Hey TPW, it’s me again and hope you’re doing well. So, last time I know I asked that whenever you had the time that you could re-create the scene from the Deep Impact movie that I requested, but after you clarified that you were gonna focus more on re-creating any other scenes from FrIzErIs’ older movies, I thought about it and there is one other scene that I would like to see revamped, if you wish to consider making it. The scene that I’m referring to is from Epic Police Chase #2 (S2E09) that runs from 13:38 to 14:40, where Hellhound and HellCop battle each other during their second encounter, until Officer Jim arrives to intervene and ends with Hellhound continuing to escape, causing both cops to crash. There you have it, thanks again for your time as well as the clarification and take care.