What I'd like the take away from this is, curb bits most especially the more severe ones should only be used only by advanced, competent riders...they should not be considered everyday amateur equipment. Beginners and amateurs should be in side pulls, rope halter bridles, bosals, simple snaffles etc. etc. . You really need to learn to ride with your seat...someone who thinks it is all about the mouth and the bridle is not ready for a curb bit...and you can't be balancing yourself on their mouth. I like reined cow horse and how they work up to a bridle horse starting out AND showing in a bosal hackamore. I wish reining would do something similar and not put so much demand and finishing on a 3 year old. In the dressage world i.e., you have levels...you do not have a Grand Prix horse until about 10 years old. Anyway, you should have to have something like a 'license' or pass a test of some sort to be in a curb type bridle with a curb chain...and even then I would like horses allowed to show in bosals and snaffles etc. Anyway, I respect this story a lot that Casey stood up for that horse by giving the individual a lesson knowing he wasn't going to be liked for it.