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#住加男人 #CanMen #香港人 #廣東話
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@nikkiincanadas 2 ай бұрын
@YvonneSanita Ай бұрын
you are right! Sometimes, even for regular employees who loves dealing with taxes in both ways. Check with accountants, a lot of surprises.
@YvonneSanita Ай бұрын
if you know the way, there are lots of tax write-offs, as a result, you or your sole proprietorship/ self-employed or both would fall into a lower tax bracket. It took me a few years to find out, and CRA has been kept on changing the rules. Knowing how to deal with taxes is very important for working or running a business in Canada. Maybe most of you have known that, just putting out there for some of them who are still struggling.
@2qrcsj8794 2 ай бұрын
😂😂 CPP+ OAS MAXIMUM 有超過二萬一年, 加上全免費醫療....我收緊每月一千九百, 出十十次醫院, 各類各種測試, 兩次救命, 醫院用盡所有人資源, 肯定超貴醫療用在我身上....我一個仙都冇俾. 😂我觉得俾稅非常低👍👍
@jimli1355 2 ай бұрын
啲税,重要比杜魯多:cad22萬食隻飛機餐,cad兩億寫個 apps (arrive can)😱😱。
@biglemoncoke4095 2 ай бұрын
According to CBC, per capita GDP actually declines for the past few years, inflation remains high, and peoples feel like they are in recession.
@cao6496 2 ай бұрын
wuhan covid made world a mess! sad!
@iancheng6527 2 ай бұрын
Paid $3000 a year for my 2 car insurance in Calgary.
@YvonneSanita Ай бұрын
Link with your home insurance would be cheaper. Don't go to the banks or well-known insurance companies. Try famous ones online. Don't stop your insurance policy but switch it. Location of living, where you work, purpose of using the vehicles would also change the total premium each year. One person, the main driver, assigned as both cars insurances and assigned another person only as an occasion second driver, would save money too. Since one person can't drive two cars at the same time. There are just too many ways to lower your premiums. Can't list them all.
@alanlau5954 2 ай бұрын
@maggielo1133 2 ай бұрын
@saml10086 2 ай бұрын
雖然個圖睇落好驚人,但係計落數,實際上百分比冇增加。 睇返同一個報告入面,有稅收佔收入的百分比,現實的情況係近十年都沒有任何改變。 和比90和00年代的超過45%相比,除了20年一年大概是因為covic而特別低(40%以下)以外,近10年都固定在43%左右。 這樣來看的話,稅收的增加主要來源是收入上升而不是稅率上升。 而收入上升的時候稅率也會輕微上升的(因為稅階的關係),但實際上沒有。 所以稅收應該不會很影響生活品質。 但生活品質實際是受影響了,那問題大概就是通脹而不是稅收。
@McHaro0079 2 ай бұрын
@darahung233 2 ай бұрын
@ringoip2515 2 ай бұрын
It is unjustified to pay so much taxes for living in such a cold expensive country which also doesn't have a future.
@cao6496 2 ай бұрын
go back lor so simple who told you to go there?
@ringoip2515 2 ай бұрын
That's why I moved back to HK many many years ago.
@vchan2004 2 ай бұрын
​@@ringoip2515I'm sure you have bright future, how many houses you bought in HK?
@ringoip2515 2 ай бұрын
@@vchan2004 Not houses but flats, I am not telling you how many I have, but I can say it is much easier in HK to accumulate wealth, unlike Canada where people have to struggle to make ends meet after paying so many taxes. I am not yet 50, but I can retire comfortably in HK or in Shenzhen which is more modernized and advanced than most Canadian cities.
@Freedo1234 2 ай бұрын
@@ringoip2515 , So am I , feel lucky !
@Belle_is_here 2 ай бұрын
@stevey7059 2 ай бұрын
Pretty much the same in all western countries even here in Australia. 32% for average income tax, 2% for Medicare levy, 15% for superfund, 10% GST, and many other non-sense levy such as Fire service levy..... So you're really paying half of your income for tax and levy. If you're single with no kids, you got none benefits, if you have kids or don't want to work, you can sit around home with all the benefits, that's what a welfare country is to feed the dole bludgers with the tax payers money. People must miss Hong Kong for the super low tax system.
@VADDDQ 2 ай бұрын
Super 今年只是 11.5% 同埋好多工係公司俾
@user-uq5fs6hw9p 2 ай бұрын
為什麽那麽驚喜,因為加拿大係個社會主義國家,大家收入都是很平均,如果你揾錢多,拔稅就多,但是當你65歲後退休,以往揾錢多的,其福利亦多,揾錢少,其福利就少,好唔好,各有各話。美國是資本主義國家,貧富喺好大分別,中國是共產國家,即是共同富貴,但除了高級領度,香港同袍,唔好驚奇。 即是話,加政府同你安排退休生活。
@4025mandy 2 ай бұрын
@yauivy7269 2 ай бұрын
@2qrcsj8794 2 ай бұрын
我对杜魯多非常反感係原本加拿大係好多錢嘅國家, 全因係資源大國, 全國都係寶. 但佢不斷大量洗錢, 但又環保理由壓抑加拿大各種能源出產, 石油天然氣加各類礦業....於是結果係加稅加稅再加稅 希望保守黨上格會解放能源業増加國家收入.
@jerryhsi005 2 ай бұрын
The unemployment rate was around 10% for past few decades. Recent unemployment rate is 6.4%, of course it is still rising.
@cao6496 2 ай бұрын
yeah, people had been there for decades still think situation is like small veggie one plate but newer comers are crying and screaming!?!
@estheryeung577 2 ай бұрын
温哥华的移民,大多数是由大陆和香港人带着财富来温哥华,尤其是😢大陆人,他们都是富贵闲人,不需工作,食市天天滿座,需要訂枱,開靚車,所以不需要為他擔心. 至於稅方面,他們不工作,何來要交稅 !
@YvonneSanita Ай бұрын
Loblaws is originally owned by a Italian Family. It has brought many stores over the years and opened other brands. No Frills, Real Canadian Superstore, Wholesale Club, Dominion, Atlantic Superstore, Maxi, Shopping Drug Mart, etc . are all belonged to Loblaws. Some products from Chinese TnTs are come from Loblaws too. Just happy share.
@kongwinnie3798 2 ай бұрын
加拿大有免費醫療,退休金又高,呢啲就係你哋嘅稅項啦,呢個世界係冇免費嘅午餐吖,你年輕時提交嘅,老嚟享用,咁你就要同政府鬥長命啦 ⋯⋯
@CanMen 2 ай бұрын
@WC_Happy_Sharing_Platform 2 ай бұрын
完全同意。 依家太多Free-rider非常短視,日日剩係識怨,去加拿大就怨加拿大,去英國就怨英國,去澳洲就怨澳洲。覺得好完善嘅地方,人地又唔受你腥港人去玩。 Free-rider又唔諗下點解加拿大會有條pathway專登俾腥港人。無野做就怨搵唔到工,但又唔讀書增值下。有野做又怨稅高人工低,識人去左一個月就搵到類似香港嘅工,係有料嘅去到邊都搞得掂。老年退休福利咁好係要大家都有貢獻。加拿大老奉要接受腥港人? 真係為呢個地方好,就可以好似鄭敬基咁出心出力去選議員去作出改變。
@dovemc6452 2 ай бұрын
@@AcupunctureCE 你親身經驗?的確,現在的waiting time 比八十年代是長了些。但亦在轉型中。香港公立醫院也沒有"家庭醫生",在加,病人有需要,walk in clinic 的醫生一樣會write prescription , 做lab test 或refer specialist 。
@kongwinnie3798 2 ай бұрын
@@AcupunctureCE 如果唔係嚴重嘅case,應該係會等耐啲,能夠等嘅證明你嘅病情唔嚴重,當然係私家醫生俾錢就可以快啲解決,退休金加拿大比美國高,but anyway,你會保證可以領取到退休金,如果你係大佬分分鐘都會係discontinue, 你嘅養老金同埋醫療冇保證,每個國家嘅System唔一樣,係紐約我哋夫妻每月供出六七佰医疗保险,co-pay 七八十元/per visit,, 仲有先要pay 嗰deductible 九仟幾一萬元才可以 claim insurance, 如果你冇病痛就係白白俾燕梳賺啦,你話你哋好啲還是我哋好啲吖?咁就見仁見智啦⋯⋯
@aloysiuslaw42 2 ай бұрын
@skkTom 2 ай бұрын
@IvanLai-zn7yq 2 ай бұрын
如果係M 型社會個avg salaries 就冇意思
@jingwangwing777 2 ай бұрын
@tommyclau7468 2 ай бұрын
Add oil 🎉
@WC_Happy_Sharing_Platform 2 ай бұрын
@Freedo1234 2 ай бұрын
加拿大出哂名叫艱難地啦 !
@alanli5074 2 ай бұрын
Wrong you also paid tax whenever you use money, carbon tax…. Etc
@WC_Happy_Sharing_Platform 2 ай бұрын
加拿大咁高稅,係NBA打波個d都儲唔到錢🥲 香港咁低稅,係香港打籃球聯賽個d實儲好多錢👍🏻
@146hvp 2 ай бұрын
@annawan4076 2 ай бұрын
@CanMen 2 ай бұрын
@lawliman3000 2 ай бұрын
杜魯多個黨Liberal本身都衰,仲要俾NDP 綁架要挾,越走越左。你班選民吾好俾啲政黨道德綁架,越仁義道德嘅政策越是空談多餘
@Dafinzi 2 ай бұрын
仆佢個街 一手靚牌比魯仔打爛晒
@vchan2004 2 ай бұрын
@ChanJulie-g9x 2 ай бұрын
@iancheng6527 2 ай бұрын
My wife is Korean and I have two daughters. They can not speak Chinese or Korean. My eldest daughter is a radiologist and my youngest daughter is a taxation lawyer.
@dovemc6452 2 ай бұрын
語言優勢:就我家舉例子吧。他們是移民第二代,在加長大,說流利英法(小時讀French immersion),亦在工作上經常應用,另家中是用廣東話溝通,亦能聽家中長輩方言。另外他們小時看日本動漫,可以明白基本日語。工作上他們是常應用多於四,五語言。 我香港的朋友第二輩亦不全部能兩文三語。
@cao6496 2 ай бұрын
@@iancheng6527 your example means nothing. another couple may have kids who are both bad and know only english! but no need to learn language to communicate with dog and cat
@cao6496 2 ай бұрын
不懂中文 no need to answer scam phone calls as they are at least 99% in ... language.
@vchan2004 2 ай бұрын
@rosaliachan5339 2 ай бұрын
稅係重 但老來自己受惠 加拿大人 已經習慣了 自由可貴 值得
@darahung233 2 ай бұрын
@dixonlau504 2 ай бұрын
@darahung233 2 ай бұрын
@@dixonlau504 加拿大同英國總理首相選舉咪差唔多,乜係YS口中嘅所謂真普選嗎????😏 仲唔幫手攪佔領渥太華??咁點算愛加同為加好呀!😌 交咁多税,係香港仲唔暴動,要政府洗埋廁所添! 不過加拿大大麻一定滿足到D YS😁
@stevey7059 2 ай бұрын
What if you die before getting your pension?
@KL-xv5gj 2 ай бұрын
@KL-xv5gj 2 ай бұрын
加拿大明報2023年尾報導: kzbin.info/www/bejne/e5TGineQodFgd5Isi=HJlgmyrvQzhbbHS2
@gooooole1647 2 ай бұрын
@yinfaing8258 2 ай бұрын
加拿大稅真係重稅,但晚年安享。 香港強積金自己的錢無得用,很多交稅人士在福利邊緣無得享用。返大陸說老有所依......去喇!
@darahung233 2 ай бұрын
@vchan2004 2 ай бұрын
@michael-hung 2 ай бұрын
無所謂啦,加拿大有自由民主嘛,應該交多啲被政府。 如果唔係又點會由香港去加拿大呢,雖然現在香港搵工非常容易,交稅少
@someernie6179 2 ай бұрын
香港而家經濟好差 搵工易只係限於低收入勞動階層 稅都交多左好多 所以冇乜人出街消費
@michael-hung 2 ай бұрын
@@someernie6179 我真係唔覺香港經濟差,去到那吃飯都排隊,仲要限時。 至於工作,你想搵幾多錢嘅工?如果六七萬一個月係困難啲,但現在通街有工無人做,仲要引入外勞
@michael-hung 2 ай бұрын
@@someernie6179 香港稅咁低你都認為高?加拿大和英國你仲使生存?
@powa 2 ай бұрын
錢重要D定係舒適生活+自由+子女成長環境重要D? 有錢都未必買到自由。中共/港共不嬲都係用錢去吸引人。用錢去控制人民,但係人民無品質的話,有錢有咩用? 以日本為例,國民唔算富有,但係素質好,因為政府肯花金錢/時間為人民服務。由學校教育,醫療, 住屋,節慶,風俗都係為人民設想。唔係有錢就戰狼上身,目中無人。
@mike5328 2 ай бұрын
@darahung233 2 ай бұрын
@powa 2 ай бұрын
@@darahung233 唔好 on 9 啦, 你唔好咁無腦乜都咁極端咁講嘢。 不過我的確有批評政府嘅權利,有選舉嘅權利,法律保障,我唔鐘意 Trudeau 都冇問題。政府做得差嘅嘢,每個人都有權發聲。唔係講少少嘢都咩顛覆咩分裂,玻璃心到一個點
@danielchong2312 2 ай бұрын
@@powa 回复前先用粗话骂人, 品质真好 🤣🤣🤣 其他就不说,用日本做例子就有趣, 知否日本老人自杀率全世界最高 ??? 🤭🤭🤭
@lilywong4083 2 ай бұрын
@Vicleafman 2 ай бұрын
9up, 收入五萬以下税+EI+cpp大约15-20,高薪年入十萬以上税+El+CPP40-50%,但好多會買RRSP+tax free savings, 還有 $15000 個人免税额。
@wuiyit 2 ай бұрын
5萬樓下我真係唔知點生活, 同埋而家講緊除左Payroll tax, 仲有GST, carbon tax, property tax, etc.
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