Capitalism Myths: Part 2

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John Stossel

John Stossel

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So many myths about capitalism!
In this video, we debunk 4 more myths.
So you don’t miss the weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here:
Economist Dan Mitchell helps me set the record straight on how:
Even without government's safety rules, free markets make us safer.
“Robber barons” neither robbed, nor were barons.
Automation won’t take away everyone’s jobs.
Capitalism is the system that leaves the most people free to make their OWN choices.
If you missed part 1, you can see it here: • Capitalism Myths: Part 1

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@ocarinaplaya 3 жыл бұрын
As a former truck driver I've heard the stories of self-driving trucks. Most truckers aren't worried. Having automated trucks would definitely help increase our potential to ship across the continent, at the end of the day there would still need to be a driver present. Much like how airplanes pretty much do all the work and the pilots are just there for emergencies, paperwork and instrument observation.
@mrray55 3 жыл бұрын
And to take all the blame when things go wrong. It's never a problem with the technology.
@LaborHours 3 жыл бұрын
I hire drivers and trying to fill positions for the past 18 months has been a total nightmare. There are just not enough drivers.
@acz88 3 жыл бұрын
Auto pilot is a great thing for long distance travel.
@davidjacobs8558 3 жыл бұрын
yes, the driver doesn't need to ride the autonomous truck all the way to the destination. they just need to drive the truck to a local terminal, and get off the truck, then the truck will get on the free way and drive to destination terminal, at which point, anothe driver will get on the truck and drive the last few miles to the final destination.
@jeffgo5742 3 жыл бұрын
For now. Wait till technology crashes up then they won’t need humans
@Steeeeeb 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate when they edit both a left and right media outlet saying the same dumb thing.
@TXKafir 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a fan of Tucker Carlson but he does pull some really stupid things out of his head from time to time.
@nonmagicmike723 3 жыл бұрын
@@TXKafir Tucker Carlson has always been a little wishy-washy on markets and limited government. He's right-wing on cultural issues, but a centrist at best on economics.
@traviswall1982 3 жыл бұрын
They are just 2 wings of the same party. Left and Right Wing Liberals.
@2411509igwt 3 жыл бұрын
​@@nonmagicmike723 Goes to show the weakness of "left-right" categorization of politics. Did you know those terms probably come from the french revolutionary assembly? So it by default assumes desire for either (left) fast or (right) slow "progress" towards some utopian state.
@jackmcslay 3 жыл бұрын
I love how the right says they're pro markets but not when said market involves a plant they don't like
@InvestmentJoy 3 жыл бұрын
I wish more people would get involved in small businesses and starting their own company so they can see that the government imposes huge restrictions on Innovations. Affordable housing is something very near and dear to my heart and based on my own internal esrimates I could about drop pricing nearly in half if I was allowed to do whatever I want when it comes to building homes how I want, and making choices inside my company that I feel are right without fear of a government intervention . The market would regulate me through my competitors as whoever produces the most affordable housing of the best quality will win.
@InvestingBookSummaries 3 жыл бұрын
Starting a business is hard. Complaining and crying that someone is making more than you is easy. Checkmate.
@jamie6387 3 жыл бұрын
As a young small business owner who has been discriminated against for not going to college. I agree.
@Monstrick1 3 жыл бұрын
You would crash housing prices of current owners, then, when you would build your "supercheap" houses, they would be bought by investment groups, that then would sell it by current market price. I get your intentions, but its not that simple. Its like saying - "open borders completely, competition will work it all out". It's not a problem of "building" its all well and good there already. It's how property is managed and taxed.
@michaellowe3665 3 жыл бұрын
@Thomas Commers I dont see this as a viable strategy. They can buy all the homes they want. There are millions of contractors that will just build more and devalue their holdings. This is especially true now that not as many people have to live near cities to do their jobs. What I see as a more likely strategy is another housing crisis where overpriced homes suddenly fall in value and the media will spew all day about how families cant pay their mortgages. A huge government relief bill will follow, but the paperwork and legal requirements will be so onerous that only the big connected corporations will get the relief. There is no winning strategy in overpaying for a commodity. There is a winning strategy in manipulating a government that is already in your pocket to steal tax money.
@sleepete12 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamie6387 yes a bitter a failure who knows how everything works and lectures people on how to *not* be successful... I read your nonsense in another thread. You started a little bookshop and thought that you will be another Bezos? And now you cry on the internet how world is injustice to a little poor you who has no skill and knowledge... That is called unqualified work... Stop crying on the internet and envy other's people success.
@COVID...19 3 жыл бұрын
Good distinction between "corporatism" and "capitalism".
@davidjacobs8558 3 жыл бұрын
exactly. Monopoly is NOT capitalism. Anti-Trust law is there to preserve fair competition, therefore preserving capitalism.
@COVID...19 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidjacobs8558 Yes, and don't forget the absence of government subsidies and bailouts in real capitalism. Corporatism has both. Government always causes higher prices and winners and simultaneously losers.
@Brucev7 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidjacobs8558 except they diluted Sherman, including supposed Conserv GOP P. Graham
@nocturnal101ravenous6 3 жыл бұрын
People should already know this, crack open a scifi book or a form of media, or maybe learn from a history book.
@COVID...19 3 жыл бұрын
@@nocturnal101ravenous6 Lol You say "all" people know this. You're just being silly.
@ocarinaplaya 3 жыл бұрын
A worrying trend is that a lot of people get their impressions of history through movies and misinformed videos like what John debunks.
@ЯсенЧапкънов 3 жыл бұрын
EDUCATE YOURSELF!!! I will help, but only if you are willing to forget your predetermined position and try to fight your biases and actually read what I have to say. I will give some definitions, present some facts and debunk the most popular lies about socialism and capitalism. Please don't respond to any of the facts if you haven't done any research and will just repeat capitalist propaganda and lies. Please keep an open mind and keep the discussion civil. I have a few questions at the end and I am genuinely interested in your opinion. If you know that you won't change you mind you can skip to the questions directly. DEFINITIONS (they all can be debated, but it is pointless semantics. Just know what I mean when I use them.): Capitalism-A system characterized by the privet ownership over the means of production and most often a somewhat free market Socialism- A system characterized by the collective ownership over the means of production in response to the labor theory of value. Fascism- A system characterized by the desire to protect/regress culture (sometimes fictional) by force and unify "strong" individuals against the "weak". Communism- A stateless, moneyless, classless utopian future society. Free market- The freedom to trade with others labor and goods. Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism- A strong or very strong control over the social and/or economic aspect of human life. Democracy-A system of governance by representatives elected by all politically equal individuals, or the direct ruling of the people over themselves. Labor theory of value - value comes from labor, but not all labor is equally valuable. Machines increase productivity, but they increase the value of people's work, not their own. Thus, if you make money from owning the means of production, you are actually making money from those who used the machines/land. FACTS ABOUT CAPITALISM: If you work for money and do not profit from owning capital, you are NOT a capitalist, but rather just a supporter of the system that benefits them. Capitalism is inherently exploitative, undemocratic and creates conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The capitalist is not evil but forced to act against the interests of their workers because the more exploited they are, the more profit he will make. Otherwise, he will be outcompeted. Capitalism isn't voluntary because it doesn't provide any security. Technically you could choose not to work as a modern slave, but extreme poverty is deadly, so there is no practical freedom. Capitalism doesn't reward those who produce, or have good ideas, but those who own the means of production. Being a manager and providing intellectual labor makes you working class. Capitalism is driven by and promotes needless consumption trough brainwashing advertising and social pressures, but blames individuals for their unethical consumer choices. Capitalism promotes short term investments and innovations, but restrict long term risky research projects necessary for true large scale innovation. For example, the internet! Capitalism doesn't correspond to the nature of a social species. This system actively rewards egoism and antisocial behavior. Capitalism doesn't provide equality of opportunity because the starting conditions of all people depend on many factors including the wealth of their parents... If they have any. Capitalism is contradictory and problematic. It creates monopolies, inequality, planned obsolescence and underproduction at the same time. Capitalism is constantly failing and reviving itself without learning. On larger scale this makes the system unstable and full of needles economic crisis. Government intervention in capitalism is necessary both to enforce privet property laws and to protect the system from slef-destruction. Capitalism uses the government intervention to make profit by the opportunities to transfer costs to the externalities created by government and increases the internal conflict. Capitalism encourages corruption and the expansion of government power for the profits of the wealthiest of the capitalists at the expense of the rest. On a global scale, capitalism leads to imperialism and the exploitation of poorer countries. The final stage of that et is neo-colonialism. Fascism is capitalism in decay. It is a response of a country to the way capitalist imperialism fails it, and often the country divides itself, blaming part of itself for all problems. Capitalism allows about 15 million deaths each yer by not solving simple problems of starvation, dehydration, homelessness and curable diseases just because it's not profitable to do so. Capitalism and the consumerist brainwashing culture it creates threaten the whole planet with the terrific consequences of climate change. Pure capitalism gives you the theoretical freedom TO exploit others, but not freedom FROM exploitation and preventable death. FACTS ABOUT SOCIALISM: Communism has never been tried.... Because it is a utopia. No country has ever tried to be communist in this sense of the world. There are many forms of socialism because there are many ways the workers can control the means of production (anarchy, syndicalism, democracy, etc.). Socialism is not necessarily centralized or even planned ar all. Workers control over the means of production can be achieved thought coops and even decentralized planned systems can include somewhat free market. The more centralized an economic system is, the fewer mistakes it makes and the faster it learns from them, however the consequences of those mistakes are greater. In a free market mistakes are doomed to be repeated. Socialism is not inherently authoritarian, but often more liberal and peaceful forms of socialism were repressed by capitalist militant forces. For example the Paris Commune (1789-1795) Socialism has worked in many countries (USSR, China, Cuba, Bulgaria, Venezuela) to the extent it was possible under the treat and constant sabotages of USA imperialism. If a state becomes dictatorship of the few, it loses all connection to the will of the people and is no longer representing them. So it isn't socialist, but rather a form of state capitalism. The "Black book of communism" lies about the death counts of socialism and include deaths from dictatorships (rather than a failure of the economic system), also murders of Nazis and counts as deaths deportation, emigration and reduced birthrate. The writers wanted to achieve 100 million deaths before even starting to write the book Both under socialism and capitalism many people have been lifted out of poverty, but when we compare the speed and the amount of extracted resources necessary to achieve that, socialism is far more effective. Capitalism creates capital faster than socialism because it doesn't care about the living and working conditions of those who produce capital. Maoism tries to use this to accelerate the emergence of socialist state in poor countries. Socialism on average provides better quality of life than capitalism in countries with the same GDP level. Socialist ideals have existed in every culture and every period of history, from Ancient Greece and Palestine to the Renaissance. Many of those core principles also appear in religions, most likely because they promote survival. Karl Marx didn't invent socialism but was instrumental in formulating the material reality and goals of socialism and the relationships between it and capitalism, feudalism, slavery in a historical way using Hegelian dialectic. Socialism is the inevitable consequence of the internal contradictions of the capitalist system and the more you try to save the sinking ship, the more of us will needlessly drown instead of working towards a better future together. QUESTIONS: Do you believe humans have inherent rights that doesn't come from the government? Where do they come from and how were they protected before the government existed? Are some rights more important than others? If yes what determines their value and if not what happens in a situation where they contradict each other? Do you see any problem inherent to capitalism and do you think the government can solve it without creating any other? Do you feel (entirely emotionally) that the difference between Bezos and his workers that have no time to go to the bathroom is morally justified? How often do you think about people you have never met in countries you never visited? Do you see humanity as more important than the individuals, or can they morally act against the interests of everyone else? Do you truly believe that such huge amount of people that are socialist are either ignorant about stuff you have probably heard on KZbin or so evil that they want to "destroy the west with communist totalitarian dictatorship"? If socialism can never work, why do capitalist imperialist countries actively sabotage it like they fear it? Have you ever truly engaged with the ideas of the opposite side (not trough capitalist media)? Do you have some ORGINAL arguments against socialism or supporting capitalism? If you heard it from social media, KZbin, mainstream media or a very popular book don't waste your time responding.... It has already been debunked. I am curious what books have you read on the topic?
@mediocre_tuba_player 3 жыл бұрын
@@ЯсенЧапкънов bruh stop trying to fight a war that was lost years ago
@ЯсенЧапкънов 3 жыл бұрын
@@mediocre_tuba_player HAHAHAAH please read a book or two
@ZapDash 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine thinking you know how a healthy love life and strong relationship function based on romance novels.
@stayinschool9420 3 жыл бұрын
@@ЯсенЧапкънов ah yes communism in china definitely worked out. had it not been for the USA, Mao Tse Dong probably would not have let tens of millions of people starve to death. Meanwhile, modern China has become an economic superpower because Chairman Xi has allowed China to use capitalist undertones.
@DANLAROCA913 3 жыл бұрын
Everyone in America is entitled to equal opportunity, but not equal outcome.
@dylantsivouras7378 3 жыл бұрын
@usada3027 3 жыл бұрын
well said
@cuddlemuffin.9545 3 жыл бұрын
@Thomas Commers yes you can, how stupid do you have to be to not grasp that humans are different
@akmil807 3 жыл бұрын
@Thomas Commers That is noy completely true, although I do agree that it is very hard to achieve. If the state controls the parenting of all children, treating them all as equal, it doesn't matter what the outcome is, it has still had equal opportunity. Not that I would be a fan of such a system, but what you said was technically wrong.
@akmil807 3 жыл бұрын
@Thomas Commers That is not what is meant with equal opportunity. Equal opportunity means: everyone gets the same conditions, what they do themselves make what they become
@gerainedoss7123 3 жыл бұрын
John stossel is my hero and a true American titan of media. I don’t always agree with him, i I always respect his opinion.
@egonzalez4294 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah me too, my biggest disagreement with him is I think he downplays global warming a lot; coastal cities will build dams, tell that to the people living in 3rd world countries and where water is scarce; we are doing a bad investment here, but yeah, we won't die and won't be the end of the world but Stossel seems to think it's not a big deal, just because it doesn't affect USA as much; there are more countries, most of them poorer, and the economy is connected, think Stossel, think; cough cough, refugees, cough, recession.
@ducknerddrake1497 3 жыл бұрын
@@egonzalez4294 I assume Stossel understands this. He is just against the big scare that elites push down on us. The reality is is that, sure, global warming is a big threat, but it's not gonna kill everyone in 15 years or whatever.
@louisebarrett7366 3 жыл бұрын
@@egonzalez4294 the earth goes through a weather cycle every 100 years and unfortunately it is the 100 year cycle/mark. Some of the things happening is just nature taking its course. 100 years from now California and most of Florida will mostly be mostly under water for sure, along with other coastal changes, but its all natural. I've done plenty of research because I don't beleive anyone anymore since humans have been lied too their whole life. Humans need to take care of our borrowed home/earth definitely, but natural occurrences will happen no matter how much human change things, nature will always win out. The only way to completely stop the so called "effects" from so called "destructive" behavior is too stop making the things humans depend on for comfort. Which means humans will have to live without alot of things. No vehicles at all cause both fossel fuels and the minerals needed to make batteries are mined/depleated from the earth. So lets go back to horses, no more plastic contaners for anything including food, phones, furniture, again cars, appliances, etc. Humans would have to give up ALL their conveinces as they are ALL bad for/on the environment. I don't think most people are ready to give their vehicles, starbucks coffee, central heat/ac, cell phones, prepackaged stuff etc. Very few can live off grid, in/with nature. Even the pioneers dependented on nature, store bought items, human discoveries and mills to cut wood for survival.
@dickfacepeterson 3 жыл бұрын
@@louisebarrett7366 “Cali and Florida will be under water in a 100 years”. Like it was 500 years ago, o wait it wasn’t then either
@louisebarrett7366 3 жыл бұрын
@@dickfacepeterson you obviously haven't been paying attention, doing research, or getting educated. Its already been proven Florida has lost 30% of its shores to rising waters. And if you look at anicent maps, Florida isn't even on there, maybe it'll take more than 100 years but it'll happen. Land moves and changes all the time, and has over the centuries, but stay ingorant, you may or may not be alive to see it. Actually Florida is the top of a mountain. But don't believe me, believe the ones spewing you lies. Research and educate yourself. Have a beautiful life.
@danpower-JP 3 жыл бұрын
Socialism only works in two places, heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it - Winston Churchil
@fajaradi1223 3 жыл бұрын
Actually Socialism works well on a hunter gatherer society. Where the government is just a dude we call chief, and that's all.
@SimonASNG 3 жыл бұрын
@@fajaradi1223 Yes, at the family level. The family can share wealth voluntarily between themselves. Any bigger scale and it all falls apart.
@Foolish188 3 жыл бұрын
Said by the last Coloniest Prime Minister. Amazing how spot on he was, unless it was about those "little brown people".
@fenrirComes 3 жыл бұрын
@@Foolish188 What do you mean by that ? How being a colonialist makes his statement about socialism less true ? What is the link between those 2 facts ?
@Foolish188 3 жыл бұрын
@@fenrirComes I said he was spot on. But I meant that his Colonialism was far worse than Socialism.
@teddyj9482 3 жыл бұрын
In the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie Charlie’s father lost his job to Machines. Near the end of the movie, he got a job repairing the machines that replaced him.
@bludeuce3855 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly if one job is replaced by machinery another job will pop up such as repairing Machinery cause those machines need proper maintenance if there gonna keep going
@EcoMouseChannel 3 жыл бұрын
But in real life, "factory workers" don't transition so easily from a non-skilled position to that of a maintenance tech or programmer of said machines. If they had that propensity in the beginning, they'd have already advanced well before they got replaced, or would have never likely even taken the "cap-putter-onner" job.
@bludeuce3855 3 жыл бұрын
@@EcoMouseChannel yes ik they have to be trained to repair the machinery thats a fact
@EcoMouseChannel 3 жыл бұрын
@@bludeuce3855 And companies like Amazon don't promote from within. So that sucks for anyone that's a runner now, that maybe wants to repair the robots. Good luck with that.
@Xckel13 3 жыл бұрын
@@bludeuce3855 then you end up with 1 good paying job repairing machines for every 10 union factory jobs. Still not bad, but then the community built around that factory deteriorates. The next wave of jobs lost isn't like factory work though, it's the call center workers replaced with an AI software, the drive thru order taker is replaced with AI software, contract lawyers replaced with AI software, X-ray technicians replaced by AI software, etc. The software is maintained in Silicon Valley by a handful of engineers or even overseas where labor is cheaper. The jobs lost are in the millions from across the country. Profits in these industries is up since they don't have labor costs, GDP is up, but the people all need new work. Progress isn't bad, but this shift will be difficult for a lot of people.
@alanhoff89 3 жыл бұрын
Worker: **pushes a button on production line** THIS COMPANY IS ALSO MINE NOW
@iamcosma7065 3 жыл бұрын
This is such an underrated comment.
@Rockhound6165 3 жыл бұрын
Boss: You're fired. Now what?
@mohaakash 3 жыл бұрын
If workers gather together and disscuss what to do that would be a better idea than to listen to the boss like a slave.And Means of production and company ain't same.
@alanhoff89 3 жыл бұрын
@@mohaakash agreed, means of production is just communist sh*t, company is were grown men make money
@deisk2707 3 жыл бұрын
@@alanhoff89 how about the private means of production? Do you think that's still communism?
@MarinelliBrosPodcast 3 жыл бұрын
This week is international small business week, lets celebrate by NOT REGULATING AND TAXING THEM TO BANKRUPTCY!
@UnclePhil1112 3 жыл бұрын
Especially after they have been hindered and almost put out of business because of government lockdowns the last 18 months.
@theyedmeister6981 3 жыл бұрын
@@UnclePhil1112 And almost destroyed completely due to lack of police patrolling against rioters going around
@norsefalconer 3 жыл бұрын
And labeling them as "Non Essential." There's little that's MORE essential to the US economy than small business.
@UnclePhil1112 3 жыл бұрын
@@norsefalconer every business is essential. If it puts food on your table and and keeps a roof over your head, it’s essential
@JessyJess04 3 жыл бұрын
Or giving them government handouts; if we truly want a free market, then let's leave the success or failure of a business to the market.
@FilmBuffBros 3 жыл бұрын
The first myth is a perfect example of why one should always consider any available baseline data, when reviewing statistical results.
@bludeuce3855 3 жыл бұрын
exactly cause people will always make up lies about climate change and bring up the man made climate change myth with fabricated data
@gregoryeverson741 3 жыл бұрын
@@bludeuce3855 data from a computer program, you want to study weather get an almanac, sea levels rising? study erosion, the earth is flying thru space spinning in a circle, spinning around the sun in another circle, with a moon flying a circle around Earth, i think sea levels might rise and fall
@bludeuce3855 3 жыл бұрын
@@gregoryeverson741 the Antarctic ice caps aren't melting
@iironhide6209 3 жыл бұрын
@@bludeuce3855 But the Arctic is at a rate that is so fast that even when you factor in how the Antarctic icecaps are growing, the world's icecaps as a whole are disappearing.
@bludeuce3855 3 жыл бұрын
@@iironhide6209 The Antartic oce caps arent dissapearing only the artic ice caps are man made climate change is a myth Antartic ice caps are still growing
@teh_jibbler 3 жыл бұрын
People hate that Bezos is rich, but they love shopping on Amazon.
@harrysachs2274 3 жыл бұрын
I don't hate bezos because he's a genius businessman that made him billions. I hate bezos because he's an evil person who thinks he can do what he pleases.
@jackalenterprisesofohio 3 жыл бұрын
@Retrogamer 420 good thing I don't use if they were selling mineographs.........
@brkbtjunkie 3 жыл бұрын
I bet those same people think Amazon pays zero in taxes.
@rudyando 3 жыл бұрын
I don't hate Bezos because he's rich. I'll defend him for that. And I promise you I do not love shopping on Amazon. I usually feel incredibly dirty afterwards. In fact my Christmas wish list is nothing bought on Amazon. Challenging, I know.
@rjohnsoneod 3 жыл бұрын
My sister-in-law went to President Trump rallies, talks about how amazon, twitter, and facebook are destroying free speech and hate anyone not kneeling to the left but she is an Amazon prime person who shops for Amazon discounts and watches only Amazon TV. I dropped off of facebook years ago and she was mad about it for months. The Blaze Network condemns Amazon, and the rest of the social media sites but continues to make millions from them.
@andrewkonkle5447 3 жыл бұрын
Envious malevolence is how Winston Churchill described socialism. And so many now a days bite into that juicy hook.
@ЯсенЧапкънов 3 жыл бұрын
EDUCATE YOURSELF!!! I will help, but only if you are willing to forget your predetermined position and try to fight your biases and actually read what I have to say. I will give some definitions, present some facts and debunk the most popular lies about socialism and capitalism. Please don't respond to any of the facts if you haven't done any research and will just repeat capitalist propaganda and lies. Please keep an open mind and keep the discussion civil. I have a few questions at the end and I am genuinely interested in your opinion. If you know that you won't change you mind you can skip to the questions directly. DEFINITIONS (they all can be debated, but it is pointless semantics. Just know what I mean when I use them.): Capitalism-A system characterized by the privet ownership over the means of production and most often a somewhat free market Socialism- A system characterized by the collective ownership over the means of production in response to the labor theory of value. Fascism- A system characterized by the desire to protect/regress culture (sometimes fictional) by force and unify "strong" individuals against the "weak". Communism- A stateless, moneyless, classless utopian future society. Free market- The freedom to trade with others labor and goods. Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism- A strong or very strong control over the social and/or economic aspect of human life. Democracy-A system of governance by representatives elected by all politically equal individuals, or the direct ruling of the people over themselves. Labor theory of value - value comes from labor, but not all labor is equally valuable. Machines increase productivity, but they increase the value of people's work, not their own. Thus, if you make money from owning the means of production, you are actually making money from those who used the machines/land. FACTS ABOUT CAPITALISM: If you work for money and do not profit from owning capital, you are NOT a capitalist, but rather just a supporter of the system that benefits them. Capitalism is inherently exploitative, undemocratic and creates conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The capitalist is not evil but forced to act against the interests of their workers because the more exploited they are, the more profit he will make. Otherwise, he will be outcompeted. Capitalism isn't voluntary because it doesn't provide any security. Technically you could choose not to work as a modern slave, but extreme poverty is deadly, so there is no practical freedom. Capitalism doesn't reward those who produce, or have good ideas, but those who own the means of production. Being a manager and providing intellectual labor makes you working class. Capitalism is driven by and promotes needless consumption trough brainwashing advertising and social pressures, but blames individuals for their unethical consumer choices. Capitalism promotes short term investments and innovations, but restrict long term risky research projects necessary for true large scale innovation. For example, the internet! Capitalism doesn't correspond to the nature of a social species. This system actively rewards egoism and antisocial behavior. Capitalism doesn't provide equality of opportunity because the starting conditions of all people depend on many factors including the wealth of their parents... If they have any. Capitalism is contradictory and problematic. It creates monopolies, inequality, planned obsolescence and underproduction at the same time. Capitalism is constantly failing and reviving itself without learning. On larger scale this makes the system unstable and full of needles economic crisis. Government intervention in capitalism is necessary both to enforce privet property laws and to protect the system from slef-destruction. Capitalism uses the government intervention to make profit by the opportunities to transfer costs to the externalities created by government and increases the internal conflict. Capitalism encourages corruption and the expansion of government power for the profits of the wealthiest of the capitalists at the expense of the rest. On a global scale, capitalism leads to imperialism and the exploitation of poorer countries. The final stage of that et is neo-colonialism. Fascism is capitalism in decay. It is a response of a country to the way capitalist imperialism fails it, and often the country divides itself, blaming part of itself for all problems. Capitalism allows about 15 million deaths each yer by not solving simple problems of starvation, dehydration, homelessness and curable diseases just because it's not profitable to do so. Capitalism and the consumerist brainwashing culture it creates threaten the whole planet with the terrific consequences of climate change. Pure capitalism gives you the theoretical freedom TO exploit others, but not freedom FROM exploitation and preventable death. FACTS ABOUT SOCIALISM: Communism has never been tried.... Because it is a utopia. No country has ever tried to be communist in this sense of the world. There are many forms of socialism because there are many ways the workers can control the means of production (anarchy, syndicalism, democracy, etc.). Socialism is not necessarily centralized or even planned ar all. Workers control over the means of production can be achieved thought coops and even decentralized planned systems can include somewhat free market. The more centralized an economic system is, the fewer mistakes it makes and the faster it learns from them, however the consequences of those mistakes are greater. In a free market mistakes are doomed to be repeated. Socialism is not inherently authoritarian, but often more liberal and peaceful forms of socialism were repressed by capitalist militant forces. For example the Paris Commune (1789-1795) Socialism has worked in many countries (USSR, China, Cuba, Bulgaria, Venezuela) to the extent it was possible under the treat and constant sabotages of USA imperialism. If a state becomes dictatorship of the few, it loses all connection to the will of the people and is no longer representing them. So it isn't socialist, but rather a form of state capitalism. The "Black book of communism" lies about the death counts of socialism and include deaths from dictatorships (rather than a failure of the economic system), also murders of Nazis and counts as deaths deportation, emigration and reduced birthrate. The writers wanted to achieve 100 million deaths before even starting to write the book Both under socialism and capitalism many people have been lifted out of poverty, but when we compare the speed and the amount of extracted resources necessary to achieve that, socialism is far more effective. Capitalism creates capital faster than socialism because it doesn't care about the living and working conditions of those who produce capital. Maoism tries to use this to accelerate the emergence of socialist state in poor countries. Socialism on average provides better quality of life than capitalism in countries with the same GDP level. Socialist ideals have existed in every culture and every period of history, from Ancient Greece and Palestine to the Renaissance. Many of those core principles also appear in religions, most likely because they promote survival. Karl Marx didn't invent socialism but was instrumental in formulating the material reality and goals of socialism and the relationships between it and capitalism, feudalism, slavery in a historical way using Hegelian dialectic. Socialism is the inevitable consequence of the internal contradictions of the capitalist system and the more you try to save the sinking ship, the more of us will needlessly drown instead of working towards a better future together. QUESTIONS: Do you believe humans have inherent rights that doesn't come from the government? Where do they come from and how were they protected before the government existed? Are some rights more important than others? If yes what determines their value and if not what happens in a situation where they contradict each other? Do you see any problem inherent to capitalism and do you think the government can solve it without creating any other? Do you feel (entirely emotionally) that the difference between Bezos and his workers that have no time to go to the bathroom is morally justified? How often do you think about people you have never met in countries you never visited? Do you see humanity as more important than the individuals, or can they morally act against the interests of everyone else? Do you truly believe that such huge amount of people that are socialist are either ignorant about stuff you have probably heard on KZbin or so evil that they want to "destroy the west with communist totalitarian dictatorship"? If socialism can never work, why do capitalist imperialist countries actively sabotage it like they fear it? Have you ever truly engaged with the ideas of the opposite side (not trough capitalist media)? Do you have some ORGINAL arguments against socialism or supporting capitalism? If you heard it from social media, KZbin, mainstream media or a very popular book don't waste your time responding.... It has already been debunked. I am curious what books have you read on the topic?
@mediocre_tuba_player 3 жыл бұрын
@@ЯсенЧапкънов stu
@ZapDash 3 жыл бұрын
@@ЯсенЧапкънов People are self interested. All communal groups eventually fail because somebody decides they want something more or withholds something. If a person makes a product better than anybody else, but only he has the skill to make it, how does communism determine who gets it? Imagine a farmer in one location grows the sweetest peaches, and there is no money or anything or incentive to barter; how do people obtain them? Waiting in line perhaps? Well, what if I can offer to do something for the person ahead of me in line that they value more than the peach? We place value on things, and then strive to obtain them. Or what if the first person in line decides he wants more peaches than the person behind him? If the resource is totally free, somebody with no reservations will almost always step up to abuse that resource. Educate yourself on the Tragedy of the Commons.
@andrewkonkle5447 3 жыл бұрын
People write books in comments sections because no one wants to rad what they say.
@WaterZer0 3 жыл бұрын
You're a peabrain if you give a shit what Churchill thinks lmao.
@creativecatproductions 3 жыл бұрын
Whenever I’m sad and I want to be happy I watch John Stossel. Love this guy.
@NoirMorter 3 жыл бұрын
When I hear them trying to put a cap on income all I can think about is that its a fluffy form of indentured servitude. If you can't negotiate for your own wages your a slave. Simple as that.
@dafunkmonster 3 жыл бұрын
Of course, the members of The Party will never be subject to such caps.
@NoirMorter 3 жыл бұрын
@@dafunkmonster nor any restrictions on pesky things like work force rights.
@norsefalconer 3 жыл бұрын
The US didn't end slavery, they just made it "universal," via the 16th Amendment.
@nocturnal101ravenous6 3 жыл бұрын
You should learn from the old coal towns in PA and what the coal companies did..................there are multiple ways to fix a system, either way no one negotiates on wages except a the very few, its take it or leave it in the real world.
@Barskor1 3 жыл бұрын
@@norsefalconer The taxman/plantationstraw boss cometh.
@S85B50Engine 3 жыл бұрын
Who could have guessed most of Capitalism's "issues" can be traced back to a single entity, the Government. I know you are shocked.
@Beekeeper8011 3 жыл бұрын
@ЯсенЧапкънов 3 жыл бұрын
EDUCATE YOURSELF!!! I will help, but only if you are willing to forget your predetermined position and try to fight your biases and actually read what I have to say. I will give some definitions, present some facts and debunk the most popular lies about socialism and capitalism. Please don't respond to any of the facts if you haven't done any research and will just repeat capitalist propaganda and lies. Please keep an open mind and keep the discussion civil. I have a few questions at the end and I am genuinely interested in your opinion. If you know that you won't change you mind you can skip to the questions directly. DEFINITIONS (they all can be debated, but it is pointless semantics. Just know what I mean when I use them.): Capitalism-A system characterized by the privet ownership over the means of production and most often a somewhat free market Socialism- A system characterized by the collective ownership over the means of production in response to the labor theory of value. Fascism- A system characterized by the desire to protect/regress culture (sometimes fictional) by force and unify "strong" individuals against the "weak". Communism- A stateless, moneyless, classless utopian future society. Free market- The freedom to trade with others labor and goods. Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism- A strong or very strong control over the social and/or economic aspect of human life. Democracy-A system of governance by representatives elected by all politically equal individuals, or the direct ruling of the people over themselves. Labor theory of value - value comes from labor, but not all labor is equally valuable. Machines increase productivity, but they increase the value of people's work, not their own. Thus, if you make money from owning the means of production, you are actually making money from those who used the machines/land. FACTS ABOUT CAPITALISM: If you work for money and do not profit from owning capital, you are NOT a capitalist, but rather just a supporter of the system that benefits them. Capitalism is inherently exploitative, undemocratic and creates conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The capitalist is not evil but forced to act against the interests of their workers because the more exploited they are, the more profit he will make. Otherwise, he will be outcompeted. Capitalism isn't voluntary because it doesn't provide any security. Technically you could choose not to work as a modern slave, but extreme poverty is deadly, so there is no practical freedom. Capitalism doesn't reward those who produce, or have good ideas, but those who own the means of production. Being a manager and providing intellectual labor makes you working class. Capitalism is driven by and promotes needless consumption trough brainwashing advertising and social pressures, but blames individuals for their unethical consumer choices. Capitalism promotes short term investments and innovations, but restrict long term risky research projects necessary for true large scale innovation. For example, the internet! Capitalism doesn't correspond to the nature of a social species. This system actively rewards egoism and antisocial behavior. Capitalism doesn't provide equality of opportunity because the starting conditions of all people depend on many factors including the wealth of their parents... If they have any. Capitalism is contradictory and problematic. It creates monopolies, inequality, planned obsolescence and underproduction at the same time. Capitalism is constantly failing and reviving itself without learning. On larger scale this makes the system unstable and full of needles economic crisis. Government intervention in capitalism is necessary both to enforce privet property laws and to protect the system from slef-destruction. Capitalism uses the government intervention to make profit by the opportunities to transfer costs to the externalities created by government and increases the internal conflict. Capitalism encourages corruption and the expansion of government power for the profits of the wealthiest of the capitalists at the expense of the rest. On a global scale, capitalism leads to imperialism and the exploitation of poorer countries. The final stage of that et is neo-colonialism. Fascism is capitalism in decay. It is a response of a country to the way capitalist imperialism fails it, and often the country divides itself, blaming part of itself for all problems. Capitalism allows about 15 million deaths each yer by not solving simple problems of starvation, dehydration, homelessness and curable diseases just because it's not profitable to do so. Capitalism and the consumerist brainwashing culture it creates threaten the whole planet with the terrific consequences of climate change. Pure capitalism gives you the theoretical freedom TO exploit others, but not freedom FROM exploitation and preventable death. FACTS ABOUT SOCIALISM: Communism has never been tried.... Because it is a utopia. No country has ever tried to be communist in this sense of the world. There are many forms of socialism because there are many ways the workers can control the means of production (anarchy, syndicalism, democracy, etc.). Socialism is not necessarily centralized or even planned ar all. Workers control over the means of production can be achieved thought coops and even decentralized planned systems can include somewhat free market. The more centralized an economic system is, the fewer mistakes it makes and the faster it learns from them, however the consequences of those mistakes are greater. In a free market mistakes are doomed to be repeated. Socialism is not inherently authoritarian, but often more liberal and peaceful forms of socialism were repressed by capitalist militant forces. For example the Paris Commune (1789-1795) Socialism has worked in many countries (USSR, China, Cuba, Bulgaria, Venezuela) to the extent it was possible under the treat and constant sabotages of USA imperialism. If a state becomes dictatorship of the few, it loses all connection to the will of the people and is no longer representing them. So it isn't socialist, but rather a form of state capitalism. The "Black book of communism" lies about the death counts of socialism and include deaths from dictatorships (rather than a failure of the economic system), also murders of Nazis and counts as deaths deportation, emigration and reduced birthrate. The writers wanted to achieve 100 million deaths before even starting to write the book Both under socialism and capitalism many people have been lifted out of poverty, but when we compare the speed and the amount of extracted resources necessary to achieve that, socialism is far more effective. Capitalism creates capital faster than socialism because it doesn't care about the living and working conditions of those who produce capital. Maoism tries to use this to accelerate the emergence of socialist state in poor countries. Socialism on average provides better quality of life than capitalism in countries with the same GDP level. Socialist ideals have existed in every culture and every period of history, from Ancient Greece and Palestine to the Renaissance. Many of those core principles also appear in religions, most likely because they promote survival. Karl Marx didn't invent socialism but was instrumental in formulating the material reality and goals of socialism and the relationships between it and capitalism, feudalism, slavery in a historical way using Hegelian dialectic. Socialism is the inevitable consequence of the internal contradictions of the capitalist system and the more you try to save the sinking ship, the more of us will needlessly drown instead of working towards a better future together. QUESTIONS: Do you believe humans have inherent rights that doesn't come from the government? Where do they come from and how were they protected before the government existed? Are some rights more important than others? If yes what determines their value and if not what happens in a situation where they contradict each other? Do you see any problem inherent to capitalism and do you think the government can solve it without creating any other? Do you feel (entirely emotionally) that the difference between Bezos and his workers that have no time to go to the bathroom is morally justified? How often do you think about people you have never met in countries you never visited? Do you see humanity as more important than the individuals, or can they morally act against the interests of everyone else? Do you truly believe that such huge amount of people that are socialist are either ignorant about stuff you have probably heard on KZbin or so evil that they want to "destroy the west with communist totalitarian dictatorship"? If socialism can never work, why do capitalist imperialist countries actively sabotage it like they fear it? Have you ever truly engaged with the ideas of the opposite side (not trough capitalist media)? Do you have some ORGINAL arguments against socialism or supporting capitalism? If you heard it from social media, KZbin, mainstream media or a very popular book don't waste your time responding.... It has already been debunked. I am curious what books have you read on the topic?
@mikeb5372 3 жыл бұрын
@@ЯсенЧапкънов You are certainly the one needing an education! Just another collectivist troll
@ЯсенЧапкънов 3 жыл бұрын
@@mikeb5372 If you won't do your research you can keep believing what you do, but at least answer my questions
@ЯсенЧапкънов 3 жыл бұрын
@@mikeb5372 I really want to understand how can someone believe in capitalism... Please answer my questions in the original text.
@clough211 3 жыл бұрын
They eat the fruit but want to cut down the bush.... It's incredible
@fajaradi1223 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe this is the reason why Adam and Eve got kicked out of heaven. They ate the fruit, aaaaand wanted to cut down the tree.
@bbartlow0307 3 жыл бұрын
Clever, and so well said!
@chuckbrooks7489 3 жыл бұрын
👍🏻👏👏 APPROVED for all ages
@inthso362 3 жыл бұрын
I hear this over and again about capitalism, but few are willing to say: We don't really practice capitalism. It's a distraction almost all engage in; promoting capitalism while covering up the fact that the very evils of it are, the powerful who are in cahoots with or outright control the gov't, don't practice capitalism, while everyone else has to. Look up Socialism for the rich, capitalism for everyone else, and those more forthright than JS will deal you the truth. We have a plutocracy/Oligarchy/crony capitalist political structure that makes sure money only trickles up.
@gorgoroth-hh1pb 3 жыл бұрын
If they said it The "Right wingers" will lose their minds in the comments Admitting flaws of the economic system that is critical in the very tiny speck of culture that isn't from another country will be branded as "traitors" and deserve to be mocked and hated
@Bourikii2992 2 ай бұрын
He literally has several videos about socialism for the rich and how it is a bad thing lmao.
@tylerhugh6431 3 жыл бұрын
Stossel, once again you have informed the uninformed and have debunked some of our country’s most common misconceptions. Your videos never fail to educate me, and I hope they never fail to educate others. Stay true and stay strong. We love you, Stossel - May you live forever.
@AstrobotJones 3 жыл бұрын
Not to make you feel old, but to let you know how timeless and important it is what you do. Been watching you since I was a kid in the 80's, and am glad to see you still going onto the new medium of communication content. It'll be a sad day for us when you finally retire, though a good and well earned fay for you. Very happy for your work.
@khudanpursandeep 3 жыл бұрын
Sadly, the people who really need to watch this are not 😅
@jamie6387 3 жыл бұрын
They are in denial. They want to blame their failures on something besides themselves.
@hrithikmta491 3 жыл бұрын
even if they did, I dont think they would change their thoughts, My own parents are staunch democrats and that everything should be govt controlled, tax the rich and all that bullshit, I am a staunch republican and regardless of how many such videos or stats I show them, they dont change !
@droe2570 3 жыл бұрын
Even if they did, it would not matter.
@ЯсенЧапкънов 3 жыл бұрын
EDUCATE YOURSELF!!! I will help, but only if you are willing to forget your predetermined position and try to fight your biases and actually read what I have to say. I will give some definitions, present some facts and debunk the most popular lies about socialism and capitalism. Please don't respond to any of the facts if you haven't done any research and will just repeat capitalist propaganda and lies. Please keep an open mind and keep the discussion civil. I have a few questions at the end and I am genuinely interested in your opinion. If you know that you won't change you mind you can skip to the questions directly. DEFINITIONS (they all can be debated, but it is pointless semantics. Just know what I mean when I use them.): Capitalism-A system characterized by the privet ownership over the means of production and most often a somewhat free market Socialism- A system characterized by the collective ownership over the means of production in response to the labor theory of value. Fascism- A system characterized by the desire to protect/regress culture (sometimes fictional) by force and unify "strong" individuals against the "weak". Communism- A stateless, moneyless, classless utopian future society. Free market- The freedom to trade with others labor and goods. Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism- A strong or very strong control over the social and/or economic aspect of human life. Democracy-A system of governance by representatives elected by all politically equal individuals, or the direct ruling of the people over themselves. Labor theory of value - value comes from labor, but not all labor is equally valuable. Machines increase productivity, but they increase the value of people's work, not their own. Thus, if you make money from owning the means of production, you are actually making money from those who used the machines/land. FACTS ABOUT CAPITALISM: If you work for money and do not profit from owning capital, you are NOT a capitalist, but rather just a supporter of the system that benefits them. Capitalism is inherently exploitative, undemocratic and creates conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The capitalist is not evil but forced to act against the interests of their workers because the more exploited they are, the more profit he will make. Otherwise, he will be outcompeted. Capitalism isn't voluntary because it doesn't provide any security. Technically you could choose not to work as a modern slave, but extreme poverty is deadly, so there is no practical freedom. Capitalism doesn't reward those who produce, or have good ideas, but those who own the means of production. Being a manager and providing intellectual labor makes you working class. Capitalism is driven by and promotes needless consumption trough brainwashing advertising and social pressures, but blames individuals for their unethical consumer choices. Capitalism promotes short term investments and innovations, but restrict long term risky research projects necessary for true large scale innovation. For example, the internet! Capitalism doesn't correspond to the nature of a social species. This system actively rewards egoism and antisocial behavior. Capitalism doesn't provide equality of opportunity because the starting conditions of all people depend on many factors including the wealth of their parents... If they have any. Capitalism is contradictory and problematic. It creates monopolies, inequality, planned obsolescence and underproduction at the same time. Capitalism is constantly failing and reviving itself without learning. On larger scale this makes the system unstable and full of needles economic crisis. Government intervention in capitalism is necessary both to enforce privet property laws and to protect the system from slef-destruction. Capitalism uses the government intervention to make profit by the opportunities to transfer costs to the externalities created by government and increases the internal conflict. Capitalism encourages corruption and the expansion of government power for the profits of the wealthiest of the capitalists at the expense of the rest. On a global scale, capitalism leads to imperialism and the exploitation of poorer countries. The final stage of that et is neo-colonialism. Fascism is capitalism in decay. It is a response of a country to the way capitalist imperialism fails it, and often the country divides itself, blaming part of itself for all problems. Capitalism allows about 15 million deaths each yer by not solving simple problems of starvation, dehydration, homelessness and curable diseases just because it's not profitable to do so. Capitalism and the consumerist brainwashing culture it creates threaten the whole planet with the terrific consequences of climate change. Pure capitalism gives you the theoretical freedom TO exploit others, but not freedom FROM exploitation and preventable death. FACTS ABOUT SOCIALISM: Communism has never been tried.... Because it is a utopia. No country has ever tried to be communist in this sense of the world. There are many forms of socialism because there are many ways the workers can control the means of production (anarchy, syndicalism, democracy, etc.). Socialism is not necessarily centralized or even planned ar all. Workers control over the means of production can be achieved thought coops and even decentralized planned systems can include somewhat free market. The more centralized an economic system is, the fewer mistakes it makes and the faster it learns from them, however the consequences of those mistakes are greater. In a free market mistakes are doomed to be repeated. Socialism is not inherently authoritarian, but often more liberal and peaceful forms of socialism were repressed by capitalist militant forces. For example the Paris Commune (1789-1795) Socialism has worked in many countries (USSR, China, Cuba, Bulgaria, Venezuela) to the extent it was possible under the treat and constant sabotages of USA imperialism. If a state becomes dictatorship of the few, it loses all connection to the will of the people and is no longer representing them. So it isn't socialist, but rather a form of state capitalism. The "Black book of communism" lies about the death counts of socialism and include deaths from dictatorships (rather than a failure of the economic system), also murders of Nazis and counts as deaths deportation, emigration and reduced birthrate. The writers wanted to achieve 100 million deaths before even starting to write the book Both under socialism and capitalism many people have been lifted out of poverty, but when we compare the speed and the amount of extracted resources necessary to achieve that, socialism is far more effective. Capitalism creates capital faster than socialism because it doesn't care about the living and working conditions of those who produce capital. Maoism tries to use this to accelerate the emergence of socialist state in poor countries. Socialism on average provides better quality of life than capitalism in countries with the same GDP level. Socialist ideals have existed in every culture and every period of history, from Ancient Greece and Palestine to the Renaissance. Many of those core principles also appear in religions, most likely because they promote survival. Karl Marx didn't invent socialism but was instrumental in formulating the material reality and goals of socialism and the relationships between it and capitalism, feudalism, slavery in a historical way using Hegelian dialectic. Socialism is the inevitable consequence of the internal contradictions of the capitalist system and the more you try to save the sinking ship, the more of us will needlessly drown instead of working towards a better future together. QUESTIONS: Do you believe humans have inherent rights that doesn't come from the government? Where do they come from and how were they protected before the government existed? Are some rights more important than others? If yes what determines their value and if not what happens in a situation where they contradict each other? Do you see any problem inherent to capitalism and do you think the government can solve it without creating any other? Do you feel (entirely emotionally) that the difference between Bezos and his workers that have no time to go to the bathroom is morally justified? How often do you think about people you have never met in countries you never visited? Do you see humanity as more important than the individuals, or can they morally act against the interests of everyone else? Do you truly believe that such huge amount of people that are socialist are either ignorant about stuff you have probably heard on KZbin or so evil that they want to "destroy the west with communist totalitarian dictatorship"? If socialism can never work, why do capitalist imperialist countries actively sabotage it like they fear it? Have you ever truly engaged with the ideas of the opposite side (not trough capitalist media)? Do you have some ORGINAL arguments against socialism or supporting capitalism? If you heard it from social media, KZbin, mainstream media or a very popular book don't waste your time responding.... It has already been debunked. I am curious what books have you read on the topic?
@ЯсенЧапкънов 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamie6387 Seriously? Do you believe that?
@quirkasaurussaurus2896 2 жыл бұрын
spot on. as Napoleon Hill once said "If you want a billion dollars, then provide a billion dollars worth of value to the world." For many of us - that can be translated to "how can i provide more value to my current employer?" the more VALUE you provide, the more you are worth, the more money you make. Strive to provide more value than you are paid.
@lizardking8388 2 жыл бұрын
Back in the 70's I was in grade school. The teacher asked us how we feel about machines replacing workers. She asked each one of us what we think about it and what we plan to do about it when we grow up, most were saying how it wasn't fair and that they would vote for politicians who would prevent businesses from replacing workers with machines. Some said they would get jobs that they think couldn't be replaced. When they got to me, I said, I'm going to make the machines. I'll never forget the look on everyone's face when I said that. Today, that is basically what I do.
@tejaskulkarni4579 3 жыл бұрын
America is becoming increasingly CORPORATIST and moving away from CAPITALISM. Reform the system!
@ImJBTPG 3 жыл бұрын
we've been a crony capitalism since like 1913. but we have lots of good free market principles.
@sour-vampire 3 жыл бұрын
Anarco-capitalism seems better, cut the government out, but you pay for everything. Consumers will choose, no regulation, no taxes. People who don't work/disabled will be errked, no freebies.
@ЯсенЧапкънов 3 жыл бұрын
Lol corporatism is the natural progression of an inherently flawed and contradictory system. EDUCATE YOURSELF
@ЯсенЧапкънов 3 жыл бұрын
I will help, but only if you are willing to forget your predetermined position and try to fight your biases and actually read what I have to say. I will give some definitions, present some facts and debunk the most popular lies about socialism and capitalism. Please don't respond to any of the facts if you haven't done any research and will just repeat capitalist propaganda and lies. Please keep an open mind and keep the discussion civil. I have a few questions at the end and I am genuinely interested in your opinion. If you know that you won't change you mind you can skip to the questions directly. DEFINITIONS (they all can be debated, but it is pointless semantics. Just know what I mean when I use them.): Capitalism-A system characterized by the privet ownership over the means of production and most often a somewhat free market Socialism- A system characterized by the collective ownership over the means of production in response to the labor theory of value. Fascism- A system characterized by the desire to protect/regress culture (sometimes fictional) by force and unify "strong" individuals against the "weak". Communism- A stateless, moneyless, classless utopian future society. Free market- The freedom to trade with others labor and goods. Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism- A strong or very strong control over the social and/or economic aspect of human life. Democracy-A system of governance by representatives elected by all politically equal individuals, or the direct ruling of the people over themselves. Labor theory of value - value comes from labor, but not all labor is equally valuable. Machines increase productivity, but they increase the value of people's work, not their own. Thus, if you make money from owning the means of production, you are actually making money from those who used the machines/land. FACTS ABOUT CAPITALISM: If you work for money and do not profit from owning capital, you are NOT a capitalist, but rather just a supporter of the system that benefits them. Capitalism is inherently exploitative, undemocratic and creates conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The capitalist is not evil but forced to act against the interests of their workers because the more exploited they are, the more profit he will make. Otherwise, he will be outcompeted. Capitalism isn't voluntary because it doesn't provide any security. Technically you could choose not to work as a modern slave, but extreme poverty is deadly, so there is no practical freedom. Capitalism doesn't reward those who produce, or have good ideas, but those who own the means of production. Being a manager and providing intellectual labor makes you working class. Capitalism is driven by and promotes needless consumption trough brainwashing advertising and social pressures, but blames individuals for their unethical consumer choices. Capitalism promotes short term investments and innovations, but restrict long term risky research projects necessary for true large scale innovation. For example, the internet! Capitalism doesn't correspond to the nature of a social species. This system actively rewards egoism and antisocial behavior. Capitalism doesn't provide equality of opportunity because the starting conditions of all people depend on many factors including the wealth of their parents... If they have any. Capitalism is contradictory and problematic. It creates monopolies, inequality, planned obsolescence and underproduction at the same time. Capitalism is constantly failing and reviving itself without learning. On larger scale this makes the system unstable and full of needles economic crisis. Government intervention in capitalism is necessary both to enforce privet property laws and to protect the system from slef-destruction. Capitalism uses the government intervention to make profit by the opportunities to transfer costs to the externalities created by government and increases the internal conflict. Capitalism encourages corruption and the expansion of government power for the profits of the wealthiest of the capitalists at the expense of the rest. On a global scale, capitalism leads to imperialism and the exploitation of poorer countries. The final stage of that et is neo-colonialism. Fascism is capitalism in decay. It is a response of a country to the way capitalist imperialism fails it, and often the country divides itself, blaming part of itself for all problems. Capitalism allows about 15 million deaths each yer by not solving simple problems of starvation, dehydration, homelessness and curable diseases just because it's not profitable to do so. Capitalism and the consumerist brainwashing culture it creates threaten the whole planet with the terrific consequences of climate change. Pure capitalism gives you the theoretical freedom TO exploit others, but not freedom FROM exploitation and preventable death. FACTS ABOUT SOCIALISM: Communism has never been tried.... Because it is a utopia. No country has ever tried to be communist in this sense of the world. There are many forms of socialism because there are many ways the workers can control the means of production (anarchy, syndicalism, democracy, etc.). Socialism is not necessarily centralized or even planned ar all. Workers control over the means of production can be achieved thought coops and even decentralized planned systems can include somewhat free market. The more centralized an economic system is, the fewer mistakes it makes and the faster it learns from them, however the consequences of those mistakes are greater. In a free market mistakes are doomed to be repeated. Socialism is not inherently authoritarian, but often more liberal and peaceful forms of socialism were repressed by capitalist militant forces. For example the Paris Commune (1789-1795) Socialism has worked in many countries (USSR, China, Cuba, Bulgaria, Venezuela) to the extent it was possible under the treat and constant sabotages of USA imperialism. If a state becomes dictatorship of the few, it loses all connection to the will of the people and is no longer representing them. So it isn't socialist, but rather a form of state capitalism. The "Black book of communism" lies about the death counts of socialism and include deaths from dictatorships (rather than a failure of the economic system), also murders of Nazis and counts as deaths deportation, emigration and reduced birthrate. The writers wanted to achieve 100 million deaths before even starting to write the book Both under socialism and capitalism many people have been lifted out of poverty, but when we compare the speed and the amount of extracted resources necessary to achieve that, socialism is far more effective. Capitalism creates capital faster than socialism because it doesn't care about the living and working conditions of those who produce capital. Maoism tries to use this to accelerate the emergence of socialist state in poor countries. Socialism on average provides better quality of life than capitalism in countries with the same GDP level. Socialist ideals have existed in every culture and every period of history, from Ancient Greece and Palestine to the Renaissance. Many of those core principles also appear in religions, most likely because they promote survival. Karl Marx didn't invent socialism but was instrumental in formulating the material reality and goals of socialism and the relationships between it and capitalism, feudalism, slavery in a historical way using Hegelian dialectic. Socialism is the inevitable consequence of the internal contradictions of the capitalist system and the more you try to save the sinking ship, the more of us will needlessly drown instead of working towards a better future together. QUESTIONS: Do you believe humans have inherent rights that doesn't come from the government? Where do they come from and how were they protected before the government existed? Are some rights more important than others? If yes what determines their value and if not what happens in a situation where they contradict each other? Do you see any problem inherent to capitalism and do you think the government can solve it without creating any other? Do you feel (entirely emotionally) that the difference between Bezos and his workers that have no time to go to the bathroom is morally justified? How often do you think about people you have never met in countries you never visited? Do you see humanity as more important than the individuals, or can they morally act against the interests of everyone else? Do you truly believe that such huge amount of people that are socialist are either ignorant about stuff you have probably heard on KZbin or so evil that they want to "destroy the west with communist totalitarian dictatorship"? If socialism can never work, why do capitalist imperialist countries actively sabotage it like they fear it? Have you ever truly engaged with the ideas of the opposite side (not trough capitalist media)? Do you have some ORGINAL arguments against socialism or supporting capitalism? If you heard it from social media, KZbin, mainstream media or a very popular book don't waste your time responding.... It has already been debunked. I am curious what books have you read on the topic?
@sour-vampire 3 жыл бұрын
@@ЯсенЧапкънов ah I see you the exact opposite, I dont really like government, but the only realistic form of anarchy is Anarco-capitalism now it has flaws highlighted in( Outer world's )where corporations rule. Laws and regulations prevent freedom but protect us in some way. Honestly i think keeping the child rapist alive is ridicules, jailing druggies is a waste, and stealing should lose you a finger or you work for the owner. Handicapped and disabled people would need there family for help not government. Why should anyone pay to be told what to do,it is supposed to be the other way around. Pay for everything by the way means every road is a toll road, every school is private, you have to pay for fire Department, and local militia (police), how much you contribute is what you get back,no more no less.
@cvr527 3 жыл бұрын
Automation is taking away some low-skill jobs and some higher-skill jobs as well. The reason for that is entirely due to the fact that politicians are making it too expensive to employ low-skill workers and some higher-skill ones as well because they are manipulating the marketplace through false premises.
@cheesesticksteaice5025 Жыл бұрын
Not really no, as soon as we don't need them they can move on to things we need that's about it
@cvr527 Жыл бұрын
@@cheesesticksteaice5025 Who is we?
@troykehoe6153 3 жыл бұрын
When Boards of Directors sit on each others boards and vote multi-million dollar bonuses and golden parachutes for CEOs that destroy their companies.... Or, when the wealthiest party in a lawsuit wins because they simply bankrupt the other side..... These are some examples of "corporatism" that give capitalism and free markets a bad name. However, there has never been a better system in human history when it comes to bringing humans out of poverty and into well-being.
@musicman8270 3 жыл бұрын
You do know that corporations are a creation of the government
@AndrooUK 3 жыл бұрын
@@musicman8270 It's just when companies became massive and then were granted certain rights/privileges beyond normal, but it's not really a massive thing in the grand scheme of things.
@musicman8270 3 жыл бұрын
@@AndrooUK law was deliberately created to create corporations, sometimes as monopolies protected by the government. They had favored status during the lockdown. Eventually they will be collectivsed into govt eneties outright. Communism, basically
@gorgoroth-hh1pb 3 жыл бұрын
Ah yes Privatised healthcare where the choice is either going broke or dead! Into Well-Being we go!!!
@deisk2707 3 жыл бұрын
@@musicman8270 not collective, or not communism. They only want profit
@TheSpicyLeg 3 жыл бұрын
Anyone in the trades can tell you about OSHA. It is a joke.
@NogardCodesmith 3 жыл бұрын
"Oh no... the OSHA people are here again... now I have to pretend to follow the procedures that some bureaucrat made up just to make my job take 10 times longer, and give me the illusion of safety... but at least we are keeping the OSHA inspectors employed"
@TheSpicyLeg 3 жыл бұрын
@@NogardCodesmith Right. You left your job box open because you literally need to get materials or tools out every 20 minutes, better pay a fine. Or my fav, your grinding wheel better have the handle screwed in, or you’re fined. Unless it doesn’t have a place for a handle at all, in which case it’s good to go. So I got fined for a grinding wheel with no handle screwed in, but the other guy didn’t because his wheel didn’t have any handle. Fucking brilliant, OSHA.
@todddogg7817 3 жыл бұрын
I wish it were less of one. They get away with too much. "I want you to climb up a ladder with no hands on it to steady yourself and a giant box over your head. No? Ok you're fired..."
@TheSpicyLeg 3 жыл бұрын
@@todddogg7817 I’m assuming you exaggerate, but there is an attitude that if you aren’t willing to cut corners, we will just find someone who will. The union jobs work the same way, albeit to a much lesser extent than non-union jobs. There isn’t a job out there that I’m willing to die to complete. The best safety strategy is to keep your head in the game and don’t get complacent. People made fun of me on a job for checking a ladder before I used it, until one of them didn’t and had the ladder topple onto a pile of strut. Then you better believe they were taking the 10 seconds to check a ladder before using it.
@jantelliquawallace355 3 жыл бұрын
worked in a sheet metal factory for years. We all looked forward to "osha days" because nothing would get done and we didn't have to work/risk our lives as much.
@googleuser1982 3 жыл бұрын
Tucker is absolutely correct. Having self driving cars and trucks is and would be a terrible safety hazard to American families using those same roads. As Neil Postman said: “Years from now, it will be noticed that the massive collection and speed-of-light retrieval of data have been of great value to large-scale organizations, but have solved very little of importance to most people, and have created at least as many problems for them as they may have solved." In a similar way, self driving vehicles will endanger people needlessly, while filling the pockets of the technopolists at the expense of our safety. If the proponents of self driving vehicles build and maintain their own road system, let ‘em have at it. But keep them off of our public roads.
@n9wox 3 жыл бұрын
If they keep pushing for a higher minimum wage, then automation will eventually take some of those jobs and displace workers.
@nate7778 3 жыл бұрын
That's going to happen regardless, but the increased minimum wage would put that into hyperdrive.
@theyedmeister6981 3 жыл бұрын
@@nate7778 It is an incentive I'd rather keep in the ocean
@haroldb1856 3 жыл бұрын
Minimum wage is intended to destroy entrepreneurs, small businesses and a large part of the private sector. Only public sector and unionized jobs will be left, and this monopoly can be used to fight automation.
@CalamitousReign 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is that the government had to pass a law every time to raise the minimum wage. Every-time they do that is causes a shock to the system. My view is that minimum wage should rise with inflation so that the people making minimum wage doesn’t have their money get any less value.
@dylanc9145 3 жыл бұрын
@@haroldb1856 so if Amazon undercuts local prices and drives small business owners out of town that's just the law of the jungle? But if we increase the minimum wage so people have more money to spend on local business and increase the purchase of local goods and services from small business, that's bad?
@TheMichaelMove 3 жыл бұрын
Airplane manufacturers have to train the dolts at the FAA in how to regulate them. Boy do I feel safer. The FAA, along with most regulatory agencies, should be abolished.
@doncooper6163 3 жыл бұрын
It's the revolving door.
@TheMichaelMove 3 жыл бұрын
@@doncooper6163 Right! That makes former bureaucrats rich.
@gerardjohnson2106 3 жыл бұрын
You should feel safer. What do you think the "desk jockeys" at the FAA know about airplanes? If left totally to Government Bureaucracy there'd be no airplanes or cars or trucks or anything worth anything. Government produces nothing but more Government. Left to Government we'd all still be traveling by foot, horse and canoe. We'd still be hunter gather's and living hand to mouth. Ronald Reagan said the scariest thing you may ever hear is "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you."
@TheMichaelMove 3 жыл бұрын
@@gerardjohnson2106 My point is the FAA should be abolished.
@gerardjohnson2106 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheMichaelMove : Thanks for the clarification. I absolutely agree. 99% of United States Bureaucracy should be abolished. They are useless as boar teats.
@demnadamnn4001 3 жыл бұрын
Here from ex Soviet country I wish i was born in capitalist west.
@mcephas6982 3 жыл бұрын
Just give it time. I'm pretty sure a lot of Americans will be saying in the future: "I wish I was born in Russia".
@hamosin5993 3 жыл бұрын
@@mcephas6982 Maybe if Russia had capitalism not crony capitalism
@mcephas6982 3 жыл бұрын
@@hamosin5993 Exactly what do you think America has right now?
@hamosin5993 3 жыл бұрын
@@mcephas6982 It's going towards crony capitalism which is bad but Russia has more extreme form of crony capitalism
@WaterZer0 3 жыл бұрын
Equating being an "ex soviet country" with socialism is beyond stupid. You experience the results of a concentrated effort to destroy the USSR and nothing else. You're doing exactly what the people who fought to make your life the miserable existence it is now want you to do. Or you're just an angry American lying online for likes.
@456MrPeople Жыл бұрын
I like how this video talks about the Robber Baron era without discussing the Pinkertons and the fights workers had to unionize and the monopolies that existed.
@franfranfrancis Жыл бұрын
Don't forget police crackdowns on organizers and strikers
@mark7166 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't it logical, and in fact, moral, that he who risks the most should benefit the most if the risk pays off?
@firehunters123 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly ! Stupid socialists believe that the workers should get their 'fair' share of profits , even through have invested nothing and bear no risk.
@ckmoore101 3 жыл бұрын
@@firehunters123 I saw some brain dead socialist, with a straight face, believe what she was saying, say that they do bear risk. The risk of losing their job. You just can't even start a conversation, when the one half of it, is so stupid.
@nocturnal101ravenous6 3 жыл бұрын
No..moron "Ambition bites the nails of success" Risk does not = entitlement, gambling is still gambling by your logic a guy who risks every penny he has that doesn't make 30k a year should be rewarded more than a billionaire that doesn't risk everything, but instead uses his brains to eliminate or reduce risks in a smart way. Risk and effort are entirely 2 separate things, which is why the stock market as a whole is a complete sham. Stupidity shouldn't pay off.
@mark7166 3 жыл бұрын
@@nocturnal101ravenous6 What the fuck are you on about? The business owner is the most at risk, regardless of whether it's a mom 'n' pop shop, or a multi-billion dollar corporation. It is only natural that the owner will reap the greater share of the rewards than the workers will, as they risk little to nothing, depending on the arrangement. Of course the mom 'n' pop is not going to be rewarded more than the corporation. What kind of moron would draw those conclusions? It's obviously going to be proportional to the profits of the company. Jesus... go back to school. Actually don't. That's probably where you learned this horseshit.
@kvm1992 3 жыл бұрын
No it's not logical, it's impractical. Every undertaking should be for the benefit of the whole society not selfish for selfish gains. Everyone's time on Earth is only limited. Assets and Resources should be allocated fairly not harshly. The fact that we as a society are still having talks about who should benefit the most, the haves vs haves not proves we are not changing but stay stuck with a limited primitive mindset of survival of the fittest. Soon or later everyone will die. The dead can't claim possessions so it's quite useless to dictate who gets what when it should be for the all. Yes some things are finite than other things but governments must regulate those things while every walk of life has access to the abundance. There is enough to go around for everyone we just got to manage properly and capitalism sure not helping with just that.
@tombarrett7797 3 жыл бұрын
Your reports are informative and professional John. That is why I support you with donations. A free apolitical voice is worth more to society than all of those corporate media outlets combined. Keep doing what you are doing. If you can afford it, try to bring in some apprentice reporters to help and carry on the tradition.
@walfdeshon7951 3 жыл бұрын
I am a tile, wood flooring installer. Bring it on robot.
@brkbtjunkie 3 жыл бұрын
Have you seen the 3D printed houses?
@MassageWithKlay 3 жыл бұрын
@@brkbtjunkie have you seen a house restoration ?? a 3d printed house, is merely the walls and foundation, there still needs to be plumbers, electricians, 2nd fix, 3rd fix people to finish it off, otherwise you'll just end with a shell that the wind blows through.
@FinnaRealtawk2323 3 жыл бұрын
You don’t think truck drivers were saying that in the 60’s? "Come take my job, robots. I drive a tractor trailer. Good luck". Just 60 years later. Now what? Your job is probably easier to replace right now with robot technology, than it is for them to self drive trucks across the country. Your job is based on repetition. That’s what robots were built for. You millennials kill me.
@charlieodom9107 3 жыл бұрын
Robots are more than capable of installing flooring!!! That is such as easy 2 dimensional task!
@christianlibertarian5488 3 жыл бұрын
I am pretty sure they can design a robot to take over the "field" portion of laying tile or floor. You'd buy it, and double your productivity.
@Matthew-ql1xl 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you John! I feel like you are one of the only media figures left that stands on fundamental principles. When people like tucker want government to control private business, you are there to be a voice of reason. Thanks you!
@colddeadhand7414 2 жыл бұрын
I had one of the guys I work with made the comment of "We need to eat the rich and get rid of rich people ." My reply was simple: Have you ever worked for a poor person?
@thomasbyrne1389 3 жыл бұрын
Stossel, I love hearing your opinions on the important challenges we face in society, but can you please make longer versions or add more content. Maybe put up the full interviews you do with the guests of your show or throw up some links to the studies you analyze.
@hoosierdaddy2308 3 жыл бұрын
These are great and should be taught in colleges instead if the steady diet of marxism.
@bludeuce3855 3 жыл бұрын
ik im hoping one day someone created a assassin organization that targets Leftists and Marxists if they target a Marxist professor then id gladly support them
@WaterZer0 3 жыл бұрын
you've never been to college if you think they're teaching Marxism
@bludeuce3855 3 жыл бұрын
@@WaterZer0 they are my sister was brainwashed by one Marxist professor in UTSA
@WaterZer0 3 жыл бұрын
@@bludeuce3855 so she now has a library of "evil Marxist literature", right?
@bludeuce3855 3 жыл бұрын
@@WaterZer0 no but she shows signs of being a Marxist
@god5595 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks John, you are doing the world a huge favour & making it a better place by stepping up as the situation dictates it.
@jb8408 3 жыл бұрын
I used to work a job that has regulations and prices designated by the government. It was horrid, I got a 2% raise each year and had to do a bunch of pointless tasks and reports to meet rules. No future. Now I work at a tech company, make much more, Last year I got a 15% raise, no one tells me what to do or how to do it… I get free snacks and swag from the company, and they buy lunches all the time (every day this month because we’re finally back in office). It’s 1000x better. Capitalism incentivizes work places to make their businesses better for the workers, way more than government regulations.
@interceptorm5 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like sci-fi to me and your avatar shows the true story.
@jb8408 3 жыл бұрын
@@interceptorm5 completely true story. But software companies are a bit different I think. People should learn to code or become analysts. I even can work from home if I want, but why would I pass up the free snacks and coffee?
@WaterZer0 3 жыл бұрын
Capitalism incentivizes monopolies and zero competition you dolt. You must live in some alternate reality because everything is monopolized or near it in the US.
@VVershCSIV 2 жыл бұрын
Actually they did force everyone to use their oil because they made the alternatives like ethanol and electric unavailable. We'd have spent the last 100 years developing those technologies instead of drumming forward with oil.
@glennwatson3313 Жыл бұрын
I teach high school economics. If I show this to my class I will probably get in trouble. I will do it anyway.
@roughwoof 3 жыл бұрын
*What jobs did self checkout registers creat? It took 10 employees away and created a new job for 3 people*
@neovenom9833 3 жыл бұрын
Problem is that some people want to blame capitalism for their own bad (financial) choices. Is it perfect? No, but notice that the excesses of capitalism and government corruption are in a tight relationship with each other. Take the capitalism part out of it, and you ar left with "excessive government corruption".
@MassageWithKlay 3 жыл бұрын
If people just understood that everything is contract, then there would be far better choices made. But sadly it's due to excessive government intervention that you end up with a population who make bad choices.
@fatguy6153 3 жыл бұрын
Government corruption is capitalism. When individuals have more capital than even the leaders of countries, is it any wonder why corruption happens. If you would have even attempted to read any anti-capitalist arguments from either the left or right you would know this by now.
@MassageWithKlay 3 жыл бұрын
@@fatguy6153 lmao .. yeah it's not like there is any government corruption in communist or socialist countries. If you think that, then you're not seeing a whole picture. The problem isn't capitalism, it's monopolies, which are meant to be illegal, it's also people thinking that buying cheap stuff is a good idea. Have you ever actually looked at the quality of a car from a communist country. They are not good. They are completely unsafe. I bet that when you wrote this comment you did so on either one of the thousands of different phones or maybe a computer which has some of the latest parts. This doesn't happen without capitalism. If you think that every single capitalist has the wealth of a country, then you're definitely in for a surprise. Most people who run business's in capitalist countries have enough to do well, while others don't have enough left over to pay themselves as well as they pay their employees. But that is the game. You'll find that the later is usually the case with most business's that start up. But then again, with your comment, I'm sure that you've been well educated in an institution, which hasn't taught you the most simple basics of deductive reasoning.
@danielweiland3300 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been watching you since the 20/20 days and you were always the most real journalist back in the day and even more so now. I love your content and look forward to your videos!!!
@zhugeliang777 Жыл бұрын
Nobody likes to pay by themselves at a touchscreen station. That isn't progress that's devolution, and someone somewhere without a soul got greedy.
@spannerturnerMWO 2 жыл бұрын
I love the "robots are going to take your job away" line. I work with robots (repair, install, maintain, program, teach, etc.) and in my industry, (scientific research) they create more jobs and speed up research exponentially. A robot can cycle more plates than a human ever could. But what people fail to realize, is that frees up the scientist to spend more of their time utilizing those skills they went to college to learn (aka they spend more time analyzing the data, or designing new experiments.). The robots have taken over the menial tasks, allowing the scientist to use their brain to further the science.
@Notfound-pz2xu 3 жыл бұрын
Lesser government... Decrease their authority Be a Libertarian. 👍
@Vaelosh466 3 жыл бұрын
One thing with the automated trucks is that we'll probably have reliable automated trucks for highways before they are reliable enough to be completely automated off the highway, so you could have a system where trucks drive themselves to a station near the exit ramp and local truck drivers ride inside to monitor it to its local destinations. Drivers wouldn't have to travel all over the place and could go home to their families after their shift, but still would have jobs.
@theyedmeister6981 3 жыл бұрын
Essentially a plane pilot with more liberty to himself
@STho205 3 жыл бұрын
We used to have that. It was called rail and canal long distance travel, snd trucks delivered to short branches. The delivery was deemed too slow and there were national teamster strikes demanding more of the freight pie.... And now the Interstate are filled with a thousand mile long trains going thousands of miles.
@FinnaRealtawk2323 3 жыл бұрын
Cute idea, but you clearly don’t understand how large the US trucking industry is. You’d have to build a huge warehouse that can hold hundreds of drivers and hundreds of trucks, to make the transition from automated, to driven. Every city in the country would need these built next to their highway exits. Not a feasible option.
@haroldb1856 3 жыл бұрын
Intermodal freight uses containers moved long distances by ships and rail, and transferred to trucks for local delivery. Use the money spent on driverless trucks to improve the rail system and intermodal terminals.
@STho205 3 жыл бұрын
@@haroldb1856 and you face another national truckers strike like those in the 90s. If they can't have the long distance contracts they refuse as a body to settle only for the short delivery leg. These are the realities of conflicting owner associations, guilds and unions. Eventually the method is settled upon for 20 years and then a shakeup occurs again. How do you get your Ford? Rail then truck to dealer then you pick it up. How do you get your Tesla? Order it online, they build it, they then truck it to your home and hand it to you. Many Elon fans keep insisting that is better.
@tylermcflyer3061 3 жыл бұрын
People HATE how rich rich people are but they have no problem making politicians rich
@aestheticjedi1868 3 жыл бұрын
I can smell the champagne socialists getting ready to type in this thread
@tylermcflyer3061 3 жыл бұрын
@@aestheticjedi1868 I can’t wait
@origin2211 2 жыл бұрын
Cleaner air, cleaner water, better food, smarter kids, more free time, more luxury, lower prices...
@gregoryforstner9213 3 жыл бұрын
It always amazes me to see the that "xx" (represents the number of unlikes, at this moment in time there are 127 people) that someone watched the video just to unlike it. If I don't like something, I don't waste my time clicking unlike, I just hit the "youtube" video to find something else to watch. Someone either has too much time on their hands are are trying to drive down the distribution of Mr. Stossel's videos. Mr. Stossel, I love your videos and keep up the good work!
@roughwoof 3 жыл бұрын
*Remember when grocery stores had more than one cash register open? Now it's a long line or cash yourself out.*
@ericbodin5909 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you John for giving us this information about Capitalism and Socialism. There are so many young people in this country that have been indoctrinated and believe that Socialism is the best way to go is really concerning to me.
@rushikeshwagh1494 3 жыл бұрын
This should be taught in school
@detah1 3 жыл бұрын
Does the government have an interest in NOT putting basic economics in government-run public schools' curriculums?
@GeoRyukaiser Жыл бұрын
I'm not on board with the 'OSHA isn't needed' part. Companies are FAR too willing to cut corners on common sense safety practices to just allow the free market to deal with it. Heres my compromise idea: OSHA enforces only basic, common sense regulations. If a company exceeds those regulations then they can get tax breaks.
@recoveringnewyorker2243 3 жыл бұрын
Robots are taking our jobs? My brother HATED toll passes. “IT TAKES JOBS FROM TOLL TAKERS!” I told my brother “Y’Know , i’ll bet back in 1920 some guy was sitting in his kitchen unemployed wondering what he was going to do with the rest of his life saying ‘ are used to have a pretty good job shoveling up after the horses! Then those stupid horseless carriage is came along and took my job!’ “ I then asked my brother if we should go back to riding horses so that people could have jobs shoveling up after them. He got extremely angry and asked me (I’m a retired auto mechanic) “What if they made a machine that fixes cars?!“ I simply replied “ I’d get a job fixing that machine.“
@itchyisvegeta 3 жыл бұрын
I hate tractors because they take away jobs from people with shovels
@TheOtherJay 3 жыл бұрын
When it comes to capitalism, once someone has more money than the other person it seems to breed jealousy. Not about capitalism. It’s aimed towards that person who has the money. What opponents of capitalism have done is used that jealousy to fight it. And then those opponents become which somehow, and that right Bernie?!!🤔
@jackieblue787 3 жыл бұрын
Socialism breeds jealousy. The tiny pilgrim community of William Bradford proved as much. Socialism fails on a tiny scale, never mind a country of 350 million. It would, however, work GREAT if people weren't human. They are though.
@TheOtherJay 3 жыл бұрын
@@jackieblue787 I should have been more specific. You’re right. The jealousy I’m speaking of is the jealousy that comes from people who don’t get off their butts and do.
@jackieblue787 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheOtherJay Cheers. Have a noice day!
@TGuard00014 3 жыл бұрын
One thing that wasn’t mentioned is the jobs being created are often more difficult and complex than the jobs being lost-being a candlestick maker takes far less intelligence than being an electrician. As a society we need to figure out how to keep people whose jobs are eliminated but who cannot perform the newly created jobs as productive members in society. Some people just aren’t smart enough or capable of highly complex and technical jobs, the more complex society and technology becomes the more people will fall into this category.
@MassageWithKlay 3 жыл бұрын
exactly, how many python programmers were there 120 years ago ?? and now there are more programmers in america that know python than what there were machinists back then. It's all a matter of perspective, ultimately it would be much more beneficial to automate everything that we can, due to the fact that so many jobs these days aren't being filled, because people aren't willing to do the work. How many kids these days go "I want to be a lumberjack, or a garbage man", it's all I wanna be a youtuber, or a tik toker. This is why for years now, the entire world has been seeing a shortage of skilled and unskilled labor. It's not that the work isn't there, it's that people are being sold on useless college degree's which are just instilling them with debt, which with their qualifications don't allow them to pay it off. I'm still waiting for someone with a liberal arts degree that specialized in safe spaces to build an industry using that degree which supplies jobs for hundreds of thousands of people. The only ones who are making any money are the ones in academic roles, and even then, the money isn't that good anyways.
@nonmagicmike723 3 жыл бұрын
If the professions of "influencer" and "life coach" taught us anything, it's that there will always be new things for people of middle-range IQ to do. In rich societies, a lot of people will pay for anything lol.
@jamie6387 3 жыл бұрын
There is a huge shortage of people who work with their hands and in trades. If we can fix the broken school system that sells the idea that college is the only way to get ahead in life - we can address this issue.
@TGuard00014 3 жыл бұрын
@@nonmagicmike723 I’m not talking about people with middle range IQs, I’m talking about people with low IQs who used to be able to work as grocery baggers and ditch diggers…
@dafunkmonster 3 жыл бұрын
@@TGuard00014 Do we no longer bag groceries? Do we no longer dig ditches?
@AdmoreMethod 3 жыл бұрын
I’d LOVE to hear what the “thumbs-down” people didn’t like about the information in this video. Like… really. I’m not kidding. Let’s hear your argument.
@silasschramm 3 жыл бұрын
they want to have something to blame for their misery. they create an enemy to hate so they dont have to hate the man in the mirror
@qusayj8765 3 жыл бұрын
Capitalism is horrible and focuses the means of production in the hands of individuals as opposed to people
@rohantime5938 3 жыл бұрын
Hey. I have an argument. Basically, he made the really stupid point of how capitalism doesn’t exploit people or make people suffer. It does. He should go tell that to the 12 year old Congolese children mining materials for his recording equipment for 5 cents an hour.
@rohantime5938 3 жыл бұрын
Or the factories in China that have nets so the workers don’t kill themselves.
@mrnarason 3 жыл бұрын
Companies don't give a shit about the safety or health of workers since they are disposable and replaceable. Am I wrong?
@dr.bradshaw 3 жыл бұрын
Currently in line at Starbucks where their primary demographic probably hated capitalism yet they are paying top dollar for coffee that takes pennies to make, all while making the owners rich as can be. It’s truly laughable
@crimsonJerom 3 жыл бұрын
Unregulated capitalism isn't any better than communism. But with a two party system it is not possible to fairly and competently regulate. In a simplified form, its like having only two candidates for a position. You fire one to hire the other and repeat.
@th3element 3 жыл бұрын
We're not buying ____ unless it's more valuable than the dollars in our pocket. Boom.
@gerardomartinez9992 3 жыл бұрын
We have socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor. As a matter of fact, we probably are on a trajectory towards a two tier society. Isn’t it funny how all the billionaires got more wealthy during the “pandemic” and middle class American went broke.
@christianlibertarian5488 3 жыл бұрын
Didn't happen. Billionaires got wealthier, middle class got wealthier.
@believingintheblood8540 3 жыл бұрын
It’s almost like the government destroying the economy has an impact
@stallonegodinho6296 3 жыл бұрын
@@christianlibertarian5488 yes middle class has got wealthier. But socialism hurts the middle class and the poor as the rich people are smart enough to use loopholes to not pay taxes.
@christianlibertarian5488 3 жыл бұрын
@@AncientTruthSeeker Devaluing the dollar is a tax on capital. That is, the billionaires lost. At the same time, the average American saw the paper value of his property increase. The little guy wins. Net, not much change.
@christianlibertarian5488 3 жыл бұрын
@@stallonegodinho6296 Absolutely.
@Funtimes670 3 жыл бұрын
As a conservative capitalist I love the free market. Sadly the market isn’t free. Try creating a business that competes with Amazon, and find out that Amazon has the power to limit your views, then they team up with social media and Google to limit who can find you. That’s what the Rockefeller’s did, you either sold out to them or were crushed by their friends and politicians the bought to limit competition. I wish John would be more honest about this, but I suppose he knows his limits.
@ViceCitizen 2 жыл бұрын
That sounds like what happened to Parler.
@ricksomething 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not worried about driverless trucks taking my job because as soon as 40 ton trucks start killing your family because of a glitch in the software, they'll be banned. Also, there's more to trucking than driving straight on a sunny day. Do you really trust computers with your life? Would you fly in a plane with no pilot?
@BB-cf9gx 3 жыл бұрын
When I was a kid in the 60s a telephone call was $5.00 per minute. The telephone companies said deregulation would cause rates to sky rocket. But now may daughter calls me from Africa on WhatsApp on the free coffee shop internet.
@frogger1952 3 жыл бұрын
So many people alive today don't remember that you had to wait a week to get a phone installed, be charged extra if you wanted an unlisted number, had no choice of long distance carriers. I now pay $20/m and can call from anywhere in the US and talk to anyone in the US for as long as I want all thanks to deregulation and capitalism.
@nikburton9264 3 жыл бұрын
I always ask the radical anti-capitolists "Why would they want a bunch of poor people who can't afford to buy their stuff?" Capitalists NEED the rank and file to prosper.
@BR0DUDEMAN 3 жыл бұрын
Most of what I stossel says I agree with, but sometimes he comes off as a shill for corporations, who are actively trying to ruin this country. Mainly the big tech companies.
@zacharyherfkens7902 3 жыл бұрын
I often get that too, but I think it's just a result of applying his believes to their logical conclusions. We really shouldn't be regulating the big tech corporate monopolies because they're only monopolies in the first place because of those regulations. I feel like he just wants them to be held accountable to the people instead of the cronies in congress.
@mumbles215 3 жыл бұрын
It’s the Free Market System. “Capitalism” is a pinko word, it is an “ism”, and it connotes negativity
@COVID...19 3 жыл бұрын
I agree but a word is a word. I don't care how people "feel" about it. That is their business.
@AndrooUK 3 жыл бұрын
@@COVID...19 Feelings over facts... apparently. 😅
@johncole2744 3 жыл бұрын
You are exactly correct.
@Dragondezznuts 3 жыл бұрын
People out there actually think the government should be more involved 🤦🏻‍♂️
@fuzz428 3 жыл бұрын
I always loved it when someone would ask the youth, "who should monitor/enforce these 'rules"? and they woudl say, the gov't. Well do you trust the gov't? They would say no 90% of the time. The reply would be, then why would you want them to if you don't trust them?
@johnhogue9402 3 жыл бұрын
It’s always amazing to me that so many people share the sentiment that the government is incompetent and corrupt, but say that the government should do more of x, y, and z (fill in the variables with whatever you want).
@AndrooUK 3 жыл бұрын
Well, it depends what people think the Government should be more involved in... Anti-monopoly regulation? Anti-pollution (real pollution and not fake pollution like CO2) regulation? Government isn't useless, but it is misused.
@johnhogue9402 3 жыл бұрын
@@AndrooUK indeed. Government isn’t useless, but they get involved in all types of things that the government can’t do effectively so that politicians can get re-elected.
@gorgoroth-hh1pb 3 жыл бұрын
If the goverment kept their hands off completely Then what is the point of a state? A country? Should we become stateless?
@chrisdotdash5154 3 жыл бұрын
Love the video! I actually wouldn't mind to have longer videos, I always enjoy watching your content!
@asif9t9 Жыл бұрын
One thing not mentioned is ho capitalism leads to globalism. Send the lame jobs overseas. Then we become dependent on other countries. And then due to geopolitics, that could lead to unintended consequences.
@briancox7875 3 жыл бұрын
I'm all in favor on any new technology that replaces the following: politicians, mainstream media, social media, big tech, Hollywood and multi-billionaires.
@charlieodom9107 3 жыл бұрын
Brian Cox...exactly how many of those things you hate do you patronize every single day? For example, you are on KZbin saying you hate KZbin! You probably pay money for some form of television service, whether that be Netflix, Hulu, Cable company, etc. You also most likely have a smart phone, Amazon Prime account, drive a newer vehicle, buy clothes at a national store chain, buy gas at a national store chain, use products like toilet paper made at a fortune 500 company, etc. The list is endless of the number of rich people you support on a daily basis, only to come to one of those rich people's social media site to say how much you hate rich people!!!! You are an ignorant fucking hypocrite, so shut the fuck up and go live in the God damn woods!
@briancox7875 3 жыл бұрын
@@charlieodom9107 I'm not sure which is worse, your lack of critical thinking or your attempt at being an internet tough guy. Thanks for the laugh, goofball.
@skyflier8955 3 жыл бұрын
“Robots will take jobs” Okay, but who is going to make all of the robots they’ll need to replace the millions of workers?
@gibbyjones1040 3 жыл бұрын
other robots - that's their goal - to replace most humans with technology
@BigRodd91 3 жыл бұрын
I will, because I want a robot. Since I want a robot I will do what's necessary like creating my own instead of expecting someone else to create one for me.
@freedomring4813 3 жыл бұрын
@ErikCB912 3 жыл бұрын
@@gibbyjones1040 oh my goodness! Shut me down! Machines making machines. How perverse.
@theotherguy6951 2 ай бұрын
If robots did take every single job literally, including the jobs of designing, manufacturing, and maintaining the robots themselves, there wouldn’t even be jobs for robots to begin with because every single human is out of work and can’t afford anything that the robots make. Unless, everything is free, at which point humans would never have to work again because robots will do and provide everything for them.
@HipsterBlackMetalOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Lefties call working under capitalist companies... bootlicking lmfao
@Thesupperals 3 жыл бұрын
As an electrical engineer who makes a living through programming, I can tell you right now that since the existence of a programmable logic controller (1968) we could have already replaced every single labor intensive job that currently exists. Do you know what we did instead? We made tools to help the people do the job better and or even more efficiently which sparked a faster future and better quality. Heck! No one seems to care that your cash register did the math or that your stove no can turn off when set by a timer or even how a power tool can perform a job that would take months and finish in a couple hours. Technology has heavily expanded capitalism and the same can be said in reverse. The less of either we have, the less our life will become.
@jdtreharne 3 жыл бұрын
"If we don't stop progress how will anybody have jobs?" Classic! I gotta remember that one.
@euphoricbliss6699 3 жыл бұрын
Keep em coming John, the commies need to be re-educated to reality
@robertgallagher7734 3 жыл бұрын
Resource extraction, whether it is mining, forrestry, fishing, etc. does need oversight so that those industries will have a future. Short sighted decision making can destroy the future of an industry. The most current example that comes to mind is fishing, especially by the Chinese state (CCP) owned fleets around the globe invading other nations territorial waters. Admittedly, not capitalist, but with a similar mindset about natural resources in the USA over a century ago.
@saxonsoldier67 3 жыл бұрын
John Stossel is a National Treasure.
@MrAsianman987 3 жыл бұрын
John Stossei the voice of reason and truth out here.
@trolllo9729 3 жыл бұрын
John you are an inspiration for the next generation of journalists.
@CoolStuffDad 3 жыл бұрын
Love these educational bits - more of this , John!
@10PCT_Humidity 3 жыл бұрын
Damn good video!!!! Love your content man, just as good now as it’s ever been
@troyhenry6111 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like people that don't like capitalism, are the ones who don't really think about it and just listen to what others say.
@MassageWithKlay 3 жыл бұрын
very true, those who aren't willing to do anything to educate themselves, but instead accept what others feed them
@FinnaRealtawk2323 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t like capitalism. Because I have an understanding of how bad it is, compared to how good it is. I’m able to tell you good things and also bad things. Most of you pro-capitalists refuse to acknowledge anything negative about capitalism. You also think you’re smarter and better than those that are not pro-capitalism. Just read your comment and the other clown in this thread. You’re both enjoying the smell of your own farts. You should sit down and debate someone that’s actually able to acknowledge the pros and CONS of capitalism. I’d love to see you get educated on the subject.
@FinnaRealtawk2323 3 жыл бұрын
@@MassageWithKlay Seems you’ve done a lot of research, according to your comment. So tell me, are there any negatives to capitalism, and if so, what are they?
@yorkshiremgtow1773 3 жыл бұрын
@@FinnaRealtawk2323 Which system has proven to be better than Capitalism, for the wellbeing of the ordinary people, when compared to a similar Capitalist economy?
@haroldb1856 3 жыл бұрын
Schools and the media always exaggerate the supposed problems of capitalism, but ignore the fact that there are no good alternatives.
@egmusic1925 3 жыл бұрын
There is a bit in an emplemon video that talks about how the invention of ATMs didn't get rid of bank tellers but instead helped them grow - same is true for the “robots will replace you” idea
@juancortes8690 3 жыл бұрын
Great video Stossel, absolutely entertaining and informative, learned a lot about questions I could not answer before!
@trestlew 3 жыл бұрын
You would think this stuff is common sense…🤦🏻‍♂️
@MassageWithKlay 3 жыл бұрын
but then people went to college
@rustym.shackelford5546 3 жыл бұрын
Well technically there is no such thing as "common sense" since it denotes the possibility of shared experience - most people don't share experiences w/ others very much. Just saying.
@kingwr12 3 жыл бұрын
Dan Mitchell sounds like an intelligent economist, but I just can't take him seriously because his arguments are belied by the Georgia football helmet on the shelf behind him (Go Jackets!) :)
@CivilDefenseEngineer 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think Tucker Carlson is against capitalism... his gripe is probably more specific.
@vic8695 3 жыл бұрын
He isn't against capitalism, he is nationalist-capitalist. HE believes in the "Buy american- hire american" mantra, he is against outsourcing jobs and production to China.
@marsandbars 3 жыл бұрын
He's pro-regulation at the very least. Republican or Democrat, they all love they government they work at.
@Jojo_clowning 3 жыл бұрын
He is against capitalism.
@marsandbars 3 жыл бұрын
@@HimmelsDaemon Do we really need that much context? Sounds like you're partial to Tucker and hate to see him featured. It doesn't really matter what the regulation is for, now does it? Being pro-regulation with such passion is only deserved for the absolute worst of atrocities, and I don't think a robot driving a truck is anything of even remote concern.
@counterfeit1148 3 жыл бұрын
@@marsandbars Except if you're against technology like the unabomber
@timpeterson3131 3 жыл бұрын
I vote every 2 years at the polls. I vote almost every day with my wallet (like Milton Friedman pointed out). I have the liberty to choose to spend my money on those products that not only are best for my budget, but also satisfy my conscience. If I don't like a particular provider's morals or methods, I often choose a different company's product. That too is capitalism. Thanks John for seeking truth.
@TheoTungsten 3 жыл бұрын
Congrats on reaching almost 600k subs, John!
@ruizisrael 3 жыл бұрын
Stossel is my stupidness vaccine
@usada3027 3 жыл бұрын
ok socialist
@FebbieG 3 жыл бұрын
@@usada3027 I'm pretty sure this person means that Stossel helps protect from stupidity.
@nate7778 3 жыл бұрын
@@usada3027 Haha. The irony....
@aldonapolitano5979 3 жыл бұрын
If there's one thing I don't need, it's the mighty council of "they" deciding what's good for me.
@mcephas6982 3 жыл бұрын
They defended "them" in the video. Rockefeller, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos and the like, all think they know what's good for the world. It's not just politicians, but who owns them.
@gorgoroth-hh1pb 3 жыл бұрын
So no goverment and a stateless society? Isn't that communism???
@aldonapolitano5979 3 жыл бұрын
@@gorgoroth-hh1pb I think you're being sincere so: Communism, among other things, requires a massive imposition of government control; big government overseeing every phase of day to day life. Communist governments are very aware of their statehood. What makes a nazzi (German socialist party) hate the communist state, the U.S.S.R. when there is no practical difference between the two? For Hitler and Stalin it was, among other things, their sense of statehood.
@gorgoroth-hh1pb 3 жыл бұрын
@@aldonapolitano5979 That's Totalitarianism not Communism Communism is stateless, cashless utopian society Inherently unrealistic But the extreme desire for the goverment to stay out of the way means its heading to the same direction as communism
@aldonapolitano5979 3 жыл бұрын
@@gorgoroth-hh1pb I'm not sure where you're going with this but: My first statement, to which you apparently felt the need to reply was that I didn't need for the the mighty council of "they", as in "well, you know what 'they' say" deciding what's good for me. From that statement you assumed 3 things: 1) I was advocating a stateless society, which I did and do not. 2) I was advocating communism. I am not! I am an American patriot, nationalist, peace and freedom loving, Constitution advocating, somewhere to the right of Rush, Donald and Mark Lavin conservative in the vein of Barry Goldwater and (moment of silence)Ronald Reagan lover of the USA. 3) Communism is a stateless cashless society. It's not: Comune-ism is the state ownership of all businesses and has never resulted in a stateless society. The 2 are mutually exclusive. The Marx/Engels ideal never prescribed a procedure for implantation, but even the ideal stated a required suppression of democratic rights. Communist China has currency. The Soviet union had currency. Their paper money even had nifty pix of Lenin. Both governments are by necessity, intrusive. Both are, by world standards communist. However one looks at it, this translates to a massive imposition of government control, (totalitarianism)which is what I had stated. Be careful with the "extreme" word. One might think that you're making me out to be something other than the things I have aforementioned. I do have a desire for the government to stay out of the way, but adhere to the Jeffersonian belief, "That government is best which governs least". In light of history, even the Libertarian variants do not head in the same direction as communism. Quite the contrary. As has been pointed out, the communist governments of the world employ massive intrusions into private life and are nothing like the conservative ideal. Communist governments exercise strict controls. Totalitarianism has among its' tenets authoritarian centralized control over its' citizens, oft used examples of which are Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, the People's republic of China and the North Korean Kim dynasty. All of which were/are self proclaimed socialist or communist regimes. Again: If there's one thing I don't need, it's the mighty council of "they" deciding what's good for me. Don't read too much into that, and remember that context is all important.
@jameschan4279 3 жыл бұрын
Love Stossel, but honestly I'm still not satisfied with his response to automation and outsourcing. Sure, our workforce will adapt over the course of decades and centuries, but those displaced manufacturing workers from the Rust Belt are still with us today. What do we do about them? Teach them to code?
@Reonnor 3 жыл бұрын
More like fewer government restrictions and regulations to make it easier for them to start their own business? Or teach them in schools about capitalism and catching the opportunities instead of being more dependent on the government?
@FinnaRealtawk2323 3 жыл бұрын
Anyone that thinks tanking the truck driving industry just so Bezos and Elon can make more billions, has no clue how life works. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch.
@nonmagicmike723 3 жыл бұрын
The ever-declining unemployment numbers before the pandemic suggest that most people do end up finding new jobs eventually. There are other jobs besides coding and tech. Right now, we have seven million unfilled jobs across the country. And if they feel too old to learn something new, then maybe early retirement is answer for some of them. And if nothing else works for that minority who can't find anything to do, well, that's why we have safety-net programs.
@FinnaRealtawk2323 3 жыл бұрын
@@Reonnor That’s a large window there. Either own your own business, or you’re living off the government? I don’t own a business. Nor do I collect any govt assistance. Come up with a better analogy.
@Reonnor 3 жыл бұрын
@@FinnaRealtawk2323 Geez, are you really that simple? Of course, I can explain EVERYTHING, but the post will be long as hell. Your own business was meant to put yourself on your own legs - own business, some new skills to better find a new job, or anything else useful ...
@devonmarr9872 3 жыл бұрын
The issue isn't capitalism. The problem is lobbyist and government bailed out banks, hedge funds, naked short selling, etc. None of these actions should exist in a capitalist society
@catiex8826 3 жыл бұрын
hedge funds would have to exist in a free capitalist society, youre saying that a person cant invest their money? the only problem with hedge funds is again the GOVERNMENT restriction that you have to be moderately rich to be able to invest in these things, leaving the average person to just give their money to some dumbass mutual fund and stay poorer
@devonmarr9872 3 жыл бұрын
@@catiex8826 The bailouts, lobbyist corruption in how they can essentially legalize the creation of counterfeit shares, no oversight of the derivatives market. Hedge funds can of coarse still exist but they are allowed to do so many things that if you or I did with cash would be in prison for life and lose all money gained.
@catiex8826 3 жыл бұрын
@@devonmarr9872 yeah i agree, HF and banks get bailouts with literally no repercussions, in some sense i can understand it because its a global financial battlefield and you dont want your sovereign fin institutions to disappear, but the people in charge should at least be held accountable
@devonmarr9872 3 жыл бұрын
@@catiex8826 I say liquidate them and sell off there assets to their competition who didn't fail. That's real capitalism.
@wtfserpico 3 жыл бұрын
The biggest 'issue' with capitalism is that it removes perspective. For example: People in the United States have it SO easy that they can be duped with next to zero effort by people telling them that they have it rough, simply because they've never actually had it rough.
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