Been watching your videos for over 5 years now & your videos just get better & better Micah. Keep up the amazing work. 🫡
@ninjason57Ай бұрын
Just posting a video, not having watched it, is worthy of a like from me. I always know your content is worthy!
@TackledHistoryАй бұрын
@@ninjason57 I literally just did the same and read your comment. Sometimes I don’t have the time to watch the videos but still got to support our guy!
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
Appreciate you and all of you who support these crazy adventures!
@Fishingwithkayson23Ай бұрын
@@HighAdventureVideosany time
@billramsey7455Ай бұрын
What a great way to end up a weekend 🙌 😊😊😊 Thank you, too. The Sir of High Adventure videos . I've been watching reruns for a month now. And I never get tired of them. 😅😅 Always a great job. God bless you and your wonderful family always 🙏
@ninoarevalo9350Ай бұрын
Good day from the Philippines 🇵🇭
@TrulyShinobiiАй бұрын
Another amazing weekend upload as always 🙌🏼
@kwebboe4070Ай бұрын
Another high adventure video ☝🏼 let’s go fire video🔥
@HalfWitFishermanАй бұрын
Love the videos keepem coming!!!!
@Joey-js3ogАй бұрын
Heeees back!
@h.ngooooooАй бұрын
It’s a great day when you post man, keep up the amazing work!
@LovelyMommy-t7dАй бұрын
Another great adventure Motivates me to fish Thank you micah
@drewandcharlie7583Ай бұрын
Every day with a high adventure is a good day.
@jordanhill7589Ай бұрын
Big fan bro keep up the amazing work!!!
@wullcandlish9181Ай бұрын
Hi from Scotland hope you're all safe and well my friends 🏴👍😉✌️🏴 lv thz channel & your dad's as well friend 👍 🏴
@erebuslАй бұрын
About blooming time to. Bloody marvellous.
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
I've had a series of events in life that's kept the finger of high adventure from going out.
@Slippy99903Ай бұрын
W upload
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
Have I posted an L yet??
@crazykids2004Ай бұрын
Damn that looked so good
@Jedi_JonАй бұрын
Greetings from Texas
@JoshWilburbАй бұрын
Love your video an your brother and dad
@lonelytoasterstrudelАй бұрын
Your videos stop me from committing suicide, thank you for giving me hope when all I feel is hopelessness, much love to you always, keep prospering always and forever man🖤
@overratedzae235Ай бұрын
Stay strong brother. One day at a time, one step at a time. It can only get worse, before it gets better. How can you love someone, if you don’t love yourself? Find your inner peace, and peace will always be with you. Love man🤘🏼
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
The Phalange army needs you mate. Not just that but the world needs you in it, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
@lonelytoasterstrudelАй бұрын
@@HighAdventureVideos I appreciate you and yes I understand, my family/fans need me, they tell me all the time my music has saved them, but honestly your videos saved me for awhile when I went through a lot of pain so once again thank you and keep prospering with everything
@apexsearcher3062Ай бұрын
love your wild fishing video
@billramsey7455Ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂 Get-er-done brother
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
You know I got you!
@rekleifАй бұрын
Congratulation on becoming a father again. Such an awesome feeling holding that newborn and changing the diaper for the first time. May God bless you and your hole family. Lots love from Norway.
@ExoticLuckyzАй бұрын
I think I watched every video 3 times by now lol
@ReelJamesAdventuresАй бұрын
Same brother
@HardcoreClassicEraАй бұрын
Cant believe you landed that trickshot first try. Wow 😂❤
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
Yea... first try hahahah
@Mrkoolaid333Ай бұрын
Good to see Bishop back fishin with ya!
@StefA-ko5kbАй бұрын
Good company and fresh fish living the life I love fish but my mind doesnt accept the smell😂😂
@michaelfranklyn5660Ай бұрын
Thank u sir for Sunday evening medicine great show!…👊🏿🇯🇲
@boetab9221Ай бұрын
blue fish if bleed out and iced are great eating fish
@bradhuff6879Ай бұрын
Man I’m feel like I’m proud of my own son with you cleaning up that cooker. Much love and support my friend and God bless you,your family and the channels also any and all endeavors you take on Amen.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤❤
@rabbithomesteading3797Ай бұрын
Cut the tip of the tail off. lol just kidding dont nobody ever do that! Laws are there for a sustainable reason to protect our future of fishing for us and our kids! I am so happy Micah got the rule on trout wrong and threw away instead of it being backwards and kept. That could of been a bad video for him. Great video! TY
@nikijaye8647Ай бұрын
OMG did you finally clean your stove. lol, love the videos
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
Just for you!
@Fishingwithkayson23Ай бұрын
Another amazing video, keep up the amazing work and keep fishing 23:20 Stevie wonders😂😂
@Koji-888Ай бұрын
Class Act Micah. You are a gracious host and always an interesting show. 💁🏻♀️ 💕
@Gtrr35supraАй бұрын
Yo what is up guys first
@maddoxcharonharper4543Ай бұрын
I never laughed so hard in my life in the beginning 🤣🤣
@IanDurand-z4vАй бұрын
When u going shrimping again?
@xxFaTbOyxx3Ай бұрын
Miss watching them videos with your brother Ace and your pops man hopefully we get one of those soon Love watching your content man keep it up and stay blessed
@Dicyple1979Ай бұрын
Sunday's are always High Adventure Video day!
@trippinoutdoorsАй бұрын
I'm getting so good at eyeballing the length of fish through my tiny phone screen! That first fish I immediately knew was 14". And it was. Micah out here teaching visual clairvoyance! 😂 I did it on the head again! That Speckled Trout I guessed while still in the water was 13.5"! What?! I'm losing my mind over here! Hahahaha this is crazy!
@Erin-f2qАй бұрын
That looked absolutely delicious... Nice catches guys 💪💪👊👊❤❤
@NoleFan74Ай бұрын
Great video! Congrats on the Inshore Slam for Birch! Nothing like getting to fish with one of your boys you haven't seen in a while and catching some nice fish! I never cook on the boat but all food tastes better on a boat, especially after long days!
@BarnOwlProjectАй бұрын
These bots be getting pretty bold. I'm gonna have to become the High Adventure Videos bot investigator...thoroughly inspecting all of them...
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
You know that sentence started off fine but then kinda disintegrated as I kept reading...
@rainman6080Ай бұрын
@@HighAdventureVideos go back to that dock at the same tide phase and you will catch fish everyday in that spot all fall. They are staging to go in that creek as the tide rises.
@carsondollardАй бұрын
You need to colab with reeling adventures y’all live close to each other
@Pierce0420Ай бұрын
Micah flirting with the Bait Shop Girl!! Get it dawg!
@zachturner3443Ай бұрын
Awesome video man 🎣🎣🎣🎣
@aleenbezzy8678Ай бұрын
Keep them coming 😂😂 funny stuff
@fleal21Ай бұрын
I love her, and her Halloween decor!
@michaelmello9510Ай бұрын
Great job 👍
@allancunningham6019Ай бұрын
Not bad lads 😊❤
@thomaspatterson2847Ай бұрын
Earliest I've ever been
@scottjones6409Ай бұрын
Nice shot in the begining of the video..
@bradhuff6879Ай бұрын
Have to be careful with those blues. When I was younger and this happened more then once. I would surf fish and already standing in the water to get my line out past the waves… well my jig. I’d catch one and release it and I know of a couple times they came back and bite me.
@Raver_S_ThompsonАй бұрын
just my 02. . . green onions should be added a little later to retain some texture
@fishinwithkatzАй бұрын
Bro. Haha nice start to the video with the donuts... How many tries did it really take? I love your energy always. I wish I could have 10% of the energy you have. I would feel like superman 😂😂
@luciferbringeroflight5341Ай бұрын
Take bacon.. cheese n fish. Roll em up. Cook together.. put egg and sausage together.. of course cook a little sausage egg n cheese.. Then ad fish.. Put a hard shell then wrap it up . Taco Bell..does things.. will amaze u. Taco hell on a boat. Lol
@Slim_T_ODBАй бұрын
If you get into a mess of tiny trout you should move like 50 yards. Bigger trout don't really feed around schools of smaller fish because the smaller fish are faster and a lot more greedy so the larger fish will move on to a less crowded place
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
Good to know thanks!
@janetsyoutube23Ай бұрын
Bluefish are good eating. Used to eat them all the time when I was a kid fishing on my dad's boat. Careful though. They will bite off your finger if you let them!
@SadSealo17 күн бұрын
just get a stainless steel pan, its a bit heavier but wont be harmful to your health. also better crusts and more consistent heat as bonuses
@DYNSTYYАй бұрын
First 💪🏽
@DragonguyAАй бұрын
Good thing Chef Rush isn't there, he'd put it on the cooker regardless. No one bites the chef!
@rdallinboardmanАй бұрын
Did you go ice fishing at Henry's Lake with him?
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
@rdallinboardmanАй бұрын
@@HighAdventureVideos I think your boy Tyler went too. Go Raiders!
@furrysniper3158Ай бұрын
I live right over the Nc border if you ever come up toward the little river or cherry grove I’d love to go fishing with you
@michaelandersson2856Ай бұрын
@princegray3226Ай бұрын
Remember say no to drugs 🤣💀👏🏾
@Diamondpigman01Ай бұрын
That trickshot made my whole day😂😂
@c.l.e.p.o.r.eАй бұрын
People looking out their windows watching some guy throw donut holes out his sun roof like 👁👄👁
@pimpantherАй бұрын
who brings fresh Jordan's fishing????
@largemouthbass5744Ай бұрын
First comment lol
@IndianadoordasherАй бұрын
I'd love to go fishing ya bet your a trip to hang out with
@ouissandy2806Ай бұрын
I only use gulp now and waste time with zman and such.
@rekleifАй бұрын
I don't understand why you always cut out the best and fattest parts of the filet's. Those taste so good. I have seen you do that to Trout also. Why brother? God bless and lots of love from Norway.
@ShockerBoАй бұрын
Where u been!
@lucpicard9299Ай бұрын
hey micah i know you are from idaho and i actually just moved to idaho. i was wondering if you know any good spots for me. i would love to catch some good idaho trout lol
@ReelJamesAdventuresАй бұрын
What kind of doctor is Burch? We have quite a few physicians down here in Mobile, AL with the last name Burch. Just curious
@ashtooyoung1533Ай бұрын
when we gonna get some ace n high adventure content??
@Adventure_CamАй бұрын
Nice vid! When are we guna do a collab? Im in Michigan let’s catch sumthin
@justinbradley3693Ай бұрын
Where has your brother been? I started watching Ace and he introduced me to your account and how he hasn’t posted anything new. Is he okay?
@LifeofHaven392Ай бұрын
That sucks we can keep 18-27in reds in Louisiana
@IamGuacАй бұрын
@3:44 loml 😅
@down2earthparanormal145Ай бұрын
ah suk it up fish on
@jt6963Ай бұрын
Whyyyyyyy you take sooooooooo loooooooong to release a vid 🫠🫠🫠
@mrsuarez430Ай бұрын
Watch at a movie called evil toons I sware there's a character in black leather that looks just like you I'm fcking Dead broooo 🤣🤣🤣 so bad it's good movies reacted to it the other day
@georgemorman2971Ай бұрын
@paulhayden9142Ай бұрын
Love ur videos but when I started watching it it said be polite and all that stuff. Like what did I do so. I see how it is now 😮
@HighAdventureVideosАй бұрын
Dude idk? KZbin has marked you as a trouble maker I guess 😂
@carsondollardАй бұрын
Pls make this most liked comment. I was wondering if you would collaborate with reeling adventures he is my buddy and y’all live close by this is day 4 of asking
@paulshewtchenko57714 күн бұрын
What happened to your brother? Why ain't he posting anymore?
@zacharysewell8926Ай бұрын
Another question, why are you concerned about butter that dropped on your boat floorboard due to it being gross, but man handle cilantro without washing your hands and then eat from the same fork someone else has taken a bite off? That doesn’t exactly make sense. The butter would be my last concern bc it will get above a certain temp to kill the bacteria, hence you grabbing cilantro with unclean hands make your concern of butter being on your floorboard null and void and then the icing on the cake is you eating from the same bacteria covered fork? Enlighten me for that to actually make any sense bc it doesn’t.
@fleal21Ай бұрын
@zacharysewell8926Ай бұрын
It looks like you’re trying to hook set too quick before the eat it. You aren’t timing it right. I could be wrong but I think that’s why you’re losing it you rip too quick and they haven’t even taken the bait. I would like to know why you’re losing too work on my technique could enlighten me?
@fabianFergusonАй бұрын
Life is so funny, there are a lot of kids who would love to get a piece of that donut and we here wasting smh
@ubatoolАй бұрын
Is there anything more annoying then, "Let's Go!".... NO.
@bermansadley2099Ай бұрын
why doesnt Ace post anymore imma unsub, High Adventure for the win
@christophkaiserАй бұрын
Not my favorite video
@jaylopez9212Ай бұрын
First few minutes of the video, My cat looking for Attention at 3am