Cardcaptor Sakura VS. Cardcaptors- Episode 57

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Kendall Paul

Kendall Paul

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this is random. I was watching CCS Vs. CC videos and thought about this part. Since the SXSness was cut from the US Version, "Cardcaptors" after the elevator scene Li Showran got a phone call from his mother. In the original japanese version, "Cardcaptor Sakura" Sakura calls Shaoran and thanks him and asks him if she can call him "Syaoran-kun" because he called her "Sakura" after she fell in the elevator. I thought the scene in japanese was a very kawaii SXS moment because calling each other by their first names would mean that they are close, which they are. In "Cardcaptors" i do think that the phone call with Li's Oka-sama, Yelan was kawaii too because being nice and comilpenting Syaoran in either series is shocking lol. Wait, does Yelan Li have a name in "Cardcaptors"? :S Anyway, hope you enjoy this comparison.
Anime: Cardcaptor Sakura/Cardcaptors Episode 57

Пікірлер: 101
@librahoshino6752 4 жыл бұрын
That life changing moment when you are on a first name basis with your crush.
@m.u2058 7 жыл бұрын
I watched the Spanish Latino version and they kept the Sakura & Shaoran's conversation... Thank you 👏
@lemonace6695 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah. This was the only anime in Brazil that they didn't pick for US so the portuguese version and the latino Spanish are pretty similar (even the voice actors have similar voices) and they don't change it here neither.
@02JASP 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, fortunately LATAM had the uncut version keeping all of the scenes and dialogues. Just the first movie wasn't dubbed. 🤷‍♂️
@rheah8642 8 жыл бұрын
I watched the dub version of Cardcaptors first like Yugioh, and didn't seem to understand why people hated them. Then I watched the original Japanese versions.... Now I know why. Wow. Both official dubbed versions of said shows are downright horrendous.
@Kristinemay29 12 жыл бұрын
waitt.. they took out the romance between li and sakura?? O.o i was considering watching the english version, but now i feel like it will make me depressed if i watch it without those twos' cuteness.
@SummerNekole 10 жыл бұрын
I can see why they changed this conversation for the westernised version to be fair. I've just finished re-watching the American dubbed version of Cardcaptors and as much as I love CC it killed my soul so see all of the cuts they did, they even cut out scenes that had been on the tapes (English)
@SANGOKARI64 15 жыл бұрын
haha, sorry, it's because this scene is after "the elevator scene" when sakura fell and instead of calling her "kinomoto" he called her "sakura"
@richardancog7520 10 жыл бұрын
the eng version really sucks
@SergiDanger 12 жыл бұрын
Its easy to understand why they had to change it. If you played this to us as little kids we would all be like "Wtf why is using their first names such a big deal?" it would have just confused us.
@shireenrazak7160 5 жыл бұрын
Bit you know they hugged, so maybe it could be related.
@lemonace6695 5 жыл бұрын
They didn't change nothing on Brazil. At this point they only called each other for the surnames even it don't being normal here so the childrem conected that it must be a big deal for them. Kids aren't stupid. Of course when I saw for the first time as an 8 years old I didn't really got why it as such a bit deal but was cleary important to them and I saw it.
@lemonace6695 5 жыл бұрын
The brazilian dub only changes were things like make a portuguese love song for the opnenigs so kids could sing together with the op, take the honorifics out and some mispronunciations (for example they changed the tonic sylabe from the Sa for the Ku on Sakura) but on general it was pretty similar.
@kandysongbird 10 жыл бұрын
WTF in the English dub they change the whole conversation. Plus in the Japanese one Syaoraun's mum only appears in the first movie.
@LighteningXT9 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah the english version changed the entire plot line when Syaroan started having feelings for her. They try to cut that out. I don't know why. I thought Card captors came on toonami which could have cursing and all "adult theme" stuff. But Syaroan having feelings for Sakura isn't very explicit. The only thing I can see why the American dub changed it was that Syaoran is related to Clow and Sakura is the daughter of Clow's reincarnation. So I guess they are related some how but it's so confusing I could never get it so I don't think kids would make the connection that Syaoran is crushing over his "relative." But it does make it more confusing when Sakura is Japanese and Syaoran is Chinese.
@kandysongbird 10 жыл бұрын
Even so they only mention that Sakura is the daughter of Clow's reincarnation in the manga. It isn't mentioned once in the anime.
@Ncholasbloom 9 жыл бұрын
kandy songbird yup but in the manga she falls during the final judgement
@sanchalikasalvi2020 6 жыл бұрын
Even in Indian language they did the same
@umbrellaunderdog 6 жыл бұрын
Yep ruined the romance... :/ also Xiaolang* Not "Syaoran"
@anyablaze7956 7 жыл бұрын
so in america its a slightly awkward phone call between mother and son and in japan its a very sweet phone call between sakura and syaoran god flamit america
@Rikku147 11 жыл бұрын
I know this comment is five months old, but I don't care. I saw the Spanish dubbed version growing up in Ecuador, and not one thing was cut out. I had no trouble understanding what was happening, even as an eight year old who knew almost nothing about Japanese culture. Don't underestimate kids.
@charlesneal1774 Жыл бұрын
FFS, Just change it to Sakura asking Li if they can hang out more often. You keep the change of intimacy while making cultural sense for a western (or any) audience.
@lunestaa 14 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU. I've been waiting FOREVER for someone to post something like this, because the English Dub just makes my blood boil. You, my dear, are awesome.
@MattDeRac 10 жыл бұрын
Cardcaptor Sakura >>> Cardcaptors
@WinxC1ubAMVs 13 жыл бұрын
See, this is why companies who make shows for Toon Disney shouldn't dub anime
@LighteningXT9 10 жыл бұрын
You know what? That's what I hate about earily 2000s anime English dubs. They change the whole story to make is PG for kids when they can watch a Powerpuff girl episode (which you don't need to watch in order to understand the plot) can only focus on a big chested woman's body and have a bunch of sexual innuendo jokes that get past the censors but an anime that actually has a plot line and complex story must be watered down for those supposed "dumb" American kids. And alot of anime dubs try to make their dubs set in America by changing names and getting rid of anything Japanese cultured in the show. Like if a character is eating a pork bun the English dub would call it a donut or a muffin. WTF? Why is english dubs so anti-Japan?
@rorykwan8678 8 жыл бұрын
I feel that Cardcaptors is just one example of how the U.S. doesn't look outside of itself. They cut so much of it probably because they thought Japanese culture would be too difficult for Americans to understand. Original anime is a perfect opportunity to teach your kids about other cultures!
@bluemeanie81 13 жыл бұрын
ah, the original is the best, because it is so ROMANTIC ^_^ syaoran-kun looks so happy in the last scene
@StrawberrySurpise 13 жыл бұрын
Japanese version flows better and it fits better too!! It's an anime after all! Personally, I think all animes should stay in japanese; but with subtitles for all languages. Simply to keep things originaly the way they are planned. For example in the phone-call version with his mom, Li blushes randomly, but when talking to Sakura it makes sense. Also I think when the anime-makers pick the voices to play each character it sounds better the way they choose it, not the english way. Anyone agree?
@AkemiKae 15 жыл бұрын
Omg...that's so freakishly different. LOL. Thanks.
@icecreamroxkndnumber 13 жыл бұрын
ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I watched Card Captor Sakura Spanish version since I was little. I can't believe that the english version is this much different and so changed from the original! wow! I'm glad I know spanish :O
@MariaC97 13 жыл бұрын
ok, they changed everything!! part of shaoran's personality is because of the relationship with his mom, and his mom wouldn't say what his "mom" said.
@Khaltazar 8 жыл бұрын
In U.S.A. it is common to call even a stranger, who's name you only just heard, by their first name, very few times do people refer to each other by their last name. The only example I can come up with is a teacher or maybe a boss in a rare case (most people don't want you calling them by their last name). A kid watching this show wouldn't understand why they put emphasis on calling each other by their first name as that is commonplace for them. After watching anime for over half of my life, I start to blend the cultures together sometimes and feel different when I call people by their first name (such as my boss or boss's boss, etc.). I never watched the English dubbed version of this anime so I am only making assumptions here, but I'm guessing that he has called her "Sakura" the entire show, so to maintain consistency, they replaced that scene with a call from his mother because it would be weird for viewers to watch a phone call between the two talking about if they can use each other's given names.
@lemonace6695 5 жыл бұрын
Here in Brazil we call even the teachers for the first name and even like this they keeped it on the original way. Since the beginning Sakura and Shaoran called each other Kinomoto and Li. And yeah nobody got why it was that important but everyone linked both things and new it was. Kids aren't stupid. Also the phone call by itself maded even bigger, even now people don't text strangers or people that they don't have any kind of intimacy unles they have to and phone call were the same in the 90's. That could've being passed on the dub. Is not that hard.
@Lauren.R.R 7 жыл бұрын
Yea like everyone else, I saw the dubbed version on TV before seeing the subbed, never really knew why people didn't like it. Learned afterwards. When they recorded the show in english they left out a lot of stuff, like Yuki and Toya's relationship, Tomoyo's relationship to sakura and her mother etc. Like crucial points, most likely just at the time when is was recorded, this wasn't allowed to be shown on kids tv or whatever ( thankfully that's changed). And the phone conversation .... I forgot that it was soo different! Weird ....
@SailorMikuMoon 13 жыл бұрын
lol, he's all happy about what his "mother" just said? He smiling. The dubbers have to think things through, god!
@nana7fan 5 жыл бұрын
What's this mockery of the US version
@StrawberrySurpise 13 жыл бұрын
Plus this episode is one of my TOP favorites!!!!
@biancapiezas 15 жыл бұрын
and there is SO MANY cuts
@sam-pl7kv 9 жыл бұрын
Oh God.. The American adaptation of this anime is horrible!!! Sure the English Animax dub is still acceptable but the adaptation is horrible!! TwT)/!!!! Enduring the how many seconds of the American adaptation was torture since everything wasn't in line with the original plot of the story *sighs*
@sanchalikasalvi2020 6 жыл бұрын
This is what I saw..lolzzzz.. And after 10 yrs I got to know when I saw the Japanese sub...... 😂
@SANGOKARI64 15 жыл бұрын
no, li's mom called him, in "Cardcaptors" but, Sakura called Syaoran (Li) in "Cardcaptor Sakura"
@shortyisme 14 жыл бұрын
Its because in America we use first names with pretty much everyone we meet, but in Japan its culturally inappropriate to do that when speaking with classmates or acquaintances. If you use another's first name in Japan, its usually a sign of endearment or that the two of you are really close. It wouldn't have made sense to keep that conversation in the English version. Hope that helps (:
@StarlightStephanie 10 жыл бұрын
After I finished watching the original series online, and then watched just the first English episode. I say I am glad I don't remember the English one to well. (I watched the English one when it was on TV when I was about 6 or 7). The dubbing is bad, the cuts to the next scenes are bad, and even whole episodes. The original one had 70 episodes, the English one 39!!! Why cut out 31 episodes??? But at the same time I understand why they did it. 1. To appeal to there target audience ( young boys) 2. To not show that there was homosexual couples/ content. Still I hand that to be dumb.
@kutekat13j 13 жыл бұрын
Of course, to me, the Japanese version is much better!!! I watched all of the episodes , starting with dubs, but I love the subs ^D^
@adriangecko9147 12 жыл бұрын
Is it ok to like Cardcaptors instead?
@jameslevy8347 6 жыл бұрын
Are you interested in signing a petition for trying to get Sakura Avalon back? Fans asked me to make it because they understand that Sakura Avalon should have a dub for Cardcaptor Clear Card. Here is the link. Fans think its time for someone to make another dub that will have Sakura Avalon. If she does come back it will give the makers more profit, there will be viewers of the sub verison, viewers of the dub by Funimation and then viewers of the Sakura Avalon dub that's 3 different versions of Clear Card and that will make profit for the makers. If you want to sign the petition, please tell your friends and fellow fans about it too.
@kimbyp4w 14 жыл бұрын
SOOCUTE og calling each others first names!!!
@SANGOKARI64 15 жыл бұрын
YEAH, i know! ugh, FUNimation or Viz should re-dub it : D
@0ElaEnchanted0 14 жыл бұрын
That´s so weird! in the latin version they kept the Sakura phone call as it was in the Original. Why would hey do that, they change the meaning in the scene completely, besides Irean would never say that to Shaoran. If you see the first movie you see that Irean is really strict with Shaoran.
@WinxC1ubAMVs 13 жыл бұрын
@nimechan They didn't go out of buisnes. Nelvana now dose shows for Toon Disney(used to it them with my baby grand-niece a few years ago, and they had the Nelvana logo in the credits)
@imfunny2851 6 жыл бұрын
I was about to say is it a deleted version when Li mom called? No they removed the romance!
@IAmARowebot 12 жыл бұрын
Card Captor Sakura! Their voice is much cuter, and I like how they speak, tehe. ^^
@Xplayer007 15 жыл бұрын
lol. Nelvana is so shameless. Nice catch!
@Jessica1350 15 жыл бұрын
yeah that so true
@SANGOKARI64 15 жыл бұрын
lmao XD kinomoto is sakura's last name
@chessepop123 12 жыл бұрын
say, could you possibly upload the whole of episode 57 from the english dub plz?
@nimechan 13 жыл бұрын
@TeaAngelHost They tried to cut out all of the relationship moments. Anything between Sakura and Syaoran, Yukito and Touya, Tomoyo's one-sided love... since it was a "kid's show." That's only one thing among all the atrocities they did to Card Captor Sakura - oh wait, I'm sorry, Cardcaptors. I'm so glad they went out of business...
@hppavilion3604 12 жыл бұрын
@lilmama7040 10 жыл бұрын
thanks for the comparison.....completely different from the usa can I what the original version with english subtitles?
@InsANiTYSaysHi 10 жыл бұрын
I think it has sub on or maybe even crunchyroll
@geekgo4 12 жыл бұрын
It's "Madison,"
@geekgo4 12 жыл бұрын
Bub... Canada did this.
@micaelaherrera5627 4 жыл бұрын
@MarielikestoCrochet 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah I watched the english one as a kid. Then when KZbin was invented I was like 😱 It was a whole new story
@darkridr25 13 жыл бұрын
@luizamoony It's gotten better since then. In fact, it was due to the fans' reactions to the horrid dubbing from this, Sailor Moon, and a couple others from this time period that the dubbers were forced to make more accurate dubs.
@biancabarrientos6677 10 жыл бұрын
I have been watching the dubbed version of Cardcaptor Sakura on Crunchyroll, but for some reason I'm guessing Funimation or some other U.S Dubbing company took over the original version and kept it uncut compared to this U.S. Warner Bros. version. I wondered why it was totally different when I started watching the Japanese Version but seeing this as I'm older and the comparison I kinda see how they had to manipulate a lot of the plot since it does show some homosexuality and incest for being a so-called "children's anime." However, the English dubbing really stinks in the later episodes of the 3rd season, I swear Tomoyo has 4 different voices and she always seem to have a sore throat, at least in the US WB "Cardcaptors" version they at least got better voice acting. Another thing I noticed is that they actually (in the uncut dubbed version,) refused to voice the parts where Li and Sakura confess that they both are in love with Yukito, (those scenes in Episode 27 and 51). There is a disclaimer just before the opening theme. :"Note: Some scenes were not originally dubbed, and have been included with English subtitles." I kinda wished they would have dubbed all of it, since it was weird watching a scene where they didn't at least leave the original audio. I mean, it was all muted! even the music in the background!
@SANGOKARI64 15 жыл бұрын
hahaha i'm guessin you've only watched the english version ? lol becuas ein the english his name is Li Showran and in te japanese version his name is Syaoran Li because in japanese culture it's polite to call someone by their last name so Sakura called Syaoran "Li-kun" and Syaoran called Sakura "Kinomoto-san"
@DioVonKarma 14 жыл бұрын
Wow, his facial expressions are confusing in the English version. The Japanese version makes sense.
@SANGOKARI64 14 жыл бұрын
@TeaAngelHost dubbing does some WEIRD things -.-
@SANGOKARI64 15 жыл бұрын
yeah me too ^^
@SANGOKARI64 15 жыл бұрын
haha, yeeah, i hate how they cut out all of the best parts ! But, i still like the english version,but i LOVE the japanese version and the manga, they even had pretty good voices for the english dub, why did they have to go ruin it !? lol
@SailorMikuMoon 13 жыл бұрын
did his "mother" just say clouw cards? WTF???
@MomoHibiki 4 жыл бұрын
@SailorMikuMoon 13 жыл бұрын
@TeaAngelHost cause the dubbing company wanted more action than love.
@cherrysnow4923 5 жыл бұрын
i for one LIKE the english canadian dubs
@Shamazya 12 жыл бұрын
Look up the Animax dub of CardCaptor Sakura. Though honestly you have to keep in mind when this dub was produced. This was produced when dubbing was still a confusing subject. Back when they started dubbing, the companies didn't know how or what to do. Should they use Japanese names or English names? Would certain customs presented in the show distance the American audience? What about the differences in what is viewed as appropriate? These were the issues the companies had to deal with.
@unknownmagician15 12 жыл бұрын
*sigh* who could murder such a great anime? OH I KNOW. *flop* Why couldnt Funi have done this one WHYYYY??!! they did basically all of the other CLAMP animes!! The first time I saw CC I was like, hey, what happened they missed that part and why do their voices and names sound weird?! TOMOYO IS TOMOYO NOT MELISSAAAA!
@meanime1 15 жыл бұрын
i like cardcaptor sakura more than cardcaptors
@arddychan 14 жыл бұрын
Whatt?? Li's mother instead of Sakura?? Damn! Carcaptors sucks!
@BlackSheepNara 3 жыл бұрын
@JungleEmpress87 14 жыл бұрын
Cardcaptor Sakura is much better than Cardcaptors. ^^
@SANGOKARI64 15 жыл бұрын
@naruto201 it's veryyy sad : (
@wintafary 14 жыл бұрын
@JungleEmpress87 SO TRUE!!!!!
@MelsFreeHugs 14 жыл бұрын
@SANGOKARI64 14 жыл бұрын
@JungleEmpress87 lol, damn straight : )
@umbrellaunderdog 6 жыл бұрын
Just like the Dic dub of Sailor Moon though I prefer Terri Hawks as Serena/Usagi but the dub butchered the original with cheesy dialog, heavy editing and censorship. On a side note this just kind of erks me a bit personally. But why do people have a hard time referring to Chinese oriented characters by their Chinese names and spelling? It's Li Xiaolang. Not Li Syaoran/Shouran or Syaoran Li/Shoran Ri/Li r.r it's just that the Japanese can't pronounce the letter "L" it's still Chinese it's still Xiaolang!!! Just like "Shenron" is "Shenlong"!!!! Seriously you guys are picky about Japanese names pronounced right but what about Chinese names? I always use Xiaolang over Syaoran. the "X" is pronounced as "sh" also there's no "sha" in the Japanese alphabet hence why they don't pronounce it like the Chinese do. Doesn't change the character's name it's just their way of pronouncing it. they're Chinese oriented characters in a Japanese anime only reason why it's spelled and pronounced the way it is in the anime is because the missing letters in the Japanese alphabet restricts them from pronouncing them correctly so they make it more accessible to a Japanese audience just like when a dub anime like in the 90s with say Sailor Moon changed names to make it friendly to a US audience. o.O So, if we're going to be purists and picky about proper pronunciation and spelling why exclude Chinese characters and their names?
@Thesailormoon17 11 жыл бұрын
Yes the English version sucks
@L0Wmusics 12 жыл бұрын
@iiakito8582 10 жыл бұрын
The English version is a fake -.-
@gissearias 9 жыл бұрын
That version made me feel like a boy. Where is the romance? They've cut almost everything related to feelings to make it look like a boy's anime. Fuck
@FallenRaeLi21 14 жыл бұрын
CardCaptors even thou I was piss at this part of the series in the dub.
@SANGOKARI64 15 жыл бұрын
@meanime1 me 2 : D
@Le_Fearnot160 6 ай бұрын
I dont like nelvana in my opinion animax is better
@ravengal 14 жыл бұрын
Ha. XD I used to love Cardcaptors, but watching this... MAN, the voice acting sucks. XP They sound like they're badly performing a play.
@luizamoony 13 жыл бұрын
Wow, I pity US... you guys get the worst kind of dubbing + weird storyline editing! It's absurd!
@darksider9534 9 жыл бұрын
Defo can understand why they cut this out as it's basically pushing prebuscemt romance even if it is somewhat tame. And if a young western audience where to see this we all know where that would lead....I mean child pregnancies are becoming a big problem in western societies....
@sailormoon8508 11 жыл бұрын
The dubbed version is horrible.
@micaelaherrera5627 4 жыл бұрын
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