals, lime stone and cement. Cement is too heavy to import from elsewhere, and Canadian concrete prices have increased 55% from 2020 to 2023, far outstripping CPI as well home price increases. Shortfalls in cement supply is hampering residential construction
@MrSteveCee 3 ай бұрын
Well done. TY.
@DioTheGreatOne Ай бұрын
Basically: The Canadian Government is so scared of foreign competition (specially american competition) that they end up protecting their own national monopolies.
@fpp2024 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for this. Big reason for affordability issues in Canada. Our gas prices went up 30 cents a litre in 2 weeks. Carbon tax? Nope. Greedy oil companies.Seriously doubt PP will fix this. He has been representing the interests of these companies his whole career. If he has a plan to fix it, I would love to hear it. What you just described at the end of the video will not do it. You think a startup company can compete with any of these behemoths? They will just buy them out or price them out. It's been happening for decades and nothing was done. You need to break up these companies.
@plav032 2 ай бұрын
Yup, no mention of breaking up and devesting these monopolistic companies. Cut the red tape? You mean cut costs for companies who already dominate the market?
@nicholasrehenry 2 ай бұрын
You had me in the first half … cause the conservatives will not do what you say they will.
@bonitabarrera1101 2 ай бұрын
Lmao same. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Except ppl are getting too smart to fall for their tricks.
@dylanl3942 2 ай бұрын
Saying things like "Liberals and NDP ALWAYS promote monopolies and conservatives ALWAYS oppose them is not helpful and clearly not true. Also conveniently didn't mention that it was Harper that lessened the government oversight of foreign (US) companies buying Canadian companies. The only way to make real change is to work with the other parties. None of them are particularly good at collaboration but it has to start somewhere.
@DioTheGreatOne Ай бұрын
And neither will the Liberals nor the NDP
@SigFigNewton Ай бұрын
@@DioTheGreatOnein the US it’s conservatives who do what they can to protect oligopolies
@Sylverlea1 2 ай бұрын
They all need to be turned into worker owned cooperatives
@Metalblaze124 2 ай бұрын
This has been ongoing through all governments for generations. I doubt it will be stopped until the wheel breaks entirely
@SigFigNewton Ай бұрын
In the US it was supercharged under Reagan
@GreatWhiteCityBuilder 2 ай бұрын
damn I didn't realize you were an MP until the end. Love that you're able to get your message across without paying for ads just because the message is that important
@elliotjordan2326 Ай бұрын
It's the conservative government that cuts all new business benefits, grants and incentives. The only way to create new businesses is for the government to create incentives and protects for new businesses.
@dongedge1214 3 ай бұрын
That was well put together and presented. We need to get this out to all Canadians. Make Canada Free.
@PeterRollings1 3 ай бұрын
Great video and 100% agree, however, is any government able to follow through with the needed changes? The goal of bringing Canada back to a Capitalist country, break up the oligarch's & monopolies and truly help the entrepreneur and startups launch.
@SteveBluescemi 2 ай бұрын
Only the NDP is actually anti-monopoly, but I don't think Singh is a good leader. Tbh our best bet is a continued NDP-Liberal alliance but we have to constantly tell them how unhappy we are so that they actually do stuff (like we're seeing now on housing).
@whith5184 2 ай бұрын
Amazing video. Well presented.
@afs-drew9644 3 ай бұрын
Great channel. Subscribed. Please fix Canada ! SOON.
@samarsyal3811 2 ай бұрын
Incredible video both substance and viewing experience. Super insightful and cohesive content. Look forward to more such videos.
@SammyB-Habebe 3 ай бұрын
Great video!
@DerPanda93 2 ай бұрын
Monopolies are not antithetical to capitalism. They are result of unregulated capitalism. In its "natural" state, capitalism will result in monopolies, they are not a product of having lost capitalism. Even if one is a fan and proponent of capitalism, claiming that its shortcomings are not "real capitalism" and only acknowledging the positives of the capitalistic system is disingenious.
@DerPanda93 2 ай бұрын
@@user-tv6vv5rb8v Most monopolies not just now but in history were not the product of government regulation but market forces. It is pretty hard to compete with a railroad company that not only already owns billions in tracks and carts, but also has the capital to undercut a new competitor that needs to actually make a profit in the short to medium term. A large behemoth of a business has many advantages over new competitors and without anti-trust laws, they could easily strangle any upcoming competition. Not to mention cartels that also are the product of a capitalistic framwork without any government intervention. I'm not saying that there can't be any government caused monopoly, but the idea that monopoly and capitalism are not "naturally" occuring together but only after government intervention is not just wrong, but quite literally disproven by history. As seen by the gilded age in the US.
@OncleSpenny 2 ай бұрын
​@@user-tv6vv5rb8veveryone knows the classic socialist rallying call. "Socialism is when the government does stuff. The more stuff the government does, the more socialismer it is." Just wait till this guy learns about how wartime capitalism lol
@markhermiz7300 2 ай бұрын
No sir, monopolies are the exact opposite of capitalism. Another word for capitalism is competition, which results from a free market. The moment you start regulating and subsidizing the market, you create monopolies. Did you not watch the video?
@DerPanda93 2 ай бұрын
@@markhermiz7300 Capitalism is not comptetition, capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production, which are in turn put to use to accumulate more capital. Or in other words: A (or multiple) private person(s) own(s) companies and machines which are operated to generate a profit which in turn is used to invest into more companies and machines. If this produces a market in which multiple competitors try to undercut each other in prices and overperform each other in quality, thats capitalism. If this produces a market in which one of the companies has a position that allows them to either work uncontested (for example the cost to entry is too high, like in Telecommunication or Railroads) or them having an advantage so great that nobody can compete (like a big store pricing out smaller ones, like standard oil did) thats capitalism too. I'm not saying that you should like or dislike capitalism, but just picking out the situations in which you like it (many competitors, an open playing field, a free market) and ignoring it whenever you don't (the accumulation of more and more companies in fewer hands, monopolistic behaviour) is nothing short of economic fiction. Capitalism is not defined as eternal competition. Competitions often have winners and in past and present, those winner will use their power to stay winners. Anti-Trust laws have literally been introduced to combat this fact of capitalism.
@caro4475 2 ай бұрын
You should read "Liberal Fascism" (2004), which is a strong summary of how monopolies aren't natural to a capitalist society, except for a very short time.
@jumbolarge108 2 ай бұрын
While the Liberals have been awful with consolidating companies, I doubt the Conservatives would do much better. Since it is the party of big business.
@plav032 2 ай бұрын
Me noticing he didn't mention actually breaking up any of the monopolies... Hmmm... Me thinks maybe daddy Loblaws sends a fair bit of money their way to keep the status quo.
@sebastienberger2890 2 ай бұрын
Just the part about the crown corporation. I actually think they were mostly dismantle because bigger wanted to get into the market. Most crown corporations still in operation have a positive impact. Regarding one like lcbo, SAQ, SQDC, it’s a political choice to deliver the service through a public entities, and the current state of the market a voluntary state. So I do not consider them a problem.
@Frankie5860 Ай бұрын
Good presentation. Thanks
@elliotjordan2326 Ай бұрын
It's the conservative government that cuts all new business benefits, grants and incentives. The only way to create new businesses is for the government to create incentives and protects for new businesses.
@philsidock 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for making a well-structured video outlining a pressing issue in Canada.
@thevalleygate625 2 ай бұрын
Same problem exists here in New Zealand. This is a global issue where govts have sold out their people and are working hand in hand with large corps. To a certain extent we did it to ourselves, we took the convenience and the low prices these companies offered in exchange for our freedom. If people are awake enough now, they should be doing everything in their power to support local business and their community.
@katebabyboy3665 3 ай бұрын
Very insightful hope Trudeau is listening
@learn_reality 2 ай бұрын
conservatives wont fix anything, they're all working for the same corporations interests, dont fool yourself
@HTMLpopper 23 күн бұрын
It's become nearly impossible to run a small business in Canada with prohibitive land use costs as well as unrealistic distribution overhead.
@LauraoAirylea Ай бұрын
Red, Blue, Orange... the colour doesn't matter when they're all work for the oligarchies. They're so baked into the recipe of this country, there is no amount of "fixing" that would change things.
@setyourhandel340 Ай бұрын
The big mystery is how much power does the prime minister have. Nobody seems to know.
@elliotjordan2326 Ай бұрын
It's the conservative government that cuts all new business benefits, grants and incentives. The only way to create new businesses is for the government to create incentives and protects for new businesses.
@smirhash Ай бұрын
the background music is as dramatic as the state of the Canadian economy. good job.
@Letsdothework Ай бұрын
I’m 37 and I’ve voted liberal my entire life. No more, this video spoke directly to me, and I shared this and discussed with all my close friends. Im a product manager in the highest tax bracket - moving forward I want those taxes to go to you and the conservators (minus sleazy Doug Ford).
@MsJeffreyF Ай бұрын
The privatization movement was a mistake, some things are natural monopolies (look it up) and when they were privatized it just took it out of the hands of the government and put it into the hands of their cronies. We do need more competition (where it's called for) and could actually use more government investment into privatizing (ontop of some of the suggestions here regarding stopping mergers and doing some break-ups). We should look into how the Japanese broke up the Zaibatsu after WWII. Their government would invest in two competing companies to forge a new industry, and it worked very well. So no more government investment in single companies, instead invest in two to force some competition
@SigFigNewton Ай бұрын
In the hands of a democratic government, a monopoly has a chance of not being evil. Like how health care is less expensive in any place that doesn’t abuse its citizens as the US health insurance corporations do.
@BrandonVincentRealty Ай бұрын
Very well done video!!! I’ve done podcasts talking about this exact issue with professionals in the financial sector who said exactly that! “How do we create better pricing in Canada? Through more competition!!” It’s a very great point to highlight and an issue that has to begin to be solved!! Canadians deserve a free market fulled by capitalist growth encouraging better services with more competitive pricing 🇨🇦
@absorbinglife 3 ай бұрын
... and aren't you an MP who was elected to fix that?
@Unpopular_0pinion 2 ай бұрын
What specifically would you have him do that he hasn't done? It's important to have an idea what we're expecting them to do, that way we know when their hands are tied vs when they're being complacent
@john.10347 2 ай бұрын
People like you are able to talk but don't understand, he's attempted to addresses these monopolies with bills he's sponsored. But you need more than just one MP to allow these bills to pass, you need majority yes from the house of commons
@devinmcmanus Ай бұрын
@@Unpopular_0pinion Specifically? Introduce a private members bill to break up the monopolies he claims to despise. Successful or not, I would vote for a candidate with the cajones to do this.
@Unpopular_0pinion Ай бұрын
@@devinmcmanus thanks for the genuine answer.
@Unpopular_0pinion Ай бұрын
@devinmcmanus do you have any ideas as to how to break up monopolies? Just curious. I had an idea for a "Corporate Facts" label to be on every product/advertisement sold that shows all of the companies that any given product is owned by to help educate consumers. It wouldn't break up monopolies directly.. but it would help us, the market, ensure we're only supporting companies that we want to support. In areas like banks and cell providers, though, something really does need to be done to breathe competition into the market.
@prabhwalia. Ай бұрын
The thing is new companies get more taxed by government. Less likely to get loans from these banks. It gets difficult for them to find skilled workers as they're moving out of country
@ThunderBolt883 Ай бұрын
I'm a young guy in my late 20s dreaming of owning and operating my own business one day but the amount of red tape to get through for a start up discourages me. Not to mention the lack of investment from any government for entrepreneurs is another barrier to entry. I love this country and want to stay and build it but the current situation of the nation makes it difficult to stay. Hope this changes soon.
@gregmackinnon8098 Ай бұрын
Hope this channel Grows
@AlexWilkinsonYYC 2 ай бұрын
Yep. It becomes super obvious when you try to make a startup here. There is regulatory capture embedded deeply in almost every industry, that make the cost of entry unfeasible.
@ravit50 Ай бұрын
There’s a reason I love and live by my local co-op. Open, nothing to hide. Local. Transparent.
@professordogwood8985 2 ай бұрын
I actually have no problem with Crown Corporations because legally they would belong to all Canadians. Ironically when Ralph Nader deregulated airlines in America, a bunch of them merged. I find privatization doesn't solve monopoly problems. My solution is better opportunity for startups. (Edit: was halfway through the clip when I commented. I spoke too soon).
@keenansprague1626 2 ай бұрын
Well done!
@jsarja8391 Ай бұрын
So much truth has been spoken in this one. Bravo. I don't think most of the people in this country either understand or care about this topic. Try to strike a simple conversation about it and see how quickly people start picking up on other places and see how misinformed/under informed people are.
@djsiii4737 3 ай бұрын
Conservatives advocating for more government control of markets. What a time to be alive!!!
@john.10347 2 ай бұрын
Oh, so what's your suggestion then? Just allow these monopolies continue?
@djsiii4737 2 ай бұрын
@@john.10347 lol no I agree with the position. But conservatives are usually pushing for less government involvement and control in markets
@ZapperJohn 2 ай бұрын
How does not allowing monopolies and oligopolies to form through amendments to the Competition act mean more government control?
@TwinntechFreeTV 2 ай бұрын
watch again and pay attention
@plav032 2 ай бұрын
that's (stutters) r-r-re-regulation (vomits) 🤣
@sdmugabe Ай бұрын
Excellent video sir
@lovingpeace9715 2 ай бұрын
This is Adam Smith and Noam Chomsky 101 The inequality in Canada has been created over 150 years partly by a monarchy and by the policies of 3 major Canadia political parties. By lessening the control of the monarchy we now have a government that answers to absolutely no one. To consider Canada as any sort of democracy is a fantasy that even European leaders have denounced. Canada is massive and in abundance, and yet Canadians have suffered exploitation and inequality. When my parents arrived after the war they could not believe how destitute Canada and Canadians were, especially leaving europe, which was still mostly in shambles from the war. Of course, Canada is designed to be exploited as are the people that live and come to Canada. The new capital gains tax and anything else the government can come up with will further erode what is left of the middle class and with certainly aggressively go after the upper middle class. Since the 70s there has been an vicious power attack by elites to reduce the wealth and power of Canadians and our neighbors to the south. Each decade, taking more away from the people, and demanding longer hours worked and more production. If that wast enough industry was moved out of north America overseas to cheaper labor markets. Now corporations want to shift what jobs are left to a flexible workforce, further destabilizing peoples lives. Then you have have world migration of cultures that class some legal immigration some illegal but certainally all an unnecessary excess exploitation of the limited social resources that are left. The science now clearly shows people are now living shorter lives, more and more people are living in poverty, hunger has risen, homelessness has risen, medical disease has risen and education is unaffordable. Everything is pointing to a complete and total collapse of society in Canada, USA and many other democracies. Even the nuclear doomsday clock is at 9 seconds before midnight. "9 seconds before midnight" Does this not shock anyone? There is only hopelessness now for people. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely God save us all
@Arjun_Strikes 2 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head. Absolutely true.
@smity25ca 3 ай бұрын
More people need to see this, great video 👍 Why do we pay millions for pension staff when they haven’t even kept up with the gains in Gold for the past 40 years, what are we paying for?
@gullybull5568 2 ай бұрын
@muatazjabri Ай бұрын
Those big companies are supporting the government, so it's not in the government's favor to prevent the monopoly
@jessemccallum7481 2 ай бұрын
I live in BC and we have one electricity provider, BC Hydro, and one natural gas provider PNG. Between the two I am charged $322 every month. I have a household of 2 adults/1child. We are pretty energy conscious. We live in the north which means we have only 2 phone providers, Telus and Bell. And they both charge the same prices.
@zedawing Ай бұрын
Future cabinet minister right here. Then maybe prime minister one day after Pierre
@boyfanplaceswift1886 2 ай бұрын
Great Content 🔥💯💯💯💯
@johnirvine9942 Ай бұрын
Canadians need to start paying attention to the state of our own country.
@lyung13 3 ай бұрын
How government should stop this from happening, if a business can benefit more from selling it to a bigger one than keeping running it by self. I feel this is just natural fact of capitalism itself, maybe not how the capitalism started, but almost 100% how the capitalism will end, just a matter of time. I don't think other major G7 countries on a better track.
@john.10347 2 ай бұрын
If you read the book, "The Wealth of Nation" and his other works Adam Smith, regarded as the father of capitalism, he recognizes the need of government regulation in the economy
@danbutcher8879 2 ай бұрын
The banks especially are laser focused on protecting their investment, namely residential markets. They will move the universe before letting the real estate market in Canada correct itself, much like the way the US feds prop up the stock market. ACTUAL housing prices (not value) is about 80% less than what we are seeing, right across the country, no matter the type of real estate. We see the same thing with food and fuel. These three (food, fuel and housing) make up the basics of human needs. It is no accident that the feds are also involved on driving these costs, as they are the only true means of controlling the populace.
@monty58 2 ай бұрын
One of the big issues is that we've made it impossible for companies to stay independent. If an owner wants to quit and divest, often the only way to do so is to sell to a large corporation. We need to start heavily enforcing antitrust laws, and break up more of these companies. And no, the Crown corps aren't the problem, they just have to be used correctly. The railroad monopolies can't be broken up because we can't infinitely build more railroads, the government needs to own the underlying infastructure for rail, telecom, and power to name a few. (telco infra should probably be municipal for example) If the government owns the infastructure like it does roads, anyone can operate on them, anyone can use them and develop products dependent on them. ISPs for example aren't monopolies because they're over regulated. In areas around the internet exchanges there's plenty of competition. It just costs million, maybe billions, to build enough fiber cables or cell towers to actually run a business, and that can't be be fixed with "less regulation", it has to be fixed by making the existing lines and towers open to anyone.
@Penny-em2cs 2 ай бұрын
So who is going to fix this problem in Canada??? I put my money on no one 😢
@shawnpetriw 3 ай бұрын
I really like these TED Talk-like videos, but only the Conservatives seem to be doing them. Competing videos would be much better, and much more useful, than the usual election debate. More please! (and a rebuttal Libs/NDP?)
@unacceptableviews6231 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, thank you, thank you! About time something was said. Just do not let us down!
@jooky87 2 ай бұрын
Really good summary documentary, this is actually a good politician driven video!
@HugoLacchiaOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Some good news shared last week: A dozen of foreign retailers may come to Canada through current Industry Minister support.
@johnt7776 Ай бұрын
Excellent video and so informative. I don’t understand the corporate welfare.
@peteraceto Ай бұрын
This is a wonderful and accurate video. I would like to help.
@JSFitness 2 ай бұрын
I was a solid NDP voter when I immigrated to Canada 6 years ago. Fast forward, I’m now solid Conservative! I hope there is a blue wave which actually does good such as splitting the monopolies, boost infrastructure spending in a variety of energy sectors, and if needed reduce taxes and public services.
@mariemacisaac7529 Ай бұрын
In NS all Canadian food. Potatoe, turnip, carrots and onions are being sold ROTTEN. So Canadian must east mexican food. Red peppers etc...NOT by choice but by force. Go buy a turnip cut it in half what do you see in the center - ROTT. Carrots LIMP, A bag of potatoes cut them all in half. Most you cannot serve to guests. Bag of onions cut in half. How many can you eat? Most restaurants have removed Potatoes from the menu. What happened to CHOPS? What happened to TOMAVO?
@TheWizardGamez 2 ай бұрын
this video can be really hit or miss. it feels like a rollercoaster. at first im thinking, what a weird analogy, then he brings up milton freidman so i think, maybe hes gonna make a good point then he talks about how the government needs to do something then he talks about dergegulation as an austrian, i can only hope the best for you Canadians.
@marcm8052 2 ай бұрын
Williams avoids the most obvious solution, break up these monopolies and have strong anti monopoly laws eg. Regulation. Lots of hot air
@AlbertaGengar 2 ай бұрын
Yep - I was with him until he pretty much pinned this on the current government. It was harper that approved the Chinese Communist Party taking over Nexen. Both Liberals and Conservatives are to blame.
@nam3go3sh3r3 2 ай бұрын
Regulation is exactly what caused this problem. More laws and regulations create barriers preventing small businesses from entering the market
@xHaRm51 2 ай бұрын
@@nam3go3sh3r3 This is short-sighted take. Regulation also includes anti-trust laws which solve problems. Not all regulation is bad. The right kind of regulation can be good
@marcm8052 2 ай бұрын
@@nam3go3sh3r3 lack of regulations and laws and enforcement allow for the concentration of industry. Small businesses don’t stand a chance
@thoughtdigestmedia 2 ай бұрын
it's amazing how similar Australia is to Canada,monopolies everywhere here down under!
@giventoride 2 ай бұрын
Is your party willing to break up some of these monopolies and large companies?
@plav032 2 ай бұрын
of course f-ing not LOL they get huge donations from these companies.
@philip4654 2 ай бұрын
Why hasn’t someone created a party in Canada that focuses on ending monopolies and the commodification food and housing?
@elliotjordan2326 Ай бұрын
That used to be the Conservative Party of Canada. Now that party only focuses on culture issues instead of real policy. Poillieve will not do anything about the economy because it's a boring topic to talk about. The voters get wilded up about fake policies like trans rights, cutting immigration etc etc.
@joeeeyyyyyy 2 ай бұрын
Ill say this: Me and my future wife (23/20 years old) have completely checked out of the idea of building our family or buying a house in canada. full stop. We see so many issues with the country and so few benefits that cant be found elsewhere. Even if benefits such as 'free' healthcare exist, medical insurance + tax is ALWAYS lower than my taxes here. Many of my friends have expressed similar desires to leave - no one wants to dedicate their life to working a job where you never build towards any real legacy... everyone here is just a cog spinning to make someone else 100x ur hourly pay, the ei cheque collectors, or the boomers with amazing pensions from better times. in my opinion, the country has 5 years to do a full 180 or we are moving to south america... i dont have any real hope this will happen. Good luck.
@elliotjordan2326 Ай бұрын
You sound like a lazy whiner
@proudcanadian1837 2 ай бұрын
If things don't change and fast, it will take decades to bring Canada back to any level of what it was on the world stage and for the quality of life of most Canadians. Many are leaving faster than ever, Canada's brain drain is unprecedented, and business leaders and innovators are leaving for better lands and regions. Also, talking about the concentration of resources and monopoly, let's talk land! Did you know the governments in Canada hold about 90% of lands coast to coast to coast, not Canadians. In places like BC it's upwards of 95%! Yet people wonder why land and real estate is so high... look at the lands and who holds them! Time to bring home affordable lands for Canadians by allowing them to own them? Oh, and without property taxes for as long as you pay taxes on something, you will never own it. There is a better way. Let's get after this!
@ProvocateurImages 2 ай бұрын
Excellent video very good points, but your silly little point about this is getting way worse because of a liberal and NDP government… Dude give me a friggin break. It has not been those two parties or just the conservatives. It’s all the parties this goes back to the Reagan economic era 1980s where everything is deregulated, and the conservatives have been leading the charge with that kind of stuff. I mean you said they deregulated all of the airlines and trains and everything that was that wasn’t a liberal thing that was a conservative thing. The one glaring problem, your video lacks in all of its great stats for the social well-being of our society. Is that big businesses have way too much sway over government policies. Politicians are owned and political parties. That’s why you can’t extricate the beer store from Ontario because they contribute millions of dollars to whichever political party they think is gonna win. There was some great investigative journalism about this probably a decade ago and nothing was done. I really applaud you for making this video and saying these things now break those stupid companies up and get rid of all the lobbyists that will prevent that from happening. These companies are too big and financially powerful. They need to be smaller so that armies of lawyers cannot prevent change from happening.
@minimayhem1996 2 ай бұрын
This is why I say voting in Pierre is not gonna do anything. It doesn't matter who we vote in. Because the biggest contributors to their campaigns are these monopolieso. They're not gonna do anything about it, no matter who we vote for. That's just the truth.It doesn't matter who you like things aren't gonna get better.That's that's why i'm planning on leaving the second I can
@user-xn2cs6ot9z 2 ай бұрын
Very savvy & slick. I'm politically unaligned & think this was well made. Yet, unchecked greed & such is how this situation came to be. Humans, as a sentient species, needs to reign in it's greedy nature & grow up otherwise we are truely dead. If you believe in a min wage to 'survive' to service others better off than yourselves without capping the greed (max wage)... what can I say. When we ALL can afford to actually 'live' I will consider what politicians actually say. More likely, I'll believe it better or more when I see it in real time. A pre-maturely forced 'retired' & unemployed CAF Vet.
@Tribuneoftheplebs 2 ай бұрын
Im joining the CAF soon. Any advice for an aspiring infantryman from a vet? Boot camp scheduled for August
@jean-christophesicotte-bri1315 2 ай бұрын
1. It's not a canadian problem. The modern western world is wholy shifting towards an overclass-ruled society. This is ongoing since the 1970s with the appearance of reaganomics, which has proven Many times to be harmful for the working class. 2. It's very hypocrit coming from the CPC since they have been taking the corporations side since decades. As top doners for the party are real estate owners and corporations, they are obviously not goimg to take our side even with this nice PR video. 3. Deregulating is what causes monopolies. He said the corporations were overregulated, thats not true. Its the fact that that work was done to add loopholes in regulations. So its not that we added regulations, we made them easy for corporations to not follow them. Keeping his own analogy: there are very few rules in the Monopoly game, thats why It always ends with one guy owning the board and everyone else is poor 4. Please use judgement when listening to this video. He lists the problem everyone agrees exist and does not correctly explain why this context is true today, and his solutions are what his party along with the liberals have both been doing for decades: Reagan politics: let the businesses do their thing, they know what is good for us. When you play Monopoly, do you care about howt the other players are doing? No. We need to regulate our markets with strong anti trust rules just like i the 1950s Up to 70s..
@muneebmoin2518 2 ай бұрын
Conservatives can pass bills whenever they want even as official opposition. So what legislation have y’all tabled?
@Laissez-faire402 2 ай бұрын
You're ankle-biting. If they tabled more bills and got shot down by the coalition, you'd accuse them of grandstanding.
@TLiu-1b 2 ай бұрын
Big companies buy up high potential competitors, why wouldn't they do the same with politicians who advocate for policies that hurt their interest? I just hope it's not too late...
@LuidyNaves Ай бұрын
I love how this video was speaking out in favor of conservatives saying they will change Canada, they were in power before the current government, including the current leader of conservatives was part of, which did nothing to change it. 😂
@beardannyboy 2 ай бұрын
the right message. now please follow through
@baashi3578 2 ай бұрын
We need more campaigns like this, more focus on things that matter.
@Chris-nt9lk Ай бұрын
They are also destroying small business. Regulation and taxing them out of business
@runningfromabear8354 2 ай бұрын
I don't know about other industries but I know the core reason for airlines. If capitalism was truly allowed in Canada, a number of cities wouldn't have ANY airlines flying into them or prices average people couldn't afford. Our country, much like Australia is too thinly populated. Every Canadian government runs into the exact same problem. Encourage competition and towns and small cities lose core transportation, especially to the north. Air Canada is hamstrung by contracts to provide flights to unprofitable destinations. I don't know if we could shift to government run passenger rail to these destinations? That's what many of them relied on before the advent of planes providing transportation.
@frydcyrketzfpv2675 2 ай бұрын
HBTC is Canada. The queen adopted their charter.
@focusedeye 2 ай бұрын
Leave the CBC alone. I am a proud Canadian and supporter of the CBC.
@drorbrandes6180 2 ай бұрын
i am an israeli who lives in canda, i had no idea that israel was 2nd in the world for cheapest phone bills, i was shocked to find out the pricing on phone bills here, in israel for about 5 dollars a month i get unlimited roaming, calls and mssging, and speeds of 4G and 5G almost 1000Mbps included, over here im getting through Virgin - 30Gb for 34 dollars a month, with LTE most of the time and speeds of 250Mbps... disgusting
@marvinhaagsma9177 2 ай бұрын
Canada is 455 times larger than Israel. That has to be factored into the cost of providing coverage. BTW where is canda?
@JSwagy 2 ай бұрын
@@marvinhaagsma9177 yes, justify being ripped off. Also, don't be an asshole the guy clearly made a typo.
@btcberg3615 Ай бұрын
@corneydasilva5831 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the realtors for the inflation they created by pure profiting. Jail for scammers
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