Capitalism 'has failed' and 'de-growth communism' is the future | Kohei Saito

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Times Radio

Times Radio

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@ipredictariot6371 7 ай бұрын
This is just the typical muddled thinking from another pseudo-intellect.. and he wonders why some people achieve less when he discourages them from striving forward, working hard and making a profit on their endeavours. He thinks if wealth is just handed to people on a platter that everyone will have more from doing nothing.. Great wisdom!
@ipredictariot6371 7 ай бұрын
@@skyealexander4605 haha yeah for about 5 minutes.. not in the real world buddy.
@louisaparker 7 ай бұрын
Women and Colored people have to work for their rewards. White men, however, get everything handed to them on a platter.
@jabbadabbajew6035 7 ай бұрын
Capitalism works if greed is kept in check. However when you appoint weak leaders, greed thrives instead of being punished.
@ipredictariot6371 7 ай бұрын
It also breaks down with an excess of identity-obsessed, ideologically-possessed Snowflakes.
@royconestoga7326 7 ай бұрын
@aarhusnord 7 ай бұрын
Agree completely. Capitalism must work to the good for everyone. It is not a "yes" or "no" to capitalism - but a yes to the right type of capitalism.
@golagiswatchingyou2966 7 ай бұрын
greed thrives when communists win.
@bowleggedbear 7 ай бұрын
We have a vast history of data in specialist fields that I know only a brief glance of, that show that the more captured the politics are by a rentier class of people, the stupider the politicians offered to vote on, more under their thumb and incapable of working against them. When you get a capable one, it crushes labor movements and dials back the efforts to gain breathing room in a system that can bury people under inflation, debt, bills, stagnated wages, etc. This is also why the USSR and China grew so fast: they had a tighter reign on economic vampirism.
@user-cn8vb9hh5z 7 ай бұрын
"Some people have too much". "We will all have free time" in the communist system 😂. If only someone had tried this awesome idea before 😊
@bb5979 7 ай бұрын
Say you like communism you get 3 potatoes
@harveybrown37 7 ай бұрын
Joker who thinks the Soviet Union tried Communism and has clearly not read Marx.
@RocketRenton 7 ай бұрын
There is a video of Corbyn during the last election saying: Under Socialism, you must comply lol. That's why no one would ever let him near No.10, it would be like the U.S now in most states.
@user-cn8vb9hh5z 7 ай бұрын
@@RocketRenton the UK had a lucky escape from that idiot
@georgerogers1166 7 ай бұрын
If you don't work, you don't eat. - Vladimir Lennon.
@adriennefried5368 7 ай бұрын
Capitalism is the only economic system that can produce affluence and abundance 😊
@_Stroda 7 ай бұрын
Affluence for who? An abundance of what? Non-capitalist systems have proven more than capable of providing 'affluence' for some, and abundance of certain products and services. Arguing that capitalism is 'more effective', or provides benefits to a greater proportion is one thing, but daft blanket statements that are demonstrably untrue? Not really helpful.
@proselytizingorthodoxpente8304 7 ай бұрын
@@_Stroda Which non-capitalist systems?
@_Stroda 7 ай бұрын
@@proselytizingorthodoxpente8304 You really think that everyone in the USSR lived in poverty? That lords in feudal societies did? Pretty much every political/economic system produces affluence and abundance for at least some groups. They wouldn't last if they didn't. Capitalism, particularly where it's well (so, quite heavily) regulated and the state is active has arguably done the best, for the greatest proportion of people, but it's daft and does little more than demonstrate ignorance to make objectively untrue claims about other systems.
@proselytizingorthodoxpente8304 7 ай бұрын
@@_Stroda You didn't answer the question.
@_Stroda 7 ай бұрын
@@proselytizingorthodoxpente8304 Yes, I did.
@harveybrown37 7 ай бұрын
Karl Marx wrote 'Das Kapital' in Manchester's Chetham's Library, partly motivated by seeing the poor dying on the cold and wet streets of Manchester after their Industrial Bosses had finished with them. His colleague, Engels documented the woeful lot of England's working class.
@VerdeMorte 7 ай бұрын
His system was then used in shoddy fashion because human beings are fallible and not perfect beings like robots. Corruption will always exist, so why give it more power?
@ActFast 7 ай бұрын
So? That was…150 years ago. A lot has changed since then.
@mandarinandthetenrings2201 7 ай бұрын
The problem when you have a shrinking population, none, I repeat none the of the "ism" work. So Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism, Communism. All them need a growing or stable population to work. So it looks like your generation must find a new way of doing things.
@golagiswatchingyou2966 7 ай бұрын
those people probably had better lives then we do now.
@chrismckellar9350 7 ай бұрын
@@ActFast - Has there being change?
@tabithan2978 7 ай бұрын
👋👋👋. Just model Northern Europe: market economies with guardrails built upon a solid foundation of quality education and healthcare. Best system humans have developed to date.
@thijsjong 7 ай бұрын
Scandinavian countries have a problem of rising crime in certain areas because they want to save the worldzaz
@angelawhitehead6187 7 ай бұрын
The main 5 Scandinavian countries?
@tabithan2978 7 ай бұрын
@@angelawhitehead6187 Nordic countries plus Netherlands, Benelux, Germany, Finland, etc. They are all well run democratic market economies with taxpayer supported high quality education and healthcare. High taxes but you actually get essential services in return. The market failure in healthcare delivery is well established, just look at US.
@behappybevegan 7 ай бұрын
So who is going to pay for the free internet, education, healthcare?
@chrismckellar9350 7 ай бұрын
The tax payer like it has been since the early 20th century.
@Rodrifuuu 4 ай бұрын
Workers, like always?
@jetblack8250 4 ай бұрын
Its not "free". I will be paid for by tax revenue.
@Rodrifuuu 4 ай бұрын
@@jetblack8250 Exactly. In many countries get their taxes to pay for services for the entire public, to advance society. And in others that money goes directly to the pockets of oligarchs that sell weapons to the government for a 1000% markup. What would you prefer?
@tadhgeoghancarraher3222 3 ай бұрын
The redistribution of the financial and natural capital we already utilise. Rather than trillions going to war and luxury, some of that trillions can go to meeting basic needs. Its simply about striving for true equality, actual equality hurts nobody, why not go for it? Start by fixing the tax system so that its equal, start taxing corporations, demand transaction transparency of financial flow through central government into essential activities. No one has to "pay" for it if we just shift the flow of resources such as money in a way that enables more efficient and equal distribution.
@cookiejar01 7 ай бұрын
Laughable. We've already done a real life experiment - East Germany v West Germany. Same people, same culture, but different economic system - capitalism v communism. It was clear to everyone in East Germany which system was better. You just had to look over the wall. Same for North Korea v South Korea. As someone who grew up in Eastern Europe I've seen first hand the benefits of capitalism. The only people who miss communism are the former aparatchiks and their children. And some deluded intellectuals in the former West block.
@yourstruly4817 7 ай бұрын
And this Japanese guy
@GCarty80 7 ай бұрын
Pointing out that capitalism is superior to communism at raising living standards (in other words, at delivering growth) is irrelevant if the person you're arguing with believes (almost certainly for environmental reasons) that growth is a bad thing.
@nevadataylor 4 ай бұрын
Someone doesnt know the difference between a dictatorship and an economic system. How capitalistic of you! LOL You live in a world where 8 people own as much as the bottom half of the world.
@GCarty80 4 ай бұрын
​@@nevadataylor While the 8 richest people of the world may have as much paper wealth as the bottom half of the world, they certainly don't use anything close to as much _resources_ . If we taxed away billionaire wealth and tried to (say) fund better public services with it, massive inflation would result because a far greater quantity of money would be chasing a barely changed quantity of real resources.
@lonniei1606 7 ай бұрын
Pretty funny reading these comments. All the people at the bottom of the pile worried they will have even less. This is about redistribution of billions hoarded by those at the top. Not kicking down the doors but steadily increasing wages, curbing after costs profit margins to spread the wealth back to those who create it.
@user-ju6ud4go6b 7 ай бұрын
Disagree - that means some authority will tell you what you are going to have or not and exercise control over your whole life. Who will be that authority.
@DieNibelungenliad 7 ай бұрын
Obviously her and her friends in her mind
@martinaltmann4031 7 ай бұрын
Well, as long that I am the authority, I'm all for it. Of course, having this burden of responsibility, I need much more resources than those who I organise their lives for. I need the big estates, the planes, etc. See Orwell. It will always end like this.
@chrismckellar9350 7 ай бұрын
Are you referring to social democracy or authoritarian authority on a person life?
@thijsjong 7 ай бұрын
You will own nothing and be happy peasant.
@ginnyjollykidd 7 ай бұрын
There are already entities in place to limit what you get. The USDA regulates the quality of food you get. The health of the animals or plants from which your food comes from. If you go to the market, would you rather shuck a corn husk and get a pristine ear of corn? Or shuck it and come face to face with a corn worm eating it? Or a cob with very few full kernels on it? Or rust (a fungus) on it? Would you want worms in your apples and have to play "apple roulette? Throw away most of your apples because birds or other animals got there first? How about a spread of _E. coli_ O157 or worse because of unsafe working conditions for the harvesters? Diseases passed on by infected birds, chickens, pigs, cows and sheep because of the livestock infected by infected fields? OSHA does a lot of good for industry. And so do Unions. The EPA helps protect the environment, but in doing so protect us the consumers. In protecting us, they protect the best asset companies have: their consumers. Robust products create a robust market, and people will buy those high quality products. Companies benefit greatly from this, can actually cut costs without sacrificing quality, and everybody wins. What businesses these days don't understand-or at least many CEO's-is that you can't take all the profit off the top, not pay the people on the bottom, and stagnate the company improvement by hollering you have to pay the stockholders. It doesn't work like that. You have to reinvest most of your profits back into your company, take care of your frontline employees first because they are the money makers of the company as they produce the saleable product. Raises and bonuses. Incentives like on-the-spot bonuses for meeting exceptional quotas for a particular time limit. 401K or better retirement plans, support for schooling and continuing education. Medical coverage. Middle management is next because they are paid more money already and there are fewer of them. The company works gets a large cut because constant improvement is the mark of a great company with a great product. The stockholders get a cut because their holdings were the money invested in the first place, and they rightly expect investment returns. BUT investment returns should follow proportion of the profits after everything and everyone else has been paid. Yes, the CEO gets paid. And I'm not averse to someone getting a six-figure salary, even upwards of 900,000.00/year. But I know I don't need a six-figure salary for a good living including a home and a car. What would I do with a seven-figure one? (Don't answer that: it's a rhetorical question.) Want to know how to run a business? Here: (just remember the "machinery" includes the people working in it as I've said above) "Yankee Dood It"
@sophrapsune 7 ай бұрын
This as anti-human. De-growth means that large number of people are going to die, mainly in the developing world, and communism has a well-established track record of killing tens of millions through ill-conceived system redesign. What we need is wage inflation as labour is currently undervalued compared to capital assets.
@chrismckellar9350 7 ай бұрын
How is de-growth is anti human?
@GCarty80 7 ай бұрын
The problem isn't so much with real capital (ie stuff made by workers that increases the productivity of other workers) as with government-granted monopolies: patents, copyrights and especially land titles.
@musicfan5279 7 ай бұрын
Chinese communism is failing, not the capitalism.
@harveybrown37 7 ай бұрын
China Communism? Lol the same Country whose Bank lies in prime place next to the Bank of England and owns our National grid? I suspect your definition of Communism is as dodgy as theirs lol
@lonniei1606 7 ай бұрын
So you're alright then.
@selocan469 7 ай бұрын
You are right, but China is not communist. And it will never be. CCP is a governing China with Socialist system, while claiming they are communist for nearly 80 years. There is not even one instance of communism applied in this world and it never will be if you ask me. It is just a dreamers non-sense
@luonggiaphat7946 7 ай бұрын
@@CustardSpace He's completely right though, according to the original manifesto by Karl Marx, communism is when the workers take full control of private properties used for profits, and now shared them amongst themselves. No nations had ever come close to developing that type of society, even the mighty USSR, only different versions of socialism. In the case of China, in the 80s, Deng Xiaoping open up the free market and let investments flown into China, and today, we can see many private coorporations thriving in China, with regulations from the socialist government of course. So China is a capitalistic country with control from a socialist oriented government.
@bowleggedbear 7 ай бұрын
​@@luonggiaphat7946when countries take "free market" policies, it usually means opening up their resources to global investors and their interests. When China let Boeing into its "free market", it had to spend a lot of money on the states' aerotech, the education around it, and invest in it for 5 years, giving them the tools to use a planned economy to stay ahead of corporate interests. They are a communist cart with capitalist horses pulling them along, but also protecting themselves with it. The Soviet Union, and other socialist experiments out from under Western banking oligarchs, were under constant barrage, in closed up garrisoned positions with limited trade. China is more strategic in its strategies, well aware of history. Ofcourse, all perceptions are a gamble here, but China has also talked about closing its free market project when it's finished pulling the country where it wants to go.
@williamwillaims 7 ай бұрын
I dont agree with alot of this BUT always missing from these conversations is the affect of ai and cognitive automation. With jobs for humans no longer relevant or necessary - we NEED to find a solution to this problem. Capitalism only works when you have people producing capital (from borrowed money) and investing in business. When those businesses dont need to employ people then Capitalism falls apart. Not good 😢
@Sylvie_M 7 ай бұрын
Interesting discussion. Saito needs to develop new terminology rather than communism which for most of us speaks of repressive governments and loss of democratic freedoms. The rich wouldn't like this idea of course since capitalism has made them wealthy.
@justmenotyou3151 7 ай бұрын
Chrony capitalism and predatory capitalism sure have made them rich.
@jimthompson9370 7 ай бұрын
@@justmenotyou3151*us rich.
@hahamadeumad 7 ай бұрын
Pure capitalism will always beat out Pure Communism. Simply because everyone has a chance on capitalism and in communism nobody has a chance, but at least we all get 1 piece of rotten meat
@RedBrigades 7 ай бұрын
We know what it is and what it always be.
@norbertfeher5077 7 ай бұрын
Marxist cabaret
@pvsk10 4 ай бұрын
Greed is the root cause of evil
@AL-ku1zq 7 ай бұрын
Kohei Saito is a Japanese philosopher. So, he hasn't grownup and struggled in a marxist country. He should move to one of the many failed marxist states in South America or Africa before he starts espousing marxism of any sort as fix for anything political. Unless it his "special" marxism that will work this time. I wonder if he is paid by the WEF?
@magnusmunk2071 5 ай бұрын
Why would the world economic forum pay a marxist to advocate for communism?
@McAppleWar 2 ай бұрын
You are free to limit your own profit and share your items under capitalism. What makes you think it is ethical to force this authoritarian regime upon others?
@global.citizens 7 ай бұрын
This is why the remaining socialist / communist countries are doung so bad and China would have never risen without Western capital?
@VroomTheSpaceApe 7 ай бұрын
Sorry, not convinced. Perhaps he can get some trendy kids down the coffee shop to sign up for it?
@chrismckellar9350 7 ай бұрын
What Kohei Saito is talking about is sustainable, environmentally friendly green economic policies with social democratic centralist governance. Example of this is seen in Scandinavian countries .
@adriennefried5368 7 ай бұрын
Capitalism is alive and well in Saudi Arabia 😊
@alfredzig2035 6 ай бұрын
As a person who grew up in socialism I think I have my say here: History teaches us that EACH socialism/communism attempt in history has always (extremely quickly) ended up as tyranny... Never forget that...
@tolethom 4 ай бұрын
Not the Paris commune
@musicfan5279 7 ай бұрын
This is pure demagoguery
@disky01 7 ай бұрын
Communism doesn't work on a national scale. It never has and it never will. I believe in redistribution of wealth, but the only way you get everyone on board with the ideas of communism is through subjugation of free thought. In the context of a commune, where everyone is of like-mind, communism works great. But people need to feel like they're succeeding in life and communism doesn't allow for that when you have millions of people who all want different things. As far as I'm concerned, a balanced approach incorporating regulated free trade and progressive social programs that benefit all people is the best and most achievable long-term solution.
@disky01 7 ай бұрын
@@SantasGAINdeer We are far from hat reality, unfortunately. I'm a Star Trek fan, I get it, and it may even happen on the same timeline...but a lot of things have to go right for it to happen and I'm not sure I can conceive of it with the way things are now.
@chrismckellar9350 7 ай бұрын
What Kohei Saito is talking about is sustainable, environmentally friendly green economic policies with social democratic centralist governance. What the global health crises showed, the current 'for profit at least cost' neoliberal economics, manufacturing and 'just in time' supply chains can not cope with prolong disruptions. With increasing global geopolitical, economic, manufacturing with its supply chains, heath uncertainties and increasing disruptive and devastating effects of a warming planet, it is time to have a major rethink to what is the future, as 'for profiit at least cost' neoliberal economic (Capitalism) is in decline.
@thijsjong 7 ай бұрын
Institution were very bad at predicting how the pandemic would play out and figuring out what needed to be done. It showed central authorities were just fumbling through the situation. I would not put too much trust in centralisation.
@chrismckellar9350 7 ай бұрын
@@thijsjong - The term 'centralist' in my comments to with political governance where there is no centre left and central right. Centralist politics is taking the best from the left and right of politics.
@laughingotter1125 7 ай бұрын
Communists are the last people I'd trust with radical social change.
@twisteddancer7773 7 ай бұрын
Behind the times radio showing their true colours
@chrismckellar9350 7 ай бұрын
What is the Times true colours?
@TheBlackIdentety 7 ай бұрын
And yet again the Times gives air time to a clown. 🤡🤣
@LoremIpsum1970 7 ай бұрын
Why not, X is hosting the Tucker-Putin interview...
@MrSmegfish 7 ай бұрын
You cant stop capitalism. You dont know the peoples craving for capitalism.When youve met a farmer coming out of a forest in Bulgaria asking for cigarettes dollars and capitalism you may understand.
@martinbizeby3405 7 ай бұрын
A child who has done nothing and been given everything lectures his providers utter nonsense. Prior to capitalism, life was hunger, disease, and brief.
@TomatoFettuccini 7 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure Communism was tried in...let's see 4 countries? None of which are still actually Communist; even China is only nominally Communist. Also, what Saito-san calls communism is actually socialism, which are related but not the same. While Capitalism has definitely failed, let's not pretend that communism is the answer, either. Capitalism has worked for a long time (like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years), but it needs checks and balances. Any system without oversight and limits will end up in this same place. Communism isn't immune from Capitalism's corruptive issues and this narrative has to stop. It's always people and their motivations, not the form of government. It's the checks and balances put in place to limit how business, government, and industry operate, not the philosophy. If we're talking ideal forms of government, then the most ideal form of government is benevolent monarchy. But since monarchies are made up of people even the most benevolent of monarchies can be turned into authoritarian dictatorships rather quickly. If your government, be it liberal democracy, authoritarian dictatorship, benevolent monarchy, or communist utopia/hellscape, allows corruption and greed to go unchecked and becomes the chief drive of those within government, small wonder you end up having a corrupt, greedy government that prioritizes wealth-hoarding rather than public progress. It's not the system of government, but the laws, checks and balances that government legislates. If you want to talk about specific philosophies and which are most beneficial for society, I'd say that Democratic Marxo-SocioCapitalism (where businesses of varying sizes, owned by their employees compete in a well-regulated market overseen by an elected government with representatives of all walks of life, which results from modern election process such as Single Transferable Vot) is probably the way to go. But since we're talking about fantasies here, I'd also like a pet dragon and the Millennium Falcon, and a jet that also transforms into a car and a giant robot. You want governmental change? Unionize.
@golagiswatchingyou2966 7 ай бұрын
way more then 4 countries, basically 1/3 of the planet was at one point communist of some kind.
@fordo4394 6 ай бұрын
The world should be led by strong and disciplined nations, not strong and greedy ones. It is possible “degrowth” out of the cycle of competition.
@zorot3876 7 ай бұрын
If he spent more time studying physics instead of Marx he would know there is no climate crisis.
@tadhgeoghancarraher3222 3 ай бұрын
Lol what, I'd say if he studied physics he'd know even more so that there's a climate crises. However I'm always open to learning new fact based scientific actualities so cite me some peer reviewed scientific articles from the physics field that shows that current global warming and climate change isn't a crises?
@zorot3876 3 ай бұрын
@@tadhgeoghancarraher3222 Just watch Climate the Movie for a start. Then Google the scientists who appear in it and read their papers.
@larrygerry985 7 ай бұрын
Or not 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@LegendaryInfortainment 7 ай бұрын
If that title doesn't just scream "New episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus to follow!" then I don't know what does.
@fintamaria2429 7 ай бұрын
I ask what is the difference between Communists and Capitalists, I live in a democratic country, I work six days a week on the minimum wage in the economy, at the end of a month I reach the food bank. Progress and prosperity end up in the pockets of the rich. WOW
@andrewst9797 7 ай бұрын
He looks a bit weird but he is marketing his ideas like a capitalist!
@DieNibelungenliad 7 ай бұрын
Capitalism is the market. Socialism is the state. Where do you go to get what you want?
@AL-ku1zq 7 ай бұрын
Capitalism isn't failing. Capitalism and the governance of many developed countries has been captured by corporate interests and we are seeing the extremely wealthy trying to maintain their wealth and extend their power through the WEF and other "think tanks(?)" and NGOs. Capital grows and contracts and the wealthy have decided that they have bought enough political power to take as much control as possible, if they succeed we will see something akin to Communism of some sort and as the WEF promotes depopulation we may well experience our very own Holodomors.
@gutenstagl 7 ай бұрын
There it is. The stupidest thing I've read all day.
@albedo0point39 7 ай бұрын
Lol. Nobody’s going to vote for this nonsense.
@rossvalentine8211 7 ай бұрын
All you need to do is look at the comments on one video on youtube that mentions communism and you will see that on both side no one knows what the f they are talking about 😂
@JaneSoole 7 ай бұрын
Capitalism is dead....ummh...where do you live"
@Ofasia777 7 ай бұрын
AI is going to shake things one day but until it does no one's opinion on a "better" system is going to be relevant. Feel free to de-grow yourself all you want though I ain't judging.
@Ofasia777 7 ай бұрын
You'd need an AI to hit a very sweet spot for that to happen I think. Smarter than us and in most scenarios, physically far reaching enough to completely first overcome and then follow through a path to our end, yet dumber enough than us to forego the obvious ethical issues and moral dilemmas which might very include harm to itself or its own destruction. I would see AI as a parallel to aliens, whom in turn can logically only be either primitively unevolved and no threat, or post-singularity and all powerful compared to us, having no desire of being anything but a passive observer at worst.
@dixonpinfold2582 7 ай бұрын
@@Ofasia777 AI would know when to use _who_ and when to use _whom,_ though. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad on ethical issues and moral dilemmas after all.
@theartist1352 Ай бұрын
Excellent guest
@thesuncollective1475 7 ай бұрын
De growth needs to get a better mic😏
@Pierre-Leloup 7 ай бұрын
Only artificial intelligence will be able to save the world rationally, as ours is clearly not enough. No political ideology will be able to respond to the collapse already announced by the Meadows report in 1972. Let's hope, however, that AI will keep a small place for us on Earth.
@golagiswatchingyou2966 7 ай бұрын
AI will be the tool used to enslave you, the AI will be controled by the current extremists of the left to control you.
@halphantom2274 6 ай бұрын
That AI probably comes up with ideas like degrowth communism. Actually we don't need AI. We have just to overcome our egos and male dominator culture.
@sebastianfletcher-taylor1024 7 ай бұрын
Although I am in favor of free markets and I definitely do not support overreaching control on people's lives, economic or otherwise, I am frustrated to hear so many people say that "communism/socialism was tried by USSR/China/North Korea/etc and it failed". Those are not examples of functional socialism, the USSR was more of a state-capitalist structure for example. Various European countries have implemented socialist elements into their society with great success. All nations have some socialism and some capitalism, we need to decide how much of each we want.
@MrNoWool 7 ай бұрын
Good interview, free discussion of ideas are important to sharpen capitalism and make it more responsive to our needs in the face of scarce resources, it really is the only game in town, just needs to be well run.
@wtfdoino605 7 ай бұрын
I Believe the socialized risk, privatized reward model will persevere for several more years under current fiat monetary policies.
@yungadryas1734 7 ай бұрын
This is the dumbest and most dangerous/irresponsible “title” for a video I think I’ve ever seen.. unfollow from me
@RocketRenton 7 ай бұрын
Has this guy been living in China?
@marymarlow3646 7 ай бұрын
Economists do need to find a way forward that doesn’t include ever increasing growth for the simple reason that the global population is going to start declining. At the moment rich countries import people from poorer countries to stabilise their workforce and keep gdp increasing. But those poorer countries will eventually become more wealthy and stop having babies just as we did. So who will start this process and when? What country will willingly allow their gdp to decline putting their citizens at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the world?
@stephensipe5405 7 ай бұрын
What absolute BS by a person clueless of the variance between base economics and governance. It is an immature look at how human life works. My scholarly credentials are from Temple University. He is my rebuttal to this video. Economics is independent from governance unless governance controls economics. There have been 3 Eras on human economics: hunting and gathering, agricultural, and industrial. The important factor in each Era is converting sunlight to useful energy for human survival. In each era, human populations have expanded as sunlight energy usage provided greater amounts of food and thus allowing populations to increase. This is a proven archaeological fact. All 3 economic eras have had governance systems ranging from authoritarian to democratic. Some hunting and gathering groups had a dominant authoritarian leader. Other groups had a more democratic leadership process determined by the majority of the group. There were successes and failures in both governance styles. During the end of the hunting and gathering Era some groups found advantage in natural areas where both hunting and gathering could be sustained with minimal effort. These areas were usually when these groups took seeds found in hilly or mountainous regions to lower, better watered areas. However, local inedible plants choked off plants from seeds from higher areas. This required farming techniques to maintain gathering. Likewise, as populations grew in an area, animals were domesticated to reduce the need for hunting. This began the agricultural era. If you are familiar with Hegal’s concept of a Dialectic, it really centers on a thesis, antithesis, and a synthesis. There was no plan by hunting and gathering groups to reach a synthesis in 1 area. It was just determined by advantage. The agricultural era saw 3 distinct things never realized during hunter and gathering periods. An explosion of population; much more formalized governance to control larger populations; and large armies to protect defined areas or steal other groups desirable areas. Most governance was via a strong leader to authoritarian class with minimal examples of democratic governance. Towards the end of the agricultural era, to make grain collection more efficient, water and wind power, an indirect sunlight conversion of energy, began to be used. This continued to increase over time. Additionally, larger populations created other problems. Pandemics occurred several times. Famines became more frequent because greater populations reduced the amount of available grain/food surpluses. These stifled some groups while overall world populations continued to increase. The industrial era was the 1ST to have a written thesis. In the US, its people were the 1ST to reintroduce democratic governance. Its Declaration Of Independence set a model for nation state creation in 1776. After 12 years of failed EU type governance call the Articles Of Confederation, the Constitution and Bill Of Rights were written. This model of governance has become a world standard to all people groups. Also in 1776, Adam Smith published the Wealth Of Nations. It is NOT a book on what Marx called capitalism. It explains actual economic consequences of human motivation. His recommendations of what would economically occur if NO governance interference occurred. Even democratic governance would never allow zero economic interference. However, this became a model for reduced trade restrictions based on a concept called Mercantilism. The industrial era would have occurred without these 2 written thesis. Nevertheless l, because they occurred at virtually the same time, these 2 written thesis became the basis for the industrial era. Likewise, after 50-100 years of the industrial era, a reaction to the negative aspects of the agricultural to industrial eras was documented in what is called socialism. Its authors vary from Stuart Mill to Karl Marx. Socialism was never a true economic era. It’s just a reactionary response to the industrial era. The fact is only in countries of democratic governance can a true synthesis of the industrial era thesis and socialist antithesis occur. In places where the synthesis is imposed by authoritarian governance, the results are always skewed to personal focuses of a small elite. This is exactly what Adam Smith counseled against. The current human condition of the world is hindered by authoritarian governance restricting natural industrial era inclusion. For example, some people might claim the US was not the 1ST industrial era country with democratic governance. The US was half industrial era transforming from agricultural, and half agricultural feudal (forced agricultural servitude). The US Civil War ended the agricultural feudal economy. The agricultural to industrial transformation continued until about 1900 when agriculture was industrialized. European countries like the UK (Great Britain) and France were never fully industrial era until their international feudalist economic relationships called colonialism was ended. They had domestic democratic governance while authoritarian agricultural governance of their colonies. This has now virtually ended. Russia and China are the 2 largest countries in the industrial era still lacking democratic governance. Africa still struggles from the legacy of colonialism and OAU false belief in maintaining colonial boundaries without respecting people group boundaries. Aside from South Africa, the concept of federalism with democratic governance is largely alien as a model. These countries all need to evolve for human world benefit. Finally, what about the future. Scientists all have theories based on the best scientific measurements at the time. This lasts until new ways of measuring or new discoveries conflicting with previous beliefs occur. Remember the disappearing Ozone Layer. Scientists originally stated this occurred because humans used aerosol spray cans with chemicals harmful to the Ozone Layer. This was a scientific mistake. Do not get me wrong. Cleaning up the environment is good. Nevertheless, the Ozone Layer is caused by the earth’s magnetic fields. These field grow weaker from time to time and reverse polarity. This means the earth’s Ozone Layer will disappear at some point in the future, before returning. The magnetic reversal process as explained by scientists, can take 3 to 300 years. Humans have not existed during a magnetic reversal. I will assume no Ozone Layer is bad for humans. The next reversal will not be human caused. It will come from molten iron movement at the earth’s core. Until scientists know better, these are facts. So what about global warming? The 3 Ages of dinosaurs lasted 300+ million years. Then a meteor impacted the earth. Supposedly dust from the meteor killed off the dinosaurs. During this period average earth temperatures were about 98 degrees, just like blood temperatures. After the dinosaurs, the initial period of mammals lasted almost 100 million years. This was followed by 3 Ice Ages of lesser and shorter duration for each one. Average earth temperatures dropped and increased with each Ice Age. These Ice Ages and warming periods occurred over 2.5 million years. Humans only existed towards the end of the 3RD Ice Age. Modern humans are only about 40,000 years old. Human population increase has mostly been over the last 10,000 years. Therefore, as temperatures have increased over this 10,000 year period, did humans cause the increase? My belief is NO, humans have not caused an average temperature increase. However, earth forces beyond human control might not be good for humans. But what does not good mean? Off the coast of The Netherlands is a high underwater shelf. At some point water from melting glaciers, possibly caused by volcanic eruptions far away in North America, caused this area off the coast of The Netherlands to be rapidly flooded. Was this good for those humans? No. Do humans cause it to be flooded? No. Thus I ask, “If the average earth temperature was 98 degrees for 300+ million years, and cooled because a meteor changed the climate on a long term temporary basis, is the earth just returning to its original average temperature? This might not be beneficial to humans. However, as the industrial era near an end, those countries fully industrialized has experiencing a population decline. Is this good? For example, as populations decline does this allow greater use of AI technology to maintain productivity? Rather then suggesting authoritarian governance which is the only way communism has ever worked way back in the early hunting and gathering period, should we not be advocating for more universal democratic governance? PS: The above was from my Undergraduate Thesis titled: The Mix: The Synthesis Of Human Economic and Governance. In was written in 1978.
@greeneyeddevil1 7 ай бұрын
Interesting conversation .
@user-kj1rr9cn2x 7 ай бұрын
❤ YA... YA,... YA YA. ПРОЛЕТАРИЙ ВСЕХ СТРАН соединяйся ❤. DEMAKRACY is Bill Klinton, democracy is for ewry one. Democracy is race lover class out of poverty❤
@skulptor 7 ай бұрын
Utopian. Totalitarian. Year zero is not pretty... like Carbon Zero.
@thijsjong 7 ай бұрын
But how is Greta going to the next climate change conference with no private jet
@GCarty80 7 ай бұрын
I very much doubt that Greta herself travels by private jet, but the issue of private jets (and other extravagances of the super-rich) is a red herring anyway. Even if each super-rich person uses 100x more resources than each ordinary person, it's still a drop in the bucket given that the super-rich are only 0.01% of the total population.
@Katie-dm4zn 5 ай бұрын
​@@GCarty80the uber wealthy do, in fact, emit a significantly higher amount of carbon than the lower class... where are you getting the idea that it's a red herring?
@WeekdayProductions 6 ай бұрын
On one hand he’s saying that the march of capitalism is an over but on the other hand he’s presenting his vision as radical and new? On both counts he’s wrong. Like it or not progress carries on and he presents intellectual grave robbing as new vision. Doubly inconsistent cursed to repeat the errors of the past
@iainmore3961 7 ай бұрын
Is he. on drugs?
@user-kj1rr9cn2x 7 ай бұрын
Did you are gonias but it hard to brake truth.
@LoremIpsum1970 7 ай бұрын
And he has a PhD...a democratic eco-socialist...sounded like we're going to making 5-year-plans...and he didn't mention Stakeholders once...The Useful Idiot award goes to...
@blackbaron0 7 ай бұрын
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Unlike in Communist and indeed Fascist societies. Laboratory politics never stand the test of Real Politik because human nature is assumed not to exist. And when it does come to the fore the ideas become more important than the people it is supposed to benefit so we are left with totalaterianism.
@ModelCitizenTube 7 ай бұрын
Every -ism is a quest from supreme attention
@marcogoncalves8631 7 ай бұрын
Stop smoking drugs
@tipofthespear7182 7 ай бұрын
My advice for what its worth is to go listen to Argentinaian President Javier Milei's speach at Davos about Capitalism as the only driver of wealth for the planet.He himself is a Libertarian. He outlines in very succinct terms the reasons why those countries practising it have prospered over the last 100 years and brought so many people out of poverty. This guy here is nothing more than a tea leaf reader with green credentials.
@standbyukrain 7 ай бұрын
@sarinulek6816 7 ай бұрын
Real capitalism has never been tried 😅
@chrismckellar9350 7 ай бұрын
Yes it was from 18th century until early 20 century. The modern take of capitalism is called 'neoliberal economics'.
@SocialDemocraciaPT 7 ай бұрын
@Christian-jz3xt 7 ай бұрын
@jorgegeraldes 7 ай бұрын
@kylesalisbury3389 7 ай бұрын
@JustinWyllie 7 ай бұрын
Excellent questions by the interviewer
@MassimoUrbanimax 7 ай бұрын
@mfmf100 7 ай бұрын
North Korea’s policy is no longer for unification
@PrideinLondon-lp1vp 7 ай бұрын
@bgt54rfvcde32wsxzaq1 7 ай бұрын
The Evil United States Is Finished 😅😂
@abdell75roussos 7 ай бұрын
Some sense.
@roboldx9171 7 ай бұрын
Good luck with that. Great idea though.
@lisahueli 7 ай бұрын
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