Рет қаралды 129
There are no documented records of the castle's construction. It is conceivable that it was a refuge, or perhaps a church fort from the early Middle Ages, which was converted into a feudal castle in the 13th century. The tower was probably built around 1200, the oldest parts of the ramparts probably date from the 13th century, and extensions were made until the 16th and 17th centuries. There is no evidence of a noble family "von Castels". In the 14th century, Castels belonged to Ulrich von Aspermont's Prättigau domain. How the castle came into his possession is not clear. His heirs sold the castle and property at Castels to Friedrich von Toggenburg and Ulrich von Matsch in 1338. In 1344, the two buyers divided the property, with the castle going to the Matsch family.
In 1394, Castels was owned by the Toggenburg family, as Count Friedrich issued a certificate ze Castell in our vesty. After the death of the Toggenburger in 1436, Castels returned to the Matsch; in 1446 there is mention of interest that had to be paid to Ulrich von Matsch to Castels to our vesti. The castle and court of Castels served several times as collateral for the debts of Gaudenz von Matsch, who lived in the castle for a time. In 1496 he sold the complex to the Roman-German King Maximilian I. During the Swabian War, the castle was captured by the Grisons on 16 or 17 February 1499, but was returned to the Austrians after the peace was concluded; in November 1499, an Austrian bailiff, Hans Schuler from Davos, was again in charge of Castels.
In the 16th century, Castels was the administrative centre of Austrian rights in Prättigau. In 1622, the castle was besieged by the Grisons. After the water supply was cut off, the castle surrendered on 25 April and was partially destroyed. It was recaptured by Count Sulz in September. In the Peace of Lindau of September 6, 1622, it was determined that the Graubünden people would have to rebuild the castle and pay for the damage. It is unclear whether this actually happened. In 1649, the Prättigauers bought themselves free from Austria. Castels Castle was destroyed by the Graubünden people and has been in ruins ever since.
Page "Castels Castle". In: Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia. Editing status: March 10, 2024, 2:17 p.m. UTC. URL: de.wikipedia.o... (Accessed: August 3, 2024, 6:55 a.m. UTC)
Myths and Stories by Pinkiebreeze