Live from Chimney Rock and Lake Lure after Helene: What we found | Ep. 517

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Carolina Weather Group

Carolina Weather Group

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@vickihamrick5134 17 сағат бұрын
Thank you for the update. It’s nice to see progress being made and so very sad to see how much more is needed. While it will never again be the area we knew and loved, hopefully it will eventually be a new place to enjoy.
@eartha911 Күн бұрын
NC boy from Waynesville living in New England. My family is still there. I'm in tears watching the support. Thank you all so very much! I love this coverage from the Carolina Weather Group!!!
@oriolesfan7807 Күн бұрын
I was at the Open House. Saw destruction I hadn't seen in prior visits. Climbed the rock pile to the Lake Lure log for a picture. It will be quite a long time if LL and CR ever recover. This area has been catastrophically changed forever.
@pureblood1 Күн бұрын
I have been keeping up with this situation from the beginning. I would love to get down there and help but I don't have any way or money. I pray for you all every day †
@oriolesfan7807 Күн бұрын
You can donate online.
@Coolingfin 23 сағат бұрын
If it is important enough, you can find $5.00, the problem is finding someone trustworthy to give it to. I have found a couple. Trust your intuition. Your intention to help is more important than the dollar amount.
@FLIPPER1439 Күн бұрын
The 🙏🏻Lord bless everyone who has volunteered ,and given thousands of dollars 💵 to help the AMERICAN CITIZENS 🇺🇸of NC + TENNESSEE OUR HEARTS 😢have hurt for you all. Even now tears are in my eyes as I watch this video 😢 I live in Florida 🌴 34 years now and have seen hurricanes 🌀 but I’ve not had any major loss. We are praying 🙏🏻 that your towns will be built even better than before, and people from all over USA 🇺🇸 will spend time in your beautiful mountains ⛰️ 😊
@Davethumma 7 сағат бұрын
This is what is needed for so many people have been effected by hurricane helene north Carolina mountains strong and thanks for all that you do
@Patricia-h3c Күн бұрын
Have the water and soil been tested to guarantee the safety of those workers ?? The workers should at least have face masks on. The samples in marshall came back as toxic.. so please take precautions....
@Carolb66 Күн бұрын
Its hearbreaking, ive been following all the stories ftom the catastrophic hurricane & flood from the UK. It never fails to shock you the amount of destruction to homes & businesses. I fear it will take at least a generation to get some kind of normality back to these areas, but the topography has changed forever the river & shoreline will not look how it used to. I fear many many people will never be found so so sad. You wont be forgotton you all continue to be in my prayers everyday. Thank you for the update Helene needs to be in the forefront of peoples minds. NEVER FORGET ❤🙏🏻
@christinetumm101 Күн бұрын
@ابولفضلجهانی-ص2و Күн бұрын
@Missypop-sy8oc 22 сағат бұрын
Watching from Florida and we certainly understand what these people are going through. Thank you for showing the cleanup of Lake Lure. We couldn't imagine how they were going to clean all that up.
@mountainspring1703 Күн бұрын
Rumbling Bald, Chimney Rock, Rutherford County, NC, Altitude 3,027 ft.
@Janice-w9b Күн бұрын
The area's have changed . The amount and power of the water. The destruction. The path of the river has been widened . Massive destruction has happened in these towns. It's Sad. So much loss
@susanharvey7733 20 сағат бұрын
Gre😮at work, but years more to go!
@BeAHappyCamper2Day Күн бұрын
There's still about a thousand people unaccounted for in NC and Tennessee. From what I saw about a month ago , they were mulching piles of debris where a plastic plant was . There were piles 30'-40' high. There's no way that they went through all these pes before they started mulching. There were houses , mobile homes , other buildings that went about 15 miles down from where they were standing. No help will come until after 1/20/25
@nerdlywehunt 19 сағат бұрын
every piece of heavy equipment you see is paid for by part of the $250 million FEMA scheduled payout for repair. Not to mention rebuilding of Asheville water and sewer system, repair and dredging of Lake Lure, possible repairs of damn site, repair of csx railroad and all roads into and out of the area including assistance with private roads...........yes, FEMA is here just open you eyes! Anti government feeling run deep in these areas but when people spread false information and take political opinions that ridicule other citizens that are working 24/7 to help and make things better you are actually harming the very people that need help the most.
@Plutogalaxy 16 сағат бұрын
A thousand people, well that should make some good nutritious mulch.
@Delusionalcry 8 сағат бұрын
You think trump cares. He got your vote you're of no use to him now.
@invincibel4007 19 сағат бұрын
Army Corps of Engineers? Wow! This is the first mention of them being in WNC that I've heard. Bout time.
@michellesmithunroe2463 7 сағат бұрын
They've done a good job of posting their presence on Facebook.
@khbow2810 6 сағат бұрын
I LOVE seeing y’all’s area moving along as well as it is. It does take a town and its leaders to love the community wholeheartedly and allowing it rebuild without strife, along with the Army Corps of Engineers’ involvement. Sadly, not so much the same in Madeira Beach, Florida. We are being browbeaten about repairing they only want rebuilding in a way which isn’t even close to affordable for the many. And the Army Corps of Engineers? We haven’t seen hide nor hair of them, for some years now, because the United States government has decided to require what’s called “Perpetual Easements” for people whose homes are on the beaches. This element has made everything worse for us who live on the island but not on the beach. The Army Corps of Engineers needs to come and help our beaches in Pinellas county to be stronger like they have for years before. They need to not require these easements of the wealthy, which they will never be able to obtain thus continuing to allow flooding blocks away from the ocean. Our county has tried to replenish the beaches, but they are using sand from inland when the sand must come from the ocean, being dredged in not trucked in. The two sand types are of completely different quality and inland sand does nothing for beach erosion nor ocean intrusion. The army corps of engineers has left us in the sand, pun intended and we need them back for the majority, not the spoiled who don’t even want people who live on the beaches to walk by their homes. Helene, nor any of the storms since November of 2020, was a direct hit yet our city has flooded more and more each time and I’m straight up blaming the Army Corps of Engineers for dissing us for the true reason I wrote above. As it stands, we have no dunes, the beach is lower than ever, the sand replaced is crunchy like it is in a sandbox because it wasn’t dredged. Completely unnatural. Should another storm skirt our beaches here in Pinellas County, there will be nothing left for any who even lives inland and enjoys what we have to offer. Since you are weather men, I’m sure you get my drift. We need help or we will be gone. And some of the folks who live up there in Lake Lure and in the surrounding mountains, also have a cottage or something here for the few months of winter y’all receive but many older folks here live here all the time, don’t know where they could possibly go, nor afford to. If my words can get the Army Corp to open their eyes to to little folks lives opposite the mountains, yet not so much so, I would believe that my reason for being on this earth would be fulfilled. I wish with all that’s in me that this entity would come back and do their job as they have for so many years before the administration which decided to require those easements which will never come to pass. Please, before so many of us, persons and businesses alike, send us some help. At least come and see what’s happening here.
@monmixer Күн бұрын
Long haul for sure. My guess is 10 years and a lot is going to change. Especially with the tourism. that isn't going to be back the way it was, maybe never. One reason is the way the river has changed. What a shame.
@carolepylant1015 Күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing this video. It helps those of us who are far away to see the progress. The fellow who commented on how much the river had expanded, made me gasp! God is there and will bless each and every person who comes.
@jjde8424 14 сағат бұрын
Is it possible to have another several groups of Army Engineers in more areas? Can the military thats in NC be reassigned there to help expedite the recovery process? Are there National Guard that can be reassigned there also to help them get reestablished sooner? Maybe dufferent states military could help them.
@michellesmithunroe2463 7 сағат бұрын
National Guard and active duty from around the country have been present and participating in the clean up efforts but I believe they've begun phasing out.
@christinetumm101 Күн бұрын
I stayed at Evening Shade with my granddaughter and it’s gone.
@CarolinaWeatherGroup Күн бұрын
😢 Hold onto those memories. They can't be replaced but we all look forward to making new ones again soon. Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment.
@mountainspring1703 Күн бұрын
Thank you to everyone who had a part in this comprehensive segment. Please come back and do another update.
@skylarsartnphotography3450 22 сағат бұрын
I stayed at Evening Shade as well. It was such a peaceful place. I hope the nice couple that managed are alright. Couldn't find anything about it until I read your comment on here. I loved this area! Prayers for everyone here 🙏🙏❤❤ ❤
@katjones2781 3 сағат бұрын
Why does this place get so much help in others don't is it because rich people live in this town
@fake734 3 сағат бұрын
That will all have to be bulldozed!
@Allisillusion-z3f Күн бұрын
It is RUMBLING Bald, not RAMBLING, lol
@JohnMarschke Күн бұрын
It's Rumbling Bald.
@CarolinaWeatherGroup Күн бұрын
Sure is, you're absolutely right. My apologies for the in-video error. -James
@cecilgeorge1921 12 сағат бұрын
Did they find any bodies in debris
@cecilgeorge1921 12 сағат бұрын
Didn’t mean to be unkind just wanted to find out
@DavidSkeen-lf6kt 16 сағат бұрын
The federal government needs to help western North Carolina with money and manpower. Biden sure is not helping by sending money to Ukraine
@wandasmith2511 Күн бұрын
Fema helping ??????
@nerdlywehunt 19 сағат бұрын
every piece of heavy equipment you see is paid for by part of the $250 million FEMA scheduled payout for repair. Not to mention rebuilding of Asheville water and sewer system, repair and dredging of Lake Lure, possible repairs of damn site, repair of csx railroad and all roads into and out of the area including assistance with private roads...........yes, FEMA is here just open you eyes! Anti government feeling run deep in these areas but when people spread false information and take political opinions that ridicule other citizens that are working 24/7 to help and make things better you are actually harming the very people that need help the most.
‘The Day the Lights Went Out’: Watch WBTV's Hurricane Helene documentary here
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